

5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 17 av 339

Att finna sig själv : Hur studie- och yrkesvägledare i skolan arbetar med att bidra till elevers självkännedom

När elever besöker studie- och yrkesvägledaren bär de på en förhoppning om att få reda ut personliga egenskaper, men denna förhoppning besannas inte. Forskning kring hur studie- och yrkesvägledare arbetar med självkännedom är mindre omfattande, vilket ger oss en anledning till att studera ämnet. Syftet med studien är att få en insikt hur vägledare arbetar med självkännedom och hur betydelsefullt det är i en studie- och yrkesvalsprocess. Ett annat syfte med studien är att studera hur studie- och yrkesvägledarna själva ser på självkännedom. Studiens valda metod är kvalitativa semistrukturerade forskningsintervjuer. Studie- och yrkesvägledarna som intervjuades var till antalet åtta och hälften av de intervjuade vägledarna arbetar på grundskolan och andra hälften på gymnasieskolan.I resultatet framkommer det att studie- och yrkesvägledarna anser att det är deras uppgift att bidra till elevers självkännedom.

Avrundar företag sina resultat - En studie av Cosmetic Earnings Management i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to examine the occurrence of Cosmetic Earnings Management (CEM) among Swedish companies. CEM refers to the small upward rounding of reported net income to reach cognitive reference points. Important cognitive reference points are multiples of ten (N*10^x) of reported net income and rounding towards these has been documented in other markets around the world over the last 20 years. The occurrence of CEM on the Swedish market is studied using digital analysis, frequency testing and Benford's law. Firstly, reported net income of publicly traded companies between 1996 and 2010 is examined.

Matematikverktyget : Ett matematiskt arbetsmaterial för förskolan med lärarhandledningar

Obesity and overweight are today classified as one of the largest epidemics in the Western world and is threaten a large part of the population. As a reaction to this a major health trend has emerged in recent decades. Every day consumers are exposed to information from the media about what is healthy or unhealthy to eat and the recommendations change frequently.There is great interest in healthy food on the Swedish food market, but still healthy foods only represents a small proportion of the total food sales. The essay examines the gap between the current and potential demand for healthy food and if it can be explained by any of the following factors: lack of information, price, taste or cognitive behavioral.To study these questions a quantitative method have been used and 213 questionnaires were collected. The intention is to draw general conclusions about the entire population.

NO-undervisning i klassrummet : En observationsstudie i hur undervisningen bedrivs av fem lärare på en skola

This essay is based on students' growing lack of interest in science at school. Both from a democratic and social perspective, this is a worrying factor for the future. Through observation, I investigated how five science teachers conduct their teaching. This is to get a better understanding of how teachers' behaviour in the classroom can affect students' interest in science. With a socio-cultural research approach, I have tried to highlight a few pieces of the puzzle that may explain students' declining interest in science.

Hem- och konsumentkunskap som stödämne

Domestic science is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore domestic science is a combination of theory and practice. The basic competence, a recommendation from ?The Swedish School Institution? (Skolverket), is to enter the secondary school with minimum grade G, (godkänd) in the basic themes: Swedish, English and Mathematic. Today there are many pupils finishing their secondary school without grade in one or more basic themes; Swedish, English and Mathematic.

Tre studenter med ADHD berättar om upplevelsen av att läsa i högre utbildning

Research shows that there is a lack of knowledge of adult students with ADHD. Most of all research focuses on children with ADHD in school. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how adult learners with ADHD experience academic studies related to cognitive difficulties, emotion, motivation, and their experience of SOC. The questions tried to determine how any cognitive difficulties and emotions are perceived, how students' motivation to study impacted and their experience of SOC based on studies in higher education. To answer the purpose and questions used qualitative interviews based on three students with ADHD using a hermeneutic method.

Behandling av tinnitus med kognitiv beteendeterapi ? en litteraturstudie

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of an external source. 10-15 % of the population is experiencing tinnitus. There are different causes such as damage to the inner ear, musculartension and stress. Tinnitus affects many different aspects of an individuals life and often disturbs everyday activities. There are different treatments for tinnitus.

En svensk folkkyrka utomlands : Fyra fallstudier av hur folkkyrka kommer till uttryck i Svenskakyrkan i utlandet (SKUT)

The following essay aims to determine what textbooks and teaching media educators in the county of Västerbotten use when teaching the relation between religion and science. Based on educational science theory and through analyzes of factual texts, the teaching materials was examined to determine how much focus they put on the thematic of religion and science. The result shows how the different teaching materials affect this thematic differently. The main conclusion is therefore that students in Sweden could, depending on the teaching materials used in their education, be taught by different standards to reach the same requirements..

Inkludering-exkludering;Hur elever med hörselnedsättningar upplevt sin skolgång

Abstract Westerlund, Charlotta (2011) Inkludering- exkludering; Hur elever med hörselnedsättningar upplevt sin skolgång (inclusion- exclusion; How students with hearing loss experienced their School time). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, lärande och samhälle, Malmö högskola. Att vara hörselskadad betyder ofta att den sociala kommunikationen och samvaron med andra människor påverkas. Många är beroende av tekniska hjälpmedel, så som hörapparater och hörselslingor, för att kunna följa med i samtal och för att kunna känna sig delaktiga. Att få tillgång till rätt hjälpmedel är varje landstingsinvånares och elevs rätt. Är detta tillräckligt för att eleven ska känna sig inkluderad i skolans verksamheter? Hur har elever med hörselnedsättning upplevt sin egen grundskoletid, utifrån ett inkluderande perspektiv? Kan man vara inkluderad och ändå känna sig exkluderad? Är det tillräckligt att få gå i samma klass som ?hörande? elever för att känna sig inkluderad? Detta är en undersökning med kvalitativ ansats, som består av tre djupgående intervjuer och 20 öppna frågeformulär, om elevers egna erfarenheter och tankar kring sin grundskoletid.

Kim Jong Il - Docka eller dockmakare?

This paper has bearing on the subject of foreign policy analysis and decision-making,but is nonetheless important to peace and conflict studies due to its emphasis onnuclear weapons and deterrence.I have constructed a theoretical framework for the analysis of foreign policydecision-making that I set out to test on a crucial case. The framework iscrosscutting, and takes into consideration four levels of analysis: the system-,regional-, state-, and individual level. It is centred on a key decision maker, andapplies a cognitive approach for determining his or hers belief system through whichthe inputs from the other levels are filtered in order for the decision maker toconstruct a perception of reality, from which the decision is then formulated within.The framework is applied to North Korean and its leader Kim Jong Il. It sets outto explain his behaviour in the matter of their claimed nuclear weapons program, andhis decision to conduct a nuclear weapons-test, getting inside his head trying to figureout why he chose to do it and for what reasons.The conclusion indicates that the basic structure of the framework and its generalapplicability is sound, but that it needs further testing in order to make it perfectly solid..

Hur kan det pedagogiska och det sociala klimatet förklara skolors förutsättningar för framtida effektivitetsutveckling? : En jämförande studie av två kommunala högstadieskolor

Pupil achievement and behaviour in schools was earlier seen as given by socioeconomic and biological factors. But since the late 1970s the school effectiveness research has come to give school factors a much greater role for pupils? attainments. Research has shown that schools´ pedagogical and social climate, which is to be seen as a complex product of deeply felt values and norms held by school principals and teachers and developed through practical actions, can explain variations in effectiveness between schools. Effectiveness is here to be seen as a higher mean cognitive and non cognitive student outcome than is expected with regard to initial attainment or family background.

Det allmännas skadeståndsansvar : Skadeståndsansvar för ideell skada enligt frihetsberövandelagen

BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.

Tamillern : beteende, hantering och omvårdnad

This essay is intended for veterinary nurses and its purpose is to contribute to an increased knowledge about the ferret and there by a better nursing care at clinics. The essay discuss in briefness origin and earlier use of the ferret but also anatomy, physiology and reproduction. The senses of the ferret, as vision and hearing, are described in connection with behaviour. The part of the essay where nursing care is described bring up procedures as handling when collecting blood, medical techniques and how the clinic best should be suited for these animals. The main part of the essay is based on literature studies but it also contains a study visit at Blå Stjärnans animal hospital in Göteborg. 23.

Analys, design och implementering av Orbit ones dokumenthanteringssystem

This report describes the development of a system for controlling documents. The report starts with a problem description which the company wants an intranet-based solution for. The report then continues to describe the development phase for the different parts of the system which results in a complete system. The company that wanted this system is called Orbit One and is located in Ronneby, Sweden. They have had a problem with old documents circulating in different versions and in different binders. Now thanks to their new system they can access their documents easy and on demand through their intranet..

Äldres upplevelser av internet för sociala aktiviteter

Introduction: Basic Body Awereness Therapy (BBAT) is a treatment developed to treat different kinds of psychiatric diagnoses, but also to prevent the emergence of any other unhealthy conditions. The treatment is aimed to increase the body control and conscious breathing but also requires mental awareness.Aim: The aim of this study is to, based on social cognitive theory, describe patients' experiences of BBAT performed as group therapy.Method: The study design was qualitative with an inductive approach. Five people were interviewed after a BBAT group treatment in primary care. The data was collected by individual interviews with semi-structured questions and the interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis.Result/Conclusion: The participants experienced increased body awareness and implemented BBAT strategies even though the treatment frequency was insufficient. BBAT was described as helpful used to regulate intensity level, stress management and facilitate breathing.

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