

98 Uppsatser om Coffin bone - Sida 3 av 7

Genus på menyn : Analyser av stabila kol- och kväveisotoper på skelettmaterial från Bjärbygravfältet från äldre romersk järnålder i Kastlösa på Öland

This paper deals with diet and gender in the early roman iron age in Sweden. Human bone and tooth material from the Iron Age cemetery at Bjärby in Kastlösa parish on the island of Öland have been analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 21 individuals were sampled. Where possible 4 samples were taken from each individual, from the first, second and third molar respectively and from one compact bone. By doing so it is possible, at least in theory, to trace intra-individual diets throughout life.

Studier av alkaliskt fosfatas och kollagen samt deras betydelse för skelettets mineralisering

There is convincing research which shows that the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has a central role in the mineralization of bone, more precisely that its catalytic activity is needed in the process. ALP is found on the surface of matrix vesicles where the mineral is formed. One theory about the function of the enzyme is that it binds to fibrous collagen in the bone and thereby incorporating the mineral into the bone. The purpose of this study is to establish whether ALP binds to collagen. If this is the case, more elaborate studies around this will be performed.

Djurbensmaterialet på Ajvide : En osteologisk analys och GIS-studie för att undersöka platsens användning och förändring över tid

This thesis presents the results from a osteological analysis and a GIS-study aimed to examinedifferences in the located animal bones in different areas of the excavation site of Ajvde.The osteological material came from five excavated square meters on the site and was comparedwith osteological results from other researchers from different areas to create overview and try tosee differences between the areas.The GIS-study took data from all animal bone material excavated on the site, a total of about 2300kilos, and presented them in maps of spatial distribution for each layer (pictures 4, 5, 6 & appendixpicture 1) to see if there were any clusters of activity and changes between the layers. The dating ofthe culture layer and the burial field (pictures 7 & 8) were presented in maps to see if they could becorrelated with what was seen with the animal bones. Pictures of different shorelines were alsopresented (picture 9) to compare with the results that were seen in the changes of animal bones fromdifferent layers.The results of the GIS-study have shown that the activity on the site have moved over time alongthe hight differences of the land. The earlier layers show activity only on the higher elevation butlater moves down, and in the upper layers activity have been all over the excavated area. Clusters ofanimal bones were seen in the so called ?black areas? of the sites (shown in picture 2) but also otherareas contained a lot of animal bones.The results of the osteological analysis have shown that there are differences in what species arefound in different areas.

Syntes av hydroxyapatit/ nanocellulosa kompositer

Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are great candidates for composite materials. The reasons why CNCs are such attractive materials for them are due to their great mechanical properties, high aspect ratio and low density. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a kind of calcium phosphate and a main component of bones and teeth. The purpose of the present study is to make oriented nano-sized composites with CNC and HAp. Although some researchers carried out to make CNC composites with HAp for biomedical materials, nano-sized and oriented ones haven?t been achieved yet.

Artros - en sjukdom som drabbar både djur och människa, en komparativ studie med kaninen som modelldjur.

SAMMANFATTNING Artros och skador i ledbrosk är vanliga problem hos både människor och djur, som orsakar stora fysiska besvär i form av smärta och nedsatt rörelseförmåga. Idag finns ett flertal olika behandlingsmetoder mot artros, men ännu finns ingen bra behandlingsmetod för att åstadkomma läkning av ett skadat ledbrosk. I den här studien användes kanin som modelldjur för att utvärdera en ny behandling mot artros på människa. Målet var att stimulera nybildning av ledbrosk via rekrytering av mesenkymala stamceller. Studien utfördes på 20 kaniner av rasen New Zeeland White, 6-7 månader gamla honor med en kroppsvikt på ca 4 kg. En ledskada skapades med borr på den mediala femurkondylen i kaninernas vänstra knäled under anestesi. Därefter injicerades en hyaluronsyragel enbart eller tillsammans med tillväxtfaktorn bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2) i leden.

Stressfrakturer hos den elitidrottande hästen : potentiella benmarkörer för diagnos och prevention

Muskuloskeletala skador är ett stort problem hos hästar som tränas och tävlas i kapplöpning, och orsakar smärta med påföljande hälta för individen och ger även ekonomiska förluster inom industrin. Av dessa är stressfrakturer i tredje metakarpalbenet distalt på frambenet vanligast och utgången är ofta katastrofal med avslut på karriären och i vissa fall slakt. För denna typ av skada finns alltid en preexisterande patologi i benvävnaden. Träningen är högintensiv och kräver en fysisk adaptation av rörelseapparaten. Den kraftiga mekaniska belastningen kan kopplas till predilektionsplatser för frakturerna, där mikroskador i benvävnad utvecklas till fullständiga frakturer.

Varnhems tidiga kyrka och kyrkogård : Isotopanalys av skelettmaterialet i området

This paper deals with stable isotope analysis on the children of the early Christian cemetery in Varnhem, Västergötland. Human bone and tooth material from the cemetery has been analysed for stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. The analysis showed that the diet had been homogeneous and that the children had been breastfed, with a possible exception of the child from grave 100..

Cochlear Luere

The goal of this project was to together with Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB develop a new cleaning tool for their Baha?systems. Cochlear BAS AB is a daughter company to Cochlear Limited based in Sydney, Australia. Cochlear BAS AB is situated in Gothenburg and with its 150 employees develop and manufacture the Baha?system.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Rituellt, traditionellt eller funktionellt : en osteologisk analys och jämförelse av två förromerska gravfält från Skogome i Bohuslän och Smörkullen i Östergötland

This paper concerns a comparative analysis between two pre-Roman burial ground and the cremated individuals buried there, Skogome cemetery in Bohuslän and Smörkullen cemetery in Östergötland. The comparative analysis consists of several parts that concern both cemeteries inner and outer burial customs, and the osteological analysis of a total of 18 cremated invidvidulas. By studying the different parts separately, it has been possible to identify similarities and differences between the two contemporary cemeteries. There are great similarities between the cemeteries, differences were mainly observed in the osteological material relating to the amount of bone in each burial. The smaller amounts of bone in the graves of Skogome also holds a higher degree of fragmentation, but can not be explained by a higher combustion rate than the skeletal material from Smörkullen.

Orsaker till trombocytopeni hos hund : en retrospektiv studie av 123 fall

Causes of thrombocytopenia in dogs ? a retrospective study of 123 cases The purpose of this retrospective case study was to determine which diseases are associated with thrombocytopenia in Swedish dogs. Records of 123 dogs with thrombocytopenia were evaluated. The most common cause was neoplasia-associated thrombocytopenia (32%). The largest proportion within this group was unspecified neoplasia.

Sura Gamla Kyrka : analys av patologiska och skeletala förändringar hos sju individer

Seven individuals from Surahammar in Västmanland Sweden are analyzed for the appearance of pathological and skeletal changes. The graves, all from within the walls of a fourteenth century church, are dated from the Viking age to late eighteenth century. The aim of this scientific essay is to find pathological conditions by doing an osteological analyze, x-ray analysis, an osteoporosis measurement and letting orthopedists assess the individuals. The aim is also to say something about the individuals? general health and how they experience the changes they have in the skeleton.

Kirurgi vid Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome ? En beskrivande litteraturstudie om audiologiska och vestibulära resultat och komplikationer

Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) is a newly described syndrome with symptoms including sound- and pressure induced vertigo, conductive hyperacusis and autophony. SCDS is caused by absence of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal and can be surgically treated. As the syndrome and surgical technique is new, it is of importance to study possible postoperative outcomes..

Att förebygga osteoporos i ett tidigt skede

Bakgrund: Osteoporos har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats till en av de stora folksjukdomarna. I Sverige drabbas cirka 70 000 människor av osteoporosrelaterade frakturer varje år och av dessa är det främst kvinnor som drabbas. Risken för att en svensk kvinna någon gång under sin livstid skall drabbas av en osteoporosrelaterad fraktur är 50 %. Hur snabbt en kvinna förlorar benmassan samt hur stor benmassa hon har från början är avgörande för om hon kommer att drabbas av osteoporos och därför är prevention i ett tidigt skede viktigt. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa preventiva åtgärder för premenopausala kvinnor som kan förebygga primär osteoporos.

Hållbar design för gravplatser

A well-planned grave with a sustainable selection of plants facilitates easy maintenance for both staff and the holder of the right of burial. It also helps reduce the negative impact on the environment.As in many other areas, the environment is high on the agenda within the cemetery administration. One of the major concerns is the impact of the choice of plants for the grave. Within the industry there is a great motivation and willingness to adapt to a sustainable work mode and this has spawned a number of project works. In autumn 2009 the partnership project, ?Environmental aspects of planning and maintaining graves?, was started in Movium (at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

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