

3628 Uppsatser om Coercive care - Sida 39 av 242

Ren hud : En litteraturstudie om hur omvårdnadsåtgärden hudförberedelse har betydelse för postoperativa sårinfektioner

Postoperative site infections are the second most common health care associated infection in Sweden. Surgical procedures can lead to postoperative site infection causing great suffer for the patient and an extended care time with an increased cost as a result. In preparation for surgery, it is important that the skin is well prepared with antiseptics to decrease the risk of postoperative site infection. The purpose with this study was to shed light upon the skin preparation before surgery and its significance to postoperative site infection. Ten scientific articles have been scrutinized and compiled and two themes have been identified ? the preoperative and the intraoperative skin preparation.

Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och äldre patienter inom vården- en metasyntes

Background: Good quality of communication has a significant role and is essential in the care, and there are many factors that have an impact on the communication between nurse and patient. It is important that the interaction and communication is directed to and focused on understanding in broad sense in order to make sure that the meeting between nurse and care taker will result in something positive. Through a greater understanding the cooperation between nurse and the patient will be facilitated, which will create opportunities for both sides to be part of and contribute to a meaningful rehabilitation.Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how the elderly patient and the nurse experience the communication within the health care, however also to identify what factors that are essential for an optimal communication.2Method: In this study the method that has been chosen is metasynthesis. The metasynthesis method implies that qualitative studies, that illustrate elderly patients and nurses perceptions and experiences of communication within health care, have systematically been reviewed and compiled to a result.Result: The analysis of the study?s results in a composition that consist of the following three themes; the patients and the nurses perspective on how information should be conveyed, the role of the time aspect in communication and the impact of the attitude on communication.

Patienten i "reumateamet" : -en intervjustudie om patientens upplevelse av vårdrelation och delaktighet inom "reumateamet"

To reach health and wellbeing, despite a disease as rheumatoid arthritis, the patient needs help to manage and cope with his situation. The caregiver?s task is to give this support. The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with rheumatoid arthritis experienced the relationship to the caregivers in the ?rheumatic-team?, and the participation in this team.

Kronisk smärta - En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser och tankar om sitt dagliga liv.

The purpose of this litterature review is to illustrate the nursing care to patient with chronic pain. As a theoretic frame for this study we choose Aron Antonowsky. The results of this study are based on 8 scientific articles. The findings are presented in main categories and ideas. The findings show that chronic pain is a multidimensional phenomenon that influences peoples quality of life in a physical, psychological as well as social way.

Kvinnlig könsstympning eller omskärelse. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors behov av kulturella kunskaper i mötet med omskurna eller könsstympade kvinnor.

Sweden, being a multicultural society, has an increased need for transcultural care. The purpose of this literature review is to provide, through Madeleine Leinger's Culture Care-theory and her Sunrise model, a greater knowledge to nurses and to other professions within the health care units in meeting with circumcised or genitally mutilated girls or women. The result is based upon two scientific dissertations and nine scientific studies. It emerged mainly the etic (outsider) perspective. To underline the emic (insider) perspective, pure literature and fiction have been used.

Hellre sjuk och mager än frisk och fet : En litteraturbaserad studie av kvinnors upplevelser under behandlingen för anorexia nervosa

BackgroundAnorexia nervosa is a growing problem in society and it is most common among women. It is a complex disease that affects both the mental and the physical health. The disease expresses itself differently from person to person, therefore, treatment should be individualized. Nurses need to gain insight into how patients feel about the treatment in order to understand their experience. Previous studies use statistical research to evaluate treatment.

Postoperativ sårinfektion efter rektumamputation - Patientens upplevelser

Background: Poor perineal wound healing and infections after proctectomy surgery, affect a significant proportion of physical and psychological morbidities such as pain, leakage and abscesses. In its lengthening some of these symptoms will lead to extended periods of hospitalization. These kind of postoperative complications are also associated with delays in eventual chemotherapy treatment Aim: To describe the patients experiences of postoperative wound infection as well as communication and self-care support from the nurse specialist after proctectomy due to rectal cancer. Method: A qualitative content analysis was carried out from interviews. Results: Four main categories emerged; ?Coping with postoperative complications?, ?be independent?, ?feel safe?, and ?accept the situation?.

Att bedöma kvalitet i förskolan : Vad föräldrarna vill ha!

The Swedish preschool combines both education and care from a holistic point of view. This makes it even harder for both parents and the educators to make an objective evaluation on their own preschool. In Sweden we are proud to have one of the world?s best preschools. It is regulated by the government and is obligated to undertake critical evaluation from the state and the parents that are the consumers of these services.

Värdepåverkande attribut : En gap-analys av fastighetsmäklares och privatpersoners värdebedömning av småhusattribut

The aim of this study was to investigate whether the Swedish Institute of public health care uses paternalistic information in their alcohol publications. My intention has also been to examine to what extent the paternalistic information is being used. This is determined simply by how frequently paternalistic information is found in the publications. I chose to analyse five publications that contain alcohol related information and had a clear motive. My results show that all five publications use paternalistic methods with the intention to change readers, or people in their surroundings, alcoholic behaviour. Though this is quite a small essay, I have suggested extended research of the subject ? preferably of all 176 alcoholic publications presented by the Institute of public health care..

Trycksår : ? undersköterskors kunskaper om att förebygga trycksår

Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient?s affects with pressure sores it?s because of deficiency in care.

Omvårdnad av familjer till hjärtsjuka barn

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att belysa omvårdnaden för familjer till barn med hjärtfel ur ett familjeperspektiv. Vården av hjärtsjuka barn och ungdomar kräver en kunskap om dessa sjukdomar inte enbart hos sjukvårdspersonal inom den högspecialiserade barnkardiologin utan inom ett flertal andra specialiteter. Studien omfattar sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av familjer, förberedelser för hemgång, samarbetet mellan olika yrkeskategorier, familjens reaktioner vid denna krissituation och de bearbetningsmodeller som finns till förfogande för att underlätta bearbetningsprocessen. Vidare forskning inom detta område är nödvändig. The purpose of this study is to illuminate the care of families to children with heartdisease from a familyperspective.

Interaction with long-term mentally ill seen from the caregivers point of view

Background. With the mental health care reform 1995, the long-term mentally ill patients were meant to be integrated in the society. Instead, they became ?deported? to mental health care. Aim.

Vi gör vad vi vill men det är inte mycket vi kan göra : Om hur organisatoriska faktorer påverkar mellanchefers möjlighet att arbeta med hållbar utveckling

The group of elderly people in Sweden will increase significantly in the future and science point out that the future elderly people will not accept today?s standards and offers of assistance in today?s public elderly care. Therefore public elderly care stands before a significant challenge in terms of development that has to be sustainable. New research also points out that middle managers can be a great strategic resource, and a founder of success, in the challenge of sustainable development. The aim of the report was to increase the knowledge about what middle managers in public elderly care think sustainable development has to embrace, when it comes to quality and personnel administration, in order to meet the needs of the future elderly people.

Verksamhetsförändring : Sociologiska perspektiv på implementeringen av barnkonventionen inom BVC

This study aims to create an understanding of how employees relate to directives that come from a level above them in the hierarchy and is to be implemented in their working activities. This is studied by examining a case where a work group has tried to implement orders, given to them by the government and through a work group in the level above them in the organizations, concerning how employees working with child health care is to educate parents regarding the child convention. The method that have been use in this study is group interviews with 19 child health care nurses and the two main questions that are asked is why has it been difficult to implement the orders and how have the child health care nurses expressed their resistance to the changes, this since only five of the nurses had begun working with the child convention. The theories that have been used focus on how resistance towards change is expressed, organizational incapability and reluctance towards change, as well as how grass root bureaucrats relates to change. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that it is important to let the concerned parties participate from the beginning of the process, to minimize their reluctance to the changing process.

Transkulturella möten inom mödravården : Barnmorskors egna erfarenheter

The purpose of this study was to look at the experiences of midwives in maternalhealth care encounters with non-european-born women and men, and to determine ifmidwives deem any special competence necessary to handle these encounters well.We gathered information by means of qualitative interviews and semi structuredquestions with eight midwives all of whom matched the inclusion criterias and gavetheir personal consent. Midwives from four district health care centers in Uppsalawere included. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed by means of qualitativecontent analysis.The results reveal the experiences from encounters with non-european patients to betwofold. On one hand the encounter is a positive, exiting experience with anopportunity to learn more about a foreign culture and exchange experiences. On theother hand complications can occur as patients may have unexpected expectationsregarding the health care, have great difficulties with the language or haveexperienced traumatizing incidents, all on top of coming to Sweden alone withoutrelatives.In the encounter with non-european-born patients the midwives consider it importantto have special competence in form of knowledge of other cultures and religions asthis provides a greater understanding of the reasoning behind the patients? decisions.Cultural competence is also important as it helps avoid inadvertently insulting thepatient during the encounter.The special competence held by the midwives has been attained from their basic andspecialist education as well as from self acquired experiences and interests.

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