

416 Uppsatser om Co-operative enterprise - Sida 8 av 28

Marknadsföring och kundupplevd kvalitet - En fallstudie på Kalmar och Trollhättans Stadsbibliotek

In this thesis the marketing strategies of two public libraries have been explored and studied.The public library of Kalmar participates in the project GÖK which partly is a marketing project. The public library of Kalmar thereby differs from the public library of Trollhättan which is not involved in the project.The main aim of this thesis was to focus on their marketing strategies and see if there were any differences. The thesis was also concerned with the customers and their experiences of the quality of the services offered by the public libraries of Kalmar and Trollhättan, including the customers' perceptions of the operative marketing, and finally if there was a connection between marketing and customer-centered quality. Qualitative methods as well as quantitative methods were used for the collection of information .The preliminary assumption that Kalmar had a more explicit marketing strategy has been confirmed in the study. However, the customers at the public library of Trollhättan were more satisfied with the total quality of the services offered.

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer för portallösningar

Organisationer har under den senaste tiden gjort stora ansträngningar för att integrera informationssystem med målsättningen att uppnå en ökad effektivitet men utan större framgång. Vi vill identifiera rådande kritiska framgångsfaktorer och deras påverkan på portallösningar. Utifrån syftet identifierade vi två centrala områden för litteraturstudien, närmare bestämt ?Enterprise Application Integration? (EAI) och kritiska framgångsfaktorer (CSF). Insamling av empirisk data gjordes i form av intervjuer på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt.

Både chef och bibliotekarie: om chefsrollen på folkbibliotek

The majority of managers of public libraries in Sweden also work as librarians on an operative level within the organisation. This thesis discusses how the manager role is affected by his/her specific assignments and multiple tasks. Seven public library managers, who work in districts with around 10 000 25 000 inhabitants, have been interviewed. They reflect upon their experience of leadership and different assignments. The main focus lies on: - leadership - communication - decision making - organisational development The interviews show some positive effects, the manager is present most of the time, has a great knowledge about everyday work and daily routines, and is also able to represent the library successfully in the local community.

När Arktis isar smälter tinar världen upp? : En kvalitativ analys av det vidgade säkerhetsbegreppet i den svenska strategin för den arktiska regionen

This study is called When the ice of the Arctic melts is the world defrosting? and written by Rebecca Fröling.The purpose of the study is to investigate how the concept ?security? is used in the Swedish arctic strategy and why the concept is described in that way. The debate of the concept ?security? has been going on for years, but the debate is still present today. What we put in to the concept is operative for how we regard and discuss security and security politics.To analyze the strategy I used two theories, one with a traditional approach and one with a critical approach to security: Realism and Copenhagen School.The method that has been applied to the study is qualitative content analysis, to be able to analyze the text on the depth.

Behandlingsmetoder vid hopparknä: en litteraturstudie

Jumper´s knee is a common overuse injury due to repetitive microtrauma to the patellar tendon. It is especially common among athletes who are involved in sporting activities that involve jumping or fast running. The term jumper´s knee was adopted after Blazina published his original paper in 1973. Its pathology can be considered as a partial or total rupture of the patellar tendon in one of its three insertions. The aim of this literature study was to review the methods used to treat this condition and the results obtained focusing on pain relief and returning to previous sport or level of activity.

Steget från tanke till handling : En studie om viktiga faktorer för nyföretagande bland kvinnliga studenter

Women who support themselves through self-employment are relatively low compared to men, in Sweden. Women make up around 30 percent of newly started enterprises. The Swedish government considers that the Swedish economical growth would increase if there were more companies. Through encouraging women to start enterprises to the same extent as men, Sweden can increase growth rate and create more employment. Despite all efforts being made, advances are not really reached.

Företagsförvärv: En studie av redovisningsdatas inverkan på förvärvspremien

Although previous research conclude that mergers and acquisitions do not always lead to improved profitability or increased shareholder return, the number and size of M&A?s is steadily increasing. In this thesis we examine why an acquirer pays a price higher than the market value. Can accounting data explain the size of the premium? 618 European transactions between 1997 and 2008 are examined and relationships between the targets? accounting data and the premium is analysed through statistical regressions.

Nätverk på nätet: Innovativt värdeskapande genom samarbete

A constantly increasing number of magazines are using the Internet as a business channel. One of these is Allt om Mat (All about Food). Together with expressen.se, Allt om Mat developed a food website, alltommat.se, which was introduced at the beginning of 2008. In this essay we investigate how alltommat.se developed its service concept. Further, we look at how this development has influenced and been influenced by relations among the three actors and the users.

Postoperativt förlopp efter dagkirurgisk ljumskbråcksoperation- uppföljningssamtal som grund för kvalitetsutveckling

Degaardt, M & Rubensson, M. Postoperativt förlopp efter dagkirurgisk ljumskbråcksoperation. Uppföljningssamtal som grund för kvalitetsutveckling. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2010. Syftet med denna studie var att göra en bedömning av den postoperativa förloppet i hemmet hos dagkirurgiska ljumskbråcksopererade patienter. Data insamlade med hjälp av högstrukturerade telefonintervjuer.

Värderingsprocesser för bedöming av siginfikanta aspekter i företagsledning för hållbar utveckling

The use of environmental management systems, and objectives-led corporate management have become a widespread phenomenon today. Identification and assessment of an organisation?s significant (environmental) aspects is crucial within this work. Identification and especially assessment of significant aspects is often considered as a problematic step in many organisations. There are no generally accepted methods how to undertake this crucial step.

Muskelstyrka i lårmuskulatur efter operation av främre korsbandet ? finns skillnader avseende ålder och kön?

Det finns idag ingen konsensus om den optimala rehabiliteringen efter en främrekorsbandsrekonstruktion, vi vet heller inte idag huruvida rehabiliteringen skaspecificeras efter parametrar som kön och ålder. Studien var en korrelerandetvärsnittsstudie med syfte att ta reda på om det förelåg någon skillnad i postoperativlårmuskelstyrka 4-7 månader efter en korsbandsrekonstruktion med avseende på kön,ålder, skada och typ av operativt ingrepp. Av de 330 aktuella försökspersonerna var detendast 74 personer som godkänt deltagande och uppfyllde kraven förinklusionskriterierna. Försökspersonerna testades i en isokinetisk dynamometer(Biodex)för maximal styrka(60gr/s) och uthållig styrka(180gr/s). Resultaten presenteradesgenom ett Limb Symmetry Index.

Det sitter i väggarna! ? organisationskultur på två folkbibliotek med annorlunda driftsform

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study the organisational culture of two public libraries managed differently. One of the libraries in my study is run by the local bookstore and the other is run by a staff co-operative. My aim is to elucidate characteristic features in the culture of these two public library organisations. The questions I posed are which types of organisation culture can be identified in the two given examples and what the factors are that may be of importance for these cultures.

Tjänsteföretags villkor och tillgångar : Bankernas värdering av intellektuellt kapital

Bakgrund och problem: Marknadsutvecklingen mot ett tja?nstesamha?lle medfo?r att medarbetarna idag har en mer betydande roll inom organisationer. Fo?retag har olika behov av resurser, da?remot a?r brist pa? finansiering ett hinder fo?r tillva?xt. Litteraturen illustrerar en problematik i bankernas kreditbedo?mningsprocess av dagens alltmer immateriella fo?retag, da? flertalet tillga?ngar utela?mnas i den traditionella redovisningen.

Hur påverkar ny teknik företags relation och kommunikation mot sina kunder och leverantörer?: En studie av fyra företags utnyttjande av moderna affärssystem och effekterna i kund- och leverantörsrelationerna.

This qualitative case study, made with four companies, looks closer at how more effective information management, with the help of IT-systems, affect companies market communication and relations to customers and suppliers. Customer Relationship Management perspective is used and Enterprise Resource Planning-systems are the ground for new technology change. The main conclusions are that new technology affects the outcome of companies? relationships towards their customers and suppliers and that the processes and activities between the involved parties are more closely linked. Also involving your suppliers and external actors makes the information handling more effective and companies that do so most likely have a competitive advantage..

Den digitala strategin : En rapport om arbetet med en digital strategi för ett litet, nystartat företag

Social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, have become popular platforms for social communication, and, increasingly, also important channels for business marketing. For a business intending to use social media for marketing, however, developing a strategy and building a trademark can be a challenge. This report describes how a small, newly established business enterprise can develop a digital strategy with clear goals and practical guidelines. The report describes a digital strategy for Gelato Scarfó and shows how this strategy is made concrete through a set of guidelines. The guidelines develop a trademark for identification and loyalty, and give advice on how new materials can be made consistent with the trademark..

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