

416 Uppsatser om Co-operative enterprise - Sida 4 av 28

Den fackliga framgångens pris

The EU Services Directive has caused an intense debate across Europe. Its purpose is to remove obstacles to trade and to open up the public sector to increased competition. The Swedish labour movement has been deeply involved in the policy process, and union leaders have proclaimed the compromise reached in the European Parliament in April 2006 as a success.In the paper two major aspects have been considered: the meaning of the Swedish model and the process of Europeanization. The Swedish model previously allowed for a strong labour movement, through a social democratic hegemony, but the EU membership has implied new conditions for union influence. The paper examines how this change has affected the strategic choices of the Swedish labour movement, and how it has been manifested in the union's work with the Services Directive.

Den som sig i leken ger får leken tåla

Social enterprises are increasingly gaining ground as an organisational form in Sweden, however the institutional structures for financing these types of organisations are yet to be established. With its usual origin within the civic society, social enterprises prioritise a higher goal than to maximise economic profit, which often causes these organisations to be dependent upon resources from external constituents within its institutional environment. The aim of this study was to examine how a social enterprise, which derives from the civic society, acts to mobilise resources from constituents in its institutional environment. This was executed through a case study of Jordbro Världsorkester (JVO) - a typical organisation in the civic society which takes the form of a social enterprise - by identifying how assets were used to gain resources in strategic responses to institutional processes and examining how institutional processes affects how JVO acts. Throughout the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with JVO and constituents in its institutional environment and a theoretical framework was developed which explains how capital is used to gain more capital in an emergent strategy of strategic responses as the organisation gets in contact with institutional processes from its institutional environment.

Informationssäkerhet i arkitekturbeskrivningar : En studie i hur säkerhetsfunktioner kan beskrivas med hjälp av vyer

Information security is an essential part of all information systems; especially in large organizations and companies dealing with classified material. Every large information system has an architecture that includes many parts that together form an Enterprise Architecture. The aim of this thesis is to study how to describe several security functions in an Enterprise Architecture and also how to ensure accountability between requirements and the implementation of the security functions. The description is for stakeholders on a conceptual level rather than a technical level. The study has been carried out by comparing the theoretical framework that has been formed by a study of the literature, and the empirical framework that has been formed by a group discussion and interviews with Information Security Consultants from Combitech AB.

Modell för värdering och hantering av avbrottsrisker vid kontinuitetsplanering (BCP) : Fallet Swedwood

This master thesis presents a Model for Evaluating and Managing Interruption Risks in connection with Business Continuity Planning (BCP), developed for Swedwood International. The model consists of a template with instructions. The model should be easily understood and useful for establishing a plan for BCP. This is achieved by including the contents and procedure of BCP and the main supplychain risks in the model. The purpose of a BCP plan is to describe how an enterprise will return to business as usual after an interruption, e.g.

TILLFÄLLIGA EFFEKTTOPPAR I FJÄRRVÄRMEN : Kan man med hjälp av lagrad värme undvika att de uppstår i betonghus?

Climate and environmental issues is now high on the agenda. We live in a generation that must try to solve some major environmental problems. Buildings and habitations account for approximately 40 % of Sweden's total energy today. To reduce this figure, as needed, more research in the field of energy efficiency is required.This thesis concerns the heating of buildings. The load on district heating is heavy during certain times of the day.

Enterprise Risk Management - Överstiger fördelarna nackdelarna i icke-finansiella företag?

Bakgrund: Hand i hand med dagens ökad fokus på risk har intresset ökat för ettriskhanteringskoncept som kallas Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Tanken medmodellen är att hantera risk övergripande istället för isolerat på separata områden iföretaget. De största fördelarna med modellen sägs vara bättre beslutsfattande inomorganisationen, att riskmedvetenheten ökar och att intressenter får bättre förtroendeför företaget.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra den teoribildning om ERM som växerfram med praktisk erfarenhet från icke-finansiella företag som implementeratmodellen. Målet är också att skapa förståelse för både för- och nackdelar medmodellen.Avgränsning: Undersökningen har inriktats på icke-finansiella företag eftersom färrestudier har gjorts inom området.Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie av två icke-finansiella företag har genomförts med enabduktiv ansats och en blandning av explorativ och deskriptiv design.Resultat: Undersökningen visar att ERM skapar vissa positiva effekter för företagenmen också att en del problemområden har identifierats. De begränsningar i modellensom uppstår anses vara nära relaterat till svårigheten med att hantera mjuka risker ochproblemet med att ERM kan bidra med för stor passivitet i verksamheten dåminimering av risk blir mer omfattande.

Implementeringen av REACH : Fallstudie på ett SME-företag

The importance of chemical use is enormous for areas such as agriculture, industry and medicine and hence a prerequisite for our modern society. In order to protect humans and the environment from the negative effects of chemical use, chemical regulations have been used at a relatively early stage in our history. The purpose of REACH, the new chemical regulation of the European Union, is to generate new knowledge of chemicals within the European market and to increase the responsibilities of the enterprises when it comes to risk management. Whether the enterprises will implement the regulations or not will be of vital importance for the realization of the law?s intentions.The purpose of this study was to identify possibilities and problems that can occur when a downstream-user SME is about to implement REACH.

Att verka inom ramarna : riskhanteringsramverk samt Enterprise Risk Management

Den omgivning organisationer idag ställs inför blir alltmer krävande. En allt hårdare reglering, hot från nya teknologier, samt de företagsskandaler som härjat i media, har lett till att dagens organisationer ser på risk på ett nytt sätt. En utveckling som nyligen skett inom riskhantering är Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Denna uppsats undersöker den roll ERM, och i synnerhet ett nyutvecklat ramverk som används för att implementera ERM, har i en organisations riskarbete. Ramverket, COSO:s ERM, består av åtta kontrollpunkter som enligt ramverket bör finnas i en organisation som utför sitt ERM-arbete på ett korrekt sätt.Studiens syfte är att undersöka likheter och olikheter mellan en organisations riskarbete och COSO:s riskhanteringsramverk samt den teoribildning som skapats kring Enterprise Risk Management.

MOLNU : Att utveckla ett gemensamt gränssnitt

Climate and environmental issues is now high on the agenda. We live in a generation that must try to solve some major environmental problems. Buildings and habitations account for approximately 40 % of Sweden's total energy today. To reduce this figure, as needed, more research in the field of energy efficiency is required.This thesis concerns the heating of buildings. The load on district heating is heavy during certain times of the day.

Enterprise Mobility: Effekter på den individuella arbetaren. En fallstudie av en mobil affärsapplikation hos ett teknikföretag i Västsverige

Using mobile technology to make ends meet is currently a reality for many people. More and more peopleare working while travelling or work from home. Most knowledge workers are equipped with laptopsand smart phones. To find out how individuals are affected by having the ability to stay continuouslyconnected and work with mobile business applications, we have conducted a case study and in closecooperation with a company have created a prototype of such a mobile business application. Fourindividuals have tested our application and were then interviewed.

Förvaltningen av en bostadsrättsförening : ?en studie med utgångspunkt från medlemmarnas ekonomiska intresse

Bakgrund:  Bostadsrätten  utgör  en  alltmer  attraktiv  boendeform  och  dess  främsta  syfte  är  att tillgodose dess medlemmar med ett prisvärt boende. Månadsavgifterna från bostadsrättsförenings medlemmar bidrar  till att alla kostnader  täcks upp och därmed är boendekostnaden beroende av hur bostadsrättsföreningens kostnader hanteras. Denna studie undersöker hur verksamheten  i en bostadsrättsförening är förenlig med att verka för medlemmarnas bästa ekonomiska intresse.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en bostadsrättsförenings medlemmars ekonomiska intresse uppfylls, med fokus på de faktorer som inverkar på medlemmens boendekostnad.  Metod:  Uppsatsen  är  skriven  med  en  kvalitativ  ansats.  Befintliga  teorier  har  använts  för  att analysera det empiriska material som samlats  in.

Det Sociala Intranätet

Social intranets are based on the Enterprise 2.0 expression and create a new way for organizations to communicate and work. It brings possibilities to leverage user generated content and engage in cooperation across organizational borders where users can get to know each other and share knowledge.This thesis aims to explore what expectations motivate decision makers in implementing social intranets. It is interesting to discover what is expected to happen in an organization that implements a social intranet and chiefly what the actual effects are. Through interviews of both management executives and intranet users at a consulting company called Ninetech, we have plotted out managers? expectations and effects experienced by users.We have categorized managements? expected effects in two themes; expected effects on corporate culture and expected effects on informational work.

Implementeringen av REACH : ett led i att bidra till en hållbar utveckling : Fallstudie på ett SME-företag

The importance of chemical use is enormous for areas such as agriculture, industry and medicine and hence a prerequisite for our modern society. In order to protect humans and the environment from the negative effects of chemical use, chemical regulations have been used at a relatively early stage in our history. The purpose of REACH, the new chemical regulation of the European Union, is to generate new knowledge of chemicals within the European market and to increase the responsibilities of the enterprises when it comes to risk management. Whether the enterprises will implement the regulations or not will be of vital importance for the realization of the law?s intentions.The purpose of this study was to identify possibilities and problems that can occur when a downstream-user SME is about to implement REACH.

DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE - KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning

This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system.

Att verka inom ramarna : En studie i syfte att jämföra en organisations riskarbete med COSO:s : riskhanteringsramverk samt Enterprise Risk Management

Den omgivning organisationer idag ställs inför blir alltmer krävande. En allt hårdare reglering, hot från nya teknologier, samt de företagsskandaler som härjat i media, har lett till att dagens organisationer ser på risk på ett nytt sätt. En utveckling som nyligen skett inom riskhantering är Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Denna uppsats undersöker den roll ERM, och i synnerhet ett nyutvecklat ramverk som används för att implementera ERM, har i en organisations riskarbete. Ramverket, COSO:s ERM, består av åtta kontrollpunkter som enligt ramverket bör finnas i en organisation som utför sitt ERM-arbete på ett korrekt sätt.Studiens syfte är att undersöka likheter och olikheter mellan en organisations riskarbete och COSO:s riskhanteringsramverk samt den teoribildning som skapats kring Enterprise Risk Management.

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