

416 Uppsatser om Co-operative enterprise - Sida 14 av 28

Förändringsreceptens institutionaliseringsprocess : En utredning om dold mellanliggande mekanism vid organisationsförändring

Problem/Bakgrund: Det finns många förändringsstrategier och modeller, recept, för att förändra, men även för att organisera verksamheter. Olika modeller och recept kommer och går. Oftast framställs resultatet i olika termer och något som ofta återkommer är att graden delaktighet har ökat. Kan det vara så att det är graden av delaktighet är en dold mekanism som ligger bakom en lyckad förändring?Syfte: Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns ett kausalt orsakssamband mellan betingelserna ledning, ansvar och värdering och händelserna sjukskrivning, personalomsättning och påverka där delaktighet utgör mekanismen som aktiverar förloppet.Slutsatser/Resultat: Det finns ett kausalt orsakssamband mellan betingelsen ledning och händelserna sjukskrivning, upplevd delaktighet och personalomsättning.

Möjligheter och problem med integration av hanteringen av antagonistiska och olycksrelaterade risker - En jämförelse med utgångspunkt från två konsultföretags arbetssätt

The aim of this report is to investigate, on the basis of two consult agencies perspectives, what the possibilities and obstacles are to integrate the work with antagonistic and accident related risks. The report is based on two consult agencies where each agency´s work procedure is represented by a risk management method. The work with accident related and antagonistic risks is analysed and evaluated compared to four different components. The components are risk management process (IEC´s and FEMA´s model), driving forces, education and competence, and resources to control risk management with COSO?´s ERM framework.

Bidrar SOA till kvalitativa egenskaper och inom vilken aspekt av affa?rsnytta? - Bidrar SOA till affa?rsnytta?

Affa?rsnytta a?r ett ma?ngtydigt och sva?rdefinierat begrepp, men det a?r na?got som alla verksamheter vill uppna?. Uppsatsen avgra?nsar sig till sa?rskilda kvalitativa egenskaper som definieras av ISO/IEC FDIS 25010:2010 under kapitlet "Quality in use". Uppsatsen ga?r ut pa? att utva?rdera de kvalitativa egenskaperna och om SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) bidrar till dessa samt inom vilken aspekt av affa?rsnytta. Fo?r att svara pa? fra?gan var det relevant att utva?rdera begreppen Affa?rsnytta och Kvalitativ nytta samt definiera SOA. Resultatet fick vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer fra?n fyra respondenter som har deltagit i ett lyckat SOA projekt och har goda kunskaper inom SOA och dess koppling till affa?rsnytta inom olika aspekter. Utifra?n litteraturen och resultatet ser vi indikationer pa? att SOA bidrar till de utvalda kvalitativa egenskaperna.

Beskrivning av patienters postoperativa vårdförlopp tre dagar efter kolorektalkirurgi enligt ERAS vårdprogram

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the post-operative care during the three first days for patients who have undergone colorectal surgery according to ERAS care programs with a focus on the variables nutrition, elimination, activity, type of analgesia and the number of hospital days documented in the patient record and patient log books. ERAS means "Early Recovery After Surgery" and the purpose of the health care program is to accelerate recovery after colorectal surgery. The study had a descriptive design and a quantitative approach, in which 51 patient records were included. Log books and patient records were reviewed postoperatively. According to the log books estimated most of the patients, who had documented, that they ate and drank very good or good.

Det svenska kapitalkravet underminerat och förlegat? : En jämförande studie av den svenska och engelska bolagsrätten i ljuset av etableringsfriheten

The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success; important differences still remains in European company law.The freedom of establishment itself, and the ECJ?s interpretation of the freedom provides European companies with a substantial cross-border mobility. As a consequence of this mobility, together with the differences in national legislation; mandatory rules in company law can be easily evaded. A typical example of this is that a Swedish enterprise, by running their business through a British private limited company, can escape the Swedish legislation on capital contributions when forming a company with limited liability for its members.

Venture Capital & Banklån : Småföretagsfinansiering

There are many different forms of financing for small businesses and two common financing options mentioned in the study, bank loans and Venture Capital.Venture Capital is a form of risk capital financing, investing in unlisted stock market. The feature of the arrangement is that those people are trying to find companies that can offer unique, attractive and in demand products on a strong growing market. Since VC-firms are taking a big risk in cooperation with the investment, the VC-company strong demands while assessments are made on the company will generate a return in the future.Bank loans are the most common form of financing for companies in the market. Requirements and assessment under the law is hard especially for small businesses because financing entails high risks. Banks require that the liquidity management in the enterprise should be stable because the bank's main objective is to repayment of debt and the interest payable on the capital.The purpose of this study is to examine the requirements and assessments VC-firms and banks make use of the financing of small businesses. .

Jämförelse av klientlösningar

In this report I have made various comparisons between different client solutions; a standard client solution (PC-server), to use as a comparison and look at various differences in costs against the other client solutions that I have compared, which is Windows Thin PC, Dell Wyse, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and FSData terminal server/thin clients. All these solutions require a form of server to work against, which also the standard solution uses, but the main difference is that most of the data and computing power is on the server instead of the client.Window Thin PC, Dell Wyse, Red Hat EV and FSData all use some kind of thin client as hardware. Some of the main differences is that Windows Thin PC can be installed on almost any hardware. Dell Wyse is a special hardware group from Dell, that uses its own proprietary software, and Red Hat EV which is based on linux, is the cheapest option where the only cost is for support. FSData terminal server/thin client use as the name suggest a terminal server and a form of thin client to connect to it, the solution essentially means that your rent the complete hardware from FSData.The comparisons are made with the view of different scenarios based of the number of clients, where costs and licenses, as well as time spent on installation, upgrades, monitoring and managing are some of the main points raised..

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Kronofogdemyndighetens arbetsmiljö : En kvantitativ studie om ett Kronofogdemyndighetskontor i Malmö

Kronofogdemyndigheterna i Sverige har reducerats i antal från tjugofem till endast tio. Hög grad av stress och sjukfrånvaro är problem som präglat myndigheterna, enligt klimatundersökningar som Riksskatteverket gjort.Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva arbetsmiljön utifrån KFM:s personal på ett kontor i Malmö, för att se hur den ter sig i nuläget. Frågeställningarna som styr uppsatsen är: Hur väl uppfylls KFM:s arbetsmiljömål i Malmö enligt personalen? Hur väl anser personalen att deras kompetens nyttjas i arbetet på KFM?Med kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter, visar resultatet att arbetsmiljömålet uppfylls då flera aspekter av arbetsmiljön anses positiva av personalen. Uppfattningarna om arbetet är positiva trots att alla utsätts för stress och de flesta känner av stress flera gånger i veckan.

Bostadsbubbla i Stockholm kommun : Sann existens eller falsk spekulation?

In light of the massive property bubbles that have been bursting in the USA, Spain and Ireland during the last decade, the aim of this thesis is to clarify whether ? or to what degree - the municipality of Stockholm might experience a property bubble in the near future. The municipality of Stockholm is undergoing a housing shortage and house prices have risen during the last few years. Neoliberalism and property bubbles are used as a theoretical framework in this paper. The methodology consist of semi structured interviews, analysis of documents and statistical data from Eurostat, Valueguard and the Swedish administrative authority; Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB).

Corporate Social Responsibility and Nongovernmental Organizations

Background: Corporations are established and organized in order to create economic values for their owners and the main aim of every business enterprise is to be profitable and satisfy the financial expectations of their shareholders. However, corporate social responsibility focuses on the ethical aspects of corporate business in order to achieve the balance between the profitability and social responsibility. Nongovernmental organizations through their activities promote the respect for human rights and environmental care within the corporate world. Purpose and Scope: To make an in-depth study about the role of nongovernmental organizations regarding corporate social responsibility in order to increase the understanding of corporate social responsibility. Methodology: We used literature research for our thesis and we analysed the secondary data related to the corporate social responsibility.

Hur fungerar relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv? : En studie på flygpersonal och butiksbiträden

Detta är en empirisk studie som handlar om relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Det som beskrivs i studien är innebörden av att ha ett serviceyrke samt att arbeta på obekväma tider. Är de två sfärerna, arbetssfären och familjesfären, relaterade till varandra eller är de två helt skilda sfärer? Kan det uppstå konflikter mellan arbetsrollen och familjerollen?Syftet är att undersöka hur relationen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv fungerar för flygpersonal och butiksbiträden. Olika teoretiska perspektiv presenteras på aspekterna av samspelet av arbete och familj.

Tecken på smärta under anestesi - hur anestesisjuksköterskan bedömer patienten

ABSTRACT Introduction: One of the great difficulties that the nurse anesthetist encounter in their profession is to assess and estimate sleep depth versus signs of pain in the anesthetized patient. Based on a pre-operative appointment and the perioperative monitoring, an assessment of the patient is made. The experience that the nurse anesthetist has can make it easier to understand what subtile signs of the patient depends on. Purpose: With this in mind, the purpose of the pilot study was to try to find out if there are specific signs of pain during anesthesia and if the professional experience played a role. As a subsidiary aim the authors examined whether there were factors in the patient that the nurse anesthetist takes into account in the identification of pain during anesthesia.

Bioenergi från röjningsgallringar : en jämförande studie av fyra flödeskedjor från avlägg till förbrukare

When the Swedish Forestry Act was changed in 1994, brushing of young stands became non mandatory. Since then the annual need for brushing in the country has increased by about 100 000 hectares per year. In later years the price for biomass energy has increased to the same level as pulp wood. The high price on biomass energy and the large areas of stands in the need of brushing has created a new market with its own technical, economical and environmental conditions. There is a development of various techniques to manage the forestry stands with late brushing.

Is insourcing qualified human capital from China a future for Sweden’s wealth sustainability?

The Methodology used to gather empirical materials for this thesis has been different types of interviews. The interviews have been mainly unstructured personal interviews directly with our respondents, due to limiting factors some of the interviews have been carried out via phone or email. The theoretical framework consists of literature from well-recognised authors and is divided into four different parts: Insourcing & Outsourcing, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, China & Intercultural understanding. The empirical foundation has been gathered from a great variety of different sources in an attempt to cover the many complex angels in which this subject can be looked upon. Chinese students, managers in international companies with experience from China, Chinese employees in Swedish companies and different people with good knowledge of different areas of China are all among our respondents. In our conclusion we have reached the three following conclusions for why one should start a “bridge building” enterprise in between qualified Chinese human capital and Swedish structure capital: 1. To fill future shortage of qualified human capital in Sweden. 2.

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