

416 Uppsatser om Co-operative enterprise - Sida 11 av 28

Affärssystem och flexibilitet

Affärssystem har blivit allt vanligare i organisationer och framhålls av systemleverantörer som ett verktyg för att öka organisationers flexibilitet. Forskning tyder dock på att affärssystem både kan öka och minska flexibiliteten för organisationer. Få empiriska studier har genomförts vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på organisationers flexibilitet och forskningen är splittrad vad gäller affärssystems påverkan på flexibiliteten för organisationer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att illustrera och förklara hur ett affärssystem påverkar flexibilitet i en organisation. För att besvara syftet skapas en analysmodell som syntetiserar tidigare forskning om flexibilitet med en organisatorisk förändringsmodell.

A Study of the Sales Process of ERP Systems: Wasteful Management or Managing the Wasteful?

A description and analysis of the sales process of ERP systems is presented; also the consequences for the parties involved are discussed. The chosen methodological basis is an inductive research design consisting of a case study based on interviews. The analysis of the empirical data is done with a proposed analytical framework. Based on the agency theory, the analysis is tightly knitted together with opportunism. There are three controlling factors: relationships (relationship marketing), contracts (principal-agent theory), and competition.

Användning av smärtskala på marsvin ? experimentell studie i klinikmiljö

Assessing and measuring post-operative pain in all animals is a challenge, but doing it in small mammals, for example guinea pigs, presents an even larger difficulty. Validated pain scales developed for use in dogs in clinical practice are currently available, but no such scale has been widely accepted for use in guinea pigs in the veterinary setting. In this experimental study, six guinea pigs that had undergone surgery and anaesthesia were observed for behavioural changes that could be associated with pain. The six guinea pigs were also given pain scores with the use of Colorado State University Feline Acute Pain Scale (CSU-APSF), a scale which uses both behaviour when not handled, body tension and response to palpation to evaluate pain intensity. The six guinea pigs showed a number of different behaviours, for example rigid posture, fixed stare and ?wet dog response? (the body is vigourosly shaken), that could be associated with pain.

Logistiska lösningar för en lönsam byggprocess

This is a study, the purpose of which is to investigate how the construction company Sefab Bygg AB is able to increase its profitability and render a more efficient production process through logistic solutions. The study is made during one of Sefab´s present projects. The project includes sanitary renovation of 650 apartments in the co-operative Opalen in Norrköping.To find out whether changes of logistic routines are profitable or not, it?s necessary to evaluate the total cost of the changes. A total cost analysis is a mapping of all the costs for a particular material, on one hand for the present situation and on the other after the change.

Arbetsprocesser inom spelutveckling : En kvalitativ fallstudie som granskar arbetsprocessen hos ett svenskt spelutvecklingsföretag

Dice is one of Sweden's largest game manufacturers. They have produced a game series called ?Battlefield?, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary, releasing it gradually over the years. In order to create a game some form of work structure is required. In this essay we discover what the Dice work process looks like today and how it has changed over the years.Game development is progressing and market changes require game developers to constantly adapt to the current situation.

Att implementera Service Oriented Architecture kostnadseffektivt

I enighet med teknikutvecklingen förändras även förutsättningarna för kostnadseffektiva IT-miljöer. Systemarkitekturen för mjukvarusystem förändras i samband med detta och verksamhetens systemdesign måste följa denna utveckling för att vara konkurrenskraftig på IT-marknaden. Implementeringar av Service Oriented Architecture, förkortat SOA, har i många fall visat sig vara lönsamma investeringar till en modernare arkitektur. Denna rapport förklarar på vilka sätt SOA kan vara kostnadseffektivt för verksamheter, samt identifierar kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är avgörande vid systemskiften till SOA. I kombination av en teoretisk litteraturstudie, analys av publicerade företagsfall och empirisk undersökning visar sig SOA-baserade lösningar vara kostnadseffektiva genom sänkta kostnader, tidsbesparingar och snabbare produktutveckling. Studien identifierar huvudsakligen fem kritiska framgångsfaktorer som är direkt kopplade till hur pass kostnadseffektiv en implementering av SOA kan komma att bli..

Fjärrbackup : Ett komplement till ordinarie backup

Denna rapport inriktar sig till ett mindre företag som vill tillhandahålla en egen fjärrbackuplösning. Backupen ska göras från en server placerad i företagets lokal till en lagringsenhet i någon av ägarnas hem med hjälp av VPN-förbindelse. För detta krävs ett program som har stöd för att göra uppkoppling automatiskt via VPN på en Windows 2008 Server, 64-bit plattform. Utöver det ska kryptering, komprimering och funktion för full och inkrementell backup finnas tillgängligt i programmet. Fyra fjärrbackupprogram har därför utsetts för jämförelse av hur de kan lösa företagets krav.

Introduktion av nyanställda inom Socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to look at introduction for staff in a social service office and the social workers experience off the first period at a new workplace. Qualitative interviews have been used as a method of investigating how social workers look at introduction in the workplace and how social workers have experience the first period at the workplace. The empirical material have been analysed by using the theory of Human Service Organizations, street-lever bureaucracy theory and theory concerning work environment. This papers first chapter presents the methodological preferences, the second chapter the theoretical perspective and the results of the study are presented in the third chapter followed by a discussion and ending comments in chapter four. My study showed that introduction is necessary in a complex organisation and could be a way to improve the social workers situation in social service organisations..

Mervärdesskatt för ideella föreningar : Kan allmännyttiga ideella föreningar behålla fortsatt befrielse från skattskyldighet?

The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success; important differences still remains in European company law.The freedom of establishment itself, and the ECJ?s interpretation of the freedom provides European companies with a substantial cross-border mobility. As a consequence of this mobility, together with the differences in national legislation; mandatory rules in company law can be easily evaded. A typical example of this is that a Swedish enterprise, by running their business through a British private limited company, can escape the Swedish legislation on capital contributions when forming a company with limited liability for its members.

Gemensamma operationer i kustnära områden

Försvarsmakten har i dokumenten Försvarsmaktens Utvecklingsplan 2010-2019 uttryckt att förmåga tillgemensamma operationer, inom ramen för behovsanpassade och tillfälligt sammansatta stridsgrupper,skall utvecklas inom de närmaste åren. Detta finns även uttryckt i Verksamhetsuppdraget för 2009 därgemensamma operationer särskilt skall uppmärksammas på övningar inom ramen för den territoriellaintegriteten. I Verksamhetsuppdraget finns detta med som en punkt i den operative chefensprioriteringslista, detta torde innebära att antalet övningar, där förmågan till gemensamma operationersärskilt övas, borde vara ett par stycken. Så är dock inte fallet. De övningar som genomförs inommarinen i kustnära områden samordnas inte med markstridskrafterna alls, däremot samordnas merövningar med flygstridskrafterna.

Analys av innehållshanteringssystem

It has in a broader extent become important for companies and other organizations with large organizations to have a properly functioning web platform where content management is an essential part. Polopoly is a web content management system developed in Sweden, used by several European corporations but foremost Scandinavian such working in different media related business areas.Our aim has been to analyze this tool and render a report which hopefully will assist the initiator of our thesis; a consulting enterprise called Qurius, in their negotiations with future customers, when to suggest Polopoly as a suitable content management solution.By using case studies at companies currently using Polopoly, our goal is to define which characteristic makes the product a competitive publishing tool. To put our analysis in perspective, we will compare the most important aspects of Polopoly with a similar product.According to the results of our investigation we consider Polopoly being a beneficial choice with regard to a number of important parameters. Finally we have summarized these properties in a list of examples explaining in which cases Polopoly is a preferable alternative as a web based content management platform..

Affärssystemportaler - Utformning och testning av en utvärderingsmetodik

Affärssystemportaler, en affärssystemkomponent som är populär bland större företag, används ofta för att effektivisera inom olika organisatoriska processer. Eftersom en utarbetad metodik för att utvärdera hur affärssystemportaler effektiviserar organisationer saknas, har denna studie haft som syfte att forma en sådan utvärderingsmetodik. Metodiken är baserad på ett etablerat ramverk för utvärdering av organisatorisk effektivitet som sedan blivit anpassat till affärssystemportaler genom användandet av ämnesrelevant teori. Studien innefattar även ett test av utvärderingsmetodiken genom en praktiskt genomförd utvärdering av en affärssystemportal, vilket varit vårt andra syfte. Genomförandet samt resultatet av denna utvärdering ligger sedan till grund för en diskussion där metodikens framgång utvärderas.

Lärande i andra vågen : En studie om lärande inom företag efter implementering av nytt affärssystem

Introducing a new type of IT-structure means a change that employees within an organization must adapt to. Today, many companies have implemented information technology in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and find themselves in th so-called Second Wave stage where an after work is ongoing with continual improvement that involves changes that employees need to understand and act upon. To learn how to work with these recurrent misadventures is of importance because it is seen as a critical factor in order to take advantage of the ERP system and its benefits. To study this a study was conducted through personal interviews at Apoteksgruppen AB which a few years ago introduced a new ERP system. There the authors saw that employees learned in different ways depending on the position, and that the more responsibility this person had the greater freedom this person had to resolve their problems and therefore learned more effectively.

Design av PID-regulator baserad på kommersiell processormodul

The idea to develop  a platform for a PID-controller came from the need to control the temperature in  an espresso machine in a more exact way than a thermostat could perform. In discussions with Syntronic AB the idea developed into PID-control for industrial use. Syntronic AB suggested that the platform should be based on a commercially available processor module to shorten the development time. The suggestion included the use of the microcomputer Raspberry Pi, which supports USB, HDMI, memory card and Ethernet.The work began with establishing a schedule for the 10 weeks of the projects duration, and after that a system specification listing all functions, implementation and limitations was made. When the foundation of the system specification was done, a preliminary system design took shape.Because of the Raspberry Pi´s lack of Analog-to-Digital converter, a circuit board containing Wheatstone bridges, differential amplifiers and a two channel Analog-to-Digital converter was fabricated.

Frontlinjebyråkraten : en studie om de byråkratiska villkoren för yrkesrollen, den inomorganisatoriska kontrollen och samhällets påverkan

The purpose of this essay was to further develop the discussion around the street-level bureaucrats and the dilemmas that they meet in their work environment. The paper will try to accomplish this by putting the spotlight on the professional role, the organizational control of the street-level bureaucrat and the effect of society on the work environment. Something that also will be discussed is the well-known difficulty of implementation of new programs and methods, especially when street-level bureaucrats are involved. The street-level bureaucrats that this paper focuses on are caseworkers within Försäkringskassan and handle benefits and take decisions about the need for rehabilitation for people who are ill and unable to work.I have used a qualitative method for this study. The empirical material consists of six interviews at two different offices.The main cause of the dilemma of the street-level bureaucrat is that there is a conflict between the human side and the professional role.

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