

7100 Uppsatser om Cluster theory - Sida 2 av 474

Jämlik strokevård : En analys av skillnader mellan patientgrupper avseende vård på strokeenhet, åren 1995-2009

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

Automatisk query expansion: en komparativ studie av olika strategier för termklustring baserade på lokal analys

Automatic query expansion has long been studied in information retrieval research as a technique that deals with the fundamental issue of word mismatch between query and document. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the retrieval effectiveness of different strategies for automatic query expansion. The strategies are based on local analysis of the corpus and use statistical information from the local document set to extract terms that suppose to adapt themselves to each individual search and therefore appear to be searchonyms to the index terms. The strategies compared are: association clusters, metric cluster and scalar cluster. Baseline queries of 24 topics are expanded using terms from the different clusters and searches are made.

Bibliotekariers och lastbilschaufförers syn på "Lyssna dig rik"-kampanjen : En utvärdering av klustergruppskampanjen "Lyssna dig rik" på ett huvudbibliotek

This thesis is a study of Futurum.kom´s campaign "Lyssna dig rik". Futurum.kom is a regional marketing project between Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and 25 public libraries in the county of Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg. The aim of the Futurum.kom project is to strengthen the role of the public library in society. "Lyssna dig rik" was a cluster group campaign with the aim of making people know about the possibilities of loaning audiobooks in libraries. The target group was lorry drivers in the age of 30-65 with the possibilities to listen to audiobooks at work.

Molekylär klassificering av tjocktarmscancer : PAM-klusteranalys för identifiering av undergrupper

The main objective of this study is to divide a number of colorectal cancer cases into subgroups based on their molecular features using cluster analysis. The data used is supplied by a research group at Pathology, the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University, and consists, after some preparation, of 455 observations which is a larger data set than many similar studies. The molecular variables that the clustering is based on are CIMP (CpG Island Methylator Phenotype), MSI (Micro Satellite Instability), BRAF- and KRAS-mutations. These are categorical variables and consequently the clustering method used is PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids) which is particularly useful with data on diverse variable level. The final analysis results in four subgroups that are represented by different combinations of attributes on the aforementioned variables.

Känslan i bilden : Sociala taggars användbarhet vid bildsökning i Flickr

Image indexing research today is either conducted on a visual attribute level or on a higher semantic level, forming a semantic gap between the two. There is much to gain if research progress from the two fields is combined. Image retrieval using access points in both visual and semantic significations could improve retrieval and bridge the gap. In social media today, images are often the primary communication agent and the number of images on the web is increasing in an uncontrolled way. New and efficient ways to index and retrieve the images are needed.The purpose of this study is to examine if emotions could be a semantic access point for image retrieval and if folksonomy indexing is useful when searching for images that represent emotions.

En dag på sommarovet : Analys av en novell

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

Telecom City - Co-Opetition and Communication within a regional growth cluster

Vår uppsats undersöker, om hur möjligheterna för utbyte av information samt samarbete mellan Telecom Citymedlemmarna kan förbättras, med ändamålet att stärka deras konkurrenskraft gentemot externa konkurrenter..

Tätortsklassificering utifrån servicebredd och servicegrad : En klusteranalys av Sveriges tätorter

Statistics Sweden is an administrative agency that delimits built-up areas and produces statistics regarding them. The statistics provide information about the area of the built-up areas, their population number, number of gainfully employees working in the built-up areas, and of buildings. Now Statistics Sweden wishes to extend such statistics by producing a measure regarding how well developed the service is in each built-up area.This study is a contribution to this statistical improvement work and the purpose is to ? by employing geographical information systems and cluster analysis ? classify the Swedish built-up areas according to 1) service width and 2) service degree. A particular built-up area has a high service width if it has many different service functions, such as pharmacies, schools and grocery stores.

Synen på bibliotek förändras inte på en dag : En utvärdering av klusterkampanjen "Den digitalt nyfikne" på ett folkbibliotek

This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.

"Det är tråkigt att göra saker själv" : En kvalitativ studie om vad förskolebarn har för uppfattning om samarbete.

Weekly lifestyle magazines constitute an important role for many young people these days. Their purpose is to inform and entertain a broad public within subjects such as fashion, friends, relationships, men and beauty. Frida and Veckorevyn are two big magazines that have a big influence on young women. One subject that frequently occurs is articles about men, written by women. This study focus on how (with which qualities and weaknesses) these women choose to subscribe men.

St. Barthélemy : Skrivningen om den forna svenska kolonin

The aim of this essay is to see how various texts, both Swedish and foreign, have described the former Swedish colony of St. Bartholomew. The focus has been on the slaves on the colony, and here how they were treated and how the analyzed authors portray the slaves lives.The literature has been divided up into two different categories, based on when they were published. The distinction has been made by dividing them up into a contemporary cluster, that were published before the 1900?s, as opposed to the more recent literature, from after the 1900?s.

Activity patterns of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) at their kill sites

The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is an elusive felid, native to the mountains in central Asia. Basic knowledge about the snow leopards? ecology has long been lacking but is advancing with the help of the GPS-technology. GPS cluster analysis can provide insight in the diet and prey selection of elusive predators, such as the snow leopard. Acceleration data from GPS collars can be used to study animal behavior but the two have never been combined to gain more detailed information of the feeding behavior of large carnivores.

Gubben i lådan. Flört eller freak? : En kvalitativ studie av Frida och Veckorevyns framställning av manliga egenskaper.

Weekly lifestyle magazines constitute an important role for many young people these days. Their purpose is to inform and entertain a broad public within subjects such as fashion, friends, relationships, men and beauty. Frida and Veckorevyn are two big magazines that have a big influence on young women. One subject that frequently occurs is articles about men, written by women. This study focus on how (with which qualities and weaknesses) these women choose to subscribe men.

Movement patterns of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) around kills based on GPS location clusters

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Hardware-in-the-Loop simulering av motorservon på ett inbyggt system

This report presents a master thesis project performed at Elekta AB during the fall of 2013 and early 2014. Elekta is a medical technology company and their main product in the Stockholm office is a gamma knife used for radiosurgery. The gamma knife contains a cluster of a dozen motor servos and motors used for adjusting the patient and the radiation sources over a CAN bus. A self-developed hardware-in-loop simulator running on a PC with LabVIEW is currently being used for integration level testing of the control system of the gamma knife. The simulator has some problems with it not running in real-time and having other performance issues.

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