

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 66 av 112

Svenska stridspiloters årliga fysiska tester

Piloter i försvarsmakten har en väldigt unik arbetsmiljö med särskilda påfrestningar från bland annat höga G-krafter och snabba tryckförändringar. I dagsläget utför svenska stridspiloter i princip samma slags fysiska tester som all Försvarsmaktspersonal. De årliga fysiska testerna för svenska stridspiloter är uppdelade i två olika tester; ett konditionstest och ett multitest i styrka. Validiteten för dessa tester kan dock ifrågasättas. De ger endast en grov bild över en persons allmänna fysiska status och har, enligt min åsikt, egentligen inte direkt någonting att göra med huruvida piloten skall kunna klara av att utföra sin tjänst.

Specialistssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att främja hälsa för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie på vårdcentraler

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

Värdeflödesanalys - med avseende på effektivisering av gjutningsprocessen

At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kollegial handledning : en litteraturbaserad studie

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans arbete innebär att dagligen möta patienter i olika situationer, ofta  komplicerade  vilket  innebär  många  tankar  och  känsloupplevelser.    För  att  fortsätta utvecklas  som  sjuksköterska  samt  bearbeta  upplevelser  behövs  tid  till  handledning  och reflektion.  Det  finns  flera  olika  handledningsmodeller.  Syfte:  Syftet  med  studien  är  att utifrån  tidigare  forskning  beskriva  sjuksköterskors  upplevelser  av  kollegial  handledning.  Metod:  Litteraturbaserad  studie  med  kvalitativ  inriktning.  Resultat:  Det  framkom  fyra viktiga     huvudkategorier     med     åtta     underkategorier.     Huvudkategorierna     var, handledningsgruppen,  stöd,  reflektion  och  profession.  De  följande  underkategorierna, trygghet  och  motivation,  välbefinnande  och  kollegialt  stöd,  bearbetning  av  känslor, tillfredställelse och bekräftelse, stärkt yrkesidentitet, personlig utveckling samt kvalitet och engagemang.    Diskussion:  Sjuksköterskor  anser  att  handledning  är  viktigt.  Ges  de  inte möjlighet   till   reflektion,   riskerar   känslor   och   upplevelser   att   bli   ett   hinder   i omvårdnadsarbetet.  Det  är  dock  viktigt  att  handledning  utförs  på  rätt  sätt,  för  att  ge sjuksköterskorna  rätt  motivation  att  medverka  i  handledning.  Sjuksköterskorna  når  både personlig   och   professionell   växt   genom   att   utbyta   erfarenheter   mellan   kollegor. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskor har behov av  handledning, både i form av reflektion för att undvika att känslor och tankar blir ett hinder samt i sin professionella växt. Detta leder till ökad omvårdnadskvalitet..

Passivhus av helväggselement i träull

Environmental destruction is a growing problem in our world. Almost every day there are new reports concerning that we have to do something about the greenhouse gasses. Simultaneously is the human constantly more eager to have a life with higher standards and therefore uses more energy. The environment is a question that is highly up-to-date and more people try to find solutions on how to save our planet. One way to decrease the energy demand is to build passive houses, where the houses don?t have any active heating.

Förekomst av arteriell insufficiens : och samband till postoperativa sårinfektioner i de nedre extremiteternabland patienter som opererats med Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of arterial insufficiency in patients undergoing CABG surgery and whether arterial insufficiency is a risk factor for postoperative wound infections in the harvesting leg. Patients who had CABG surgery were enrolled consecutively. A total of 144 patients participated in the study. During their hospital stay demographic data was recorded, as well as pre-, intra-, and postoperative tests and risk factors. The patients answered a questionnaire regarding postoperative wound infections 30 days after surgery patients answered a questionnaire regarding infections.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter med invandrarbakgrund

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses? experiences of communicating with patients with immigrant backgrounds regarding language barriers, patient relations and use of interpreter. Method: Eight persons participated in this study. Four registered midwives were interviewed in a focus group and one clinical lecturer with a district nursing background, one midwife and two district nurses were individually interviewed about their experiences. The content was analysed using a qualitative content analysis.

Kön, kroppsbild och dysfunktionella tankar : en sambandsstudie

Body esteem is the affective aspect of body image, which is shaped by social experience. Compared with men, women have a more negative body image, which is more frequently correlated with depression and dysfunctional thoughts, especially in the case of eating disorders. The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in body esteem and its subcategories, and to find out whether there exists a stronger link between negative body esteem and higher levels of dysfunctional thoughts in women. The relationship between body esteem, dysfunctional thoughts and mental illness was examined. Participants were 73 college students doing social sciences and sports training educations.

RELATIONSMARKNADSFÖRING : Att skapa relationer över Internet

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Progesteronrelaterad diabetes mellitus hos älghund :

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a relatively common endocrine disease in dogs and is more common in certain breeds than others, e.g. Nordic spitz breeds. Within the Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound population, female dogs are almost exclusively affected. The hypothesis in this study is that Swedish- and Norwegian Elkhounds develop DM during the progesterone phase of estrous (diestrous or pregnancy). Medical records from 51 female dogs of the breeds Swedish and Norwegian Elkhound were studied.

Optimering av bromsdetaljer i gjutstål

Background: Research has shown that people with limited hand function , and above all osteoarthritis of the thumbs , a limited task ability in daily activities. At a disabilities can be the person's identity, well-being and ability to participate in society is changing. Purpose: The purpose is, through a literature review describing occupational therapy Conservative interventions for people with osteoarthritis of the CMC 1 joint and its consequences for the performance of activities of daily living . Procedure and Analysis: The method in this study, a systematic review of scientific literature used. Database search and manual search occurred during the period from March 2014 to May 2014 .

Kommersiella fastigheter på auktion : En kartläggning av auktionsformatets för- och nackdelar

In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.


This report describes the design and construction of a prototype that automatically aims a microwave link towards a target. The link, that is located on a mobile aerial mast, is used by Saab Training Systems as a part of an infrastructure network. The report also discusses the development of a GUI that communicates with the control unit by Bluetooth.The control unit, called Pan/Tilt-controller, controls the position of the link by stepping motors. One motor controls the azimuth angle and the other one controls the elevation angle.By a GUI the operator enters the coordinates on its own position and the targets position. Hereafter a bearing is calculated and it will be sent up to the control unit.The control unit will sense its own direction by a magnetic sensor that works as an electronic compass.

Familjehemsföräldrars erfarenheter av Paired Reading med placerade barn : Lästräning utifrån nytta och nöje

The academic underachievement of looked after children is well known. By involving foster carers in a Paired Reading intervention a Swedish project tried to address this issue, replicating a successful British trial. The aim of my thesis was to study the variations in the foster carers? experiences of this literacy intervention. Reading reports from 100 children were collected and qualitative interviews with 15 foster parents were analyzed using concepts from motivational psychology.

Faktorer som inverkar på situationer med hot och våld inom vuxenpsykiatrin

Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.

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