

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 48 av 112

"Ingenting svårt, ingenting nytt"

I vår utbildning till lärare inom vård, hälsa och omsorg mötte vi i vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning många elever med muslimsk bakgrund. En troende muslim bör fasta en månad varje år vilket innebar att dessa elever inte kunde äta eller dricka när de gick i skolan. Vi undrade hur de upplevde det. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva några muslimska kvinnors upplevelser av att studera på omvårdnadsprogrammet under fastemånaden ramadan. Som undersökningsmetod användes en allmän kvalitativ ansats och vi valde att göra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnor för att samla in vårt material.

Kvickrotsstudier: 1. Kvickrotens reaktion på myllningsdjup, kvävemängd och kväveplacering i konkurrens med gröda. 2. Reducerad glyfosatanvändning på trädad åkermark :

1. Reaction on burial depth and nitrogen availability and placement in competition with a crop In this trial it was investigated how couch grass (Elymus repens) changes its ability to compete in stands of wheat and barley with different burial depth and different amounts and placement of nitrogen. More knowledge in this area can be valuable in the attempt to decrease the use of herbicides and still keep the weeds under control. The trial was carried out in the summer of 2004 as an outdoor pot experiment. The pots contained 15 litres of soil with a surface of 0,06 m2.

Kunskap om och attityder till dopning bland styrketränande unga vuxna : En kvantitativ undersökning i Mellansverige

The main purpose of this study was to determine the self-estimated levels of knowledge about doping for a group of strength training young adults, and also to get an idea of their attitudes regarding the subject. A part of the purpose was also to investigate the potential associations between knowledge and attitude. Method: To collect information a questionnaire was constructed that was inspired by a similar study and in consultation with the tutor. Questions regarding background, doping and training experiences together with self-esteemed attitudes and knowledge about doping were included. Questionnaires were handed out at gym facilities in central Sweden, and were answered by men and women ages 18 to 35 years.

Hur tränas hundar inom svenska brukshundklubbar? :

This is a descriptive paper based on a questionnaire- and literature study regarding how dogs are trained, what type and frequency of injuries that occur as well as how the dogs are best prepared for work. Using the results from the questionnaire, an overview is given on how members of Working dog clubs train their dogs and what kind of injuries that occur most frequently. The average age among the dogs included in the study was only about three years. This could indicate that older dogs are not trained in the same extent as young dogs. The results show that only a third of the dog owners warmed up their dogs before training.

Göra, veta och känna : - En fokusgruppstudie i attityder till produktplacering i olika medier

Produktplacering har växt i popularitet över åren och används i allt fler typer av medier. Det har gjorts flera studier om konsumenters attityder till produktplacering men endast ett fåtal av dem har gjort en distinktion mellan konsumenters attityder till produktplacering i olika slags medier. Genom att använda fokusgrupper ska denna studie därmed undersöka studenters attityder till produktplacering i de fyra följande medierna; filmer, musikvideor, datorspel samt bloggar. För att ta reda på detta användes ABC-modellen av attityder och studenternas attityder delades upp under de tre olika kategorierna inverkan, beteende och kognition. Resultaten visar att studenter överlag är positiva till produktplacering i filmer och anser att det ofta är en naturlig del av filmer.

Effekten av frekvenskomprimerande hörapparater på taluppfattningen hos patienter med grava diskantnedsättningar ? En experimentell studie

A pilot study conducted on four patients, which we received from the Sahlgrenska University Hospital, who were all potential candidates for a cochlear implant. We fitted our test subjects with a pair of frequency compressing hearing aids called Phonak Naida V SP during the study and let them evaluate them for about seven weeks. Measurements made with monosyllabic words throughout the study showed significant differences in speech perception (p?0.05) compared to their regular hearing aids in 3 out of 4 cases. De-activation of the frequency transposed function showed significant decreases in 3 out of 4 cases compared to when it was activated.All test subjects were satisfied with the new hearing aids and chose to keep using them at the end of the study..

Spawning site selection of brown trout in habitat restored streams

During the timber floating era, most of Sweden?s watercourses were altered. This decreased the amount of available spawning habitats for salmonids, and hence had a negative effect on the riverine brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations. Reconstruction of spawning grounds is today a common measure in restoration of altered streams in Sweden. However, very little evaluation of the effectiveness of these reconstructed spawning grounds exists.

Oljefilmens tjocklek mellan kolvring och cylinderlopp

Hägglunds Drives in Mellansel, Sweden, manufacture radial piston hydraulic motors foremostwithin applications in the industry. These motors have several sliding contacts, one of these, isthe contact between piston ring and cylinder bore. The radial piston hydraulic motors advantageis to produce high torque in very low rotation velocity, this result in that the maximum slidingvelocity between piston ring and cylinder bore, during the whole stroke, is very low. Theconsequence of this low sliding velocity is that the contact between piston ring and cylinderbore, during the whole stroke, is bound to the boundary lubrication regime. This result in, thatthe piston ring is exposed to wear, thus affect the service life of the complete hydraulic motor.To minimize wear of piston ring, it is essential to determine the oil film thickness between thepiston ring and cylinder bore.

Malmö stadsbiblioteks nya informationsdiskar : Planering, utformning, höjd och placering

This Masters thesis in Library and Information Science has the title The New Information Desks at Malmö Public Library . During the rebuilding of the library in Malmö a new information desk was developed. This desk differs to a great extent from conventional information desks used in libraries. The information desk is triangular with rounded edges which allows the librarian and the user of the library to work side by side without any physical barriers. The aim of this thesis is to explore the requirements for the information desks formulated by the library and how they are perceived by the librarians and the users of the library.

Botulism hos svenska hästar :

Botulism is a serious disease with high mortality that can affect horses. Due to this about 20-30 percent of the horses in Sweden are vaccinated against botulism. The purpose of this study was to see how common botulism is in the Swedish horse population and to se if a connection between feeding with haylage and botulism could be seen. In addition to this, the study aimed to find how common vaccination against botulism is among Swedish horses and on what grounds the diagnosis botulism is made. Medical records of horses being diagnosed with botulism at all the major large animal hospitals in Sweden between 1995-2005 were searched. In addition to this the database where general practitioners report their cases as well as the cases with botulism reported to the insurance companies were included. The results of this study show that only 0,03 percent of the Swedish horse population has been diagnosed with botulism during the time period this study covers. In all the cases included in this study the diagnosis was made based on clinical signs and in none of the cases verification by isolating the toxin was possible. In all cases where forage is noted in the journals the horse has been feed haylage which indicate that there is a connection between the use of haylage and botulism. Three horses died despite being partially vaccinated against botulism type B which indicate that a correct vaccination has to be done before the horse get any protection or that the correct diagnosis was not botulism type B..

Förekomst av Giardia i symtomfria valpkullar :

The flagellate Giardia intestinalis has been known to cause diarrhea in both man and dog. Results from epidemiological studies have indicated that transmission of the parasite from dog to man is plausible even though that route of infection has yet to be shown. Several international studies have shown that the parasite frequently occurs in asymptomatic dogs. In Sweden the prevalence of Giardia in healthy dogs is not known though. In this study, faecal samples were collected at two separate occasions from 21 litters and 21 bitches showing no symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. The samples from each litter were pooled but the samples from the bitches were analyzed individually.

Utvärdering av miljönytta för olika miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader : En jämförande fallstudie på Swecos kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö

This thesis examines the environmental benefits resulting from the choice of environmental certification scheme, with focus on energy. This was carried out by studying the measures that were implemented as a result of the certification of Sweco's three largest office buildings in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The office property in Stockholm has been certified with the Swedish Environmental Building, Gothenburg with the British BREEAM and Malmö with the U.S system LEED.The results from the study indicate that an environmental certification can reduce the energy consumption by up to 59 percent and the water consumption by 20 to 66 percent. However; the interviews, literature study and simulations in MATLAB indicate that the size and scope of these environmental benefits depend on several identified factors: the type of building and its conditions, system selection, grade level, the choice of indicators, the ambition of those involved and when in time the certification process begins. The comparison between Environmental Building, LEED and BREEAM showed that Environmental Building for the office property in Stockholm gave the largest environmental benefit in terms of reduced energy consumption thanks to several large measures.

Riskuppfattning och krisberedskap bland personal på gymnasieskolor

The study examines risk perception and crisis preparedness among personnel at high-schools. The focus is set on teachers and leaders at four high-schools in Örebro municipality, Sweden. The purpose of the study is to examine crisis preparedness and identify factors which influences risk perception and crisis preparedness. The survey consisted of a questionnaire which was completed by 95 respondents. The results show that better information about the crisis preparedness in the schools is needed.

Gymnastikens Hus : Ett referenskoncept för anpassade gymnastikhallar

På Svenska Gymnastikförbundets begäran har detta projekt gjorts som ett koncept för dem att ha som utgångspunkt i diskussioner med såväl föreningar som politiker i frågan om gymnastikens behov av anpassade idrottsanläggningar.En användarstudie av gymnastiken, samt flera discipliner, har gjorts och stått som utgångspunkt för anläggningens utformning. Därtill har även en utvärdering av flertalet befintliga hallar som används för gymnastik gjorts för att motivera beslut gällande anpassningar som lyfter anläggningens utförande i jämförelse.Arbetet kommer ge en skriftlig rapport och en digital modell av anläggningen. Modellen presenteras i form av ritningar och visualiseringar..

Olika perspektiv på rättssäkerhet och vad det betyder i förhållande till barn- och ungdomsutredningar inom socialtjänsten

En av de vanligaste insatserna inom den sociala barnavården är familjehemsplaceringar av barn. Det är kommunen som har det övergripande ansvaret för placeringen. Det är vidare samhällets ansvar att enligt lag se till att den unga kommer ifrån en otrygg, bristfällig tillvaro och får god vård i familjehemmet. Socialnämnden beslutar om vården som antingen sker frivilligt med stöd av Socialtjänstlagen, eller med tvång med stöd av Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara vad begreppet rättssäkerhet innebär, både utifrån en allmän definition och mer specifikt vid socialnämndens utredning och beslut om familjehemsplacering av barn och unga.

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