

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 14 av 112

Elefantens könsorgan, reproduktion och embryoutveckling

Hydropericardium or pericardial effusion (PE) is the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac and is often secondary to pericardial diseases or diseases related to the heart. It is unusual with clinically relevant pericardial diseases in cats but pericardial effusion is the most common one. Since PE causes serious symptoms and may lead to death it is important with a quick diagnosis and treatment. PE can be acute and cause cardiac tamponade, which gives severe clinical signs. Cardiac tamponade needs to be treated immediately or else the cat will die from cardiogenic chock. More common is chronic PE where the fluid accumulates during a longer period of time and the pericardial sac stretches.

Pensionärers motionsvanor med fokus på styrketräningens roll för dem

Introduction: Elderly people have much to gain when it comes to physical activity andresistance training. Ageing is a process that every human being has to go through. The mostimportant physical attributes changes, when it comes to handle everyday life and ailment thatusually occurs in the later stages of life. Physical activity and resistance training may help thecommon problem among the elderly, when it comes to cope with issues of pain and strenuouseveryday life that occurs under this ailment. Objective: To identify a senior citizen´sperception about physical activity and attitudes about resistance training.

Modereportage - en marknadsföringskanal?

Marketing has been developed and revalued the last years. The consumer today is moreeducated and is therefore able to have higher demands. These requirements together with theincreased competition is forcing brands to find creative ways to reach their target market.Fashion has throughout history contributed to, and been influenced by, changes in society.Through all times, people have used fashion and clothing as a way to demonstrate their socialidentity and to be accepted. Companies in the fashion industry can be successful if theydevelop brands that attract consumers. To achieve this, companies must find newcommunication tools to reach out to the consumer, among these tools, we find the fashioneditorials.Our aim is to investigate whether product placement occurs in Swedish fashion editorials.Through our thesis we want to explore how consumers perceive the editorials and alsowhether if they are used as a marketing channel.The method is qualitative and the study is based on semi structured interviews and a focusgroup interview.

Kognitiv träning - En litteraturstudie om dess effekt samt eventuella möjligheter inom audiologisk rehabilitering

In recent years cognitive training in order to improve cognitive abilities have becomeincreasingly popular and a lot of research has been conducted within this field. The natural agingprocess has a negative effect on many of our cognitive abilities and this relationship also has a strongconnection with hearing loss. Elderly with hearing loss is therefore a group that could benefit fromcognitive training. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate different types of cognitivetraining directed towards working memory in older adults and to examine the results observedregarding efficacy of this type of training and its transfer effect. Method: A literature reviewconsisting of 17 scientific articles published between 2005-2014.

Tillfrisknande och användning av hästar med fång :

Laminitis has crippled horses through times and many cures have been used to treat it. Since the mechanism of the disease is yet not fully understood, treatments are only ways to alleviate the pain and at best, slow down the pathological process enough to make time for improvement. This paper is a retrospective study of 71 horses treated by a protocol at Hästsjukhuset Strömsholm. The protocol implies three visits at zero, five and fifteen weeks. At each the horse is evaluated and treated by a veterinarian.

Diabetes hos hund : utfodring, motion och vikt som möjliga predisponerande faktorer

This is a study of some risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in dogs. As a pilot study it is meant to give information to be used in a planned later, larger and better controlled study. The present study hypothesized that suboptimal feeding (high percentage of homemade and table foods), lack of activity and overweight contribute to the risk of DM. Twenty consecutive dogs diagnosed with DM at the Veterinary University Clinic in Uppsala between 2000 ? 2003 were chosen as the experimental group.

Precisionsbestämning av bendensitometri

International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) rekommenderar att precisionsbestämning av bentäthetsmätning görs på varje klinik för att bedöma reproducerbarheten. Bentäthetsmätning görs för att diagnosticera osteoporos, följa upp behandling och förutsäga frakturrisk. I studien användes Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) för att utföra dubbla mätningar på redan inbokade patienter på klinisk fysiologi, Skånes Universitetssjukhus (SUS), Lund. 105 patienter ingick i studien. Mätningarna utfördes på helkropp, totalhöft, lårbenshals och ländrygg.

Svårklassryttares förberedelser för dressyrträning : för bäst lärande

SUMMARYThere was no previous study in what high level dressage riders had for ideas of how to best prepare for their training sessions with an instructor. Neither any study of how high level dressage riders seemed to be more or less susceptible to the instructions from their instructor during their training sessions. If the sport had more knowledge about this, it might result in more riders on a higher level. The purpose of this study was to find out how high level dressage riders are preparing themselves for the best result for an instructor led training session and how they could bring as much as possible instructions from the coach. The two questions of the study were: How are high level dressage riders preparing themselves for a training session with an instructor, practically and mentally, and how can they affect their susceptibility to instructions?The study was carried out both by reviewing existing literature and studies in general education and pedagogy in the riding education, and by a qualitative interview study of six dressage riders who rode on a difficult level at the competitions, during the year of 2009.

Övervakning av ston i sen dräktighet genom transrektal ultraljudsundersökning av placentan :

Abortion during late gestation is often caused by placental dysfunction such as placentitis. To prevent this from happening the placenta can be monitored pre partum so treatment can be started at an early stage. Methods for monitoring the placenta include hormonal monitoring, presence of clinical signs of placental dysfunction and ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus and the placenta. Transrectal ultrasonography provides a very good image of the caudal portion of the allantochorion where an ascending placentitis normally establishes. An increased combined thickness of the uterus and the placenta, CTUP, has been associated with placental failure. This study included ten Swedish standardbred trotter mares in late gestation. They were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography of the placenta two times with approximately a month in between. CTUP was measured on each examination.

En genomtänkt introduktion : En studie om vilka faktorer och metoder som påverkar introduktionen av nyanställda på företag 

The master thesis has been constructed together with Scania, who had a wish to develop their training for newly employed design engineers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a company's introduction process can be shaped, as the introduction is the key to success for the individual as well as the organization. With a focus on how the productivity among newly employees can increase and how the introduction becomes meaningful to the individuals and the organization, the objective of this work is to develop concepts applicable for an introduction.The work was conducted using qualitative interviews with several different individuals at Scania and other companies. Along with the interviews a survey was constructed and sent out to newly employed design engineers at Scania to get a view of their opinions on the present training. During the first period of a job there are several factors that affect the employee based on the result from the interviews, previous research and theories.

Människovana grävlingar som testdjur för grythundar. En studie om hur grävlingars beteende och fysiologi påverkas av hundars aggressivitet

In Sweden live badgers are used in tests in order to train and prepare earth dogs for hunting underneath ground. This has for several years causeddebate concerning the welfare of the badgers. It is questioned whether the purpose of the dog training, i.e. to reduce injuries in both dogs and prey, is worth the suffering that is reflected on the badgers. The aim of this investigation was to study 1) stress levels in badgers when used in earth dog training, 2) if the stress load differs when the badgers are exposed to dogs with varying aggression levels (low, moderate, high).

Intramuscular administration of two dosage forms of benzylpenicillin in horse - pain assessment

In veterinary medicine, penicillin is the most used antibiotic in Sweden. Two dosage forms of penicillin are available in Sweden for use in horses, sodium benzylpenicillin (Na-pc) and procaine benzylpenicillin (proc-pc). Proc-pc is the most used dosage form and is used for intramuscular administration which allows horse owners to treat an animal at home under veterinary instruction. Na-pc is only approved for intravenous use in horses. Penicillin is normally well tolerated by horses but a serious, sometimes life-threatening, adverse reaction called penicillin shock may occur.

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

AbstractThis essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants? (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better.This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants? (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated.

Varumärkesplacering i digitala spel : Inverkan av interaktiv belöning och bestraffning på spelarens inställning till och minnesbilder av varumärken

Varumärkesplacering i digitala spel i samband med belöning och bestraffning harundersökts i denna studie. Resultat från tidigare studier på varumärkesplacering i spelanvändes i utformningen av undersökningen. Tidigare undersökningar av belöningoch bestraffning och dess inverkan på minnet studerades också. Detta kan vara förstagången som varumärkesplacering i digitala spel undersöks i samband med interaktivbelöning och bestraffning.Två versioner av spelet Supertuxkart skapades för undersökningen; den ena medbelönings- och bestraffningsåterkoppling och den andra utan. Deltagare från Kina ochSverige medverkade i experimentet.Undersökningen visade att varumärken med belöning eller bestraffning har tydligaeffekter på deltagarnas memorering av varumärken.

Den svettiga sanningen : Bedömning och betygssättning i ämnet idrott och hälsa

Aim and questionsThe purpose for this study was to investigate how marks and mark settings are formed in physical training at some compulsory schools. We also wanted to see how the criteria for marks are formed. These were the main questions during this study.? How do the students find the evaluation and the making in physical training?? Are there differences between different student groups when it comes to their experience around estimation and marking in physical training? (gender, marks, schools etc.)? How do the teachers motivate their marking in physical training?? Are there any differences between the criteria for marking between different schools?MethodThe study was carried out during the spring 2005 at eight schools in a municipality in the middle of Sweden. The study involved 339 students opinion polls and 12 teacher opinion polls.

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