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Miljökonsekvenser av dagvattendamm i Skebäck, Örebro : en fallstudie hur miljöpåverkan av en dagvattendamm intill ett Natura 2000-område kan bedömas
Stormwater is surface runoff water that originates from precipitation or snowmelt and that on hardened surfaces prevents to infiltrate the ground. In city areas stormwater can consists of major amounts pollutants and when reaching a lake or watercourse it can cause damages on vegetation and animals. Therefore it is important to treat polluted stormwater before it reaches the recipient.
The municipality of Örebro have since the 90ies an extensive work with treatment of stormwater in sedimentation ponds. A new stormwater treatment project is planned in an industrial estate in Skebäck, Örebro.
Vilken påverkan har arbetsmarknadens institutioner på arbetslöshet? : en ekonometrisk jämförande studie av kapitalstock och arbetsmarknadsinstitutioner
This papers? objective is to examine the effects that labour market institutions (LMI) have on the unemployment in the short- and the medium run throughout the new Keynesian NAIRU theory, but also to make a comparison with the postkeynesian capital stocks? effect on the unemployment. Thus, it is this papers? main objective to study the economic effects that LMI, capital accumulation and varied macroeconomic shocks might have on unemployment. The paper uses econometric regression models as a methodological benchmark in order to estimate each independent variable?s level of significance and to approximate the effect each have on the dependent variable.
Östersjöledningen : En studie i åsikter och människors trygghetsupplevelse belyst av media
The Nord Stream natural gas pipeline has been a controversial project. The debate was primarily escalated by Poland's strong negative reaction to the project in the spring of 2006 over safety and security and then alternated back and forth in Europe until the approval by the nations most concerned in the Baltic region during the autumn of 2009.In the case study an approach is used that primarily maps out the media image of the various viewpoints that deal with the pipeline and how these viewpoints position themselves, primarily through political and environmental dimensions. Simultaneously there?s an attempt to map out the spatial spread of the media image views as to the proximity and distance to the pipeline in Sweden, Poland and Germany. A key question is whether distance or proximity to a large facility can affect people's attitudes.A parallel focus of the study is to explore the role of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline in the cross-border hinterland region of Szczecin-?winouj?cie.
DELMIA V6 Machining
Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.
Bosnien och Hercegovinas integrering med EU : En studie av korruptionens betydelse
In this paper corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been studied to investigate to what extent corruption inhibits Bosnia and Herzegovina?s possibilities of integrating with EU.The overarching research question is how occurrence of various types and forms of corruption affect the possibilities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to fulfill the criteria negotiated by the EU. In order to undertake this exploration the study uses typologies to identify and categorize the various forms of corruption that exist in Bosnia and Herzegovina and theories about the impact of these forms of corruption. After that these forms of corruption are analyzed in relation to their impact on the various political and economic criteria that are set for integration and membership in EU, such as independent justice system and the acceleration of the privatization process.The results show that corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents a major obstacle to several of the criteria set by the EU and thereby integration with EU. Even though that these priorities are told to be set with realistic goals these priorities will be difficult to fulfill with such widespread corruption as in Bosnia and Herzegovina today..
Brott utan målsägande : En diskursanalys av lagtexter om prostitution
Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.
Legetimus AB - En kundorienterad marknadsanalys
Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.
Hur ofta bör småhus sotas? : En samhällsekonomisk analys av ändrade sotningsfrister
Sweden recently changed the national regulation of chimney sweeping. This study has two purposes. The first purpose is to evaluate the effect of this reform to see if the new regulation has led to an effect in terms of increased chimney fires in single-family houses and for the wood-burning and oil-burning stoves, respectively. The second purpose is an updating of a previous study (Mattsson 1994) of analysis of society´s benefits and costs of different alternative sweeping frequencies for wood-burning and oil-burning stoves. This study also has a secondary purpose to examine the extent to which the local sweeping rules vary with climate conditions. Mattsson, based on his results, proposed that the sweeping requirements for oil-burning stoves should be reduced from twice a year to once every second year and for wood-burning stoves the sweeping should be reduced from four times to once each year.
Det kan vara farligt att ligga lågt - om stadsplanering inför stigande vattennivåer : Exempel från Göteborg, Kristianstad och Arvika
In this study is being examined how cities can be planned in the face of rising water levels and extreme weather, due to the changing climate. The starting point has been to investigate how the problems can be tackled and how the positive sides of water in the city can be strengthened, and synergy effects and greater sustainability be achieved thereby. The method has been literature studies and case studies containing interviews and visits. Göteborg, Kristianstad and Arvika have been studied for discussions and ideas about adaptation. Today, building near water is very popular which brings both advantages and disadvantages.
Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag
Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills.
Utvärdering av Sensus amningsutbildning för blivande föräldrar
ABSTRACTStatistics show that breastfeeding prevalence for Sweden has fallen since the mid 90´s. Studies show that breastfeeding offers health benefits to both mother and child and that the mothers' belief and confidence in their ability to breastfeed is a key factor to having a positive breastfeeding outcome. In 2010, Amningshjälpen in collaboration with Sensus studieförbund, started a nursing course, for mothers-to-be, who wished to breastfeed their babies and its aim was to prepare them for a successful and enjoyable experience.Objective: To examine whether a preparatory breastfeeding course can affect mothers' confidence in their ability to breastfeed and if that ability can affect the breastfeeding outcome when the child reaches four months. A further aim is to investigate the experience of perceived problems surrounding breastfeeding and what affect these might have on the mothers' confidence in breastfeeding when the child reaches four months.Design/Methods: A quantitative approach with prospective experimental design was used to evaluate the study. The questionnaire Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short Form (BSES-SF) was used three times to measure women's trust in lactation.
Proportionalitetsprincipen : En studie av dess inverkan i LOU
The principle of proportionality is considered one of the most important contemporary legal principles on which it intends to protect individual citizens against disproportionate action by the authorities. This aroused our interest prior to this study. The essay reveals how such behavior might look like and how courts have chosen to adjudicate in cases where the individual has been discriminated against or subjected to unreasonable demands in public procurement. That section of the law that were current throughout all court cases are Public Procurement Act (2007:1097) LOU. That which we have seen in every court case is that the applicant has not received a proper fair chance when the requirements of the contract often been asked in a way that either exclude the smaller applicant company or rule out various potential applicants parties due to excessive and sometimes unnecessary requirements.
Pedagogers inställning till it och media i förskolan- hot eller möjlighet
Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.
Innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet - en initial prövning av bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Characteristics (AWC-1)
Insikten om vikten av att använda vetenskapligt beprövade bedömningsinstrument inom arbetsterapi ökar. Många instrument för bedömning av arbetsförmåga uppvisar en brist på vetenskapliga kvaliteter såsom validitet och reliabilitet. Detta medför ett behov av att vetenskapligt testa de instrument som idag används samt vid utvecklingen av nya instrument använda sig av systematisk vetenskaplig metodik. Syftet med denna studie var att utföra en initial prövning av innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet för bedömningsinstrumentet Assessment of Work Characteristics (AWC-1). Stipulativa definitioner av innehållsvaliditet och användbarhet användes för att avgränsa studien.
Energieffektivisering av uppvärmningssystem i småbostadshus
Uppvärmningen av ett småbostadshus står vanligen för kring hälften av dess energianvändning. Enligt energimyndigheten drar det svenska standardhuset 22,7 MWh per år varav 12,2 MWh går till uppvärmning. Att ge värmesystemet så bra förutsättningar som möjligt bör alltså vara av intresse för varje husägare, kanske främst ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv men även ur ett ekologiskt perspektiv.I detta arbete har olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärder studerats som kan implementeras i en tvåplansvillas värmesystem bestående av en värmepump, golvvärme på nedervåningen och olika värmedistributionssystem på övervåningen. Åtgärderna har innefattat både praktiska såsom val av isolering i golvvärmesammanhang och mer teoretiska såsom reglerstrategier. Relevant teori för de ingående systemen har presenterats och utgjort grunden för implementeringar av systemen i simuleringsprogrammet IDA Indoor Climate and Energy.