

4383 Uppsatser om Climate impact assessment - Sida 47 av 293

Design av interaktionsmoment för spelarmotivation

The game industry is growing by every year but for some reason the research surrounding it hasn't caught up with its rapid expansion. This study aims at expanding the knowledge surrounding one of those areas, player motivations. An empirical model has been used to identify which interaction has the highest impact on player motivation in story-driven roleplaying-games. By conducting semi-structured interviews with eight different game developers using the GameFlow model to explore the use of interactions to sustain the motivation of the player a new criteria has been identified. This additional criteria was: Alive, and it was shown to have a high impact on motivation in story-driven roleplaying-games.

Odling av vedartade växter i kärvt klimat : En studie om zonkartans användning i Norr- och Västerbottens län

Härdighet för vedartade växter förknippas oftast med zonkartans zonangivelser. Det är dock inte enbart härdighetsiffran som bestämmer om en växt är härdig eller inte. Klimatet på platsen är en avgörande faktor för hur en växt klarar sig eller inte. Via en enkät tog jag reda på vad odlare i Norr- och Västerbottens län tycker om zonkartan och hur de använder sig av den när de väljer vedartat växtmaterial. Nästan alla odlare ställer sig positiva till zonkartans zonangivelser. De påpekade dock brister med användandet av den då den inte tar hänsyn till växtens proveniens, lokalt klimat eller växters krav på odlingsplats vilket är viktiga faktorer som påverkar härdigheten hos växten.

Det industriella byggandets betydelse för skapandet av de estetiska egenskaperna i bostadens arkitektur - En fallstudie på företaget JM AB

The study aims to investigate the impact of industrialised homebuilding in the creation of the aestheticproperties of the dwelling architecture.The concepts of industrialised homebuilding and the aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture aredefined by previously developed models. In these models, industrialised homebuilding is described byeight characteristic areas. The aesthetic properties of the dwelling architecture are described by sevenaesthetic qualities.The study was conducted as a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The companyJM AB is the analysed unit that the author of this report has chosen to study. JM employees and by JMhiredarchitects were interviewed.The report concludes that characteristic area planning and control of processes are considered to havepositive impact on the aesthetic qualities if the process is designed in such a way that the creations ofthese are admitted.

I andra hand en studie av attraktiviteten hos boenden med hållbarhetsanspråk

There is an irregularity in the interregional migration in Sweden. An increasing proportion ofthe population is drawn to the metropolitan areas, which creates problems for the smallermunicipalities and towns when their population declines. At the same time, our whole societyis faced with a great challenge: we need to redirect towards a sustainable development, wherethe environmental issues are discussed and dealt with to secure that all present and futuregenerations are given equal opportunities to live a good life.The aim of this study is to, focusing mainly on the environmental dimension of thesustainability concept, examine the attractivity of housing with sustainability claims. Toanswer this, three research questions were used:? Was the migration motive to reduce their environmental impact a part of the decision tomove, among migrants who had moved to housing with sustainability claims?? If the motive was a part of the decision, how much impact did it have compared to othermigration motives?? Which factors in housing aiming at sustainability are considered important by peopleliving in housing with sustainability claims?The research questions have been answered using quantitative data, gained in the form of selfadministeredquestionnaires which were distributed in four different residential areas withsustainability claims in the county of Västra Götaland, Sweden.

Månadskostnader vid investering i ny bostad : En jämförelse av olika investeringsalternativ och deras ekonomiska påverkanvid införskaffning av ny bostad.

This is a work that look at the factors that affect future monthly costs when buying a house in Sweden and which options are the most financially favorable over a 30 year period. The work also examines whether it is economically beneficial to invest in a low-energy house regardless of geographic location in Sweden, and discuss about whether a calculation template can help individuals to choose more environmentally friendly options. The work has been limited so that a certain number of predetermined factors and its measurable values have been developed with the help of a literature study. The factors chosen are building type, climate, heating systems, loan interest rates, energy prices, energy price increases, inflation rates and down payment. These are then combined into 72 different calculation cases which get put in a calculation model made in excel.

Knapphet och Selektivitet: Påverkan på attityd och värde

The study examines selectivity of the customer base and scarcity of a product?s effect on attitude and value towards a product or service. A questionnaire study is made from three different situations. The result varied depending on the situation; however it was found that selectivity of the customer base and scarcity has a great impact on the attitude and the perceived value towards a product or service. Selectivity of the customer base was found having the highest level of impact on both attitude and perceived value.

Small scale pig production in Takeo province ina rural area of Cambodia

Cambodia, in Southeast Asia, has tropical monsoonal climate with distinct dry and rain seasons. Many people are poor and live in rural areas. Farmers mainly culture rice, and raise pigs, cattle and poultry as well. During two months, a minor field study was performed in Cambodia. The main purpose was to evaluate the impact of contributions done by projects that started in 2005 and were managed by the local organization CelAgrid.

Är Sveriges EU-medlemskap gynnsamt för Småland-Blekinge regionens främjande av små till medelstora företag?"

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

Kristendomens särställning i religionsläroböcker : en komparativ studie av hur kristendomen och dess tre inriktningar framställs i religionsläroböcker anpassade till Lpo 94 och Lgr 11

Christianity has for a long time played a significant role in the Swedish school system, which can be seen in the syllabus of the course religion in 2011 where Christianity got a special status and the Christian alignments were explicit named. The aim of this essay was to see whether, and if so how, Christianity and its three alignments ? Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism ? had developed a greater impact in religion textbooks for grades 7?9 adapted to Lgr 11 compared to Lpo 94 and partly to see if there had been any changes and to what extent. The main question concerned whether Christianity had a greater impact in religion textbooks adapted to Lgr 11 than Lpo 94 and how Christianity could be seen as culture-religion. The sub-questions concerned whether there was any differences in what Christianity is and to what extent Christianity were represented in religion textbooks, but also if any difference to what range the three alignments where represented. The study consisted of six religion textbooks for grades 7?9, where three were adapted to Lpo 94 and three to Lgr 11.

Liten förändring, stor skillnad : En kvalitativ studie om logotypers påverkan på den visuella identiteten

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of logotypes within the visual identity and identify possible reasons that motivate companies to change their logo. This paper should also clarify how different parts of the visual identity affect each other and how they are interconnected. The thesis research question is formulated with the purpose in mind and has led to the following question: How can a logo change contribute to enhanced visual identity? Since we wanted to obtain a better understanding of the chosen research area with help of interviews have we chosen a qualitative method for this thesis. During the process we have let the empirical material control the chosen theories.


To achieve peak performance as a young elite athlete, there are many psychological andphysical factors that have impact on human?s performance. Factors that affect theperformance interplay and interact must work to maintain ability to perform at its peak.The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that contribute to peak performance.Data collection method of the study has been done with a questionnaire, addressed toyoung elite athletes on a secondary school. It was 87 respondents who participated onvoluntary and anonymously conditions. The respondents consisted of men and womenbetween 16 and 19 years old.

"Livsföring i övrigt" : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av kommunala riktlinjer för ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the municipal guidelines regarding the construction of the prerequisite "other living expenses", and how the construction of the prerequisite was constructed in relation to the legislation. The sample of the thesis was the municipalities in Stockholm?s county. The empirical result was compiled with the hermeneutical method, and analyzed through a legal perspective and three different theoretical perspectives, as well as compared with previous studies. The theoretical perspectives were legal pluralism, bureaucracy, legitimacy and rule of law.

To practice corporate responsibility : a study of how Swedish food retailers practice strategic corporate responsibility for image differentiation

Due to the increase of the emission of greenhouse gas and climate changes more and more customers demand environmentally sustainable products. The increased demand of sustainable products from cradle to grave is something that has affected the food sector. Many retailers within the food sector feel that they are less or more forced to be environmentally friendly. Nowadays many retailers have chosen to show customers and stakeholders that they want to ?do good? by publishing annual sustainability reports. The Swedish food market has been one of many markets investing in being environmentally friendly.

Lufttäta byggnader

The viscosity of air buildings is a hot topic within the construction performers, which the industry feel they have too little knowledge about. This study is mainly aimed against air density in apartment buildings and airflow measurement. The study consists of a theoretical reference, educational visit, interviews and a survey conducted among construction workers at Magistratshagen in Linkoping.Earlier requirement in terms of air leakage through the climate screen was removed and today there are only energy requirement for a dwelling in Boverkets Building Regulations. The difference between a passive and a typical air tight construction is that the passive house have a maximum requirement of 0.3 l /s m2 of air leakage through the building climate screen. The requirement imposed on passive houses is to minimize the supply of power and energy for heating the building.Air tight constructions have heavy demands on the performance and accuracy of everyone involved with the project. The client must specify their requirements and also be prepared to pay for any additional costs. The architect and building planners have to design the building with regard to air tightness. Finally, the construction workers are required to do a careful work in order to get all the connections in the building air tight.The study suggests that an air tight building is a closed system where no forced ventilation exists. There are no reasons not to build too tight as long as there is a functioning ventilation. In this study the authors ask themselves how an air tight building changes over time. No theoretical information has been found on these changes, but the respondents assume that air density decreases with time. The deterioration is mainly assumed to be caused by construction materials changes over time. The study shows that construction workers knowledge of air tight construction is mixed, which they themselves admit in the survey..

Nutritionsstatus och boendesituation hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En empirisk studie

Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) leder till ökat energibehov, relaterat till ökat andningsarbete och brister i näringsintag är vanligt hos patienter med KOL. Näringsmässigt stöd för patienter med KOL, som lider av nutritionsproblem, är en viktig del av omvårdnaden vid KOL.Syftet var att beskriva och jämföra nutritionsstatus, lungfunktion och boendesituation hos patienter med KOL inom primärvård.Studien har en beskrivande och komparativ design och genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie. Urval och datainsamling baserades på en tidigare studie och studiegruppen innehöll 81 deltagare. För att bedöma nutritionsstatus användes bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA).Resultatet visade att de inkluderade patienterna med KOL, som var ensamboende, bedömdes ha sämre nutritionsstatus än de icke ensamboende. Jämförelsen mellan lungfunktion och nutritionsstatus visade inget signifikant samband.

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