

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 7 av 86

Klimatfrågan -från en kritisk händelse till en politisk modefråga?

Few issues have been exposed in media recently as much as the climate change issue. Afterthe documentary film ?An Inconvenient Thruth? presented by Al Gore was released in 2006,most of the world saw a lot of attention directed towards global warming. This was a turningpoint that is refered to in this dissertation an history-graded critical event, which is assumed tohave a significant impact on peoples lives.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine whether or not political parties in Swedenresponded to this critical event in the way that they, in their party programmes, haveformulated policies related to climate change. Alternatively if media produces an image ofpolitical activity which does not comport with the forming of actual political standpoints.

Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM

This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ??up of three layers.

Förutsättningar för skred i Huddinge kommun idag och i ett framtida klimat

It is imperative to provide more information regarding changed conditions resulting landslide events in a future climate. The aim of this thesis is to assess landslide susceptibility in Huddinge Municipality in middle Sweden. The main purpose is to produce a map, to visualize landslide susceptible areas, and to integrate the result with changes in physical factors such as climate change. Also, the thesis aims to analyze anthropogenic factors such as changes in land use and an increasing population in Huddinge Municipality. Methods used are GIS-analyses, interviews with staff of Huddinge Municipality, and field observations.

Klimatcertifiering av livsmedelsföretag : -  En kvalitativ studie om vad som får företag att anta klimatmärkningen och vad det innebär

This essay is a study of the motives and driving forces affecting how a food producer looks at, and incorporates, an environmental-labeling and its impact on their organization and strategy. Driving forces and motivations is an important part of a business strategy and impacts its content and its expression. Sustainability can be part of the overall company strategy but could also define the entire company. This study has shown that the main motive for working with eco-labelling is a genuine interest in issues concerning sustainability. This creates an opportunity for the company to communicate their environmental policies to their customers. For a company that works proactive and innovative with sustainability and climate issues, the new climate framework does not mean any major organizational or strategic changes.When the framework is incorporated in the organization the farms need to be analyzed with a climate impact perspective. This essay shows that this process, together with tools developed to handle the framework, make change in the way dairy farmers think and how they relate to their daily work..

Klimatfaktorers inverkan på granbarkborrens svärmningsintensitet i Medelpad

The spruce bark beetle (Ips typographhus) is one of the 25 000 species of insects in Sweden, an insect of great economic importance because it can alone terminate forest of high value. During the past decade, insights of climate change received with increasing attention. If the future brings a milder climate in the north and therefore a longer growing season, one would think that it would only affect the forestry to the better? Yet in recent time, outbreaks after storm felling seems to occur more frequently. The Spruce bark beetle ruins millions of cubic meter of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in Sweden alone, with more frequent storm felling and a larger amount of wind thrown threes in the forests there will also be room for an advancing reproduction.

Utmattning av järnvägsbroar i armerad betong : Enligt eurokoder

Commissioned for this report is Ramboll, Bridge and Tunnel Unit in Stockholm. Theidea throughout the work has been to primarily help bridge designers compilingadvice and instructions on how fatigue verification for railway bridges in reinforcedconcrete shall be performed under the new rules, the Eurocodes.After the introduction of the Eurocodes in 2011 has major problems emerged amongdesigners around Sweden. In some areas, it differs in the calculation rules comparedwith rules from the Swedish Transport Administration and the National Board ofHousing, Building and Planning calculation. Fatigue verification is one area where thenew calculation rules are different from the past.A large part of the report has been to interpret and find the relevant information inthe Eurocodes concerning fatigue. When questions or doubts have surfaced, this hasbeen discussed with Elisabeth Helsing at the Swedish Transport Administration andbridge designers at Ramboll.The result is a report where the structure is organized in the way that the bridgedesigners can move from cover to cover and realize that fatigue verification in realityfollows the same order as the report's sections.

Identifiering av områden med risk för fosforförluster genom ytavrinning : metodutveckling med GIS

The eutrophication of lakes and seas with the algal bloom and deficiency inoxygen that follow, has been given priority by the Swedish government as oneof 16 environmental objectives. The purpose of this project was to develop a toolbased on a simple model, limited amount of data and geographic informationsystem (GIS) to identify areas with risk for phosphorus losses due to surfacerunoff. This tool can act as a decision support to decide where appropriatemeasures should be applied with the aim of reducing phosphorus losses and bythat the eutrophication.The method that has been used is a combination of two models, one calculatingthe potential erosion while the other one identifies areas of erosion (net erosion)or deposition. This ability is of great importance because potential erosionshould be calculated on areas with net erosion. Areas with high potential erosionhave an increased risk for phosphorus losses due to surface runoff.The potential erosion was calculated based on factors which describe how topography(LS), land use (C), soil type (K) and precipitation (R) effect the erosion.All of them have been modified to a greater or lesser extent.

Handlingsplan för rening av dagvatten från hårt trafikerade gator i Örebro

The main purpose with the project has been to approximate the magnitude of the pollution transport from the actual road surfaces and to get an approximation of the possibility to collect the pollutants to reduce the load to the water and improve the water quality.The quantity of pollution transport from the most trafficated roads areas in Örebro city has been calculated. Roads whith a traffic exceeding 10 000 vehicle/day. The study has been done with the calculation tool StormTac. Through analysis of traffic loads and road surface, which together with a different kinds of parameters gives an approximation of the pollutant transport.The calculation has included some metals and other substances in the stormwater and has also included the present of suspended solids. Included the overall study, some smaller areas has also been calculated for the possibility to remove pollutants.The work also includes calculation for three different areas for stormwater treatment.

Klimatinducerade fenologiförändringar och dess effekter i näringsväven

The climate affects animal populations through several processes. These processes includereproduction, phenology and the success of hunting. By influencing the phenology of species theclimate also affects the way species interact. If a climate-induced phenology change promotes abasal species to bud earlier in the spring for example, this will affect the links to other species inthe food web due to a time lag in the tropic levels above. This dependence, that a predator has tobeing synchronous to its prey, is called the match/mismatch hypothesis (MMH).

Energihushållning och varsamhet för äldre byggnader : Chefsbostaden i Strömsholm, ett timmerhus från 1900-talets början

This report is the result of a degree project in building engineering, at an advanced level. The project evaluated a building from a technical and historical point of view, and focused on its energy consumption, particularly the energy used for heating. The building in question was a small apartment building in Strömsholm, Sweden. It was made in 1902, from vertical logs, a not so common form of the traditional log house. The goal of the project was to evaluate if the energy consumption could be reduced in accordance with building preservation regulations, that is without damaging any of the building?s cultural or historical values.The building was surveyed with the help of archive and literature studies, interviews and inspections.

Arbetsklimatets betydelse för mobbning : En studie om 2 rektorer och 4 lärares syn på arbetsklimatet inom personalgruppens inverkan på mobbning

I have done a study to see what perceptions held by two principals and four teachers, if adult behavior and attitudes towards each other will affect the climate between the students and put it in relation to the fundamental values of work and policy documents. I have also examined how they describe their work environment in their daily work and how they work to combat bullying.I have used qualitative interviews as a method to get answers to my questions. The interviews took place at two different schools, in which I interviewed a headmaster and two teachers at both schools. What emerged during the interviews were compiled and processed with aid based on previous research and theories which focus is in a social constructionist approach.The results as it shows in my study highlights a consensus among the interviewees that the personnel group working atmosphere affects the climate between the students and that there is a good understanding of the impact they have. The study also shows that the experience of their work climate affects by how the communication between management and staff looks likes and how many resources there are in the form of personnel.

Koldioxidutsläpp vid vägbyggnad - en fallstudie med jämförelse av alternativa byggnadssätt

Abstract This degree project examines how much carbon dioxide that emits during the construction phase of a road project. This is to make it possible to compare how the amount of carbon dioxide differentiates between traditional road construction and Swepave construction, which is PEAB?s alternative way to design roads. To make the comparison a calculation tool has been produced. To compare the amount of carbon dioxide emissions a reference project was needed.

Klimat i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar : hantering av klimatförändringar och extrema väderhändelser i MKB

There has always been global warming on earth and it is because of it that the earth is inhabitable. Without global warming the temperature on earth would be around -18 ° C instead of today's + 15 ° C. Global warming is generated by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which trap long wave radiation in the earth's atmosphere. The problem today is that the global concentration of green house gases has significantly increased since the 1750's as a result of human activity. Today's values widely exceed the preindustrial values.

Kapacitetsberäkningsmodell för materialhanteringsflödet på Ericsson i Kumla

Ericsson?s factory in Kumla, Modules Kumla, became a hub for radio modules and micro base stations, which enables mobile communication through radio base stations, in 2004. Because of this the factory focuses more on the logistics operations. This has led to a need to be able to plan the capacity for the materials handling system. This master thesis has therefore been performed at Modules Kumla to develop a capacity calculation model for the material handling flow during the autumn of 2005.The work has contained a mapping of the material handling flow regarding to which activities was performed and how much time they consumed.

Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar

Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integra­tion of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the gen­eral plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physi­cal planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.

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