

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 5 av 86

Utvärdering av en behandlingsperiod i varmt klimat för personer med pelvospondylit

Purpose: To evaluate how a treatment period on four weeks in a warm climate influences physical function, condition and the patient's experience of the climate effect of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Method: 10 persons with a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis went through four weeks of treatment on Centro Forestal Sueco, Marbella. The treatment consisted of both physical and theoretic lessons given of a rehabilitation team. All patients were examinated measured for physical function and condition before treatment, after two weeks and at the end of the treatment. To measure physical function, Timed-Stands Test, Timed Get Up and Go, The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, Index of muscle function and functionestimitation of shoulder/arm were used.

Vart bör Kiribati, Tuvalu och Marshallöarnas befolkningar ta vägen? : En normativ analys inom ämnet för klimatförändringarnas utmaningar

The effects of anthropogenic climate change are becoming more and more visible as being highlighted by scientists, politicians and media. The causes of droughts, floods, melting ice caps and rising sea levels can all partially be traced back to human activities. In this study, I examine where the future climate refugees of Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands should go when inhabitants of these low lying island nations are forced to leave their disappearing territories due to sea level rise. By using a normative method of analysis i egentlig mening, arguments deriving from certain values will be presented to confront the problem. These values originate from Edward A.

Organisationsklimatets betydelse för anställdas välbefinnande

The main aim of the study was to examine the importance of organizational climate for affective job-related wellbeing. A further aim was to investigate potential differences in employee level in the experience of organizational climate and wellbeing. Another purpose was to see if there was agreement in the view of the organizational climate among the employees. Questionnaires were collected from 44 employees at a chain store. Results showed that Integration, Involvement, Supervisory Support, Training, Welfare, Innovation and Flexibility, Goal Clarity, Efficiency, Effort, Performance Feedback, Pressure to Produce and Quality had a great influence on Enthusiasm but only Pressure to Produce and Welfare correlated with Anxiety.

Datormodellering av en värmelagrande betongväggs inverkan på det termiska klimatet i ett växthus

This report describes the building of a computer model that makes it possible to simulate the thermal climate in a greenhouse. The computer model is built on the physical theory of heat exchange that occur in a greenhouse, such as radiation and convective heat exchange. The model also includes the heat storage that is active in a greenhouse.The computer model is used to simulate the thermal climate in a greenhouse under three periods, winter, spring and summer. It also investigates which effect a concrete wall has on the thermal climate in a greenhouse. The purpose of putting a concrete wall in the greenhouse model is to investigate the possibility to store heat during the day and then use this heat when the temperature drops during the night.The result from the simulations shows that a concrete wall levels the big difference in temperature that normally occurs under a day in a greenhouse.

Hur kan det pedagogiska och det sociala klimatet förklara skolors förutsättningar för framtida effektivitetsutveckling? : En jämförande studie av två kommunala högstadieskolor

Pupil achievement and behaviour in schools was earlier seen as given by socioeconomic and biological factors. But since the late 1970s the school effectiveness research has come to give school factors a much greater role for pupils? attainments. Research has shown that schools´ pedagogical and social climate, which is to be seen as a complex product of deeply felt values and norms held by school principals and teachers and developed through practical actions, can explain variations in effectiveness between schools. Effectiveness is here to be seen as a higher mean cognitive and non cognitive student outcome than is expected with regard to initial attainment or family background.

Bildandet av naturreservat : uppföljning och klimatanpassning

AbstractWe are facing a century of rapid change in climate, with significant challenges in managing the impact of changes in living conditions for plants and animals. We can already see the responses of species through changes in phenology and spatial distribution, which may change ecosystem structure and function, with subsequent effect on ecosystem services and biological diversity. In Sweden, between 2005 and 2010, the red-listed species has increased by 13 % and similar trends can be seen across the world, making it difficult to attain national and international environmental objectives of preserving biodiversity. One way to reduce the loss of biodiversity is to protect nature from exploitation by allocating valuable areas as nature reserves, but climate change affects protected areas just as much as other landscapes and therefore requires elaborate systems of protection to facilitate species' survival. The paper has examined  how the decisions and management plans for nature reserves in Sweden have been followed-up and whether they are climate adapted or not by examining 30 nature reserves, classified as newly formed (2012), recently revised (2009-2011) and older (1977-2007) reserves, and assessed what is in the decisions and management plans for follow-up, revision, long-term goals and documentation.

Klimatanpassningen i Sverige, Finland och Holland : Styrningens uppbyggnad, problem och möjligheter

För att möta kommande klimatförändringar behövs klimatanpassning vilket innebär att skydda samhället mot klimatförändringarna och ta tillvara eventuella möjligheter. Olika länder har tillämpat olika sätt att styra anpassning, vilka generellt kan delas in i top-down och bottom-up styrning. Dessa styrformer generar olika problem och möjligheter för implementering. Till exempel så brister ofta styrning genom top-down implementeringen på lokal nivå, medan bottom-up ofta försvåras av att lokala aktörer saknar resurser i implementering. I denna litteratur och dokumentsbaserade studie undersöker vi aktuell forskning och policydokument för att med stöd av Environmental Governance-teorin, klargöra styrningsformernas uppbyggnad, effektivitet, problem och möjligheter.

Att möta utmaningen - En diskursanalys av europeiska staters inställningar till utsläppsreduktioner

The European Union is a self proclaimed leader in the field of climate change and has a common target for reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. In spite of this, there are great differences between the member states capacity and dedication to the cause of implementing the Unions climate policy and reduce their emissions. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to an understanding of how different European states construct their identity in the context of climate change mitigation. By analyzing national documents from three European states and using tools deriving from discourse analysis, I aim to illuminate differences and similarities in their rhetoric. The result is that due to the states relationship to the European Union and the United Nations, there are great similarities in the way they construct mitigation and their identity.

Klimatfrågan i dagspressen : En analys av den bild svenska dagstidningar förmedlar genom sina ledarartiklar när det gäller klimatförändringarna

ABSTRACTClimate Change in the Daily PressAn Analysis of the Representation Swedish Daily Papers Convey Through Their Editorials About the Climate ChangeThe purpose of this essay is partly to present how swedish daily papers describe the climate change through their editorials and partly to examine if their politcal affiliation effect their point of view about the climate change. The search incluedes editorials from 6 daily papers (Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Göteborgstidningen, Nerikes Allehanda and Svenska Dagbladet) from the year 1997 to the year 2003. Three discourses and the order between them, found by a former analysis (Adger and others, 2001) of the international politics of climate change, are used as types of ideal in a form of an analysis of idea.The analysis reveals that the swedish daily papers don?t give the problem any major attention. Only a total of 65 editorials about the climate change could be found even though the papers produces several thousands during the period.

Metod för beslutsstöd vid formulering och uppföljning av en kommuns klimatmål : fallstudie Uppsala kommun

The purpose of this study is to create a method that can be used to produce decisionsupport data for the climate goals of a municipality. The method should be able to demonstrate the potential for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for measures aimed at the stationary energy system in the municipality. It will be used to make longterm projections of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in order to be able to demonstrate the ability to reach climate goals. The aim was also to test the method's applicability by using the municipality of Uppsala and the Uppsala climate protocol project in a case study. Uppsala climate protocol is a project consisting of participants from business, government and organizations that voluntarily want to commit to reducing their carbon footprint by reducing their energy use and thus work to achieve the municipality's overall climate goal. Public reporting of energy use and climate impact has been studied in order to examine the nature of indicators and accounting figures that are commonly used in the field and how long-term forecasts are formulated. In connection to this, the type and sources for the kind of data needed was also examined.

Effekten av arktiskt klimat på inre kvalitet hos bär

This project is a literature study with the hypothesis that Arctic climate has a positive effect on the accumulation of metabolites in berries. Plant metabolites are often divided into primary and secondary metabolites. Primary metabolites such as proteins and nucleic acids are essential for cell function, while secondary metabolites are often non-essential, but have important functions regarding reproduction and survival. The berries mentioned in this project are from the families Ericaceae, Rosaceae, Elaeagnaceae och Grossulariaceae.The conclusion drawn from this literature study is that it is not obvious what favours accumulation of metabolites in berries. Other factors aside from climate affect the production of secondary metabolites, such as time of harvest, cultivars and ripeness.

Klimathotet i din tidning : En studie av klimathotets framställning i dagspress och kvällspress

The purpose of this study was to examine the threats from climate change coverage in the media. The climate threats start to appear more frequently in the media and because of that it is important to examine what the media conveys to the viewers and readers since it may effect how people act when it comes to climate threats. In this study newspaper has been examined, more specifically daily press and evening press. The papers chosen was Aftonbladet and Expressen, which represented evening press, and Dagens Nyheter represented daily press.The method applied was both a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. With the quantitative method variables were formed and tested against the material.

Metod för beslutsstöd vid formulering och uppföljning av en kommuns klimatmål : Fallstudie Uppsalakommun

The purpose of this study is to create a method that can be used to produce decision supportdata for the climate goals of a municipality. The method should be able to demonstrate the potential for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for measures aimed at the stationary energy system in the municipality. It will be used to make long term projections of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in order to be able to demonstrate the ability to reach climate goals. The aim was also to test the method's applicability by using the municipality of Uppsala and the Uppsala climate protocol project in a case study. Uppsala climate protocol is a project consisting of participants from business, government and organizations that voluntarily want to commit to reducing their carbon footprint by reducing their energy use and thus work to achieve the municipality's overall climate goal.

Utbredning av markvibrationer och stomljud från järnväg : Undersökning och anpassning av beräkningsmodell

The problems with train-induced vibrations are increasing with heavier and faster trains. Therefore the work with propagating vibrations is of outmost importance, and that is what this thesis relates to.To get a sensible idea of the propagation, calculation models are often used. Propagation calculation models takes into account factors such as distance to the railway, the ground material and the velocity and weight of the train. This work is mainly about finding suitable existing models and, if necessary, adjust them to be more useful with modern trains and railways.The report contains the work of adjusting one such model and does, despite the fully functional adjusted model, describe how much more there can be done within this topic. Finally, a few tips about specific areas that preferably should be studied to get even further knowledge about the troublesome problems from railways..

Allergifritt hus

This report consists of two parts, out of which the first deals with the planning and designing ofa small house in the Swedish city of Huddinge, using the weather conditions of the Swedish cityof Malmö. The house has to be in accordance with the Swedish building- and constructionregulations, as well as with the limitations in energy consumption given.The house itself has to consist of at least two bedrooms, and blueprints of the house, variousconstructional elements, ventilation, sanitation and electricity have to be drawn. Calculations ofthese aspects also have to be made, to ascertain that the different parts function as they should,and that the dimensions are sufficient.The second part is called ?Allergy free home?, and investigates how indoor climate affects us,and whether it has changed during the last few decades. It also makes an effort to see whetherthe increase of allergies and asthma is correlated with possible changes in indoor climate, andwhether technical solutions might help to handle or even decrease the issues arisen.

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