

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 45 av 86

Skuggföredragande växter i trädgård

Detta examensarbete innehåller en beskrivning av växter som under olika förhållanden trivs och kan växa i områden med delvis eller hel skugga. Beskrivningarna av växterna är översiktliga och ämnar inte informera läsaren grundligt om växten utan enbart om enklare fakta för att kunna planera sin trädgård. Jag har valt att inrikta mig på markförhållande beroende på klimatet (torr, fuktig och blöt mark) och markförhållande beroende på substratet (sand, lera, humus och torv) samt temperaturbundna växter. Därefter följer en slutsats där jag reflekterar över mitt arbete. ***********This thesis contains a description of plants that thrive and can grow under different conditions in areas with partial or full shade.

Att mäta ankeltryck i primärvården : Distriktssköterskors och distriktsläkares uppfattningar om en undersökningsmetod och dess användning

Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), as a consequence of atherosclerosis in the arteria of the limbs, affects one of ten Swedes older than 65. PAD can develop slowly and silently, and involves an increased risk for cardiac infarction and stroke. Measurement of the patient´s ankle blood pressure and calculation of the ankle-brachial index is an evidence-based method to discover PAD. Objective: To investigate how district nurses and general practitioners perceive this method of examination and experience possible obstacles to why it is not more commonly applied at primary health care centres. Method: Data collected by semi-structured interviews have been processed by qualitative content analysis with a manifest onset.

Rhododendron och dess skadegörare

Swedish energy policy aims to increase the use of energy from renewable sources and this should be done in a safe, environmentally and sustainable manner. According to the Energy Agency the use bio-fuel increased by 73% between 1990 - 2006. Stands with high share of slash are often located on areas with high productivity which often are located on soils with poor bearing capacity. This will increase traffic on susceptible soil leading to increased ground damage. To reduce the risk of ground damage at slash-forwarding, ground protection is needed.

Fallstudie på växtodlingsgård :

This report will point out the income for a scania plant production farm, this has been estimated through a case study. The outcome of this report will later be used to calculate a reasonable leasehold charge. This case study is solitary based upon this particular studied farm, at this very point, and can therefore not be used as a general guide. The reason why this particular scania plant production farm has been selected, is because the author is born and raised at the farm and has the intention to run the farm in the future. The chosen farm for this report is based in the southwest of scania and cover 300 hectare of plant production. The crop rotation consists of autumn wheat, sugar beats, spring wheat, spring barely, winter rape and fallow. The farm owns all machinery required.

Nordisk mytologi : En läroboksstudie

Syftet med studien var att undersöka människors motivation till deltagande inom lagidrott, vilken motivationsreglering som påverkar en idrottare till deltagande inom idrott samt hur uppfattat självbestämmande stöd från tränaren påverkar motivationsreglering, beroende på kön och spelarposition. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 146 idrottare, 59 kvinnor och 87 män, som var medlemmar i olika idrottsföreningar. Insamling av data gjordes i form av personlig kontakt med en enkät som innehöll mätinstrumenten Sport Motivation Scale och Sport Climate Questionnaire. Resultatet visade att det fanns en skillnad mellan könen i yttre reglering. De inre motivations-regleringarna i studien hade positiva korrelationer med yttre motivationsreglering, alltså om den inre motivationen höjs hos en idrottare så blir även den yttre motivationen förhöjd.

Lokal tillväxt - möjligheter och begränsningar i en global värld. Fallet Dals-Ed

When discussing local development attention is often given to the problems involved. Factors like decreasing population and inadequate infrastructure are two examples. Local politics has, however, lately been argued to have possibilities to affect its own development and its chances to achieve growth. Some of the most important factors from this debate are to make a community attractive for people and companies, committed leadership, the local business world with entrepreneurialism and a good business climate. These factors serve as a starting point for this discussion where focus is on the possibilities to achieve growth on the local level and the politics that is used for this purpose.To illustrate the chances to affect local growth I apply the theoretical perspective of regime theory and thereby examine the governing coalitions "power to" govern and not "power over" as the earlier theoretical perspectives in the area.

Förluster i olika ensileringssystem

In Sweden the climate makes it impossible to feed fresh herbage to cattle during many months of the year. During periods when preserved forage must be supplied it is important that this forage is stored in such a way that high quality is retained, both nutritionally and hygienically. Furthermore, it is essential that losses occurring when handling and storing the forage are kept as low as possible. This study compares storage in tower silos, bunker silos, big bags and bales,estimating dry matter losses as well as losses in metabolizable energy and crude protein that occur during storage. The results show that tower silos, bunker silos and big bags, the systems with the largest amount of forage and a long feed out period involve larger losses than bales, which are fed out immediately after being opened. As the feed out rate influences the losses, tower silos and bunker silos should be used during the period of the year when the feed out rate is as high as possible, i.e.

Attraktivare förortskommun : Är interkulturella kompetenser givande varumärkesattribut när mångkulturella förortskommuner vill dra till sig fler företag?

The competition between the Swedish municipalities has increased as the world has become more globalized, which means that they need to become more attractive for sustaining sound finances and not to find themselves to have a downward trend. One possibility to show the attractiveness of a place is by using place marketing and therewith attaining a stronger brand position. There are 20 suburban municipalities in the county of Stockholm, of which six are multicultural or are having a minimum of 20 percent immigrants among the residents. These immigrant areas are segregated based on class, income and culture. Problems associated with these areas have historical aspects that dates further back than modern immigration does.

Reducering av markskador vid GROT-skotning

Swedish energy policy aims to increase the use of energy from renewable sources and this should be done in a safe, environmentally and sustainable manner. According to the Energy Agency the use bio-fuel increased by 73% between 1990 - 2006. Stands with high share of slash are often located on areas with high productivity which often are located on soils with poor bearing capacity. This will increase traffic on susceptible soil leading to increased ground damage. To reduce the risk of ground damage at slash-forwarding, ground protection is needed.

Säkerhetsklimatet inom Norrbottens läns landsting

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att skapa en lägesbild över säkerhetsklimatet inom Norrbottens läns landsting och ge information om vilka eventuella insatser som skulle behöva genomföras för att skapa ett gott säkerhetsklimat. De frågeställningar som skulle besvaras i anknytning till syftet var: Hur är det allmänna säkerhetsklimatet inom Norrbottens läns landsting? Hur uppfattar de anställda att ledningen förhåller sig till säkerhet inom Norrbottens läns landsting? Hur uppfattar de anställda att den arbetsgrupp de tillhör förhåller sig till säkerhet inom Norrbottens läns landsting? Är det någon skillnad gällande uppfattningen av säkerhetsarbetet inom Norrbottens läns landsting mellan chefer och medarbetare? Studien innefattade en enkätundersökning med 127 anställda och enkätinstrumentet som användes var Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50). Resultaten indikerar att säkerhetsklimatnivån var relativt hög inom Norrbottens läns landsting. Säkerheten prioriterades av chefer likväl som av medarbetare.

Jämförelse mellan sojaböna och åkerböna som proteinfoder till växande grisar

The soybean can be used in multiple ways, and its high oil content makes it suitable for extraction. Soy bean meal, a by-product of the oil extraction, is a good source of protein with a high feeding value, and is therefore used in a number of different animal feeds. Further, soy bean meal has a low production price, which is one of the reasons for the extensive export of the product. There is a great demand for vegetable-based proteins, especially in the organic production where synthetic amino acids are banned. However, the current production of soy beans is not environmentally sound and that combined with the long transport distances amplifies the need of finding a locally produced protein source.

RA Detect - Antikollisionsskydd förlantbrukssektorn

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Innovation åt folket! : Hur innovationsstrategin för år 2020 kan gå från tanke till verklighet

I dagens samhälle krävs det allt snabbare förändring i organisationer för att hålla jämn takt med omvärlden. Detta har den svenska regeringen uppfattat och därför tagit fram en innovationsstrategi för år 2020, som vi till stor del har utgått från i detta arbete. Med den som grund ville vi ta fram ett verktyg för att introducera innovation för individer och organisationer för att starta en process för ett kontinuerligt lärande och arbete med innovation. För att testa detta verktyg gjordes en studie som bekräftade vår hypotes, och utifrån detta har vi tagit fram en stor, övergripande modell för hur vi ser att innovationsarbete kan fungera i organisationer utifrån vårt verktyg, samt en modell för hur individen och organisationsklimatet tillsammans kan fungera för att bidra till att höja innovationsförmågan i en organisation. Utöver vår hypotes hade vi även två forskningsfrågor som vi svarade på, där den andra är vårt innovationsbidrag..

Två-Och flerspråkighet som "språkpolicy" i förskolan

The purpose of the essay was to investigate the way four different educators, at a pre-school with a bilingual profile, work towards strengthening the children?s bilingualism as well as their identity. The research questions concern which guidelines are being used, the educators perceptions concerning children?s bi- and multilingualism and in what way they believe that their pre-school distinguishes itself from others.Qualitative individual interviews and observations were conducted and the empirical data was analyzed using a theoretical framework, constructed of theories concerning language development, ethnicity and identity.The result presented in the study shows that the pre-school not only follows the national curriculum but also their own guideline. The guideline states that there should be both Spanish- and Swedish speaking personnel and that they are ?responsible? for the education in their own language.

Motivation at Work?

The purpose of this diagnostic master thesis is to examine the motivation of the individuals working in a specific section at Sony Ericsson BGNMVNL. In order to do this, we will distinguish motivational and de-motivational factors that influence the individuals? in their work. Further, we also have the aim of giving recommendations on how to act on these outcomes in order to improve the motivation in BGNMVNL. Our thesis is a diagnostic study in which data is collected by qualitative face-to-face interviews and observations with selected individuals at Sony Ericsson.

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