

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 34 av 86

Behandling av hypertyreoidism hos katt med radioaktivt jod : en uppföljning av 46 fall

Hyperthyroidism has become the most commonly diagnosed endocrine disorder in cats. The recommended treatment of choice in the literature is administration of radioactive iodine. This treatment has been available at a few veterinary clinics in Sweden since 1999. Forty-six cats treated with a standard dose (80 MBq) of radioactive iodine (131I) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in the period 2000-2004 were followed for a median of 13 months (range 3-42 months) by means of a retrospective cohort study design. Tables predicting time of survival after treatment were made. At final follow-up thirty-nine cats (85%) were euthyroid, six cats (13%) remained hyperthyroid and one cat (2%) was hypothyroid.

Komorbida sjukdomar hos individer med svår psoriasis : En analys med logistiska och loglinjära modeller

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

Reliabilitet hos metoder för mätning av avstånd mellan sekvenser : En simuleringsstudie i R-paketet TraMineR

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

Medias bild av incitamentsprogram - har publicerade artiklar en påverkan på aktiemarknaden?

This study examines how the stock prices are affected when articles, which negatively describe the companies? incentive programs, are published. According to the efficient market hypothesis, only new information should have an effect on the stock price. Furthermore, this study aims to examine whether this reaction is dependent of the economic climate. During the period of September 2005 to September 2009, stock price data was collected from the NasdaqOMX stock exchange and 75 articles were gathered from leading Swedish newspapers.

Tre Svenska bankers landsfonder med avseende på riskjusterad avkastning

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how three banks country funds are performing relative to each other in regard to risk and return. And to find out if there is any underlying factor that may have affected the stock exchange in the different countries.Methodology: The study is based on secondary data and will apply the quantitative method, based on a deductive approach. The sample consists of three major Swedish banks and from them we have selected three country funds. The calculation formulas that have been applied are: Sharpe ratio, standard deviation and Arithmetic Average.Conclusion: The Writers concluded that Sweden funds had the highest yield to lowest risk in both periods in all three major banks. We have also concluded that the underlying factors affecting a country fund.

Förskollärares kunskap om stress och stresshantering bland barnen på förskolan

This work examines the students´ thoughts on climate change with a focus on carbondioxid through photosynthesis and the carbon emissions from cars. The study is based on two subject areas, one with a focus on enhanced greenhouse effect, and the other focusing on photosythesis. The survey was conducted by means of qualitative interviews with students in grades four and six. The results describe that student´s understanding for photosynthesis and the carbondioxids function for photosynthesis doesn´t change significantly from grade four to grade six. I have divided the students inte three levels based on their understandingof the various fields, and their use of adequate concepts.

Rennäringens kulturella värden : en studie om svenskars preferenser

The Swedish reindeer husbandry has had economic difficulties for some years. Due to this, and the fact that the reindeer husbandry plays an important role in Sámi culture, the Swedish state has chosen to support the industry. If these grants where to be withdrawn, the reindeer husbandry as well as the Sámi culture would decrease, which would cause welfare losses for the people living in Sweden. The aim of this study was to elicit what the Swedes are willing to pay to maintain the amount of reindeer husbandry and Sámi culture. By using Contingent Valuation and a survey the willingness to pay was estimated.

Energieffektiva byggnaders påverkan på CO2-utsläpp : Norra Djurgårdsstaden i samarbete med Grontmij AB

Detta examensarbete har genomförts i samarbete med Grontmij AB och är ämnat att ta fram tre olika förslag på byggnader med samma utformning men uppförda med olika material i klimatskal och stomme, för att jämföra dess energiförbrukning och slutligen analysera koldioxidutsläppen som genereras. Målet med denna studie är att påvisa vilka material som lämpar sig främst vid hållbart byggande, vilka materialval som främst kan föredras när man vill uppnå energieffektiva byggnader samt analysera dess koldioxidutsläpp.Målet är att påvisa att koldioxidutsläppen minskar med enligt de upprättade miljökraven från Stockholms Stad i samarbete med Clinton Climate Initiative.Climate Positive Development Program lanserades år 2009 och är ett gemensamt initiativ mellan Clinton Climate Initiative och US Green Building Council. Programmet stödjer 18 projekt världen över och Norra Djurgårdsstaden är ett av projekten som ska vara en förebild för framgångsrik ekonomisk och miljömässig stadsutveckling. Programmet är även en vägledning vid byggande av bostäder vilket är avgörande för evolutionen av stadsbygget.Utvecklingen kring byggande har med tiden förändrats och anpassats till mer miljövänliga och energieffektiva alternativ. Idag har det blivit mer vanligt att tala om energieffektiva byggnader och minskade koldioxidutsläpp, vilka är betydelsefulla faktorer som påverkar miljön och vår framtid avsevärt.

FEM i praktiken : En studie i FEM-Designs användningsområden inom konstruktionsprojektering

This diploma work has been conducted for the consulting company Ramböll inUppsala, Sweden with the purpose to perform a study with the calculation programFEM Design 9.0 made by Strusoft. The aim has been to find out if it is possible to gainadvantage by utilizing more advanced 3D software for design calculations, instead ofthe traditional methods currently used in construction works.The method of approach has been to model an existing warehouse building with theprogram FEM Design, and then compare the results with those attained with FrameAnalysis and hand calculations. These results are then analyzed. An evaluation is maderegarding to what benefits can be achieved using a more advanced 3D-model.The results of the study show that the differences between the methods are not ofany significance with regard to the design of the steel frame. However in morecomplex materials such as reinforced concrete, the differences become more notable.The conclusions drawn by the authors of this study into FEM Design are that theeducation requirements of the program are higher than for simpler programs, whosepurpose are solving predetermined problems.

Älgens barkgnag på granstammar : omfattning med avseende på geografisk utbredning, skadad volym och ekonomiska konsekvenser

In three areas in the province of Småland studies has been done to investigate how big damage the moose may do to P. abies. An inquiry examination and two different types of surveys were done to find out how big area, which volume and which financial consequences the moose debarking has had on the forest. When the volume was calculated the rot spreading was included. The area that was damaged was stipulated with the answers from the inquiry examination. 59 % of the asked forest owners answered the inquiry.

Kalibrering som ett sätt att hantera bortfall : Vilken korrelation krävs mellan hjälp- och responsvariabler?

This study has the purpose of looking at the current and future position of record labels from a context involving the technological developments, while the opportunities for the artists are changing. As the actors inside them music industry find themselves in an ever changing climate where traditional supply chains are threatened by new technology, the record labels need to change the way they work in order to maintain their existence in the music industry. The study has been conducted by interviewing a number of people involved in the music industry, by using a qualitative method approach. The conclusion of the study shows that the traditional way of doing business by treating music as a product that makes revenue is gone. Instead the labels have to take on new roles formerly run by third parties in order to survive and be profitable, especially since artists can now in control of activities that used to be controlled by the record label..

Elevers arbetsklimat, ämnesintresse och medelbetyg i årskurs 9 : Om sambandet mellan dessa tre viktiga aspekter i skolans verksamhet

In the Swedish governing document for the mandatory school (Lpo94) it is laid down that The school shall strive for being a living social community that gives safety and the will and desire to learn. The social community and the social relations in the school everyday existence are thereby without hesitation very important for the students' learning. The teacher always wants to engage the students and create order, comfort and a good work environment. In this essay, the relationship between students' work climates, matter interests and average grades is studied. This gives understanding and awareness in these important parts of the schools´ daily activity.

Inventering av processvattenbalans : fastställande av fjärrvärmedistributionens läckage inom Vattenfall Värme Uppsala AB

Heat is distributed to the district heating customers through pipes with water as a heat carrier. The district heating system is complex. To decide what is leakages from the district heating net versus what is the water consumption of the plant, is difficult. Therefore, the purpose of this master thesis is to establish a model where the district heating net?s leakages but also the water consumption of the plant can be followed daily. The project is performed at Vattenfall´s district heating power plant in Uppsala. Information is gathered through discussions, drawings of the plant and guided tours of the plant.

Budgetering inom lammproduktion : en jämförelse mellan lammproducenter och Agriwisesstandardkalkyl

For a company to get the best possible profitability, requires financial planning. Budgeting isa common tool in financial planning. For operating lamb producers, a planning program suchas Agriwise is a good tool. Individual lamb producers may change certain standard figureswithin the planning program to better correspond with reality of the individual cases. In thisway, lamb producers may plan according to which revenues and costs they may expect thenext period.

"Bråk pågår" Om konflikthantering i en årskurs fem

Abstract The goal of the study was to conduct an in-depth investigation of how conflicts are resolved in schools, from a pupil- and a teacher perspective. Our intention was to view and compare pupils and teachers different opinions in the school environment. A major focus was put on different ways teacher handle conflicts and how they try to prevent them. The material was acquired by interviews with both teachers and pupils. The study is based on Jean Piagets and Lev Vygotskijs visions about the cognitive developmental stage for children. The result of the study shows the teachers need to be attentive and also that the pupils generally do not notice when the teacher works to prevent conflicts.

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