

2122 Uppsatser om Client state - Sida 8 av 142

Boken - ett redskap för ökad livskvalité. Om offentligt och ideellt stöd till äldres bokläsning

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Tecknade serier och film på svenska bibliotek, i dagspress och inom akademin -en jämförande studie

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Läsfrämjande verksamhet för vuxna. En kvalitativ undersökning av bibliotekariers arbetsmetoder, litteraturförmedlande roll och kompetens

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Relationens betydelse i klientarbetet inom missbruksvård : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett socialarbetarperspektiv

The purpose of this particular study was to examine the client relationship as described by social workers during the ongoing process of addiction treatment in conjunction with the effects on creating these relationships as affected by government stipulations. As a basis for the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with five separate social workers in the course of their work within addiction treatment. Results from the study were analyzed by means of power and dramaturgically roll theory. The social workers stated that it was of the utmost importance to create a good relationship in order to effectively help the client. The social workers further stated that a good relationship was characterized by the virtues of cooperation, trust, and confidence.

Profil och samarbeten på folkbibliotek. En enkätstudie av nuvarande profil samt förändringar i profil över tid

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Bibliotek, information och demokrati. En jämförande studie av bibliotekssektorerna i dåvarande Tjeckoslovakien respektive dagens Kuba

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Mänskliga och skriftliga informationskällor - en studie om vari värdet ligger i att få information på mänsklig respektive skriftlig väg

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Office Smart Client för dokumentsökning i Platina

Datoranvändare nyttjar idag Internet i sitt dagliga arbete, webbapplikationer är vanligt förekommande vid detta arbete. Prestanda hos webbapplikationer (thin clients) är dock av många orsaker väldigt begränsad jämfört med rich clients, detta tillsammans med övriga begränsningar hos thin clients har medfört att en klienttyp som sammanfogar fördelarna hos rich clients med fördelarna hos thin clients blivit allt mer efterfrågad. Smart Clients bygger på en fusion mellan rich clients och thin clients, Smart Clients är ett relativt nytt koncept som utvecklats av Microsoft med utgångspunkten att klienter ska vara lätta att administrera och uppdatera. Samtidigt ska möjligheten att använda lokala resurser både i form av mjukvara och hårdvara finnas, för att effektivt hantera den beräkning, visualisering och lagring som klienten nyttjar. Slutligen bör en Smart Client dra nytta av funktionalitet hos servers för att ge användaren tillgång till aktuell information.

Bibliotekets betydelse för läsutvecklingen. En enkätundersökning av elevers förhållande till bibliotek och litteratur jämfört med deras läsutvecklingsresultat

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Motivation till ökad fysisk aktivitet : Ledares tankar om vad som motiverar klienter med Fysisk aktivitet på recept

In today?s society, many people are physically inactive and the health care is for example usingPhysical activity on prescription (PaP) to work against it. In order to increase the physical activitylevel in people they need to feel motivated and there are many factors that can motivate people. The purpose of this survey is therefore to explore the leaders of PaP and their thoughts about whatmotivates clients with PaP to increase their physical activity levels. This is explored by aqualitative method incorporated with semi-structured interviews with four respondents who workswith PaP.

Career choice:The relationship between personality, state anxiety and the career decidedness among Swedish upper secondary school students

The main purpose of this study was to inquire into personality and the state anxiety in relation to career decidedness scale among students in upper secondary school. The participants were 124 students in three grades and respectively non vocationally oriented classes. The participants were asked to grade themselves on a scale in relation to the statements regarding, state of decidedness for career choice, personality (NEO FFI, Costa & McCrae, 1985. Sweden, Gerontologic Center) and anxiety (AnTI, Wells, 1994). The results showed no significant relationship between personality and state of anxiety that could be connected to the decidedness for career choice.

Mer än bara pengar? - En kvantitativ undersökning om huruvida U-länders statskapacitet påverkas av multinationella företag

This thesis takes as its starting-point the different stands on the ever ongoing growth of multinational corporations (MNCs) and its consequences. Two opposing branches of theories, arguing that the establishment of MNCs in developing countries is good respectively bad for these countries, are tested for the aspect of state capacity. A quantitative method is then used to test if there exists such a relationship at all and if so, which of the two notions that are right.The presence of MNCs is measured as FDI of GDP while state capacity is defined as a combined index for three of ICRG's Political risk indicators. The two variables are analysed, mainly by cross tabulation, using an extensive dataset of 130 developing countries measured for a period of 20 years.The outcome is though ambiguous: No solid correlation can be found, but countries with a higher rate of FDI of GDP tend to have a slight worse rate of state capacity throughout the analysis. Thus the result points in favour of the notion that MNCs are bad for developing countries? state capacity.

Tornedalsk identitet : En studie om identiteter och deras påverkan på synen av den svenska staten

ABSTRACTThis C-essay in political science is written by Ingrid Karlsson, autumn 06. Advisers: Gregg Bucken-Knapp and Susan Marton.? The identity of Tornedalen, a study about identities and its affect on the view of the Swedish state.?The purpose of this essay is to investigate the identification amongst the population in Tornedalen and if their identity affects the view of the Swedish state. I am going to look into how people from that region looks upon their identity. Do they consider themselves as Swedish, Tornedaling or Finnish? I have two research questions on this topic: 1) What does a person from Tornedalen consider their identity? 2) If the way the Swedish state treated Tornedalen, from around the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century, has affected the way people from this region looks upon their own culture, and if the treatment has affected peoples view of the Swedish state.

Hur håller sig skogsentreprenörer uppdaterade gällande författningar och föreskrifter?

Over 90% of forestry work is carried out today by contractors, thereforeclear agreements between the client and the contractor it is of utmostimportance. Contract Packages for work within the forest sector (APSE) is acollection contract templates that the industry jointly developed for thispurpose. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how forest contractors doto keep themselves updated of the current laws and government regulations,which channels are available to accomplish this and what possible obstaclesmay occur. 20 interviews were conducted with contractors engaged inlogging. The results show, among other things, the availability of and whichchannels most contractors use out of which aggravating circumstances existand how strong they are perceived and what is expected of the client in thisregard..

Folkhögskolans bibliotek - en outnyttjad resurs? En kvalitativ undersökning av folkhögskolebibliotekets roll och betydelse för folkhögskoleelevers informationssökning inför ett självständigt arbete

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

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