

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 37 av 113

Kompetens ? Självbild ? Inkludering : En studie av några elever i behov av särskilt stöd och deras upplevelser av sin studietid i en särskild undervisningsgrupp.

AbstractStudy: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 pUniversity of SkövdeTitle: Competence ? Self image ? InclusionA study of a couple of students in need for extra education and theirexperiences of their studies at school in a special class.Number ofPages: 43Author: Britt HellqvistTutor: Gunvi BrobergDate: 01-2008Keywords: special class, extra education, competence, self image, inclusionStudents who have difficulties in school or in the social contact are the main subject of this thesis. The students that I have interviewed attend the upper high school in a special class, separated from the major school. My purpose has been to investigate how such students experience their studies at school, with emphasis on competence and the feeling of participation. Moreover, the self image of these students was investigated.

Skolmatsalsmiljö och schemaplanering ur ett hälsoperspektiv : Kvalitativ ansats

To investigate if the student?s school centeent, and that planning of the school lunch is done from a health perspective. Qualitative research approach was used, including both interviews and observations, to view the purpose. Evidence was collected using a participating observer, semi constructed questions and structured observation. To focus on specific parts in the material, a directed content analysis was used. One large and one smaller school participated in the study.

Utformning av bullerskydd för timmeravlastning till tåg

This report presents a thesis project conducted by two students at Mälardalens högskola. The project covers 15 points in industrial design and was conducted during April to June 2014. The principal of the thesis works at Plastic Produkter. The assignment was to develop equipment for an effective way to dose, mix silicon, fill a special designed plastic bag and then seal it. The bag is then formed into a breast model.When a customer for various reasons decides to do a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction, there may be doubt or uncertainty about the result.

Peer-to-peer ? En teknik för företag?

Innehåll: Peer-to-peer är idag en teknik som i de flesta fall förknippas med fildelning.I detta arbete har vi försökt klargöra vilka andra möjligheter tekniken erbjuder för företag och i dessa möjligheter försökt hitta fördelar och nackdelar med tekniken. Klient-server är en vanlig teknik idag bland företag och i arbetet undersöks om peer-to-peer kan vara en möjlig konkurrent till denna teknik.Syftet med rapporten är att se om det finns intresse bland företagen att använda sig av de möjligheter som peer-to-peer tekniken erbjuder samt att undersöka hur den skulle kunna användas..

Peer-to-peer ? En teknik för företag?

Innehåll: Peer-to-peer är idag en teknik som i de flesta fall förknippas med fildelning.I detta arbete har vi försökt klargöra vilka andra möjligheter tekniken erbjuder för företag och i dessa möjligheter försökt hitta fördelar och nackdelar med tekniken. Klient-server är en vanlig teknik idag bland företag och i arbetet undersöks om peer-to-peer kan vara en möjlig konkurrent till denna teknik.Syftet med rapporten är att se om det finns intresse bland företagen att använda sig av de möjligheter som peer-to-peer tekniken erbjuder samt att undersöka hur den skulle kunna användas..

CMS och UX : tekniker för hur man utformar en god användarupplevelse

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Bara de kommer tillbaka.... : - En studie om hur personalen inom missbrukarvården upplever sitt arbete

The aim of present study is to evaluate the work of the employees within the Addict Care field, how they experience their struggle as well as the significance of the interaction between the client and the employees. It takes a great deal of effort when facing individuals with alcohol ?and drug related problems. The focus should be on the occupational and individual qualifications, while there is legislation, regulations and ethical guidelines to be followed. Intending to comprehend these issues better several interviews were made with six employees within The Administration for the Social Services and The Addict Unit in Växjö area.

Gymnasieungdomars syn på sitt deltagande i sociala medier

Studien undersöker hur 14 intervjuade ungdomar från olika gymnasieskolor i Uppsala uppfattar sitt deltagande i sociala medier på internet av typen User Created Content-kanaler (UCC), det vill säga webbsidor och databaser där det är användaren som skapar innehållet. Den undersöker även om de intervjuade ungdomarna har kunskapen att delta och bidra till utveckling av dessa användargenererade sidor.Studien undersöker hur ungdomarna uppfattar sin interaktion med andra på nätet, hur de diskuterar, uttrycker sina åsikter och vad det är de vill presentera när de använder dessa kanaler.Studien har genomförts inom ramen för en teoretisk syn på dagens kommunikativa internet som en interaktiv text där deltagarna har specifika kompetenser för att delta och bidra. De besitter en s.k. participation literacy, en form av textkompentens som realiseras och visas upp via aktivt deltagande.Studiens resultat visar att ungdomar är mycket väl medvetna om vad de gör på nätet. Ungdomarnas användande skiljer sig åt; några använder UCC-resurserna mer och andra mindre.

Informationsfrihet och IT-användning i demokratifrämjande syfte

The potential of information technology as a means to invigorate democratic practise is constantly under discussion. Regardless of the differing opinions as to the most suitable way to utilise IT, there are certain democratic core values that have to be considered. One of these is freedom of information, defined by us as the right of every citizen to seek, obtain and express information. The aim of this study is to explore whether the use of IT as a means to enhance democracy can strengthen the citizens right to freedom of information. As an instrument for analysis we use an article by Jan van Dijk, professor of communication science.

Design och implementering av ett webbaserat personalhanteringssystem

Quickmatch is a company that recruits students to other companies that need temporary workers. Today all administration is done by hand, which is very time demanding and therefore inefficient. Employees send assignment reports by e-mail about the working hours and breaks to the administration office. Since these reports are handled manually, there is a great need for an automated system that makes the company more scalable.The purpose of this work was to solve the defined problem, i. e.

"Visst gör det ont" Patienters upplevelse av postoperativ smärtbehanling

Introduction: A big part of the patients that recently has gone through operation at surgical units experiences pain in different scales after their operation. Untreated postoperative pain has been proved in different studies to increase to risk medical complications, longer rehabilitation, more days at the hospital and higher expenses for the hospital. One of the nurses? main tasks is to notice and relieve the pain of the patients. To engage the patients more in the medical process and make the nurses´ work more person-centered could make an impact on the postoperative pain and contribute to a better pain relief.

Terapeutegenskaper och allians i utbildningsterapi: En intervjustudie

The working alliance between therapist and client has been proven important for the treatment outcome in psychotherapy, as well as the therapist?s characteristics. The aim of the current study was to examine the experience of important characteristics when forming a working alliance, among psychotherapy trainees. Eight psychotherapy trainees at Umeå University were interviewed and the material was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Characteristics described as positively impacting the working alliance were interested, empathic, warm, genuine, secure, flexible and accepting.

"Den boken hade jag aldrig läst annars" : Om barns deltagande i bokcirklar

This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.

Från frihet till fängelse: En studie av klientflödet på Häktet Kronoberg

In the last decades, lean production has proven to be one of the most important organizational paradigms in manufacturing. The lean concept has also spread into the service industry where it is applied within a range of different areas. The wide applicability of lean principles has spurred the authors of this study to apply the principles in the context of the operations of a Swedish remand prison. The thesis examines the process a client of the remand prison Häktet Kronoberg goes through from the time of arrest until he/she is released or convicted and transferred to jail. Based on lean tools and principles, the thesis maps and analyses this process.

Upplevelser av stroke. En litteraturstudie om patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av följder, rehabilitering och hemgång.

Stroke is one of the most common disabiliting diseases. A greater knowledge of the personal experiences after a stroke could improve the rehabilitation and the relations during the rehabilitation. The purpose with this literature review was to describe how strokepatients and their relatives experienced the consequences, rehabilitation and discharge after a stroke. This study is based on nine scientific articles and the results points out that patients and their relatives experiences can be positively influenced by participation and information..

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