

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 25 av 113

Individuell Utvecklingsplan (IUP) med skriftliga omdo?men ur ett elevperspektiv ? i den senare delen av grundskolan

The purpose of this article was to examine how students learn to use the Individual Development Plan (IUP) with written assessments as a tool for learning. The study is conducted according to an ethnographic approach. A total of 20 students, aged 13-14 years, participated. The production of data took place through participating observations, field notes and conversations. A qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis.

Sociala interaktionsvärden för ökat köpflöde

AbstractSpotify is currently the largest and fastest growing online music service. They started in 2006 and has since established itself in several European countries. Their financial revenue comes from advertising spots on the client and registered paid subscribers. Together with Spotify, we have come to a certain focus area where Spotify themselves feel that there is potential for improvement. This area of focus concerns the conversion from using Spotify's free "Open" to the payment options Unlimited and Premium.Objective: We will use an innovation process to achieve an innovation grant that will create more attraction to the payment services.

Bibliotekarie 2.0: Minabibliotek.se och bibliotekarierollen - en fallstudie på Umeå stadsbibliotek

Library 2.0 is a term which emerged a few years ago and is frequently discussed. There is no uniform definition of the term but the central aspect of the concept is to encourage increased participation from library users.The aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate if and if so, how the professional role of the librarian is affected by Library 2.0. To do that, we have conducted a case study at the public library in Umeå. Their homepage minabibliotek.se is a practical example of Library 2.0. The homepage is based on interactivity and the library users can participate in various ways.We thougt that qualitive interviews was the best way to gain an understanding for how the librarians at the public library in Umeå experience how the work with minabibliotek.se affect their professional role.

Digital kompetens : Äldreomsorgspersonals upplevelser av en digitaliserad arbetsplats

This study highlights the importance of computer technology and its impact on elder care staff's skills development in the public sector. The government presents the digital agenda within which information and communication technology today is considered to have a potential for sustainability, growth and development. According to the EU Commission, there are several important elements that should be improved to digitize the workplace. Among these are digital literacy, collaboration between agencies and increased investments in research, education and innovation. New technology can be understood in different ways by individuals, some see the computer as something positive and exciting, while others may find it hard to see the opportunities for learning and development.

Vårdkedjeprojektet : En utvärdering av hur Vårdkedjeprojektets mål har implementerats i verksamheten på Behandlingshemmet Rällsögården

An evaluation: how have the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? been implemented at the treatment centre of RällsögårdenThis evaluation was commissioned on behalf of the treatment centre of Rällsögården. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the goals of ?Vårdkedjeprojektet? (VKP) have been implemented in the institutional care at the treatment centre of Rällsögården. This study was focused on the following questions: a) how is the function ?internal coordinator? experienced by staff at Rällsögården, b) in the function of internal coordinator what aspects are thought of as effective/non-effective concerning the cooperation with ?external coordinators? and contact with clients and staff, c) how is Vårdkedjeprojektet and its treatment approach ?Community Reinforcement Approach? (CRA) experienced by coordinators, clients and staff and d) how well is the aftercare functioning for clients who have finished their treatment at Rällsögården, and still participate in VKP?The choice of research method was triangulation; a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.

"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter

The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.

Den närvarande pedagogen : en empirisk undersökning av förskolepedagogens förhållningssätt till den fria leken

In this empirical study I have investigated how preschool teachers relate to the free play at the preschool. At the same time I have investigated how the free play is adapted into everyday practice in the preschool. Previous research shows that children process what they experienced in the free play. The child retrieves content to play with through things they have experienced, such as family life, preschool and so on. To play, grow and continue, it is important that free play may take place and space in the daily activities at the preschool.

Samtal med barnhandläggare : Om barn i familjehem och deras rätt att komma till tals

The purpose of this study was to examine how some child welfare case workers say they go about to give children in foster homes the opportunity to be heard. The idea was also to examine how much weight is given to the children?s views and if the respondents believe that the childrens right to be heard has improved over the time they have been working with foster children and if so, how? The study was conducted by using qualitative research method and the analysis of the results was made using Shier?s model of childrens participation. The results have also been tied to previous research in the area. The conclusions of this study was that according to the respondents it?s important that they get to know the children well so that the children can have confidence enough to speak their minds.

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

Varför partipolitik? - en intervjuundersökning om partipolitiskt engagemang bland unga

Why participate? Many studies focus on explaning non-participation in politics. The political parties are loosing members and the particiaption of young people are given extra attention. This thesis is about young people who do participate in party politics. The question is how they experience their participation and how they feel that they can have a politcal influence by being a member of the youth section of a political party.

En profession med mission Barnbibliotekariens yrkesidentitet

TitleThe profession of Children's Librarians. Identity and vocation.AbstractThe aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate the professional identity of Children's Librarians in order to contribute to a deeper understanding to the professions of librarians. This places the thesis in the field of Library and Information Science that studies the profession. The definition we use to understand profession suggests that all librarians take an active part in negotiating their professional role and library enterprise.Our empirical material consists of interviews with eight Children's Librarians. Using a qualitative method was the best way to gain an understanding for the participant's own experiences of their professional identity.

Talstörningar hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom ?

Speech disorders are common in children with 22q11-deletion syndrome, but there is limited knowledge about speech in adults with this syndrome. The aim of this study is to describe speech and voice in adultswith 22q11-deletion syndrome, and compare the results with a control group.Ten adults between 19-49 years participated in each group. The study wasbased on the Swedish dysarthria assessment, Dysartribedömningen. Thetested abilities were respiration, phonation, oral motor function, velopharyngeal function, articulation, prosody and intelligibility. Communicative participation was examined as well.

Fri vilja eller tradition? : Prästrespektive i den prästerliga kulturen

The purpose of the study was to investigate, using data from the sacerdotal culture, t h espouses of five priests. The main questions were: How does the priestly calling affect thespouse? Do the spouses involve themselves with voluntary work? Do the spouses feel thecongregation have expectations? Do the female and male answers differ?The sacerdotal culture has consisted of several elements. The main element is the priest?scalling for his work.

Elevers uppfattningar av musikundervisning i skolan

AbstractWe´re surrounded by music in many different ways. Sometimes we choose the music ourselves and sometimes it?s just there. The purpose of my thesis is to illustrate the students apprehension and understanding of the teaching of music in school. Moreover, my own interest in this subject and its influence during my school years motivated me in researching my thesis.

I tsunamins kölvatten : En jämförande studie av krisberedskap i Sverige och i Storbritannien

Abstract?Political participation by the citizen?- Citizen proposals in Karlstad municipalityEssay in Political Science, C-levelAuthor: Tobias GustafssonTutor: Michele MichelettiIn Sweden the political parties are losing more and more of their members. That in combination with a tendency that the participation in the elections is getting lower is a problem for the representative and parliamentary political system in Sweden.In order to strengthen the democracy in Sweden and to make the gap between the citizens and the elected smaller there has been some democracy-projects. The purpose of these democracy-projects is to make the political participation by the citizens, between the elections, higher. One of them is ?citizen proposals to the municipality?.The purpose of this essay is to examine this democracy-project in order to see what influences it might have on the local democracy.

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