

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 10 av 113

"På gränsen till duktig?" : En studie om delaktighet och självbestämmande för personer med insatsen bostad med särskild service enligt LSS

In this study we have aimed to explore how participation and self-determination is implemented in the daily life of disabled people who receive support through LSS. The questions addressed concern possibilities/obstacles for the participation and selfdetermination of disabled people who live in group housings, and how the terms participation and self-determination are realized. Nine interviews have taken place with staff members and directors of different group housings. We have found that the interviewees believe that the nature of a person?s disability can be a barrier to the individual?s self-determination and participation in his or her everyday life.

Klientbemötande i socialt arbete : Metoder, tekniker och reflektioner kring makt som syns i de sju nyexaminerade socionomernas utsagor om klientarbete under den teoretiska och verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about how a group of newly graduated social workers reflect on the practical daily work and their positions working with clients who are in need of social and/or economic resources. More precisely the purpose is to find out how these seven newly graduated social workers viewed working with clients during theoretical and practical studies. The aim is to analyze which techniques and methods could be seen in these narratives. Furthermore the aim was to find out if and how these seven social workers reflected on the power relation between social worker and client.The material of this study consists of seven semi-structured interviews. Throughout gathering the data and analyzing it, the qualitative method in form of narrative approach was used.

Det frånvarande i det reella inflytandets närvaro : En studie om möjlighetsvillkoren för barns inflytande i förskolans pedagogiska praktik

The purpose of this graduate work is to seek knowledge about how children?s right to participation and influence is interpreted and understood in a specific context and also to examine how this right can be conditioned and shaped by the pedagogical practice of early childhood education.The focus of this study has been to examine the arguments and attitudes towards the right to participation and influence as a pedagogical practice as it is understood in early childhood education. Additionally, I have been interested in studying the affordances and restrictions that early childhood educators experience when dealing with children´s right to participation and influence.The platform used for data collection is Facebook and the informants recruited were active participants in forums regarding democracy in preschool education. In the second phase of the study I conducted online focus groups with these participants.For the analysis of the material I have adopted a poststructuralist perspective, starting from Jaques Derridas philosophical texts and use of deconstruction.The results show the complexity in early childhood education´s democratic mission. What becomes clear is the importance for the teachers to adopting an open, ethical and democratic approach in order to make children´s right to participation and genuine influence possible in the everyday reality of early childhood education. .

Bäst i klassen? : - En studie av hållbarhetsredovisningar i statligt ägda bolag

Due to the globalization and the changes in the market, companies have now realized the importance of a strong brand. This has led to the phenomena outsourcing. The relation between the branding consultant and his or her client has changed. Earlier the consultants worked as a single unit and were given a task to independently accomplish the assignment. Today there has to be co-operation between the two parties.

Revisorns roll - från client focus mot public interest

Syftet med vår uppsats har varit att utreda om revisorns roll har förskjutits från ?client focus? mot ?public interest?. Vi har också tagit reda på vad revisorerna tycker om sin nya roll. ?Client focus? innebär att revisorerna utför tjänstejobb, de måste vara måna om sina klienter, dessa har rätt att byta revisor vid missnöje.

"Det är inte så ofta jag känner mig delaktig för jag räcker inte upp handen så ofta så det är egentligen mitt eget fel kanske" : En kvalitativ studie om sex elevers egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av dialog och delaktighet i årskurs ett

According to the curriculum Sweden?s elementary school is to educate students in subjects such as "Listening, debating and argumentation". I ask myself if this is actually something that every student is being provided with. The purpose of this study is to gain additional information about children?s participation in the classroom.

Radio Totalnormal ? erfarenheter av att göra närradio : Människor med egen erfarenhet av psykisk ohälsa ger sina perspektiv

This is a qualitative study with the aim of getting better knowledge and understanding of how people with mental illness experience having access to a public communication channel. The study builds upon qualitative interviews with four participants of a radio project called Radio Totalnormal (RTN). RTN is a community radio station where people with mental illness do radio. The study focuses on how the respondents describe the participation in the project and how it has affected their self-image. The analysis uses the concept of empowerment and four social psychological concepts: social responsivity, asocial non-responsivity, abstract sociability and concrete sociability.

Skolans värdegrund : En studie om elevernas uppfattningar av grundskolans värdegrundsarbete

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how students relates to and perceives the schoolswork with the value base. To answer my purpose has been two studies conducted. The first study aimed at finding out students' perceptions regarding the content and concretization of the value base and on their perceptions of participation and retention of this work. This study was conducted using a questionnaire survey.The second study has aimed to highlight the approach embodied by the schools' plans and treatment plans. This sudy has been conducted trough a review of policy documents available on the websites of education departments, municipalities and schools.

"När jag får ångest och känner att nu behöver jag skära mig, då kan jag gå till hästen? : En studie om hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsmetod för flickor med självskadebeteende

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

Utveckling av ett frågeformulär för delaktighet : En pilotstudie

Background: The need for structured practice has in recent years appeared in connection with the request for a more evidence-based nursing. In psychiatric care with its complex disabilities, it is important to have methods to identify these. Research has demonstrated the importance of patient participation in nursing that has been shown to affect their mental health. It is essential to get to know how patients with mental illness are capable of involvement in their life situation. The ICF emerged as a useful theoretical framework for development of questionnaires of patient participation.Aim: The aim of the present pilotstudy was to develop and test a questionnaire for participation, based on ICF.

Hälsa och funktion i kvalitetsregistret för uppföljning av cererbral pares - CPUP : En genomlysning utifrån den internationella klassifikationen av funktion, funktionshinder och hälsa för barn och ungdom

Abstract:Objective: This study aimed at describing the health concept in the Swedish follow up programme for cerebral palsy (CPUP), with main focus on how aspects of participation is expressed in the agenda of the programme. Design: Document analysis: The home-page of CPUP was searched for three types of written material; references to the nature and aim of the programme, protocols used for data collection and abstracts from articles and reports on the list of publications. Within these all expressions of health, with bio-psycho-social understanding of the concept, were extracted and condensed with manifest content analysis. The meaning units obtained were linked to the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health ? Child/Youth (ICF-CY).

Demokratiska verktyg i gymnasieskolan : - Elevdemokrati ur ett elevperspektiv

The study aims to investigate student participation as a tool for democratic development in secondary school from a student perspective. Furthermore, students' perceptions of the school's work with student participation in formal and informal contexts are also investigated, with basis in the teaching structure. The results are based on interviews conducted with students who all attend the same class in their last year of high school. Subsequently, an analysis is made based mainly on three different theories: democracy, curricula and sociocultural theory. The result shows that students feel that they are able to practice student participation but the amount of influence they get differs between individuals depending on devotion and commitment.

Elevaktiva arbetssätt och delaktighet i skolan : En studie om hur elevernas delaktighet kommer till uttryckt i skolan och om elevernas egna åsikter om sin delaktighet i två olika ITiS-projekt

This studie is an investigation about pupilassets workningforms and participation at school. The basis of the studie are two ITiS-projects, whose workningforms investegates with qualitative methods in form of observations and interviews whit pupils and teachers. This investigation will accomplish to find out how the pupils see their participation at school, and also to investigate what pupilassets workningforms mean to teachers and pupils. Conclusions from the investigation are that a more pupilassets workningforms doesn´t exist continuous in the teaching and that the pupils see their increased participation in the work with the ITiS-project as something temporarliy. Some suggestions to further investigation into this area are to be found in the end of the paper..

Vi och dom och valdeltagande. En studie kring valdeltagandet hos naturaliserade svenskar och invandrare.

This thesis focuses on the problems involving immigrants and their voting behaviour in Sweden. We presuppose that immigrants vote in a far less extent than Swedish citizen according to general statistics. We try to explain and give solutions to this problem. To our help we use both integration theory focusing on multiculturalism and electoral participation theories.Starting off in these two theories, we have further analyzed a number of policies issued to solve the participation dilemma. The policies were issued in order to elevate the socio-economic standards, inform citizens and close the distance between voters and politicians.Our results show that what work best is long term ventures aiming at integrating immigrants to the Swedish society.

Patientdelaktighet vid läkemedelsbehandling : Studie av sjuksköterskors uppfattning och omvårdnadsåtgärder

The aim of the study was to investigate nurses? perception about patients? participation in medicine treatment and how to make the patient participate. A qualitative method was used and six nurses were interviewed. The nurses? perceptions of patients? participation in medicine treatment were characterized especially by patients having good knowledge about their medicines.

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