

3888 Uppsatser om Classification society - Sida 20 av 260

HUR MAJORITETEN SER PÅ MINORITETEN En studie från Slovakien om romers livsförutsättningar och identitet

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the minorities view on themselves.The study focuses on the research questions; what does the Roma identity look like? Is there a connecting between the week feeling of belonging to the majority ? Slovaks - that the Roma people feel and the widespread racism, stereotypes and scapegoat view towards Roma that the majority in the Slovak society have? Is the view Roma have on themselves effected by how other see them? Has the situation for the Roma gotten better since Slovakia entered the European Union?An empirical research study has been conducted in Slovakia during the period of April 2006 and interviews with Roma and NGO representatives where done.The Roma people's situation in Slovakia is bad and the discrimination towards them is widespread, both in the working life, healthcare, education system and housing. A lot has happened the last years, before Slovakia entered the EU the country adapted many new laws that strengthen the Roma people place in the society and gave them as a minority more support and rights.According to my findings it is found, and what most of the interview Roma expressed themselves, was that today they have a very low feeling of belonging and being a part of the Slovak society. They also expressed that they are very much affected by the poor view that the majority of Slovak have of them and in many cases they did not even want to try to be part of the society. The NGOs expressed that the situation for Roma in Slovakia is bad and even if it has been improved since the country entered the EU, the NGOs said that there are only a lot of new laws and in reality not much has changed..

Bilden av den kvinnliga stiftaren : en jämförande studie mellan 1100- och 1400-talets kvinnliga stiftarbilder på skånska kalkmålningar

In this study I compare the donor portraits on wallpaintings in Scanian churches from the 12th and the 15th century and relate them to medieval society.I find that women were equally capable of owning and donating land during the entire period. The image of the ideal woman changed during the 14th century from a married woman to the unreachable mistress of the chivalrous culture and the holy virgin. Women had a natural place beside their husbands in 12th century donor portraits, while single male donors are more frequent in the 15th century. While 12th century donors were supposed to show their position in society by offering plentiful donations directly to God, donors in the 14th century instead strived to present themselves as humble and pious. The individualisation of late medieval society meant that people had to depend on themselves to achieve salvation..

Datalagring : Ett växande problem?

Title: Information storage - A growing problem? Authors: Göran Svanhall Pär Truedsson Erik Ponnert Tutor: Bengt Carlsson Problem: Every day companies, regardless of size, produces new information that needs to be stored. In the information society of today, the characteristics of the information changes both in size and complexity. This results in higher demands on which storage solution that suits the company and their field of business. New and more innovating storage solutions enters the market, but are they necessary to smaller companies of development active in the IT society? Questions to Answer: Is data storage a growing problem for companies of development active in the IT society? How do traditional storage solutions manage the information growth of today? How urgent is the need of a new storage solution? Which features are prioritized in the future storage solution? Method: By performing a quantitative survey we delivered an inquiry to several companies, which answers will help us answering our above mentioned questions.

Johan Lindegrens vägval : En studie i de faktorer som påverkade enskilda aktörers verksamhet inom Stockholms musiksamhälle 1860-1908

Anne Reese: Johan Lindegrens vägval : en studie i de faktorer som påverkade enskilda aktörers verksamhet inom Stockholms musiksamhälle 1860-1908, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap, uppsats för 100 poäng, 2007.The aim of this essay is to show some of the factors which affected the production and work of the individual musician or composer within Stockholm's music society in the late 19th century. By a case study on Johan Lindegren (1842-1908) I demonstrate how a musician or a composer functioned in the social structures of the music society and how power affected the work of the musician or composer. This essay also fills another purpose as it gives Lindegren a more detailed biography, which is something that has been missing until now.By applying a concept of power, as discussed by Michel Foucault, to this subject and interacting it with the concepts of musical opportunism, I present a new way of talking about the social, as well as the individual factors that affects the individual musician within the music society.The conclusion is drawn that there are two different types of factors that affects the work of the individual; 1) the social network and power within society, which presents positions and opportunities for the musician and 2) the individual character of musician which determine the way the individual uses the position or opportunity he or she is given..

Humanit?ra initiativ som grund f?r vapenkonventioner L?rdomar och insikter

In recent years, many efforts on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferations have been made by non-nuclear states and civil society. The dissatisfaction has motivated non-governmental organizations to pursue a ?humanitarian initiative? based on international conferences aimed at highlighting the humanitarian consequences of certain arms and nuclear weapons. This study examines the five key roles, according to Rapport et al. (2012), that civil society organizations have played in the establishment of arms control conventions, more specifically the Mine Ban Treaty, also called Ottawa Convention, and the Cluster Munition Convention.

Gröna tak som del i ett hållbart stadsbyggande

Green roofs have seen a revival in the society of today. They provide many functions of which both society as a whole and the individual can take part. In particular extensive green roofs, that requires little or even zero maintenance, provides very valuable functions. Green roofs affect our environment and our economy in a positive manner as well as the physical expression of buildings. In this bachelor thesis the impact of green roofs on society has been examined throughout literature studies. The result as a compilation of contemporary research in this field is presented together with a discussion about the use of green roofs in general. The two major arguments for an extended use of green roofs are, the high stormwater retention capacity and the cost-benefits seen over time compared to a conventional roof.

Den Sociala Identitetens Inverkan På Subjektiva Bedömningar Av Att Dela Värderingar Med "Andra" - En psykologisk analys av motstridiga uppgifter i Integrationsbarometern 2004

This study examined some contradictive results in a report from the Swedish board of Integration. The contradiction was concerning the Swedish populations dismissive judgments of experience a shared ground of values between the Swedish society and those witch are generally held within Islam. These dismissive judgments were given at the same time as the population reported to have a lacking knowledge of Islam in general. To test for psychological aspects of these contradictions, the analysis was based on the theoretical ground of Social Identity Theory and Theory of Attributions. The study used an existing survey that examines people´s estimations of their own and other members of society´s fulfilling of democratic values.

Cash is king - eller? : Ett kontantlöst samhälle

Title:Cash is King ? or is it?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Caroline Eng and Jessica HillbergSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011- 06Aim:There is a long tradition of trading the currency and the first coins can be traced back to Persia already 500 BC. With the modernization of society and the technological advances we have made in recent years, we are now using electronic payments more and more. We pay by card, Internet banking and mobile phone in addition to cash. The purpose of this paper is to follow Swedbank project "cash smart" and have it as a basis when we examine if we are heading for a cash-free society and what obstacles and opportunities there is for a cash-free society.Method:We have used a qualitative method to conduct interviews with two individuals involved in the project "cash smart" at Swedbank in Gävle.

I jakt på överavkastning : En investeringsstrategi med P/S-talet som utgångspunkt

Title:Cash is King ? or is it?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Caroline Eng and Jessica HillbergSupervisor:Jonas KågströmDate:2011- 06Aim:There is a long tradition of trading the currency and the first coins can be traced back to Persia already 500 BC. With the modernization of society and the technological advances we have made in recent years, we are now using electronic payments more and more. We pay by card, Internet banking and mobile phone in addition to cash. The purpose of this paper is to follow Swedbank project "cash smart" and have it as a basis when we examine if we are heading for a cash-free society and what obstacles and opportunities there is for a cash-free society.Method:We have used a qualitative method to conduct interviews with two individuals involved in the project "cash smart" at Swedbank in Gävle.

Regionbiblioteken i Tanzania en fältstudie av den offentliga biblioteksservicen

This masters thesis concerns the Public Library Service in Eastern Africa, Tanzania. Our subject was developed through a feasibility study that gave us comprehension that developing countries have individual problems concerning books and libraries. We understood that the main problems were the libraries financial situation and their dependence on aid. We also understood that the libraries do not have the resources to satisfy the society as a whole. The major questions raised in this study are: - How do the regional librarians describe their work situation? -Which role do the Regional Librarians have in society? Data was collected through interviews and observation, and the study is a qualitative case study.

Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. En diskursanalys av mångfaldsrelaterade begrepp och etnicitet i svensk kulturpolitik

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the discourses of concepts related to diversity and ethnicity in Swedish cultural policy. It focuses on how the society is presented in different contexts and how people with a different ethnic origin than the majority, are represented in the cultural policy of the Swedish State. The study is restricted to concern immigrants. Six governmental cultural policy documents, reaching over a time period of eight years 1995-2003 are examined as follows: Which key terms are used in the presentations? Which contexts and discourses can be distinguished? Have the discourses changed over the time period examined, and if so, how? The theoretical starting point in the thesis is the discourse perspective of Laclau and Mouffe.

Laglottsskyddet : Ett nödvändigt skydd eller ett föråldrat system?

This paper deals with the legal situation surrounding the legal statutory portion. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the statutory portions function in our society, does the rule fit into today?s society? To carry out this study, the authors analyzed the legal situation accordingly to the legal dogmatic method. Emphasis has been placed especially on laws but also non-government bills and doctrine.The statutory portion was introduced in the Swedish system, as early as in the 17th century. Its primary purpose then was to ensure a heritage to the descendants? heirs.

Alternatives for another world?: En kritisk analys av Occupy Wall Street-rörelsens idéer för strukturell förändring

In the wake of the latest financial crisis, a group of individuals launched the Occupy WallStreet movement. It wanted to change the structures that economic and political life arefounded upon. They believe that the established structures are unfair and exploit the majorityof the population. Researchers critisised the movement saying it was ambiguous because itcould not produce any realistic ideas for change, while others thought that was a success forthe movement.Therefore, the aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine the different ideas articulatedby the Occupy movement and present them systematically. Through an inductive qualitativetext analysis six different themes are identified regarding how the movement wants to changethe structures in society to make them fair.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

Melankoli och ironi : Strategier för hållbar utveckling

The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.

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