

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 48 av 95

Tuftade golvsmycken och prydnadskuddar

This work is about getting to know tufting as a technique and to design tufted products for home furnishing.It all began in Finland, where during springtime 2004, I got in contact with the technique oftufting for the first time. A very pleasant meeting that resulted in two carpets and a longing to continueand learn more. It was then that an idea for my final project started to take form. My wish was to designtufted ?floor jewelleries? and cushions.I made a base for my project during a design project in autumn 2004.

Tillbyggnad till Nationalmuseum i Stockholm

I mitt förslag betraktar jag Nationalmuseums klassicism och dess symmetrier som ett system i flera skalor, ett obundet system vilket det är möjligt att bygga vidare på. Det är ett system där massa hela tiden ställs mot tomrum, och där rytmen i allt från pelare till stora rymder och motsvarande massivitet harmonierar mellan huvudbyggnaden och det tillbyggda. Det är en byggnad avsedd för kroppen: man ska röra sig runt den och i den och känna hur det rytmiska pågår; hur massan och tomrummen får rörelse och vill flyta in i varandra och där volymerna får tyngd och gravitation i denna spänning. Jag har tagit fasta på det monumentala, inte nödvändigtvis som storskalighet, utan som någonting annat, mer mystiskt. Där tar jag stöd i Aldo Rossis Architecture of the City.

Adonis - från Mesopotamien till Grekland

This paper attempts to trace the journey of Adonis from ancient Mesopotamia, through Phoenicia and finally to Greece, and to see how his function and cult have evolved during this migration. It starts with a short summary of previous research regarding Adonis and goes on to describe the myths and the rites of Adonis as they were celebrated in Alexandria, Byblos and Athens. I then examine possible connections to ritual drama, the mystery religions and whether there is any evidence that the Adonia might have been a germination ritual.My conclusions are that Adonis loses his connection to the growing cycle and the ideology of sacred kingship with the move to Greece where the political system with independent city states is different, and that there has been too much focus on Adonis as a vegetation god. Since Adonis is connected with the ancient Near Eastern cults of sacral kingship it might be more rewarding to consider the death aspects associated with his cult and the possibility of ancestral worship in relation to a ruler. This would make some of the otherwise puzzling aspects of his cult more understandable..

U+ME - ?Den nordligaste kulturhuvudstaden någonsin?

I övergången från industrialism till post-industrialism förändras städernas ekonomiska förutsättningar och ökar konkurrensen. Städer som tidigare haft en god tillväxt med bas i tillverkningsindustri drabbas av konkurrens från länder som tillhandahåller billigare arbetskraft. I den här situationen väljer många städer att satsa på att stärka sin attraktivitet samt marknadsföra sig för att locka till sig nya invånare, nya företag, turister, externt kapital. En strategi är att satsa på kultur och evenemang. Värdskapet för evenemang kan vid första anblick framstå som en odelat positiv och oproblematisk företeelse, något som gagnar staden med alla dess invånare samt även regionen och landet som helhet.

Intranätet ur ett chefsperspektiv. En kvalitativ studie av Schenkers intranät NOVA

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

... vad säger chefen? En studie av chefers kommunikationsförmåga på en Volvo-arbetsplats

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Stadsplaneringens påverkan på de unga i Malmö : en fallstudie i Västra Hamnen

Syftet med examensarbetet är att få ökad förståelse och kunskap om hur samhällsplanering kan påverka ungdomars intresse och fritid. Studien har utförts i stadsdelen Västra Hamnen i Malmö.Malmö är en stad som har haft många sociala och ekonomiska svårigheter med hög arbetslöshet och utbredd ungdomskriminalitet.I detta arbete har studier gjorts kring hur sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska satsningar, i området Västra hamnen, har påverkat ungdomar i Malmö. Bo01 är ett område som ligger i Västra Hamnen. Området försörjs endast med lokalt producerad förnyelsebar energi. Bo01 uppmärksammades och blev ett internationellt exempel på hållbar stadsutveckling i samband med invigningen av bostadsområdet i stadsdelen Västra Hamnen.

Medborgardriven stadsdelsutveckling- Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans

Through this thesis, we want to discuss how the marginalization of people, several precedent political, city planning- and engineering decisions resulted in a catastrophic outcome after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005. We also put forward a case study of the Make It Right Foundation, to demonstrate how the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward are involved in the urban development of their community. We would like to draw attention to the power of citizens and how they can influence the urban development of a community after a trauma. This study also focuses on the mission of The Make It Right Foundation: which is to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward with firm concepts on sustainable development where all dimensions are accounted: ecological, social, cultural and economic. The empirical data was collected by a field study in New Orleans 2010-03-22 and semistructured interviews were made during the same days..

Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Den fjärde Pyramiden?

This is a master thesis about the reconstruction of Bibliotheca Alexandrina. With a hermeutical approach utilizing literature review and interviews it examines how the library have come into existence, and what the Swedish efforts have been to help the project along. Using a mainly structural perspective, the major factors examined are world politics, Egyptian society and library values. The conclusion is that myths about the ancient library of Alexandria, the city of Alexandria itself, world politics, a more stable Egyptian society, improved world and Egyptian economy, an improved Egyptian reverence for reading and writing, less censorship, more freedom of speech and Egyptian national pride all have contributed to new library. Swedish efforts by Sida, the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, FAV and SWEBA have mainly been in the areas of information technology, education of Egyptian library staff and childrens literature..

Har det skett en real hyreshöjning på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm? : -Hyresindex ur ett 30- års perspektiv

Syftet med examensarbetet är att skapa förståelse kring hyresutvecklingen på kontorsmarknaden i Stockholm och att undersöka om det skett en real hyresutveckling under perioden 1980 till 2011. För att göra detta samlades hyresdata in från olika källor för att sedan skapa tre hyresindex för tre områden i Stockholm; CBD (Central Business District), Stockholm city och Stockholm övriga områden. Uppdelningen i tre områden gjordes för att tydliggöra hyresutvecklingen då det är skillnader i hyra mellan områdena. Vidare var en central del i att skapa förståelse att undersöka vilka faktorer som har haft störst påverkan på hyresutvecklingen. Därför jämfördes indexen mot makrofaktorerna BNP tillväxt, inflation, ränta, sysselsättning samt vakansgrad för kontorsfastigheter i Stockholm.Analysen visade att en något positiv real hyresutveckling hade skett inom alla tre områden: CBD under 1980-2011, Stockholm city 1981-2011, och Stockholm övriga områden 1994-2011.

Genus och jämställdhet bland tibetaner i exil

This work presents the way exiled Tibetans I?ve met view gender and equality. The world is becoming increasingly global and in order to educate future world citizens it is important to make sure that they learn about gender and equality. Males and Females have different cultures and where manly is the norm female is the exception, but it is important to try and level out these differences while children are still in school. This work originates from studies of literature and several interviews with exiled Tibetans in the Indian city of Dharamsala. They are Tibetans with different roles in the exile-Tibetan society and also of different generations and gender.

?I will achieve my goals where I wanna go? - En kvalitativ etnografisk studie om delaktighet och hopp för personer med funktionshinder i Sydafrika.

The aim of the study has been to explore what participation and hope means for persons with disabilities living in an institution called Horizon House, in Stellenbosch South Africa. The aim has also been to discover the South African approach to disability and how Horizon House fits into this approach. Horizon House is an institution and a protective workplace in Stellenbosch for adults whose main impairment is of an intellectual nature but there are also physical and emotional disabilities. Another aim has been to explore the perspectives of the residents. The research questions of the study are: ? What does participation imply for the residents of Horizon House?? What does Hope represent for the residents of Horizon House?? What importance can hope have for people with disabilities, in their approach towards increased participation? We travelled to South Africa during a two week period in March 2009, where we participated at the protective workplace of Horizon House.

Rusdryckens vara eller inte vara : En jämförelsestudie mellan två lokala tidningar inför och efter folkomröstningen 1922

This survey has as its aim to see how two local newspapers in the city Växjö and the region of Kronoberg in Sweden reported and acted in connection to the referendum taking place in 1922 whether or not alcoholic beverages should be prohibited. In order to do this we analyzed Smålandsposten and Nya Växjöbladet to see their reporting. We found that the numbers of articles and debate contributions increased during the months closer to the referendum. We also found that Nya Växjöbladet where slightly supporting the prohibition of alcohol while Smålandsposten where against it. The arguments used by both sides during the debate were also analyzed.

En livsviktig utvärdering av Sahögrenska Universitetssjukhusets externa webbplats utifrån ett användarperspektiv

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

Den "Offantliga sektorn. en kvantitativ studie av myndigheters kommunikation och dess betydelse

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.

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