

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 30 av 95

Moderna tider : modernitet i Visbys bouppteckningar och press 1880-1910

It is a difficult task to define the little word ?modernity?. One may argue quite a lot about what modernity is as well as when modernity breaks trough. The burgess class was the group who initiated modernity in most cases. Since these people mainly dwelled in the cities it was in the cities were modernity started.

Mjukvaruföretagens strategiska agerande

Background: In recent research literature, some researchers mean that companies in fast changing markets have to act proactively while others find that companies have to adapt to conditions and to react. This makes it interesting to study how software companies act strategically and also to study to what extent a flexible organisation is required by companies who proact and by those who react. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the study how different types of software companies act strategically and what this requires of the company in terms of flexibility. Delimitation: The study treats only Swedish software companies with more than ten employees. Proceed of the Study: Representatives from four case companies as well as a consultant have been interviewed.

Modellen och materialet

Tycho Hedéns Väg in Uppsala has evolved from being a through fare passage and highwayto the oversized road frame running through the city it is today. At the present time, dueto the relocation of the E4 highway east of Uppsala, Tycho Hedéns road creates a barrierbetween the north eastern area of Uppsala and the remaining parts of the city centre. Theroad is designed to endure heavy traffic and high speed limits, generating a surrounding urbanarea were inhabitants are complied to follow the standards set for a high traffic-accessibleenvironment. Furthermore, the heavy traffic has led to the turning of both urban roadsidesaway from the actual road. The aim of this project and proposal is to show the possibilities ofhow the innate features of Tycho Hedéns road can be used more advantageously to mend thecity area of Uppsala.

Skitsnack eller Girltalk: en kritisk diskursanalys om kvinnlig vänskap i Sex and the City

Såpoperan skapar ofta en diskussion mellan människor och framför allt kvinnor. Den hjälper oss även att skapa nya kontakter men kan såpoperorna även prägla vårt förhållande mellan våra vänskapsförhållanden? Då media till viss del påverkar vår befolkning och vårt samhälle kanske en populär TV-serie skulle kunna påverka dess tittares syn på vänskap. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att titta närmre på hur Sex an the City framställer kvinnlig vänskap. Jag har jobbat utifrån fyra frågeställningar: ? Hur framställs den kvinnliga vänskapen genom de fyra kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna? ? Hur gestaltas deras identiteter? ? Hur gestaltas deras relationer till varandra? ? Hur förenas dem? Dessa frågor har jag valt att besvara genom en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Norman Fairclough tankar.

Landskapsideal : hur uppväxtens landskap formar individen

The landscape can be something that you rest your eyes on, something that goes quickly past outside the windscreen or the place for the daily work. To me, landscape is everything around us ? the city, the field and the forest. But what is landscape for you? What does the idea of the landscape stand for? How does our view of the landscape become influenced of the place where we grow up? And the differences between peoples different views of the landscape ? what does they depend on? My point of the view for this paper is that the landscape ideals mostly depend on the landscape where you grow up and that it depends less on the differences between the individuals. As a landscape architect the idea of the landscape is the essential. The more we learn, the more we realize how complex it is, but deep down we always have our own experiences and memories and that shapes our personalities.

New Orleans efter orkankatastrofen 2005 : Påverkan av naturförutsättningarna på socioekonomiska strukturen i regionen New Orleans

The aim and purpose with this essay is to identify the natural conditions of the New Orleans City region, and to establish an understanding of the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Who lived in this area and how did this event affect the outcome of the disaster?The theory is based on two Swedish human geographers Torsten Hägerstrand and Thomas Lundén, and their theories on regional geography and political geography, also regarded as ?geopolitics?. Regional and Political Geography are explained as the relation between state and territory, power over the territory and the variables that affect the relations on different levels such as; economy, culture, technology, demography and communication.The author decided to use the quantitative method in the process of research, the essay underwent an overall analyzes of the media settings, articles, written literature and documentaries. The author has been very critical to the material and data that was presented by the American authorities, media and non governmental organisations.New Orleans City?s topography is unique in the matter that the city is constructed on a delta area, the Mississippi River, Missouri and Ohio River systems are all connected in New Orleans.

Är det möjligt med kultur i Jönköping? : En studie baserad på tre organisationers kommunikation kring kulturens roll i Jönköpings stadskärneutveckling.

Kultur som en strategi för tillväxt i en stad blir således allt mer vanlig, dock saknas en mer ingående studie kring Jönköping som stad..

Kan man tala om en norm utan att befästa den? : En diskursanalys i hur homosexualitet behandlas i läromedel riktade till skolans senare år.

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Att kommunicera hållbarhet : en undersökning av hållbarhetsdebatten via internet

This master thesis is about sustainable city planning and its debate. It is also concerned with networking, communication and web-based communication. Theories of sustainable development are discussed, along with the importance of communication for sustainable development. The report is directed towards landscape architects, architects, town planners, other designers and other interested readers.MotivationI believe that there is a need for an increased discussion concerning sustainability. Sustainable development is an important issue for city planners.

Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Banar spår väg för framtiden? En jämförande fallstudie av tre intraurbana kollektivtrafiksatsningar.

Dagens samhälle är helt beroende av transporter. Av alla de olika typer av transporter som finns inriktar sig denna rapport på persontransporter. Ytterligare preciserat så handlar uppsatsen om intraurbana persontransporter och kollektiva lösningar på detta. Rapporten är en jämförande fallstudie och har som mål att belysa hur olika kommuner motiverar när en större kollektivtrafiksatsning skall göras. Innan fallen presenteras ges en bakgrund i några av de problem och förutsättningar som finns inom ämnet.

Internationella biblioteket ? från lånecentral till publikt bibliotek

This master thesis is a study of the Swedish Lending Centre for immigrant literature (ILC), which opened in 1991. The purpose of the thesis is to examine problems and possibilities in the organization of ILC, which has a number of powerful stakeholders. In this study focus has been on the development of the organization, and especially on the planning of the conversion of the non-public Lending Centre to a library open to public (to be called the International Library in Stockholm) that will be inaugurated in May 2000. ILC is governmentally financed, but incorporated in the organization of the public library in Stockholm. Other stakeholders, except the Swedish Government and Stockholm City, are the County of Stockholm, the staff of ILC, and the public libraries that use the Centre's long-distance-lending facilities.

Informal settlements : the world's invisible communities

Since the beginning of the new millennium the world?s population has increased exponentially fast. The majority of this growth has been accommodated for by urbanization of the developing world. This in turn has lead to a wide spread of informal settlements. Thus, areas of urban slums, that have risen illegally on the marginal lands within and at the periphery of the formal city.

Sex an the city i tjejernas hjärtan? -ett ungt och kvinnligt perspektiv på en populärkulturell text.

Detta arbete har syftat till utveckla ett feminint, ungt och individuellt perspektiv på nio gymnasieflickors egna uppfattningar om och förståelse av en populärkulturell text, som de gavs tillfälle att i en gruppintervju beskriva med egna ord. Flera elever uttryckte synpunkter som i hög grad förde tankarna till ett postmodernt tänkande, fokuserat på individens önskningar och drömmar. En del elever tyckte att filmen tog upp kvinnofrågan anno 2009, dvs. att den fokuserade på kvinnans fria val att leva singelliv och rätt till ?manliga sexualvanor?, på hennes rätt till kvinnliga gemenskaper och genom dessa rätten till ett inbyggt bekräftelsesystem, på hennes rätt att vara kvinnlig i kombination med att ha en karriär och på åldersfixeringen i dagens samhälle.

Planera för integration : med utgångspunkt i projektet Norra Sorgenfri

Integration is a concept that is very topical in today's multicultural-cultural society. Integration means that everyone should have the same rights, opportunities and obligations to society, regardless of extraction. What counteract integration is segregation, which implies a distinction between different groups and where there exist an inequality between them. Segregation is widespread in Sweden today and the exclusion that it creates needs to be broken. The aim of this paper is to examine if it is possible to promote integra-tion through physical planning.

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