

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 28 av 95

De har ingen koll på dem : Ett undervisningsexperiment om de och dem

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Analys av flyttmönster i Norrköpings kommun

The objective of this Bachelor thesis is to analyze moving patterns in Norrköping?s municipality. The main aim is to analyze the migration to, from, and within the municipality of Norrköping, not only for the population as a whole but also for groups of special interest. Another aim is to compare migration patterns in Norrköping with those of other municipalities in Sweden.Several data sets have been used, each of them extracted from population statistics carried out by Statistics Sweden (SCB).Data mining using association analysis is used for finding the migration pattern within Norrköping?s municipality and several questions are examined using descriptive statistics.

Illustrationsplaneförslag för Trönningebjär, Varberg

When the purpose is to create an illustration plan for a new neighbourhood there arelots of things to think about. In this report follows a description of the three differentplan modells SCAFT/TRÅD, garden city and ekological planning. SCAFT is aplanning model that were used in the 1970s. It contains proposals how to make thetraffic enviorment safer. TRÅD replaced SCAFT in 1982 and it contains also adviceshow to make the traffic enviorment safer.

"Döm inte boken efter omslaget" ? en fallstudie om det Levande biblioteket på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon ?Living library?, where people are lent out instead of books. First it is looked into what the Living library means to the person who is borrowing a living book and what it means to the living book itself. Than the Living library is put in a public library context. This is done through a case study of the city library of Helsingborg and the city library of Malmö.

Kunskap, attityd och beteende kring hushållsavfall : En jämförelse mellan elever i Göteborg, Sverige och Iloilo City, Filippinerna

Waste management is a major challenge for several countries around the world. Sweden and the Philippines have similar waste management legalization but different potentials to effectively achieve the goal of sustainable waste management. Education is the key to sustainable development and both countries promote the subject environment in the curriculum. Based on scientific articles, reports and personal meetings, a survey was conducted among 510 students from Gothenburg, Sweden and Iloilo City, Philippines. The survey aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding waste management and was analyzed to answer questions of possible reasons to differences and also, linkages to sustainable development.

Kompostering i kommunal regi: en fallstudie i Arvika Parkf?rvaltning

Arvika Fastighets AB is a municipal subsidiary tasked with managing all green areas in the municipality, with a strong focus on the City Park and plant beds in the city centre. These areas generate large amounts of green waste, which is currently transported to the municipality's composting area at Lycke. Currently, the material is piled up and turned once a year without using the resulting soil for flowerbeds, lawns, and shrub/tree plantings. The purpose of the study is to determine if Arvika can compost the green waste in a more efficient manner and produce weed-free soil ready to be mixed into various substrates for different purposes. Interviews with the Swedish Church and several municipalities in Sweden have been conducted to learn from their experiences and knowledge of how they make their composting work.

Ekosystemstödjande och multifunktionella växtval i urban miljö : En fallstudie med utgångspunkt i Nacka stadsbildning

This study has investigated how urban vegetation can be used in a multifunctional way to support ecosystem services in urban environments. Nacka municipality is in the start-up phase of building what is to become Nacka city. This provides a unique possibility to study and analyse what role the vegetation play in making the city a healthy living environment and how it needs to be adapted in order to be resilient against changing climate conditions and how the effects of those changes can be regulated. The study further investigates how airborne pollution, caused by urbanization processes, can be regulated or reduced by vegetation or species selection. Methods used in this study were a combination of qualitative interviews and literature studies, seeking to answer the questions: Which specific ecosystem functions are needed in the urban environment and which aspects will influence the ecosystems ability to deliver the functions in demand? And which plant species have the right mechanisms needed to deliver those functions? These questions have been studied and analysed in a local based context where the local conditions ands site specific needs of Nacka define criteria for plant selection.

När tågen slutat gå : förvandling av övergiven räls till publikt promenad- och parkstråk

Abandoned and unused railway structures often possess great potential if they are reclaimed and reused for new purposes. The thesis focuses on the global trend of restoring and revitalizing these areas, converting them into park areas, rail trails and green corridors in the city landscape, while preserving their ecological, social, esthetic and historic values. These rail areas were often abandoned when industries moved out from the cities, either to industrial areas or abroad. The use of railways for transporting industrial goods was also replaced to a large extent my motorized road vehicles in the mid 20th century, leaving the rails under-utilized. Because of their location and intrinsic values, they can be reused for important functions, such as green areas in the city environment, providing space for recreational activities and exercise and social meetings and interactions. I have closely investigated the three park areas High Line in New York, Promenade Plantée in Paris and Schöneberger Südgelände in Berlin, which have all gone through this transformation in recent years. I have summarized my conclusions in three key concepts to consider: design for social values, preserve the architectural history, and leave room for future evolution. The final part of my work is a design program for an abandoned railways area in Stockholm: Eriksdal railway area.

3D-byggnadsmodeller utifrån takkonstruktioner : Lagring, hantering och bearbetning

A growing number of cities and municipalities in Sweden begin to work with city models in 3D. For the most part the models are used for visualizations of ongoing planning processes, but also for the analysis of noise, shadow studies and environmental disaster simulations.Gothenburg continues to develop the use of 3D maps in municipal operations and is demanding a way to create building elements (walls), which generates in 3D buildings, from roof constructions that are mapped from the primary map. A method has been investigated in the present study. The results are then presented as a 3D model of buildings, along with a terrain map that will facilitate the localization of the area. The created 3D buildings are then compared with roof-data from the primary map to see how well they harmonize with each other.

Gratis i princip : Gratisprincipen och avgifter på svenska folkbibliotek : en enkätundersökning utförd på Norrköpings Stadsbibliotek och Eskilstuna Stads- och Länsbibliotek

The theme of this essay is the principle of free access to the Swedish Public Libraries, and its aim is to fmd out the opinion of adult visitors of such libraries as regards the introduction of fees on the borrowing of books, already existing fees such as reservation fees, charges for interlibrary loans and charges for the late return of books.The main part of our survey comprises questionnaires that were handed out to 100 visitors at the Norrkoping City Library and 100 visitors at the Eskilstuna City and Provincial Library. In order to illustrate the fee problem from another angle, interviews with staff people from the two libraries were carried out A large part of the essay consists of material aiming to give a general picture of the subject, e.g. how the "free of charge principle" is tied to the Swedish library system, what arguments have been presented to maintain or reverse this principle, and a comparison of the relative situation in other countries. As the conception of popular education is so basic for the "free of charge principle", we also account for the idea of popular education.The result of our questionnaire shows, among other things, that 60,9% cannot consider paying for any of the free services offer by the libraries today, 21,3% answered that they could possibly consider paying for some of the services and 17,8% answered that they didn't know. 76% would rather pay for a library card than stop borrowing books altogether..

Övergripande kvalitets och kapabilitets granskning av produktionsprocessen ? en implementering av SPS. : Overall Quality and Capability Study of the Production Process ? an Implement of SPC.

Quality was earlier only an issue for the company?s quality departments but today is the entire organization involved in quality- and improvements work. With the customers in focus, both external and internal, quality and improvement work should be integrated in the daily activities. The management shall state goals and visions together with a policy. Through participation the correct requirements for a successful work are created.With SPC, statistics process control, there is an opportunity to perceive variations in the process and with the correct tools make it stable.

Kunskap i skolan : enligt Folkpartiet och Vänsterpartiet

Knowledge is frequently discussed in modern society, and has been since ancient Greece. Our goal is to examine the content of two political documents with the desire to point out their visions about how the Swedish school system should be shaped, in relations to knowledge. More precise this essay is going to concentrate on two specific political parties, Folkpartiet and Vansterpartiet and their official programs on the subject school and education, to see what they say about knowledge. The choice is made on the basis that these parties political standings differ most from each other, in the left/right scale in politics. The qualitative analysis takes its main base from Aristotels concepts of knowledge; Episteme, techne and fronesis, and Bernt Gustavssons modern defenitions of them.

Skönlitteraturens roll i svenskundervisningen : Litteratursynen som speglas i läroplanen och motiveringar till litteraturundervisning

The aim of this study is to investigate the view of literature that shines through in the Swedish curriculum for secondary school, Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. The idea is that this view of literature becomes visible when analyzing the curriculum?s ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon. The analysis compares the phrases from the curriculum regarding the teaching of literature and compares these phrases with the various literary visions that earlier scholars advocate. Based on these comparisons, discussions are raised about the pros and cons of the curriculum's ways of legitimating the teaching of literature and its relation to the use of a literary canon.

Reading space. Möbel för läsning till Göteborgs nya stadsbibliotek

Reading spaceFurniture for reading for the new city library of GöteborgThe main purpose of my project has been to inspire people to read books at the library. I wanted to create something very site specific and chose a room on the second floor of the new city library to work with. To be able to relax, feel inspired and to concentrate on reading, the visitors of the library need to experience a sense of security. My solution to the different conditions or problems in the room and the needs I identified is a seat hanging inside a frame. When sitting down in the seat, the frame is low enough to see over but it is still experienced as a private spatiality.

Spårtrafik i norra Stockholmsregionen

Northeast Stockholm is a region developing fast. There is already a great need for new transport solutions for the people commuting to the city, since long queues slow down car traffic and the local railway, Roslagsbanan, needs to be upgraded to attract more travelers. The competitive advantage of rail?traffic over the car when it comes to greenhouse gases and air pollutants is another reason to develop Roslagsbanan.This report investigates the differences between car and train to create a basis for a proposed expansion of Roslagsbanan. Once the proposal is presented, costs, emissions reductions and public benefits are analyzed.

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