

2065 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 63 av 138

Begravningsplatsen som offentligt rum : igår, idag och i framtiden

In this literature review the cemetery is studied in its role as a public space in an urban context. To be able to scrutinize the cemetery?s relationship to the public domain in the future, the cemetery?s background and history is studied in the beginning of the essay. The cemetery?s connection to the church, as well as a variety of other factors such as economic, architecture, hygienic aspects and different ideals has influenced the cemetery to be the place it is today.

Beteendeproblematik utifrån ett klientperspektiv"Behavioural problems from a clients perspective"

ABSTRACT Behavioural problems are a compound conception for emotional difficulties at different levels. Individuals with behavioural problems could have difficulties with social relations, low self-esteem, anxiety and worry. The purpose with the examination was to describe how clients apprehend their behavioural problems and what they consider could be the causes of it. The examination was based on the qualitative interviews with 5 clients and a professional helper. We came in contact with our clients through our practice.

Indelningsändringar : en studie om varför Norra Sandsjö kommun, Bringetofta församling och Norra Sandsjö församling delades i samband med att Sävsjö kommunblock bildades

This paper is about a new organization how to get smaller communities to join together and become much larger. The purpose is to find out why Norra Sandsjö community and Bringetofta and Norra Sandsjö parishes were separated when Sävsjö municipality block was formed. The purpose is further to find out what the councils of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö, the church council and the people who lived in the area thought about the decision that was made by the executive organization in this matter (länsstyrelsen in Jönköping). Voting was arranged amongst the people, who lived in the specific area that in the first inquiry was suggested to be connected with Nässjö municipality block. The source material gives the result of this voting and the opinions of Norra Sandsjö, Nässjö and Sävsjö communities in this question.

De osedda barnen : Kvinnors upplevelser av förälder/föräldrars alkoholmissbruk och alkoholmissbrukets påverkan under barndom och vuxenliv

This article seeks to examine the effects alcohol abuse have on the growth of women and how, as adults, their lives are affected by this. It tries to encourage a better understanding and knowledge of these experiences and how instances of support and help have influenced the subject?s life, from childhood through to adulthood. Through 10 qualitative interviews of adult women, all affected by childhood alcohol abuse, the article tries to get a better understanding of how these women coped under these circumstances. The article attempts also to better understand how the women?s experiences of support during childhood have benefited them and how they feel as adults today..

Rörelsebaserad kommunikation i mobila ad hoc-nätverk

I många nätverk antas det att någon form av fix infrastruktur existerar och att nätverkets olika noder kan använda denna för att kommunicera med varandra. I ett ad hoc-nätverk antar man att det inte finns någon fix infrastruktur och att noderna måste använda varandra för att kunna kommunicera. Ett exempel på ett ad hoc-nätverk kan vara bärbara datorer sammankopplade med infraröda länkar under ett möte. När ad hoc-nätverket är mobilt innebär det att noderna rör sig.I detta arbete har de tre protokollen Epidemic, GeoMean och GeoMove tillsammans med de två rörelsemodellerna Waypoint och den utökade slumpmässiga vandringen implementerats i en nyskriven simulator för denna typ av nätverk.De två Geo-protokollen är nyutvecklade och syftar till att använda geografisk information för att underlätta kommunikationen i denna kategori av nätverk tillsammans med den nya utvidgade slumpmässiga vandringsmodellen..

Förskolegårdens miljö : Inbjuder gården till aktiviteter som stimulerar barnets motoriska utveckling?

Through observations of the childrens play, I have made notes of all activities at the pre-school playground. The intention of the observations was to see if the playground environment invites and stimulate the childs motorie development. The study will be a part of a future planning work of the preschool environment.The results show that the pre-school playground environment invites to physical activities that stimulate the childs motory development. The variation of activities is dependent on the design of the landscapes. The pedagogues taking part of the childrens activities are one of the factors which contributed to the childs choice of activity.The preschool plays an important part in the childrens development so it is important that all personnel have basic knowledge on the importance of outdoor activities.Keywords: Fundamental movement, motorie development, preschool playground, outdoor enviroment.

Functional movement screen och skadeförebyggande träning hos fotbollsspelare

Bakgrund: Förekomsten av skador inom fotbollen är stor vilket drabbar den enskilde spelaren både psykiskt och fysiskt. Syfte: Att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan låg poäng (14 poäng eller mindre) med FMS och ökad skaderisk hos manliga amatörspelare i fotboll. Material och metod: Två fotbollslag i division tre och fyra deltog i studien. Ena laget fungerade som interventionsgrupp och den andra som kontrollgrupp. Båda lagen fick utföra en FMS.

Feng shui i trädgården :

Our environment affect us, not least gardens. By practising the ancient Chinese art feng shui, one could find tools how to create harmony and balance in gardens. By paying attention to different energies working with colours, shapes and materials one can create a nice garden with good feng shui. The philosophy, however, includes much more than what plants or what hard materials to choose in the garden. It describes different energies, the movement of energies, which we can learn to live in harmony with.

Prolog, Klimax och Katastrof : en återfallsförbrytares upplevelser och tankar om kriminalitet ur ett tidsperspektiv

The goal of this qualitative essay is to approach the knowledge of people who commit crimes. From a development psychology point of view, questions relating to childhood ang growth are some of the important subjects we choose to discuss. Our purpose is also to reveal the linkage between criminal behavior and different theories of the above mentioned perspective. To bridge the gap between the general and the individual, our survey was based on profound interviews with four inmates in prison. This offer an opportunity to capture the individual´s inner thoughts, feelings and experience about the criminal action.

Gemenskap och värderingar. : Religiös tillhörighet i ett sekulärt samhälle.

Ambitionen med denna uppsats är att skapa en bättre förståelse kring frågor gällande tillhörighet till religiösa samfund och olika religiösa värderingar som kan skapa friktion mellan medlemmar och majoritetssamhället. Syften med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur medlemmar i Svenska Kyrkan, Katolska Kyrkan och Jehovas Vittnen upplever sitt medlemskap i de religiösa samfunden de tillhör och vilka religiösa värderingar som kan påverka deras förhållande med samhället.I undersökningen använder vi oss av fallstudiedesign vilken vi senare tolkar utifrån olika teorier som handlar om olika typer av gemenskap (Stroope) och vilka värdesystem samt som ideologier påverkar samfundens medlemmars handlingar och deras relation till majoritetssamhället (Dumont).Undersökningen visar att en del kyrkomedlemmar strävar efter en gemenskap som de inte upplever i majoritetssamhället. Engagemang och tillhörighet till ett kristet samfund påverkas inte av majoritetssamhällets åsikter. Resultatet ger en bild av en stor upplevd gemenskap bland de kristna samfundens medlemmar vilka betraktar sin tillhörighet till respektive samfund som ett medvetet val. Deras gemenskapskänsla leder till att de behåller sina religiösa värderingar oavsett om det skapar friktioner mellan dem och majoritetssamhället. .

Att gestalta en socialt hållbar begravningsplats

This thesis aims to present the essential background on how to perform climate changeimpact assessments, and to present the results from a climate impact assessment on waterbalance and nitrate leaching for an arable Swedish soil. The soil is a sandy soil in southwesternSweden, grown with spring cereals. This study is meant to be a benchmark example,and cannot be seen as a regional or national assessment for Sweden, rather as an approachto present and analyze the most important parts of these kinds of assessments.A dynamical simulation model (COUP, Jansson and Karlberg, 2004) was used for thisstudy. The model was parameterized and calibrated against data from an experimental site,located in Mellby in Hallands county, south western Sweden. Measurements were carriedout between 1st of April 1988 and 1st of April 1991.

Pivot - en aktiv sittmöbel för kontorsmiljö

The purpose of this project was to invite a changed perception of active sitting, to introduce a more active way of sitting in office environments and destigmatize an active sitting posture such as straddling by giving active sitting products conscious aesthetics based on environment and positive associations. The goal with this project was an active sitting product for office environments with aesthetics considered encouraging to movement in a relaxed way, regardless of age and gender, and connect to materials and aesthetics related to activity, experience and recreation. Horseback riding, retro style surfing and skateboarding was an entry of investigation. The project was based on existing active sitting products, their function and production techniques. It was not a part of the project to investigate new models of sitting.

Fallstudie av 10 skånska gårdar för en lönsam stutproduktion :

During the summer of 2005 a number of steer producers in Skåne, Sweden, found that their animals graded less favourable according to the EUROP carcass grading system when slaughtered, than ordinary. The aim with this project was to determine factors that affects the production result in steer production and to find the reason to the lower classification. The project was initiated by Anita Persson, LRF, Skåne and was preformed with supervision from Ingemar Olsson, SLU, and Jens Fjelkner, Skånesemin. Ten producers of dairy steers located in Skåne was chosen for this study. The producers were interviewed to collect information about their steer production with respect to their planning and results.

Expediternas actio : En studie om tio expediters kroppsspråk i två saluhallar i Stockholm

This study analyses the german writer and artist Unica Zürn´s novel, The Man of Jasmine,1970 (Jasminmannen). Zürn was mostly active in the surrealist avantgarde in Paris during the 1950ies - and 60ies. The male surrealist images of women was polarised in to the godlike, child and the erotic, convulsive object. The mythologizied woman was the muse of men´s creativity. But still there were many women artists who participated in the movement, so clearly there was something in surrealism that attracted women.

A Brief Moment Of Peace. Ett utforskande i visuellt uttryck inom 3d-grafik och animerad film

This project was about the creation of a shorter computer animated film. Thegoal of the project was to explore a different technique of the visual outcomethat should not rely on photorealistic rendering and how to find new interestingways to use 3d-graphic for visuals. A big part of the project was also toincorporate music to create a chosen atmosphere and impact on the viewer butalso to help the story forward and questions such as; ?How can you create anexpression for the feeling you want to transmit?? were formulated. The scenewas built up in a 3d-application consisting of a house and surrounding garden,which within an character was animated to tell the plot.

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