

2065 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 6 av 138

Läran tidsandan och nätverken : En litteraturstudie av kyrkan i samhället 1800-1870

The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.

En gud, sex kyrkor, och en hel del Ulf Ekman : En studie i hur allsidigt olika kristna samfund lyfts i svenska medier

In this study, we looked at how balanced the various christian denominations in Sweden were raised in the news, on the basis of the requirement for balanced reporting. To measure the balance, we utilized Harcup and O'Neill?s news values and studied to what degree these values occurs in association with news articles that address the various denominations. The following denominations were selected for this study; Word of Life, the Pentecostal Church, Jehovah's witnesses, the Catholic Church, the Salvation Army and the Swedish Church. These denominations were then studied on the basis of news values in four of Sweden?s largest news organisations, in terms of audience numbers.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process.

Förändring och Mening : En studie om copingprocessen och utmattningssyndrom  bland präster i Svenska Kyrkan

Burn out is common among people who work with other people and occurs in both ecclesiastical and non ecclesiastical context. In recent years, the phenomenon has attracted increasing attention in the Church of Sweden and among persons who hold a consecration service as priests.The purpose of this essay is to study the text material from the two authors (Lennart Belfrage 2009 and Martin Petré 2013) and to analyze and describe them. Another goal is to see how the coping theory may be helpful for this group of priests to handle the situation arising in the time of burnout.I have used the qualitative research and hermeneutics method for categorize and encode the material in order to interpret and understand the underlying causes that could explain burnout among priests in the Church of SwedenPargaments (1997) coping theory has been important for analysis and explanation of burnout among a group of priests in the Church of Sweden.In the result, I have found four components that may be useful in the understanding of the cause of burnout. The analysis shows that Pargaments (1997) coping theory is useful to manage complex situations for example burnout, among priests in the Church of Sweden..

Heraldik i Svenska kyrkan : timbrering av det tredelade ämbetets vapen

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan om hur ämbetsbärare inom Svenska kyrkan använder timbreringar i deras heraldiska vapen. Detta bruk jämförs sedan med bruket Church of England samt Romersk katolska kyrkan, vilka har en reglerad heraldik, i motsats till Sverige, och Svenska kyrkan.I uppsatsen lämnas även förslag till timbreringar för Svenska kyrkan..

Skötselavtal eller sköta graven själv : vilka faktorer spelar roll vid beslut om gravskötsel?

This study is a first attempt to try to understand what the variables could be that make the person responsible for the grave sign up for grave gardening services by the church or to maintain the grave by him- or herself. There has been almost no research done within this subject. This study has been made by a qualitative research method and interviews have been performed with both persons responsible for the grave who have gardening services made by the church and with those who maintain the grave by themselves. The characteristics that are affecting consumer behaviour and the buyer decision process are presented in the theoretical part of this study. That is done so it can be seen if a comparison between the results of the study and the basic theoretical concept is possible, resulting in an understanding of how the costumers think and argue about this question.

Vem är Troy Perry? : En uppsats om homosexuell befrielseteologi

In this essay I plan to mainly write about the Christian church. However, I will shortly mention other parishes.In the first part I will in the first chapter write how the church saw earlier on HBLT (Homo-, Bisexual, Lesbians and Transgender) people. In the second chapter how the situation is today and finally in the third chapter I will try to see how the situation is in the future in both in a positive and negative aspect.In the second part I will write about Troy Perry, the founder of M.C.C. Metropolitan Community Churches). In the first chapter I will write shortly about when he was growing up, in the second about his vocation to become a minister and in the third chapter about his founding of M.C.C.In the third and last part I will in the first chapter write about the first years, in the second chapter about how it is today and in the third and last chapter what the elders in the church sees how the future will look like.My main question is to see if M.C.C.

Trossamfundens makt i Sverige : En uppsats om stat-kyrka reformen och dess inverkan på trossamfundens maktposition

The aim of this paper is to describe and explain how the separation between state and church effects the power relations between state and religious groups and organizations. Former state church, The Swedish church, is in this paper, not included in the definition of religious groups. The reform (?stat-kyrka reformen?) took place between 1995 and year 2000.I?m examining if religious groups had any influence on the reform. My expectation is to give a clearer picture of religious groups and its power position in Swedish politics and society.

Uttorkningsmöjligheter i ett fuktskadat badrum med hjälp av spaltmetoden

Buildings today are built to maintain a healthy indoor environment and an efficient energy usage which is probably why damages caused by dampness has increased since the 1960?s.A study between year 2008 and 2010 showed that 26 percent of the 110 000 examined houses had damages and flaws caused by dampness that could prove to be harmful later on. This means that one out of four bathrooms risk the chance to develop damages by dampness. Approximately 2 percent of the houses had already developed water damages. It is here where the problems appear.

Kan företag tvingas till tillväxt?

The purpose with this disertation is to find if there are selected factors which can force companies to grow. We have chosen five factors which we think can force the companies; market, strategy, profitability, demographic and institutional factors. We want to examine if there are differences between small and larger companies, and if there are differences between the lines of business.The intention to growth is also influenced by different factors. The organization and the board have an effect on the development. There are also factors that can obstruct the growth, for example control.

Begravningen och Luther ? en studie av Luthers spår i Svenska kyrkans begravningsritualer

This study is a reception analysis regarding the theology of Martin Luther, specifically in the areas of eschatology and anthropology, in to the funeral practices of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan).The main theme in the anthropology of Martin Luther is that of the freedom of all men and women. The price that we have to ?pay? for this freedom is that we need to act as humble servants to all other persons.The eschatological view of Martin Luther tells us that the only condition we need to fulfill in order to be admitted into God?s kingdom is faith alone.The Church of Sweden and their views on anthropology and eschatology are inspired by the writings of Martin Luther as it proclaims itself to be of evangelical Lutheran denomination, but it has incorporated other views as well over time.The conclusions of the study is that the principals guiding funeral practices, including eulogies held by priests during the funeral services, are in fact influenced by the anthropological and eschatological views of Martin Luther, and the study concludes that the theology of Martin Luther is a very good stand point for the Church of Sweden to stay relevant in today?s society..

Granproduktion på tallmarker! : är produktionen hållbar?

The aim of this report was to investigate the hypothesis that Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), planted on poor ?Scots pine? stands will not have sustained growth during the whole rotation, due to water deficit in the closed stands. In order to investigate this hypothesis, data from 10 Norway spruce stands in southern-eastern Sweden were collected. In 10 plots in each stand, diameter and breast heights were measured on every tree.

Sökarkyrkan; Marknadsförd religion mot den postmoderna sökaren? -Hur och varför ett fåtal innovativa religionsproducenter förändrar det amerikanska religiösa landskapet

The controversial phenomenon of ?seeker-oriented? megachurches are currently transforming the American religious landscape. These churches, some housing up to 30,000 worshippers every week, are targeting religious seekers as their primary objective. Their success in attracting and converting those who usually wouldn?t even think of attending church can in large parts be explained by changes in liturgy, the removal of visible theological discussion and use of shopping mall styled buildings, designed to make the religious seeker feel like home.

Postmoderniteten i Svenska kyrkan. En läsning av herdabrev 1972-2014

The purpose of this paper is to explore to what extent some Swedish bishops (1972-2014), mainly archbishops, were influenced by postmodernity as described by Lyotard in his report La Condition postmoderne (1979).This report had a tremendous impact on the western cultural and philosophical debate in general during the very end of the twentieth century. I am trying to find out if this impact could also be observed in the religious sphere and particularly in the Church of Sweden. My theory used, is mainly based on the ideas presented in La Condition postmoderne and my method is a hermeneutical reading of eight pastoral letters. These letters were written during the time that the Church of Sweden transformed from being an officially recognized national church to a free church among other free churches and in this respect ended to be a part of the official governmental power. The terms postmodernism or post-modernity were scarcely used at all in the pastoral letters but on the other hand the bishops seemed to share many of the ideas that Lyotard presented, such as the view on the metahistory/metanarrative and the connection of knowledge to power, the necessity of dialogue and openness and the importance and the role of creating and maintaining language games..

Tro, Hopp och Tveksamhet : En studie om profil, image och kommunikation för Svenska kyrkan Västerås

What does the Swedish church Västerås stand for today according to the employees and how do they want to profile themselves to the target group? What image and what expectations does the target group have of the Swedish church Västerås? How can the Swedish church Västerås communicate uniform, with the intent to create mutual value with the target group?The purpose of the study is to make recommendations to the Swedish church Västerås for their prospective communication plan by examining their profile and target group's image and expectations of the organization. The study also aims to examine how the Swedish church Västerås can communicate their brand uniform.The study applies a qualitative research with deductive approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of the employees and focus groups with a sample of the target group.Better match between profile and image means that SkVs employees better understand the organization and can communicate more uniform which leads to a stronger brand identity. If SkV understands what is relevant for their target group, they can reduce the total cost of customer delivered value and thus increase the total value.

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