

2065 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 27 av 138

Potentiella arealer för ökad virkesproduktion i norra Sverige genom skogsodling med Pinus contorta var. latifolia, Larix sukaczewii, Abies lasiocarpa, Populus × wettsteinii och Picea mariana

Sweden is a country with few native tree species. According to Govt. 2007/08: 108, exotic tree species may be seen as an opportunity to increase the growth of tree volume in Sweden. Potential areas where explored In this work for cultivation with Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm., Larix sukaczewii Dylis, Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti (tremula x tremuloides) and Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton et.al.

Från passiv till aktiv strategi - Näringspolitisk förändring och handlingskapacitet i industrikommunerna Bromölla och Östra Göinge

Since the 1980's economic policies has become an important issue in municipalities and more resources are put into projects that are intended to have a positive influence on the local economic growth. From a theoretical perspective of regime theory and a model of local political economy, concerning the strategies chosen by the actors involved designed by Jon Pierre, the discussion points to the fact that it is possible to affect the local development. The municipalities discussed and compared in this thesis, Bromölla and Östra Göinge, have similar prerequisite for growth mainly due to their dependence to large industrial companies.In order to fulfill the aim of the thesis and examine the change in economic policies over time and between the two municipalities a comparative method is used. The creation of local governing coalitions is emphasized which makes efforts and intentions of individual actors crucial for the success of the local economic policies. Bromölla started their more active efforts in the area of economic policies earlier than Östra Göinge and has also come a bit further in the process.

Att lära tillsammans genom musik - En studie av hur rytmikpedagoger skapar en god miljö för lärande

This study is about how eurhythmic teachers create a comfortable and educational environment in their classrooms. In other words how they create a healthy working environment. Four teachers were chosen for the study, one of them male. I?ve used qualitative interviews because I believe it's the best method to collect information that illustrates what a teacher's working situation looks like and what he/she does to realize their own ideas.

Trädgårdsdesign i södra Kalifornien

Trädgårdar är inte bara till för den visuella upplevelsen utan handlar även om den fysiska användningen. Det kulturella sättet att se på trädgård utvecklas över tid i Kalifornien. Först från det medicinska, symboliska, meditativa och erfarenhetsmässiga studerandet från missionsträdgårdarna, till det odlade och produktiva under kolonialtiden för att vidare bli en yta för nöje under tidiga delen av 1900-talet. Under efterkrigstiden blev det sedermera en plats där familjens alla aktiviteter kom i fokus. Kalifornien kom att utvecklas i en aldrig tidigare skådad takt.

Förekomsten av utfällningar på måleriskikt En studie av Holdhus kyrkas predikstol

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:11Förekomsten av utfällningarpå måleriskiktEn studie av Holdhus kyrkas predikstol.

Dans som utställningsobjekt : Upplevelser och erfarenheter av tid och rörele i Dansmuseets permanenta utställning

This essay concerns dance as an exhibition object by examining the permanent exhibition at The Museum of Dance in Stockholm, Dansmuseet. Due to its dependence on the temporality and movement of the lived body, dance does not easily lend itself to being exhibited in a traditional exhibition display; and since the live dance performance itself is ostensibly absent at the exhibition display, other means of representation must be relied upon in order to evoke the exhibition visitors? experiences of time and movement as well as the feeling of dance. Starting from a phenomenological first-person perspective, as an exhibition visitor, I present three ways in which such experiences may come about. The cross-section of the experience evoked and the means that trigger them are intermedial, spatial, and performative taking their departure in the visitor?s pre-understanding of dance..

Goat production in Laos and the potential of using Erythrina variegata as a feedstuff

Lao People?s Democratic Republic (PDR) is a country where the majority of the population works within the sector agriculture in one way or another. The number of goats are increasing and the animals can be an important income source for families. However, during the dry season, lack of feed is a great problem for the farmers. Fodder trees have shown great potential as dry season feeding, due to that the trees often hold green and fresh leaves a long time into the season, compared to grass that dry out quickly.

Samband mellan galtars sociala beteende, ätbeteende och resultat i stationsprövning :

Relationship between social behaviour, feeding behaviour and performance of boars using single-space feeders A study on the behavioural patterns of growing boars is presented. The study was preformed at Quality Genetics? boar testing station Månseryd in Sweden. The boars were purebred Yorkshire, Hampshire or Landrace, born in nine different nucleus farms. The study is based on two batches of boars, with 63 and 69 boars respectively.

En analys av de sociala klassernas bruk av titlar i Uddevalla under 1700-talet

This is a study that will focus on the possibility to learn information about a town and its inhabitants of the 18th century by analyzing individual titles in the church records. The records that are used in this study are marriage registration administrated by the local church of the town of Uddevalla. The records are very detailed and each individual registered have a title, such as ?tradesman? or ?maiden?. Since the source are a registration of all the weddings that took place during the period of 1700 to 1749, the source gives very broad and valid information about the inhabitants of the town.

Konstruktion av en fotobioreaktor för odling av alger : ett småskaligt försök

The prevailing food and energy crisis of the world, due to the declining reserves of fossil energy and a never ending rise of consumption, forces us to look into new fields to supply our energy demand. The boom of bio energy is criticized, as food crops are used to provide biodiesel and ethanol and the volumes are ridiculously small to supply world demand. Algae are one of the world?s oldest life forms and exist in many different phyla, providing a great variety to choose from, for different purposes. Cultivating microalgae offer a way to produce energy at great volumes without competing with food production and at the same time the algae offer a way to use our expensive nutrients in a more efficient way, besides this the algae are carbon dioxide neutral since their carbon source can be supplied by the atmosphere and the additional energy required can be supplied by algal oil or other renewable sources.

Effekten av metyljasmonat som skydd mot gnag av snytbagge (Hylobius abietis) på gran- och tallplantor :

The effect of methyl jasmonate on resistance against the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) in Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. A field experiment was conducted in order to determine the dose-response effects of methyl jasmonate (MJ) on growth and defence to pine weevils in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) and to compare the effect of MJ between pine and spruce. In addition a complementary greenhouse experiment was conducted with the same aims as above and to determine the amount of resin ducts and their correlation to the feeding of pine weevils. The field experiment was conducted on a fresh clear cutting in Garpenberg, southern Dalarna in central Sweden. The experiment consisted of 30 blocks with three kinds of containerized seedlings: 2-year old spruce, small pine (before shoot elongation) and 1-year old pine (already shoot elongated). They were all exposed to 4 treatments 14 days prior to the experiment: control, 25 mM/L MJ, 50 mM/L MJ and 100 mM/L MJ. Data on weevil damage and seedling growth were collected after the first and the second growing season. The seedlings in the greenhouse experiment were of the same kind and were exposed to the same treatment as the ones in the field experiment.

Samband mellan en längre tillväxtsäsong och en ökad smoltstorlek i Vänerområdet

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to see if there is a connection between smolt length from Brattfors salmon cultivation and temperature. Climate changes are expected to give a higher temperature that could result in a longer growing season for the fish.Cultivated smolt is today bigger than it was before, it is also bigger than the wild salmon. The growth season of salmonids depend on the water temperature, salmonids need 6-80C to grow. Water temperature has been surveyd since the late 50´s in Brattfors. The result shows that it?s now considerable more days per year with higher temperature.

Behöver tillväxten en stad? Om Dublin som politisk arena, aktör och tillväxtmotor

This thesis intends to examine the role of the city, Dublin, in the Irish economic growth during the 1990s. It is a case study where Dublin is compared with current theories on post modern cities as growth machines and increasingly prominent actors in the global context. The study has an interdisciplinary approach but focuses on political science issues such as power distribution, global-local governance and local political organisation. It is a theory driven study that also intends to add aspects to the understanding of the cities of our time. I argue that Dublin has faced a lot of changes during the last decades in accordance with the post modern city.

Tillväxt hos inkubatorföretag - En fallstudie av SSE Business Lab

Incubators have grown more popular in recent years. Studies have shown that companies that have been part of an incubator grow faster and have a higher survival rate. The Swedish government realizes that this benefits the economy. Therefore they have started different funding programs in order to support the incubators. The thesis aims to explore the underlying reasons for why companies that have been part of an incubator often experience high growth.

SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980

In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.

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