

1493 Uppsatser om Chronic low back pain - Sida 14 av 100

Ett sviktande hjärta : patientupplevelser av att leva med en kronisk hjärtsvikt

As the occurrence of obesity increases amongst young people, so increases the risk of more people suffering from heart failure as early as during middle age. The aim is to describe the life experiences of middle aged persons living with chronic heart failure. The literature study is based on twelve published, qualitative, and scientifically proved articles derived from MedLine and Cinahl using queries representing the subject, as well as from manual searching in ScienceDirect and LIBRIS. These articles have been analyzed from a life world perspective. Four main themes and four sub themes were identified from the articles' results.

Att leva med en familjemedlem med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom

BACKGROUND: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a slow progressive disease affecting the family caregivers by limiting their lifestyle. Subsequently the situation can be experienced as stressful for both the afflicted and the relatives. To easier understand the needs of the caregivers of family members suffering from COPD have, it is important to get an insight into their experience of every-day life, so that medical staff can help, support and promote their health according to their needs. AIM: To illustrate caregivers? experiences of living with a family member suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Att se smärta med andra ögon : Sjuksköterskans möjligheter att utföra en individuell smärtbedömning hos patienter med demens

Bakgrund: Patienter med en demenssjukdom har en nedsättning av den kognitiva förmågan och svårigheter att kommunicera. Detta resulterar i att denna patientgrupp har svårigheter i att förmedla sin smärta till sjuksköterskan, vilket försvårar smärtbedömningen.Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskans möjligheter till att utföra individuell smärtbedömning av patienter med en demenssjukdom.Metod: Studien var en litteraturstudie. 12 artiklar inkluderades varav 3 artiklar var kvalitativa och 9 artiklar var kvantitativa. Alla artiklar granskades och analyserades och svarade mot studiens syfte.Resultat och konklusion: Det är en utmaning att bedöma smärta hos patienter med en demenssjukdom. Sjuksköterska bör observera patientens uttryck och beteenden för att finna tecken på smärta.

Jag tänkte gå, men livet kom emellan: om sex kvinnors val att inte delta i mammografiscreening

The aim of this study was to identify possible reasons for non-attendance related to mammographic screening. Using qualitative methods, sex women underwent a semi-structured interview on the following themes: social background, medical history, mammographic screening, invitation, and final decision.Social background was described using the "life-form theory". The concepts of illness, disease, and sickness were used in order to investigate medical conditions and their impact. The process of non-attendance was studied using a model by Zovko, balancing different needs affecting decisions and final action.According to their decision, and final action, women were defined as "participants", "passive non-attenders" or "active non-attenders". Most women belonged to the life-form "paid work" and had children.

Do Dividends Pay Dividends

The main intention with this thesis is to investigate the relationship between dividends and investments. We hypothesize that firms may be forced to cut back on investments if dividends are not curtailed in times of poor annual earnings. According to contemporary theories, we argue that firms may be reluctant to cut back on dividends even when annual earnings decline and the level of investments will consequently be determined by the financial mobility of companies. The survey is carried out by means of a quantitative analysis, which includes all firms quoted on the exchange of Stockholm from 1980 through 2000. On the contrary of previous research, we conclude that even firms with high dividends can be forced to curtail investments if payouts to shareholders are maintained or increased when companies are faced with a decline in annual earnings..

Svenska soldaters upplevelse av återgången till vardagslivet i Sverige. : Stöd - Hjälp - Hinder

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

Reliabilitets- och validitetsprövning av Modifierad Self-efficacy Scale för patienter med långvarig smärta

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att reliabilitetspröva stabiliteten för M-SES för patienter med långvarig smärta genom test-retest metoden. Syftet var även att undersöka samtidig validitet för M-SES, genom att utföra M-SES och SES mätt vid samma tillfälle.Metod: I studien undersöktes self-efficacy instrumentet M-SES på Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus, på avdelningarna för Smärtcentrum och Smärtrehabilitering. Frågeställningarna berörde vilken stabilitets reliabilitet mätt med test-retest som förelåg hos M-SES, samt vilken grad av samtidig validitet som förelåg för M-SES korrelerat med SES. Den slutliga undersökningsgruppen bestod i frågeställningen om stabilitets reliabilitet av 29 patienter (23 kvinnor, sex män), och i frågeställning om samtidig validitet av 22 patienter (17 kvinnor, fem män).Resultat: Vid prövning av stabilitets reliabilitet för M-SES visade resultatet en stark korrelation, med korrelationskoefficient 0,92 och p<0,05. Det förelåg även en god överrensstämmelse för test-retest undersökningen.

Måste det göra ont att spela? - En kvantitativ studie om ergonomi och kontrabasspel

Does playing have to hurt? - A quantitative study of ergonomics and double bass playing. This is a paper about ergonomics and double bass playing. I have studied the prevalence of playing-related pain in professional double bass players, teachers and students. This study is based on a questionnaire with 11 questions about double bass playing and pain.

Det gör ont : Läkemedelsfri smärtlindring med stöd av grindteorin ur ett patientperspektiv.

SYFTE: Syftet är att belysa patienternas upplevelse av läkemedelsfri smärtlindring med stöd av grindteorin.DESIGN: LitteraturstudieBAKGRUND: Kunskap om hur patienterna upplever läkemedelsfri smärtbehandling baserad på grindteorin, kan göra det lättare för den enskilda sjuksköterskan att fatta beslut om användande av dessa metoder.URVAL: Vetenskapliga artiklar med empiriska studier på vuxna publicerade mellan åren 2000-2012.METOD: Databassökningar och manuella sökningarRESULTAT: 14 studier med sammanlagt 1771 deltagarevisar att smärtlindringsmetoderna med stöd av grindteorin hade avsedd effekt på smärta. De gav även patienterna lindring vad avser oro och rädsla. Några av studierna tar även upp att patienterna fick en känsla av att själv kunna påverka smärtan. Metoderna som användes var såväl hudstimulerande, som kognitiva.SLUTSATS: Smärtlindring baserad på grindteorin, såväl hudstimulering som kognitiva metoder, är något som sjuksköterskan bör ha kunskap om och använda för att lindra smärta och oro/rädsla. Metoderna är även ett sätt att låta patienten känna sig delaktig, då speciellt de kognitiva metoderna..

Ett undervisningsmaterial i Livskompetens : Prövat på stödgrupper för tonåringar med kronisk sjudom

Chronic illness is associated with conditions that may result in psychological ill-health in the adolescence. Consequently there is a need for development of preventive psychosocial support interventions for this target group. The objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate the effect of supportive intervention group program for teenagers suffering from chronic illness - aiming at increasing quality of life and supporting mental and physical health. Method: Six different intervention groups were conducted between 2007 and 2011, age 13?17.

  Opioid-inducerad obstipation i samband med postoperativ smärtbehandling : Förekomst och förebyggande åtgärder

Objective: The objective was to examine the incidence of constipation, and the preventive measures taken in relation with postoperative pain treatment with opioids at two orthopaedic surgery wards.Methods: The participants were patients that had undergone surgery in the back, hip or thigh. They were selected through systematic selection and a total of 46 electronic health records were examined. The factors investigated and tested for correlation with constipation were the usage of laxatives, daily fluid-intake and early mobilisation.Results: Totally, 26.1 % of the patients became constipated, and laxatives were prescribed to 65.2 % of the patients. Doctors prescribed 53.3 % of the laxatives, nurses 33.3 % and for the remaining 13.3 % it was uncertain who had written the prescription. Usage of laxatives seemed to cause constipation (p=0,025), whereas there was no correlation between constipation and early mobilization.

Measurement of ejection fraction of the left ventricular - A comparison between echocardiography and isotope angiography

Background: Documents and legislation inform us that parts of the public health service of Sweden, at a political level, aim to support people?s sexual health. Statistics show there has been an increase among young woman, seeking help for sexual pain during intercourse. The diagnosis that the media has come to observe lately is vulvar vestibulitis. In general there is a lack of knowledge about the existence of this state of pain and its causes, which impacts woman to get appropriate help and support in time.

Att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) : En litteraturöversikt om vuxna människors upplevelser i vardagen

Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) includes Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UK). The diseases are chronic and have a pattern of relapses interspersed with relatively symptom-free periods. Common symptoms during relapse are diarrhea, abdominal pain and weight loss. Since you have IBD for life it is important to find ways to relate to and cope with the disease. In that process a nurse can be of great help.Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to increase the understanding of how adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease experience their daily lives.  Method: The method used was a literature review.

Livskvalitet hos personer med svårläkta bensår : Upplevelsen av att leva med svårläkta bensår

Bakgrund: Vid omvårdnad av personer med bensår är det lätt att lägga fokus på bensåret med risk för att den subjektiva upplevelsen kan komma i skymundan. Därför kan det vara viktigt att belysa patienters upplevelser ur ett holistiskt perspektiv. I tidigare forskning har det framkommit att livskvaliteten påverkas negativt där smärta visat sig vara en betydelsefull faktor. Syfte: Att ur ett livskvalitetsperspektiv belysa personers upplevelse av att leva med svårläkt bensår. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats.

Hur simträning påverkar hundar

Hydrotherapy is a relatively new area when it comes to treatment and prevention of different problems in dogs, but an area that is growing in popularity. In Sweden, the person who performs hydrotherapy on dogs doesn?t need veterinary education, which is the case in some other countries. What makes hydrotherapy advantageous is that water has an ability to provide an environment where injured body parts can be supported, which means that rehabilitation can start early without the risk of affecting the injury and in the same time relieve the pain for the patient. There are only a few studies of hydrotherapy on dogs and these studies focus on the physical health of the dog.

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