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Kvinnor och män på väg till toppen. Rekryteringens betydelse för jämnare könsfördelning bland chefer i kommunala organisationer.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the factors of children?s voluntarily reading in their spare time. We also want to know if the children choose non-fiction books for their voluntarily reading. The method as well as the empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of twenty-eight children in ages between 9 and 12 years. We conducted nine interviews with 3?4 children in each group.

Barns upplevelse av astma : en litteraturstudie

Asthma is one of the most common diseases among children. The aim of this study was, through a literature review, describing children's experience of living with asthma and show how negative experiences can be turned into positive ones, by the nurse's work. Results showed that many of the children with asthma experienced respiratory- and chestproblems, tiredness, panic, fear, anger, frustration, discomfort, irritation and anxiety. Children felt most restricted in physical activity's. Education used to enhance children's experiences included relaxation, imaginary exercises and confidence training.

Barns tankar kring sopor : Hur arbetar förskollärare med ämnet?

The purpose of this analysis was by qualitative semi-structured interviews with twelve children 5-years old and six pre-school teachers at three pre-schools, a total of six departments, find out how pre-school teachers worked with waste separation, if it motivated the children to take care of the environment, and if the work was understandable for the children. The results showed that the children did not comprehend what the pre-school teachers expressed that they worked with regarding waste separation and actions connected to caring for the environment. The pre-school teachers also expressed that the children was not mature enough to learn about the process when waste separated garbage is recycled, and that the work with the subject therefore had been carried out on a lower level. The children however expressed knowledge that did not come straight from their actual every day life, but since dialogue about the subject did not seem to exist between pre-school teachers and children, the pre-school teachers appeared to have failed in making the learning meaningful and understandable for the children, from their knowledge, experiences and interests..

Ett träd och dess liv : Förskolebarns uppfattningar om träd

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool children's perceptions of trees in and it was done through qualitative interviews. The children were drawing trees and told me what the tree needs to grow and what happens to the leaves in autumn. In a playful way, they learned more about trees and the purpose was also to examine whether they had acquired new experiences and thoughts on the trees, photosynthesis and decomposition. Then the children were interviewed again to see if their answers were different. The results showed that the children gave different answers at the second interview.

Eugeniahemmet : Synen på barnen i Eugeniahemmet

The aim of this essay is to examine the view on children with disability´s in the end of the 19 Th to the beginning of the 20 Th. We will examine the children that lived in Eugeniahememt but we will also examnie the view the society had on the children who lived on Egueniahemmet. In our essay there are four questions that we are going to answer.- Who took the initive to start Eugeniahemmet and how did it affect the activity?- Which view had the society on the children who lived on Eugeniahemmet?- How did the work with the children look like?- Which view had the staff, in Eugeniahemmet, on the children?The method that is being used in this essay is trying to analyses what the material tells us about the view on the children and how the work with the children lookt liked in Eugeniahemmet.The theory that we use is about Michel Focaults look on madness. Focault says that a person who is mad dosen?t have a connection between body and soul and that creates hallucinations witch leeds to madness.

Vägen till och igenom grundsärskolan : En studie om föräldrars upplevelse av hur skolgången sett ut för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning.

Students who do not achieve the different credentials that Elementary schools demand because of their mental disability, have the alternative to go to special school. Special school has a reduced course of studies, which correspond  to the students' different conditions and qualifications. The students who go to special school have done assessments to establish their need of extra help and support in their education. This paper want to show how the schooling of the children can be experienced from a parental point of view. Parents with children with special needs constantly have to make different choices to promote their children's development. In this study the parents of disabled children have been interviewed about their children's participation and intergration in ordinary schools and later in special schools.

Barns upplevelser av att leva i en familj med knappa ekonomiska resurser : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to examine what previous research says about children?s experiences living in a low-income family. Its aim was to found out what children themselves say about their life living in a low-income family and what consequences, practical and emotional, low-income environment has on children. More specifically our aim was to find out how children themselves experienced their situation compared with their peer?s economical situation.

Inkludering och exkludering i en förskoleklass : En observationsstudie om maktförhållanden i den fria leken

The purpose of the study is to contribute to the field of social access in children's free play in the pre-school class, by looking at how children are included and excluded and how power structures arises in the free time. In order to capture the events that occur among the children, observations were chosen as research method.The results show that the children wanted to play with each other, and that the most common way to facilitate play was to ask "Can I join?". There were also other strategies being practiced regularly. It was also common to exclude other children from playing, and this was especially when the children wanted to protect their ongoing game, or that someone was not allowed to join because he or she ruined it for the others.

Barns upplevelse av psykosvårdens barngrupp : en undersökning av en grupp för barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrar

The aim of this essay was to study children?s experiences of their participation in a programme for children who have a parent with a mental illness. The study was written at the request of the Psychosis care in Örebro and was accomplished by qualitative interviews with five children at the ages of 11 to 16 years old. Previous research concerning children who have a parent with a mental illness and programmes for these children is accounted for. Antonovsky´s conception KASAM together with the conceptions of guilt and shame were used as the theoretical frame, from which the results of the interviews were analysed.

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för arbetsminne och skolprestationer

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

Stamning i samtal : Stamningens uttryck och bemötande

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

?Du måste låna en riktig bok!?: en forskningsöversikt om barns och vuxnas syn på faktaböcker för barn

The aim of this research review is to map research about how children relate to nonfiction, and how adults, represented by parents, librarians and teachers, relate to children?s nonfiction and its possible purposes, and also the similarities and differences between them, according to current research.A theory of three different ways to look at reading is applied to the material concerning adults? views of children?s nonfiction. To show children?s views, themes are extracted from the research material, using an analysis model of four different ways to read.Studies show that most children as well as adults perceive children?s nonfiction in a traditional way as a means to gain knowledge and facts, and primarily related to school work.Nonfiction can also help children with reading difficulties to practise reading, by stimulating their interests. Many children read nonfiction because they prefer to read ?real stories? about actual people and events.

??först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom?? : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barn.

In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children.

Ökad kommunikation med balanserat styrkort: en fallstudie i kommunal verksamhet

För att nå en önskad vision så behöver en organisation, så även kommuner, styra med strategier mot mål. För att styrningen ska fungera och nå alla medlemmar i organisationen krävs kommunikation av vision, strategi, mål, och budget. I vår uppsats definierar vi kommunikation som dubbelriktad kommunikation där sändaren av ett meddelande får någon sorts respons av mottagaren att meddelandet kommit fram och hur det uppfattats. Vi har i denna uppsats analyserat om balanserat styrkort förändrat kommunikationen av innebörden med vision, strategi, mål, och budget i offentlig verksamhet. Vårt valda undersökningsobjekt, Luleå kommun, är intressant därför att de har en tydlig, politiskt vald vision, vision 2010.

Kultur ? en förmån eller en rättighet? ? Kulturförmedlares tankar kring kulturutbudet i nordöstra Skåne

This Master?s thesis explores the staff responsible for children?s culture in the south of Sweden, in north-east Scania. This thesis seeks to answer the following questions: What kind of culture is offered to children in their spare time? Can children influence culture in the investigated region, and do the people in charge listen to the children?s ideas? How are children in the region informed about cultural events? In my research I used enquiries and worked with the investigation program Query & Report to collect the material. The study consists of the staff, i.e.

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