

7384 Uppsatser om Children in foster home care - Sida 26 av 493

Storyline : - barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This examination is about storyline and children who has problem to focus and concentrate in school. The premier aim of this survey is to look into the storylinemethod and investigate what it means methodical. I am also going to look more into how this children feels about this method and how they adjust to it.In my empirical examintion through qualitative interviews with teatchers and also questionnaires with thirtynine children participated i got a great result. My conclusions is that this method can be demanding and also confusing for this children but the good part is that it is subjectintegrated and it is easy to motivate this children.This examintation has given me an insight how teatchers can teatch in a storyline inspirated education.The storylinemethod is aiming to individual adjustment and these children maybe needs that moust of all..

Socialsekreterares attityder till homosexuella par som familjehemsföräldrar : En enkätundersökning

Syftet med denna studie har varit att beskriva och analysera attityder hos socialsekreterare till homosexuella par som familjehemsföräldrar. Våra frågeställningar som har genomsyrat studien har varit centrerade kring vilka attityder till homosexuellas lämplighet som familjehemsföräldrar det finns hos socialsekreterare som arbetar med målgruppen barn och familj, samt hur attityder till homosexuella som familjehemsföräldrar ser ut beroende på de homosexuella parens kön. Socialsekreterarna som har medverkat i studien arbetar inom kommuner i södra Sverige med ärenden som rör målgrupperna barn och familj. Studiens empiriska data har inhämtats med hjälp av enkäter som består av frågor och påståenden som är baserade på tidigare forskning. Vi har analyserat vår data i förhållande till diskurs inom socialt arbete som profession och heteronormativitet.

Biblioteket för barn av vuxna : en undersökning av barnbibliotekariers förförståelse av barns förutsättningar

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the understanding of children's librari-ans regarding children's needs and preconditions in a library context and based on devel-opmental psychology and information seeking theories. The children's perspective is said to be the guiding star in the children's library and the thesis also aims to study the chil-dren's perspective as defined by children's librarians.The master thesis is a qualitative study based on interviews with children's librarians working at major public libraries. Observations of the children's libraries in the study have to some extent been performed.The study reveals that children's librarians are fairly knowledgeable about children but do not to a full extent use that knowledge into adapting the library to children and their needs. The children are not contributing to the adaptation of the library to any extent as there are few routines for that matter. In society in general children are on a regular basis represented by adults and their perspective on children and children's needs, which may differ from the perspective children have on their own lives, and the same is applicable for the children's library.

?Vem knackar på min dörr? Palliativa patienters upplevelse av att bli vårdade i hemmet

Palliativ vård är en helhetsvård av patienten och dennes familj. Fler människor önskar att få dö i det egna hemmet och olika hemsjukvårdsformer har vuxit fram. Hemsjukvården är en form som har ökat och målet är att ett stort antal personer med sjukvårds- och omvårdnadsbehov ska kunna bo kvar i det egna hemmet. Det vårdvetenskapliga perspektivet beskriver att målet med vårdandet av den palliativa patienten är att förhindra eller lindra lidandet och skapa villkor för välbefinnande. Det är också viktigt att stödja patienten och dennes familj så att de upplever en så bra livskvalitet som möjligt, något som den tidigare forskningen visar.

Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet

The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers? perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment.Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area.In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers? professional identity.The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach.The questions are:? What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers?? According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment?? How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment?The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre..

Känslan av att inte räcka till : en essä om tid, närvaro och förskolebarn i behov av särskilt stöd

In this essay I consider a self-experienced dilemma, and review how I, as a preschool teacher, treat a child with special needs. With the support of literature and theory, I can, with an essay writing approach, reflect and analyze the dilemma. In this way I will examine my practical knowledge and personal experiences of a complex situation. I want to examine whether children with special needs who are included in regular preschool activities, really get the support they need and deserve. Do educators have the conditions and does preschool have sufficient resources to realize this? Do educators have sufficient knowledge of how children with special needs should be responded to? I want to find out how the included children's social development and self-image is shaped by the treatment they receive at the preschool.

Vuxna människors erfarenheter av att i livets slutskede vårdas av anhöriga i hemmiljö

Att befinna sig i ett terminalt skede i livet kan innebära en känsla av oro och ångest inför sjukdomen och döden. Möjligheten att då få tillbringa sin sista tid i hemmiljö med nära och kära kring sig genererar för många en trygghet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa vuxna människors erfarenheter av att i livets slutskede vårdas av anhöriga i hemmiljö. Metoden som använts är systematisk litteraturstudie där aktuell forskning inom området sammanställts. Databaser som använts för sökningen var PsycINFO, Medline, Cinahl, Elin@kalmar och SweMed+.

Datorspel för lekfull och interaktiv teckeninlärning: utvärdering och vidareutveckling av en prototyp

The aim was to evaluate and suggest improvements for the prototype TIVOLI (sign-learning via computer-based playful interaction). The game purposed to give children who need signing as augmentative and alternative communication enhanced signing skills. Three children in need of signs played TIVOLI at home during 4-5 weeks. Data contained parental interviews, Talking Mats interviews, assessment of signing competence before and after the evaluation period and game protocols. One game interaction per child was filmed.

Av gammal vana : En kvalitativ studie om varför svenskar inte e-handlar livsmedel i större utsträckning

The food industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Swedish e-commerce today. However, e-commerce still represents a very small part of the total food sales in Sweden. Experts have noted that, in order for e-commerce to expand in this field, Internet food sales must increase.The aim of this study is to form an understanding of why Swedes do not purchase more food products online. The theoretical framework consists of various marketing theories concerning consumer behavior and the acceptance of new innovations. The methodology used for the purpose of this study has a qualitative approach and in order to answer the questions at hand two focus groups were assembled.

Varför tror vi att vissa företagär mer hållbara än andra? : - En studie om hur företags motiv och kommunikation kringhållbarhet är relaterat till konsumenters uppfattning

The number of elderly in Sweden is increasing due to improved living conditions and better medical care. It is important that society adapts to the increase and begins to work preventively to reduce the costs of the increase. An important aspect is the elderly accommodation, the cost of health care in specific accommodation is almost twice as high as those for ordinary housing. Therefore, it is important that we availability adapt dwelling to allow older people to live in ordinary housing for as long as they wish, instead of moving to assisted living before they need it. If we can fulfil the elder?s needs with home care instead, society can save a lot of money.In this report, three different forms of housing has undergone accessibility increases and been inventoried and analysed.

Att leva med bonussyskon : Om de biologiska barnens situation i familjehemmen

Uppsatsen "Att leva med bonussyskon ? Om de biologiska barnens situation i familjehemmen" ur ett föräldra- samt professionellt perspektiv är utförd och skriven av Annie Dahlbom.Denna studie syftar till att få kunskap om de biologiska barnens situation och behov i familjehemmen. Följande frågeställningar har ställts: Hur ser familjehemsföräldrar och familjehemssekreterare på de biologiska barnens delaktighet och roll? Vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter får biologiska barn i och med familjens uppdrag? Har biologiska barn ett behov av stöd och hjälp för sin egen del och i så fall hur?Denna studie är av kvalitativ karaktär och bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med familjehemssekreterare samt familjehemsföräldrar.Studiens resultat visar att biologiska barn i familjehem anses ha en betydelsefull roll för uppdraget och är i hög grad delaktiga i den dagliga vården av det placerade barnet. Familjehemmets egna barn har ingen delaktighet vid möten eller i kontakten med socialtjänsten.

Varför fortsätter rökare att röka och vad motiverar till ett rökstopp? : en kvalitativ studie

This study aimed to describe children?s experience of living with overweight or obesity, by using a literature-review. The study includes eleven articles, data is from children between ages 5-15 year. The result occurring were in the areas; Quality of life and self-esteem, Social company, Body concept and weight reduction and Psychological unhealth. BMI above what is recommended gives a negative influence on quality of live and self-esteem.

"Utlämnade i deras händer" : - En kvalitativ studie om hemmets betydelse för personer i hemlöshet

The aim of this study has been to achieve an increased understanding of the meaning of home for people in homelessness. The study is based on texts written by people in homelessness and a qualitative content analysis has been used to process the material. The result has been analysed with an inductive approach, using parts of the analysis method grounded theory. Three aspects of the meaning of home was identified in the texts; control, self-determination and independence. The lack of a home means a major limitation concerning these aspects, according to the texts.

Nyanlända föräldrar och den svenska skolan : om relationen mellan lärarna och nyanlända föräldrar

This study rises up an untouched area of ??research where the relationship between newly arrived parents and teachers is examined from a structural perspective. Previous research has looked only at the interaction between parents and teacher; this study is thus a theoretical contribution to the research. The aim of the study is met by examining the perceptions newly arrived parents have of their meeting with the Swedish school, the relationship with their children?s teacher, cooperation, collaboration between home and school, as well as their own influence in their children's learning.


The purpose of this study is to describe how dandelion children has experienced their childhood and how their childhood has formed them in their adulthood. The purpose is also to examine how the attachment between the child and the parents has come to expression. To search for the answers of the purpose the following issues has been created: How do dandelion children experience that their upbringing has formed them as a human being in adulthood? and How do dandelion children experience the attachment to their parents have been expressed during childhood? The empirical material of this study is based on a qualitative approach where the material has been assembled by semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The result shows that all the respondents has experienced their childhood as a problematic existence due to their parents lacking in their basic care of the child.

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