

3961 Uppsatser om ChildrenŽs Advocacy Center - Sida 39 av 265

KoncentrationssvÄrigheter hos barn i förskolan. : En intervjustudie om hur pedagoger i förskolan gör för att trÀna barn med koncentrationssvÄrigheter att bibehÄlla sin koncentration.

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how preschool teachers are doing to train children with concentration difficulties to maintain their concentration. That children with concentration difficulties increases is something that emerged in this study. In order to facilitate and help these children in the best possible way, you have to know the underlying causes and the factors that contribute to lack of concentration.Iam usinga qualitativeinterview method withsemi-structuredquestions to getanswersto my questions.Threeteachers fromtwodifferent preschoolsparticipated in the survey. What emerged in the study was that large groups of children, long days at preschool and today?s society with stress are major causes contributing to the increasing number of children with concentration difficulties according those interviewed. The teachersworkedprimarilyonan individualizedmannerin which theyassumed thatallchildrenare different andreact differently to theimpressions andstimulipresent in the environment.

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonÄringar sin aktivitetsnivÄ? : En jÀmförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Objective:This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys.Design:55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children?s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis.Results:The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation.

Att stÀrka familjen: En studie av hur förÀldrastöd kan stÀrka förÀldrar i sitt förÀldraskap

In GĂ€llivare municipality there is a drogpolitical plan which goal is to provide parentsupport for the municipalities parents, make sure the children get a schooling that is evolving and to provide a vide variety of activities for the children?s free time. There should be a possibility for children to have healthy second natures. There should also exist environments that are free from alcohol. At those restaurants that serve alcohol a responsible serving of alcohol should be performed.

En skola för alla eller en skola för ingen? : NÄgra pedagogers tankar om begreppet en skola för alla

The thoughts of a common school for all children have been around since the 1800?s but was something that was introduced in Sweden first in 1962. When the curriculum for primary school came in 1980 there was a new concept, a school for all. With a school for all it was aimed that all children should have the right to participation and a common education no matter what needs they could have.During my education I have come across the concept a school for all and that is something that interested me. Today?s curricula and school laws aim to ensure that all children have the right to equal education and inclusion whatever needs you have.The purpose of this study is to find out some pedagogues? thoughts and work around the concept a school for all.

Den mobila förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogernas tankar kring den fysiska miljön och dess pÄverkan i barns lÀrande

This study deals with teachers ideas about the physical environment of a mobile preschool and how it affects children?s learning. The essay describes how the preschool bus is decorated and how a normal day works in the mobile bus. The survey was based on the following questions:Are there disadvantages and advantages in terms of physical environment in the mobile preschool from an educator based perspective?What are the teacher?s thoughts about the impact on children?s learning in terms of the physical environment on the bus?Summary: To answer my questions I have participated in activities during the day and I have used the interviews to find out the teachers thoughts.

Elevers upplevelser av extra anpassad skolidrott- en intervjustudie

The Swedish curriculum says that the education will adapt and take notice of every child?s individual condition and needs. Every child has the right to development, to feel the happiness of growing and to experience satisfaction of making progress and overcome difficulties. In every class it is often children who need adapted physical education. The earlier these children can get support and practice, the bigger the chance is that they will catch up.

Barns lÀrande och meningsskapande i den fria leken : En intervjustudie om fem pedagogers syn pÄ den fria leken och den fria lekens lÀrande och utveckling

The purpose of this thesis is to study five pedagogue?s view of the free play and their view of the importance of the free play for childrenŽs learning and development. I have chosen to use a qualitative research method in the form of interviews with five pedagogueŽs from a preschool. The main research questions asked were:What have the pedagogues of view on the free play? How important believe the pedagogue that the free play is for children?s learning and development? What has emerged in the study is that educators have a positive view of the free play. They believed that the free play is important for childrenŽs skills.

Förskolebarn med externaliserade och internaliserade problem Àr ingen homogen grupp

Some children develop externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at an early age. Previous research has often treated these children as a homogeneous group, the purpose of this study is to show that this group of children is in fact heterogeneous. Data from theSOFIAstudy was used and preschool pedagogues were informants. The sample contained 2121 boys and girls between 3-5 years. Groups of children with the behavior problems and the risk factors AD/HD symptoms, fearlessness and callous-unemotional traits were created.

Produktion och perception av ordaccenter hos femÄriga östgötska barn med typisk sprÄkutveckling

The Swedish language contains contrasts of tonal word accents, realized by change in the F0 contour. Contrasts of word accents require at least two syllables with stress on the first syllable of the word or a stressed syllable followed by a non-stressed.The purpose of the present study was to examine how five-year-old children living in Östergötland with typical language development produce and discriminate tonal word accents. In addition, it was investigated how these abilities affect each other and comparisons were made to a similar study on children living in SkĂ„ne.For elicitation of tonal word accents a set of pictures with contrastive tonal word accents was used. The children were recorded and their answers were evaluated by visual classification of their F0-curves. In a perceptual analysis of the children?s productions, 11 linguistically naive listeners evaluated 44 randomized words from the recordings.

Fotosyntesspel pÄ ett science center : lÀrande eller bara roligt?

I den föreliggande studien diskuteras och undersöks olika aspekter av lÀrandet som sker pÄ ett science center. I arbetets empiriska del undersöks om elever frÄn skolÄr 4 till gymnasiets Är 3 lÀr sig nÄgot om hur fotosyntesen gÄr till, genom att spela det dataspel som heter Fotosyntesen. Totalt ingick i studien 182 elever, uppdelade pÄ tre Äldersklasser. Alla deltagande elever fick svara pÄ en enkÀt med frÄgor om fotosyntesen. HÀlften av dem fick först spela Fotosyntesen.

Genusperspektiv i barnlitteratur i Sverige i jÀmförelse med arabisk barnlitteratur Gender perspective in children?s literature in Sweden in comparison with the Arabic children?s literature 


AnvÀndbarheten hos WNV: granskning av ett nytt icke-verbalt intelligenstest för barn

This paper investigates the usability of the intelligence test Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV). Twenty four children in two different age-groups were tested with WNV, 10 children between ages 5 - 6, and 14 children between ages 9 - 10. The WNV turned out to be a useful test when some verbal communication was used in the test situation. This was especially apparent among the younger children, who needed extra verbal instructions and verbal support through the different subtests. The test also contained standardized verbal instructions for all ages.

IntÀktsfördelning och ansvarsenhet : En studie av hotellrestauranger

Writers: Johan Lundqvist Eriksson and Elin SandbergSupervisor: Stig AnderssonEnglish title: Allocation of revenue in the hospitality industryKeywords: Revenue allocation, cost allocation, profit center, Du Pont model, taxes and manipulation of data.Date: January 2012Since the taxes for food and lodging has been different in Sweden for many years, the hospitality industry has come up with a way to save money on tax paying. When private customers stay for a weekend where the meals are included, the business is placing more than the relevant revenue on the lodging part, which has the lower tax. Because of this the results has improved and tax money has been saved. Now when the Swedish government has decided to lower the tax on food to the same level as the lodging, the chances for correct revenue allocation arises. When we approached the hospitality industry with our problem area a big interest was showed from the head chefs. They now see a chance to get more income on the meals and through this be able to show better results towards the owners.Two hotel managers at two different hotels and their head chefs were chosen for interviews.

Att undervisa förskolebarn - förskollÀrares strategier

This study gives voice to which strategies preschool teacher?s use they teach preschool children in different performance tasks. The overreaching aim of this study was to find out what teacher give expressions to, verbally and in action, and what educating strategy they use when the purpose is that the children are to learn something specific. The theoretical starting-point of the study is a phenomenography research which aims in finding and systematizing of forms of thought in terms of which people interpret significant aspects of reality. The study has a Sociocultural perspective which means that the structuring occurs through choice of which activities children have access to observe and engage in, as well as through in-person shared endeavours, including conversations, recounting of narratives, and engagement in routines and play.

Television eller ?tell-lie-vision?* : En kvalitativ studie om barns tevekonsumering och deras egna tankar omkring den.

This examination intends to find out what thoughts children in around 12 years of age thinks about their own television consumption. To examine this, the questions in issue is: ?What does the children watch on television?? ?Why do they watch the programs they do?? ?How do the children speak about their own consumption?? ?What does the children learn from TV?? ?Are the children concious of the impressions they take from TV?? ?Do they speak critical about TV?? ?Is there anything indicating on some kind of influence from the childrens television consumption?? .To answer these questions I have chose to hold qualitative interviews, to let the children?s own thoughts be the foundation of the examination. The theories in this examine are that the person who does the consumption from different forms of television takes the information personally out of her own reality. Meaning that the person watching is the judge of how she applies the information to herself.

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