

3956 Uppsatser om Children´s Advocacy Center - Sida 2 av 264

Begreppsanalys - en familjecentral med ett folkhälsovetenskapligt perspektiv

Background: This paper was performed by a student in the Public Health Sciences program at the University of Gothenburg as a mandate from the district administration (SDF) Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo in Gothenburg. The assignment was formed on the basis of a need for a new service with a family-centered approach in the form of a family center for families with children aged 6-12 years. The family center will be located in the Frölunda area.Aim: The purpose of this paper was to describe and deepen the understanding of the concept of a family center from a public health perspective. A particular focus was put on interventions that are aimed at children aged 6-12 years.Method: Walker and Avants (2011) model for concept analysisResults: The defined attributes that the analysis led to were the following: Collaboration, Health Promotion, Prevention and Support services and the Visitors. The created model case and the borderline cases showed a clearer picture of the concepts meaning.

Mer än bara träning : En studie om kundupplevelsefaktorers påverkan vid valet av träningscenter

The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe what factors are most important to students when choosing training center, and how these factors affect the choice of each training center. We investigated this by performing a qualitative research and a quantitative survey of students at Karlstad University that trains at Friskis & Svettis and Sats in Karlstad. The results show that there are a number of important factors in the total customer experience that affects a student's choice of training center and that they also differ between a premium center and basic center. Our conclusion is that when a total customer experience concept consists of a core, core experience and peripheral experiences well linked into each other competitive advantages is created, resulting in more satisfied and loyal customers. .

Yrkeskompenten för lärare med inriktning mot fritidshem : Deras upplevelse av hur kompetensen används på fritidshem och skola

We want to search knowledge in how teachers with a focus on after-school recreation centre estimate how their own competence is used in after- school recreation center and school and what expectations/apprehensions they have on their profession in the future. In our study we have asked teachers with a focus on after-school recreation center how they estimate that their competence has been used in after-school recreation center during the last three years. The method we have used to illustrate this is the Delphi method Nordänger (2009), where we interviewed eight respondents by e-mail. From the responses, we have found that teachers with a focus on after-school recreation center experience that their skills should get more attention in the school. They want to combine care and pedagogy that supports students' physical, intellectual, social and emotional development.

Fritidspedagogens ansvar inför den fria leken

As a leisure time pedagogue I find it hard to have an insight into what children are playing, and how they play when it comes to free play. My experience is that in some free play, conflicts arise, which reveal hierarchies and power structures containing violations, whereas other occasions of free play suddenly come to an end as the pedagogue interferes. In this essay I investigate my responsibility as a leisure time pedagogue during children´s free play, based on two differing play situations. I also investigate the play as a phenomenon by looking into previous research on children?s play and development psychology.

För vilka företag lämpar sig en etablering av ett shared service center? En fallstudie av implementering av ett shared service center på IKEA

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utreda vilka företag som lämpar sig för en implementering av ett shared service center. Metod: Under arbetets gång har en abduktiv ansats använts där det varit en kontinuerlig interaktion mellan teori och empiri. Det har gjorts en kvalitativ studie av ett fallstudieföretag med hjälp av intervjuer, facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Slutsatser: De företag som är mest lämpade för en etablering av ett shared service center bör vara:? Stora ? de måste kunna uppvisa stordriftsfördelar? Multinationella ? centraliseringen till shared service måste få märkbar effekt? Expansiva ? realisera besparing i personalkostnader ? Lågkostnadsstrateger ? syftet med ett shared service center passar företagets paradigm? Förändringsvilliga ? det är ett stort projekt som måste stödjas av organisationen.

Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar

Physical rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in veterinary nursing. To build a physical rehabilitation center for dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical rehabilitation center for dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.

Sjuksköterskan som patientens förespråkare : En litteraturstudie som beskriver faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan i rollen som förespråkare

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskan har enligt kompetensbeskrivningen och ICN:s etiska kod ett ansvar att förespråka patienten. Begreppet advocacy myntades i USA under 1970-talet och sedan dess har begreppet diskuterats i litteraturen. Advocacy innebär att sjuksköterskan ska kunna uttyda patientens önskemål, kommunicera med patient och närstående, försäkra sig om patientens säkerhet, respektera och beskydda patientens rättigheter och tala samt agera på uppdrag av patienten.Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskan i rollen som patientens förespråkare. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav tio kvalitativa och tre kvantitativa. Resultat: Författarna fann i det analyserade materialet, fyra huvudfaktorer som på olika sätt påverkade sjuksköterskan i rollen som förespråkare.

Den som ger sig in i leken får leken tåla! : En studie om barns maktlekar

Our essay is about children's exercise of power, oppression or domination in games or when playing on school grounds with one and other. We thought it would be interesting to look into how children in preschool and up to the fifth grade use power acts respective power plays in leisure-time. During four days we visited two different after-school center and carried out observations of children during the school day and later inside the recreation centers during leisure activities. In order to analyze our empirical material in relation to power, we have used Magnus Hörnqvist (2012) interpretation of Michel Foucault's theory of power - Another Foucault. We have also used Åsa Bartholdsson (2008) thesis about The regular exercise of power regime ? about normality and power in school.

Socialdemokraternas friskolepolicy: Policyförändring utan policyinlärning mellan koalitioner

AbstractIn this essay, policy change and learning is studied in the case of the Social Democratic Party and their policy concerning independent schools. Their policy differs clearly from the right-wing parties. Between 1991 and 1994, the right-wing government made substantial reforms concerning independent schools. The question posed in this essay is whether the policy of the Social Democratic Party has changed as a result of these actions, and if they have approached their right-wing counterparts.Using the Advocacy Coalition Framework, defining a policy as a result of the values the actor holds, the question is studied by applying the theory's assumptions of policy-learning across coalitions. The argumentation of the Social Democratic Party, as it is expressed in official text documents before and after the right-wing government, is analysed.

Soldaterna utan namn eller uniform : En kvalitativ analy av Stern och Lehis 18 principer.

In my essay the dilemmas originate from what I have experienced. I have observed myself and some of my colleagues, how we meet children who are lacking the qualifications which school and most pedagogues expect them to have. Focus, in my written experiences, is on children who live in poverty, but how we meet and act toward them is often quite the same independent of what qualifications they are lacking. With the support from literature and theories I reflect and analyse the dilemmas. Through essaywriting I investigate my practical knowledge and I examine how we as pedagogues handle the complex situations encounter when in school and how it is possible to understand why we act the way we do.I think that the knowledge which essaywriting gives me will strengthen me as a person and in my work as a teacher for after-school-center.

Jag får inte delta i mitt eget liv. ? en kvalitativ studie om hur personer med psykiska funktionshinder beskriver mötet med socialarbetare

The general objective of this qualitative study is to analyse and describe what people with psychiatric disabilities write on their blogs about their encounters with social workers. The questions the study is aiming to answer are: How do people with psychiatric disabilities describe their encounters with social workers? Do the informants describe instances of paternalism and advocacy? How do the informants describe their sense of meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability? The study is based on a theoretical framework in which empowerment and sense of coherence (SOC) are the key elements, along with the concepts of paternalism and advocacy as well as meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability. The research data was collected from blogs on to the blog forum Psykiatrin.blogg.se ? psykiatrins Robin Hood (meaning ?the Robin Hood of psychiatry?).

Energieffektivitet i datahallar

The number of data centers and their capacity is increasing throughout the world. Theenergy used in these data centers and the emissions from the use are increasing at thesame rate. The total use of energy will double from 2008 to 2011 based on the trends indata centers use. Research in this area says that the emissions from data centers willhave surpassed the level of airline traffic in 2020. The index used today to compare howefficient a data center is, called PUE, is lacking some information.

Sjuksköterskan som patientens företrädare - ett etiskt och moraliskt ansvar

Sjuksköterskans arbete skall bygga på vetenskapligt förankrad kunskap, men också präglas av ett etiskt förhållningssätt. Detta förhållningssätt innebär att sjuksköterskan skall, då patienten inte har möjlighet till självbestämmande, företräda densamma och förhindra att ett vårdlidande eller en livsförstörande situation uppstår. Syftet i arbetet är att belysa vad det innebär för sjuksköterskan att företräda patienten, vilka faktorer som påverkar företrädandet samt vilka konsekvenser det kan få. En litteraturstudie med innehållsanalys, baserad på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar, genomfördes. Resultatet visar att, "patient advocacy" (företrädande av patienten) är ett svårdefinierbart begrepp fullt av dilemman.

Sjuksköterskan som patientens företrädare : ett etiskt och moraliskt ansvar

Sjuksköterskans arbete skall bygga på vetenskapligt förankrad kunskap, men också präglas av ett etiskt förhållningssätt. Detta förhållningssätt innebär att sjuksköterskan skall, då patienten inte har möjlighet till självbestämmande, företräda densamma och förhindra att ett vårdlidande eller en livsförstörande situation uppstår. Syftet i arbetet är att belysa vad det innebär för sjuksköterskan att företräda patienten, vilka faktorer som påverkar företrädandet samt vilka konsekvenser det kan få. En litteraturstudie med innehållsanalys, baserad på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar, genomfördes. Resultatet visar att, "patient advocacy" (företrädande av patienten) är ett svårdefinierbart begrepp fullt av dilemman.

COP15 - Jakten efter ett ambitiöst och globalt klimatavtal. -Vad motiverar Danmark att verka för ambitiösa bindande klimatmål?

Until recently the Danish government was hesitant about whether investments in climate and energy policies were the right strategy for Denmark. Today the Danish government argues that during the forthcoming climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009 (COP15), the world's countries must agree upon ambitious climate objectives. Denmark is together with EU-27 aiming at an ambitious climate agreement. This thesis intends to contribute with an understanding of why Denmark, both politically and economically, invests profound resources into committing the world's countries to a climate agreement. The study uses both a neoliberal institutionalism and a constructivist theory in analyzing the Danish engagement.

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