

3961 Uppsatser om ChildrenŽs Advocacy Center - Sida 19 av 265

Barn i kris : Vad kan skolan göra?

In this examination paper I have studied how teachers can help children who are in crises. For example when children end up between parents divorce or someone close to them dies. The purpose of this essay is to know more about how children react in crises and how we as teachers can help them in the best way possible. I have also looked at school?s crise plans to see how and if they work.

GrundskollÀrare- och SEA-U pedagogers attityd till utomhuspedagogik och Science Center ? en kvalitativ studie pÄ SEA-U Marint Kunskapscenter i Malmö

Syftet med arbetet Àr att ta reda pÄ vilken attityd lÀrare har till utomhuspedagogik generellt och specifikt, samt vilket syfte lÀrare har med ett besök pÄ ett Science Center i detta fall SEA-U. Syftet Àr ocksÄ att ta reda pÄ vilken attityd pedagogerna pÄ SEA-U har till utomhuspedagogik, samt vilket syfte de har med sin verksamhet. Det Àr en kvalitativ undersökning med intervju och observation som metod. Resultatet Àr analyserat med hjÀlp av fenomenografiska ansatser. Under studien kom det fram att SEA-U pedagogerna PÀr och Martin anser att platsens och sinnenas betydelse för lÀrande Àr av stor vikt i utomhuspedagogik.

Habilitering av barn och ungdomar med dövblindhet

Aim: The aim of this study was to study through papers if early intervention of children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can be facilitated through early intervention programs, cochlear implants (CI) and communication strategies.Method: The method that we used was a literature study of scientific articles through Pubmed and Cinahl databases. The articles reference lists were also studied which lead to that more papers were found.Results: Children and adolescents with deaf-blindness can benefit from early intervention programs, when their caregivers were educated to give appropriate response to the children?s behavior. The interaction between children and their caregivers can improve through an early intervention model. Children and adolescents with Deafblindness have variable results from CI.

Praktiska moment i teknikundervisningen : bedömning och utformning samt anvÀndande av science

Syftet med studien Àr att ta reda pÄ vilka praktiska moment som genomförs i teknikÀmnet i grundskolans senare Är, utifrÄn den gÀllande kursplanen i teknik. Studien bygger pÄ enkÀter, stÀllda till ett antal elever, lÀrare och science center i Sverige.EnkÀterna tolkas utifrÄn en fenomenografisk ansats.ElevenkÀten har gjorts för att fÄ en inblick i hur eleverna ser pÄ de praktiska momenten i skolan samt vad de i allmÀnhet tycker om teknikÀmnet.LÀrarenkÀten har gjorts för att fÄ reda pÄ vilka praktiska moment om görs samt vilken budget som finns att tillgÄ för teknikundervisningen. Dessutom har anvÀndandet av science centers beskrivits.Science centerenkÀten har gjorts för att ta reda pÄ hur ofta science center anlitas av skolor och vilka praktiskamoment som genomförs dÀr.De slutsatser som kommer fram Àr att de flesta eleverna upplever de praktiska momenten som roliga samt att de flesta eleverna nÄgon gÄng besökt nÄgot av de science center som finns i Sverige. I analysen av lÀrarenkÀterna visas att 70 % av lÀrarna arbetar praktiskt trots lÄg budget. UtgÄngspunkten för upplÀgg av undervisningen Àr Lpo94 och Àmnesintegration Àr vanlig.

?What?s up Nigger?. : En studie av barns uppfattningar om rasism.

The aim of the thesis is to find a deeper understanding and knowledge concerning the interpretation of racism as a phenomenon in the everyday life of children in the age of 12-13 years old. To achieve the aim of the thesis I have used parts of the phenomenographic theories as a methodological implement. The conclusions made are represented through four different themes. The first theme deals with the way children apply to verbal overtones of racism in their everyday language. The second theme is about how some children discuss thoughts on integration and assimilation as phenomenon.

Att skapa ett hem för ensamkommande barn : Boendepersonals upplevelser av sin yrkesroll

The aim of this study was to understand how staff at residential homes for unaccompanied children experiences their professional role. The main focus of the study was on how the staff defines their professional role and how they handle the situation to be close and at the same time keep a distance towards the children in care. Five women and two men were interviewed at five different residential homes for unaccompanied children. By symbolic interactionism we are able to see that the professional roles are shaped through interaction with the children in care as well as in relation to colleagues. The main role for the staff is to build up a relationship with the children.

VÀndpunkten Kristianstad : en stödgruppsverksamhet

The aim of this study has been to investigate children and adolescent development in ?The turning point? childrenÂŽs and adolescent program in Kristianstad. We also wanted to find out the support group leaders experiences concerning the childrenÂŽs and the adolescents development in programs and how they apprehended their role as a support group leader. Our intension was also to study how the adolescent and the children considered their own development in the program. To carry through this study, we used two types of qualitative methods i.e.

Samtal med barnhandlÀggare : Om barn i familjehem och deras rÀtt att komma till tals

The purpose of this study was to examine how some child welfare case workers say they go about to give children in foster homes the opportunity to be heard. The idea was also to examine how much weight is given to the children?s views and if the respondents believe that the childrens right to be heard has improved over the time they have been working with foster children and if so, how? The study was conducted by using qualitative research method and the analysis of the results was made using Shier?s model of childrens participation. The results have also been tied to previous research in the area. The conclusions of this study was that according to the respondents it?s important that they get to know the children well so that the children can have confidence enough to speak their minds.

10-Äring spÄrlöst borta : En studie om hur försvunna barn konstrueras i svensk press

The purpose of our study was to examine how missing children are portrayed in media. We wanted to see if there are any recurring story patterns and characters in the texts. We also wanted to examine how the relationship between children and adults are framed and which comprehensive view of children is mediated in journalistic texts.Our questions were: how do Swedish newspapers write about missing children? Which narrative pattern are there in the texts? How are children and adults represented in the texts? What relationship between children and adults are made visible in the texts? What a comprehensive approach to children is constructed in the texts?For this study, we used the media discourse, theories of representation, stereotypes and characters. And theories of narrative, dramatic turns and opposites.We chose to make three case studies in which children suddenly disappeared, the case of Bobby ÄikiĂ€, the case of Engla Höglund and the case of Sebastian Hedman.

Matematik genom lek : en undersökning om barns matematikinlÀrning pÄ tvÄ förskolor

The purpose of this study is to investigate the children?s mathematics learning through play. The questions to be answered are: how can teachers facilitate children?s mathematics learning through play? How can play affect children?s math learning? Are the children aware of the role of play in their mathematics learning?My method is based on interviews and observations. My informants are three teachers who work in two different preschools.

Lek kring stol

The aim of this project was to develop a product which gives one or more objects of daily use an additional function. Thru the creativity of children the object shall transform into a new source for play for pre-school children.The purpose of this work was to research how fantasy and free play of children could be enhanced. I wanted to know how I can motivate children to use their fantasy transforming objects into new sources for play.This was achieved by means of developing a number of different prototypes which I tested in Kindergarden. My observations lead to the development of a cloth-wrap for the chair which provides the required source for ongoing role-play. The chair suddenly transforms into a new landscape and multi-purpose object where children?s fantasy is stimulated and creative play is supported..

LÀrares uppfattning omutomhuspedagogikens pÄverkan pÄ barn med koncentrationssvÄrigheter : ? i den traditionella undervisningen

The objective for this study was to acquire a greater insight if children with concentration difficulties are assisted by outdoor education in the traditional teaching. With the use of a qualitative methodology four teachers were interviewed. The outcome gave evidence for that the teachers thought that outdoor education has a positive outcome for children with concentrations difficulties. The findings were divided into three key categories: the teacher?s reflections about outdoor education, outdoor education for children with difficulties in concentration and if there was any difference in how the children behaved indoors after having educations outdoors..

Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv

To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived aspainful by children. Therefore there is a need for something,which can distract children?s attention from their perceivedpain. During my graduation project, I discovered a designopportunity to work with suspended ceiling systems inexamination rooms, as there is not much to look at whilebeing examined.The result, Twig Ceiling is an interactive nature-inspiredbacklit module with colored LEDs. Twig Ceiling has onelayer of pattern that is visible when the module is not litand the second layer of pattern appears when turning onthe light.

Barnbibliotekskonsulenters arbete utifrÄn barnkonventionen ? en framgÄng?

Since its ratification in Sweden in 1990, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has become a part of the law of nations and intended to suffuse the public sector. The purpose of this paper is to examine how children?s library consultants work to implement the CRC in children?s library activities in Sweden. We have tried to discover whether the CRC is basic in the work of children?s library consultants or if is rather employed to strengthen certain areas or projects.

HÀlsoarbetet i fritidshemmet : Hur fritidspedagoger ser pÄ begreppet hÀlsa och hur de arbetar med hÀlsan i fritidshemmet

The study aims to contribute knowledge about children's perceptions of the leisure-time as a learning environment. The study can be seen as an attempt to highlight the possible learning in the leisure-time, formally or informally.The study is based on two group interviews with a total of 11 children and was conducted by an interview guide with question areas to be discussed freely so that the children could give as full an answer as possible.Main results of the study show that children feel that they are staying at the leisure-time to get care when their parents are working and that they primarily associate the leisure-time with playing. The results show however that children feel that they learn things when participating in the leisure-time teaches controlled activities.It is possible to draw conclusions about the child actually experienced the leisure-time as a learning environment, but it can be difficult to identify when and how learning actually occurs. However, children do not perceive that there is learning while they play..

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