

3079 Uppsatser om Childhood sexual physical abuse - Sida 4 av 206

Mötet mellan religionsfrihet och skolplikt i den svenska skolan

The aim of the study is to examine which present conceptions of sexuality there are in treatment of substance abuse for men. The intention is to examine how staff members in these environments perceive clients? sex and sexuality as well as studying if and in that case how they work with sexuality in treatment. A qualitative method formed the methodological approach and semistructured interviews were carried out for the collection of data. Four staff members from two different treatment institutions for substance abuse were interviewed.

Barn till föräldrar med drogmissbruk: En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar barns förutsättning och möjligheter i en uppväxt med missbrukande förälder/föräldrar.

The aim of this essay was to examine the impact that parents drug abuse have on their children´s chances and possibilities while growing up. This study is done by investigating literature written by acknowledged authors and experts in this field. The following questions were asked:How does the literature describe the influence of parent´s drug abuse on their child´s ability to develop and learn?Which factors does the literature distinguish as determining factors on the child´s ability to resist and recover, from a childhood with drug abusing parents?The result of this essay showed that having drug abusing parents constitute different types of risks when it comes to the child´s ability to develop and learn. How the child is able to cope with it´s parents drug abuse is determined by several factors such as, the situation in the family, the child´s personality and how people in the child´s surrounding react on the child´s needs..

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low.When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time.

Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk : Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.

Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the influence of socialization on these dependencies. From this we developed new hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.

När det otänkbara händer barnet : Fysiska övergrepp mot barn i förskoleåldern. En textanalys om bemötande och åtgärder i en kommunal förskola, kontra ett föräldrakooperativ.

Det här examensarbetet undersöks hur en kommunal förskola och ett föräldrakooperativs bemötande och åtgärder ser ut när det gäller barn som blivit utsatta för fysiska övergrepp. Arbetet utgår från frågeställningarna:Har de två förskolorna riktlinjer för att hantera problematiken kring fysiska övergrepp mot barn?Vilka likheter finns det i riktlinjerna när det gäller bemötande och åtgärder?Vilka skillnader finns det i riktlinjerna när det gäller bemötande och åtgärder?En jämförelse mellan de två förskolorna görs genom en textanalys av två dokument, föräldrakooperativet har en kris och beredskapsplan och den kommunala har ett policydokument som belyser anmälningsplikten. Analyserna kommer att sker ur ett hermeneutiskt synsätt samt i en kvalitativ bearbetning. Arbetet tar även upp anmälningsplikten förskolan står inför när misstanke eller oro uppkommer hos personalen.

If there is violence, there is resistance.

This thesis is a discourse analysis of six rape trials, with the intention to analyze how the plaintiffs?? resistance is described. The overall aim is to investigate whether there are forms of resistance that the courts find more desirable and if there are any rules for how resistance should manifest itself. I will also investigate how the rape is itself described by the plaintiff and courts, respectively. I will analyze how this affects the understanding and attitude toward what has happened.

Sexuella övergrepp mot barn : barnutredares erfarenheter av barnförhör

The aim of the study was to examine how child investigators in the police force interpret and apply the notification of preliminary investigation (FuK) and the po-lice act in their child investigative interviews with alleged victims of sexual abuse. Questions at issue were how child investigators relate to FuK 17-19 §§, re-garding child investigative interviews and to FuK 16 § and the police act 3 §, re-garding their co-operation with social services. The theory and method used in this study was Sociology of Law. Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight child investigators, one from each police district in Stockholm. The results of the study conclude that despite special qualifications, child investigators may find themselves in difficulty in receiving or interpreting information from chil-dren, therefore they may need to consult a person with expert knowledge.

Historia i skolan utanför historieämnet : Historiemedvetande i litteraturvetenskapliga läromedel för gymnasieskolan, en studie av förändringarna mellan 1985-2007

This study describes how verbal abuse is used in schools and how it affects students. As a  result of the study is a questionnaire which was distributed to 153 students at two schools in a small town in southern Sweden. Students who participated in the study were in grades 3-6 and were between 9 and 13 years old. I asked students 13 questions, which dealt with verbal abuse, some of them were check questions and some were issues that required a longer response.The results of the survey show that 108 students of 153 have ever felt verbally abused at school, slightly more girls than boys. Usually they say they have been verbally abused by their own sex and then with words like boys are more frequently offended by words of a sexual nature, whereas girls more often are offended by words that violate their appearance.The students who feel aggrieved are shown to be those students who violate others.

Manligt och kvinnligt missbruk - Livshistorier om vägen in, tiden under och vägen ut ur missbruk.

Alcohol and drug abuse is something that undoubtedly exists in our society today. Our interest in this area was inspired by an earlier study of the influence of socialization on these dependencies. From this we developed new hypotheses concerning men and women?s drug and alcohol abuse. The main purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences and reflections of six women and seven men on their own alcohol or drug abuse.

HIV-positive women?s sexual health: A meta-synthesis of how HIV-positive women experience and describe sexual health

There is no consensus of the concept sexual health in the context of being HIV-positive women. Research in the area tends to focus in different measurable parts of sexual health for HIV-positive women. A meta-synthesis on that research issue can develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of how HIV-positive women in qualitative studies describe and experience sexual health. The purpose with this study is to analyze and synthesize the results about how HIV-positive women describe and experience sexual health. The meta-synthesis follows Noblit and Hare´s method of meta-ethnography and additional use of Walsh and Downe´s checklist to appraise qualitative articles.

Psykiska övergrepp inom äldrevården

Background: Physological abuse consists of threats, harassment, humiliation, telling off, refuse to talk, social isolation, abandonment as well as attitudes that lead to a feeling of insecurity and desperation. Institutional elder abuse is very elusive and an overall picture is still considered missing.Aim: The purpose of this essay was to review psychological abuse within the elderly care.Method: This essay is based on a literature study with systematic search.Result: This article review led to main categories and the result of the study is presented after these. The first ones gives a picture of the kind of psychological abuse that occured within the the elderly care. The second one deals with the possible explanations for psychological abuse within elderly care. The result showed that verbal assault was the most common form of psychological abuse against elderly.

Att ligga fint - en diskursanalys av sexualupplysning på internet utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv

This is a discourse analysis of three WebPages which topic is sexual information. Our purpose is to examine the WebPages RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights), RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) and UMO (Reception for young people) from a queer theoretical perspective and illustrate how they discuss the subjects? gender, sexual preference and sexual limits. Our questions are; what information about gender, sexual preference and sexual limits are presented on the WebPages RFSU, RFSL and UMO, and what similarities and differences can be identified and how can these be analyzed from a queer perspective? Our material was collected from the three WebPages and categorized according to three topics of interest; gender, sexual preference and sexual limits.

En sen ADHD-diagnos : Individers upplevelser av en ADHD-diagnostisering i vuxen ålder

The purpose of this study was to investigate how an ADHD diagnosis late in life as an adult can have effected childhood and adult life. It is a qualitative study executed by interviewing four adults, two men and two women. The individuals in the study had all experienced difficulties in their childhood and in school and had all felt different from the rest of the ambient. None of the interviewees were on medication for ADHD but most were open for trying. Support from school or other settings had been minimal.

Ekonomiskt utnyttjande av äldre i nära relationer : en kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to inquire how social workers perceive and describe financial abuse of older persons. Six qualitative interviews were carried out and the assembled data was then categorized and analyzed using a theory considering exercise of power and ageism as a theoretical frame. Previous research has shown that at least 10% of older persons have been exposed to some form of abuse or violence; however, there is a lack of research carried out in a Swedish context regarding financial abuse specifically. The six persons interviewed in this study all presented financial abuse as some kind of violence and as previous research has shown the study suggests that this is an increasing problem. Further research ought to be carried out to increase the awareness of this particular form of abuse and to facilitate discovery and development of measures to prevent financial abuse of older persons.

Kärlek eller plågeri? Konstruering av diskurser kring tidelagskriminalisering

This study is a discourse analyse of texts concerning the criminalizing of bestiality andonthological questions around it. This essay has been written as an qualitative analyse of three media texts: Swedish and Danish animal protection laws, interpellation of criminalizing bestiality in Swedish Parliament as well as the discussion forum, "Nordisk Zoofil Forum".The study indicates that bestiality can be understood as inacceptable through discourses about normality, naturalness, moral, sexual pleasure or discourses which comprehend sexual abnormalities as a consequence of each other. On the other side bestiality can be understood as unaccebtable through discourses about sexual needs, sexual identities, love or sexual pleasure. Also the idea about one practising bestiality seems to be gendered as a male person..

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