

3079 Uppsatser om Childhood sexual physical abuse - Sida 3 av 206

Jag önskar att det inte fanns : .. - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Our paper is targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation. We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information. Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation.

Att åka berg- och dalbana : en resa från barndom till vuxenliv med fyra vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this degree project is to find out how people who have grown up in families with addiction problems have experienced their childhood and how their adult life has been affected by this. With the help of qualitative interviews with four grown up children to addicts, knowledge has been gained about what was experienced as problematic during childhood, what was beneficial and compensatory as well as how they feel today. The results have shown that their childhood was affected by a deficiency in the ability to parent, weak networks, adjusting, responsibility, a feeling of being left out and few positive experiences. Factors that have been protective are: important people, interests as well as attitude. In adult life many habits from childhood remain.

Jag önskar att det inte fanns... - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.

Our paper is targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation. We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information. Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation. We also learned that although the work with sexual abuse against children gave birth to different emotions of the social worker, the social workers feel satisfaction with their work, by helping the exposed children. We hope that our paper will inspire and encourage to further studies in the area, since there is still much to be explored. .

Kvinnors upplevelse av sexualitet efter avslutad behandling av gynekologisk cancer : En litteraturöversikt

Background; Gynecological cancer is a common term for cancer in the female genitals and 2013 there were about 2800 women in Sweden that was diagnosed. This form of cancer and the treatment that is used, affects the sexuality and also the fertility of the women.Aim; The purpose with the essay was to illustrate the experience of the sexuality after the treatment of gynecological cancer.Method; The method used in the essay was a systematic translation of different literature. Of all the articles used there were eight that was qualitative, two quantitative and one was a combination of both methods. The analytic process was accomplish with the support of the Friberg (2006) analytic method.Results; The analysis resulted in two categories; Physical changes after the treatment and the treatments impact on the sexuality of the women. The physical changes that occurred because of the treatment was recurring and it showed that it was primarily surgery that hurt the woman body.

Framtidstankar hos unga kvinnor som skär sig

The number of young women who self-mutilate in different ways has increased dramatically in recent years. Self-mutilation is a way of trying to feel better for the moment. People who self-mutilate often have some other underlying illness such as borderline disease. Women are overrepresented in this group of people and their behaviour is often rooted in a history of childhood trauma, sexual abuse, and psychic maltreatment. The aim of this study is to reveal thoughts about the future among young women who self-mutilate.

Högskolestudenters psykiska hälsa : Kartläggning av självskadebeteende

Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of deliberate self-harm in a Swedish University population.Method: A random sample of first year students at University of Kalmar was invited to participate in an Internet-based survey in the autumn of 2007. A total of 139 (53,1 %) completed the anonymous survey.Results: The results showed that 25,2 % (n=35) of the students reported having engaged in some kind of deliberate self-harm at least once, and deliberate self-harm was endorsed by 7,9 % within the past year. The most frequently procedures to self-harm were to tear, carve or pinch self, cutting skin and hitting self on purpose. 37,1 % reported that they had told no one about their self-injurious behaviors and 36,4 % significantly reported that they had no one they trusted and who they could talk to if they were concerned about something. Students with self-injurious behavior were also more likely to report a history of emotional, sexual and/or physical abuse, alcohol and drug use, cut classes and questioning their sexual orientation.Conclusions: Findings suggest that self-harm is associated with risk factors and that self-injury is not only associated with adolescence but also with adulthood.

Idiot, hora, bögjävel! : en kvalitativ studie om verbala kränkningar bland mellanstadieelever

This study describes how verbal abuse is used in schools and how it affects students. As a  result of the study is a questionnaire which was distributed to 153 students at two schools in a small town in southern Sweden. Students who participated in the study were in grades 3-6 and were between 9 and 13 years old. I asked students 13 questions, which dealt with verbal abuse, some of them were check questions and some were issues that required a longer response.The results of the survey show that 108 students of 153 have ever felt verbally abused at school, slightly more girls than boys. Usually they say they have been verbally abused by their own sex and then with words like boys are more frequently offended by words of a sexual nature, whereas girls more often are offended by words that violate their appearance.The students who feel aggrieved are shown to be those students who violate others.

Vad är vanvård? : - En kvantitativ studie om omsorgspersonalens kunskap om och inställning till lex Sarah och vanvård

Media has reported frequently about elder abuse in Sweden during the year of 2011. The authors have found an interest in elder abuse due to the attention about it and the law about the duty to report elder abuse, which is called lex Sarah. The aim was to investigate, due to quantitative method with surveys, the care givers tolerance to elder abuse, attitude and knowledge about lex Sarah. The result of the thesis was analyzed based on two theories, Lipsky?s street-level bureaucracy as well as Svensson?s, Johnsson?s and Laanemets? theory about knowledge.

Var finns hjälpen? : om komplex traumatisering och traumabehandling.

Det finns ett klart samband mellan komplex traumatisering och psykisk och fysik ohälsa. Många människor har stora problem med det dagliga livet och relationer. Förutom det personliga lidandet är effekterna av komplex traumatisering av stor samhällsekonomisk betydelse. Syftet med studien är att undersöka psykoterapeutisk behandling av traumatiserade patienter inom icke specialiserade enheter. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Vad innebär effekterna av komplex traumatisering för individen? Vilka är terapeuters upplevelse av att arbeta med komplext traumatiserade individer? Får individer med diagnosen komplex PTSD den hjälp de behöver? Den metod som använts är en kvalitativ studie där sex legitimerade psykoterapeuter med psykodynamisk inriktning intervjuas.

?Man måste vara macho, därför att mesen inte går hem? : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors våld mot män i heterosexuella förhållanden sett ur myndigheter och ideella organisationers perspektiv.

The intention of this qualitative study is to describe and analyse women's violence against men from the perspective of authorities and volunteer organisations. Data has been collected trough semi-structured interviews with six respondents stemming from the police, social services and a help organisation for men respectively. The data has been analysed using existing research and common theories about power, sex and gender. The study shows that IPV does not only contain physical violence, but also acts of psychological-, sexual-, economical-, material-, and latent violence as well as the fact that one act of violence almost never exists alone. It is shown that women more often use psychological abuse against their partner then men do and also that men tend to stay longer in an abusive relationship then women.

Förebyggande effekter av fysisk aktivitet på depression : ? en litteraturstudie

Objective: To study the evidence on physical activity (PA) as an effective preventive strategy for depression.Methods: A search of electronic databases was performed for articles between 2007 and 2012, both original research and review articles, concerning the link between PA and depression on children, youth and adults. Three reviews, five longitudinal and two cross sectional studies were included.Results:  PA reduced the likelihood of depression in many studies and a sedentary or inactive lifestyle increased the risks for mental health symptoms such as depression. One study showed that low PA in childhood increased the odds of depression as an adult and other studies on teenagers saw a connection and mediation between PA and self-esteem whereas physical fitness showed no mediating effect. Many of the studies and reviews point out the insecurity regarding the dose-response association and the difficulties in defining causality.Conclusion: PA might have a preventive effect on depression. Some evidence exist to support that PA in childhood prevents depression in adults.

Sexuella trakasserier och identitetsskapande bland unga

Sexual harassments have since long been an issue all over the world and schools have not been an exception. Reports from Swedish secondary schools show how 47% of the female pupils state that they have, sometime during their time in school, been the victim of sexual harassment. Other studies claim that pupils exposed to sexual harassments will develop low self-esteem and a decreased sense of self. The Swedish curriculum state that all children shall have the right to a harassment free school environment, but still many pupils claim to be exposed to sexual harassment in school. Several studies have theorized about why sexual harassment is so prevalent in schools but what do the pupils think? This study aims to reveal and analyze pupil opinions about sexual harassment; what do they think it is and why do they think it occurs? This will be done from a post-structural feminist point of view with focus on the shaping of identity among the respondents.

Att komma ut när garderoben är låst : - HBT och heder

 Heterosexual individuals who live in a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression in today?s Swedish society is well known. However, it is not equally recognized that LGBT-people from a culture of honor are exposed to honor oppression. The study aims to investigate how eight individuals belonging to the LGBT-group and the culture of honor feel about their ability to develop their true identity and live out their sexual orientation. The study is qualitative and the collected empirical material constitutes of chat interviews with young LGBT-people.

Det skamliga missbruket - Om hur kvinnorollen påverkar kvinnors missbrukskultur

The purpose of this essay is to examine how gender rolls influences the culture of substance abuse among women and their social situation. To demonstrate this we have concentrated our research to relate how scientists and the media describe problems of abuse among women. The method we used in our research was qualitative and we gathered information through literature, reports and articles.Our main questions are:Do the social attitude toward women and men differ and how does it affect problems of abuse among women? Do women use alcohol in a different way than men? How do social reactions and restrictions influence women? We also want to examine what position women substance abusers have in society. What similarities or differences are there between the image of women in general and women with substance abuse?The main result of the study is that we found discursive connections that show a rectification among scientists concerning substance abuse among women.


The purpose of this study is to describe how dandelion children has experienced their childhood and how their childhood has formed them in their adulthood. The purpose is also to examine how the attachment between the child and the parents has come to expression. To search for the answers of the purpose the following issues has been created: How do dandelion children experience that their upbringing has formed them as a human being in adulthood? and How do dandelion children experience the attachment to their parents have been expressed during childhood? The empirical material of this study is based on a qualitative approach where the material has been assembled by semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The result shows that all the respondents has experienced their childhood as a problematic existence due to their parents lacking in their basic care of the child.

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