

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 45 av 96

Kirunametoden-Jämförelse emot en konventionell injusteringsmetod

AbstractWith increasing population and increasing demands for comfort and thus an increase in energy demand, it is necessary to examine various energy-efficiency measures. This work deals with the ability to control the flow through the heating system to achieve the desired comfort with as little energy as possibleA heating system contains of different parts, roughly speaking, you can divide it to three main components: Heat source, Distribution and Heat emitters. All components are working together to bring heat to the building. What is examined in this report are different ways of adjusting the flow and supply temperature and how it affects comfort and energy use in a building.At today ?s date the conventional method is to use a high flow through the heating system, which affects pressure drop and cooling of the fluid.

Integration mellan system : En undersökning av olika framgångsfaktorer

This paper exposes the problems and challenges organizations face when integrating aged systems, web based systems and web services. The paper focuses on how people with different titles in an organization experience systems integration and the factors that contribute to project failure or success. The research methodology used in this is Grounded Theory and the resulting theory of this paper has taken form through the coding of transcribed interviews, which have gone through a constant comparing to other theories in the area of interest, mostly articles about success factors in system integration. The resulting outcome is a success model aimed to describe the underlying indicators to achieve project success.The success model consists of three factors that contribute to success in integration projects. The factors are: globalization, governance and balance.

Den Jordiske Fadern. Bilden av Josef i barndomsberättelserna i Matteus och Lukas

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the authors of Matthew and Luke describe Joseph; The main aim is to see how the picture of him is drawn in the infancy narratives of their respectiveGospels; what unites, and what distinguishes the pictures of the two evangelists' account of Joseph,as a character and as a father.With the help of both textual and grammatical criticism, this study investigates - pericope bypericope - different aspects of Joseph's participation in the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke; his relationship to the child and the mother, the terms used to describe him, and his overall modusoperandi. This essay builds its structure upon the individual study of each pericope, with the aim of painting a general and summarized picture.From the outset of already formulated uniting characteristics of the two gospels, as stated in Raymond E Brown's The Birth of the Messiah this study proposes that more can be said about the common features of Matthew and Luke, especially concerning Joseph's both character and relationto the child. First, this study suggests that both Matthew and Luke describe Joseph as the legal father of Jesus; second, both evangelists seems to describe Joseph as observant of Jewish law andcustom.The main impression of the two evangelists' birth narratives is however the differencesconcerning the description of Joseph. This study shows that there is one major common feature: the ambivalence evident in the evangelists' way of describing Joseph. On the one hand, both Matthew and Luke prescribe Joseph some importance; Matthew by describing Joseph and letting him act,Luke by calling him father and parent.

Längtan efter helhet : Svenska kyrkan mellan arv och förnyelse : en analys av tanke och handling inom Svenska kyrkan i några av dess möten med nutida sökande efter helhet

An issue of central interest today is the aspiration for wholeness, on the one hand referring to the concept of ?healing? (swed: helande), on the other hand to being ?whole? (swed: hel); body, mind, soul, spirit and relations. The need and desire to offer a more holistic experience is becoming prominent also within the Swedish Church. This paper addressed some events within the Swedish Church that cater to experiences of wholeness, with the aim of exploring how this is done in practise and how it?s rooted in Christian thought.

Hans Hedberg : Ägget och Äpplet

The purpose of the essay has been to analyze and interpret Hans Hedbergs ceramic art. It deals with his education, people and places that influenced and inspired Hans Hedberg in his artistic development. For example the nature in Köpmanholmen, Höga kusten, were he grew up as a child and the fact that he started as a painter. The essay analyses mainly his symbolic sculptures the Egg and the Apple-series and links it to Surrealism and Nouveau Réalisme and how other artists has worked with the Egg and Apple-theme. .

?A child should not raise a child? : En kvalitativ studie om inställningar till och förebyggandet av tonårsgraviditeter baseratpå subjektiva upplevelser av ett Life skills-program i Kimberley, Sydafrika.

I Kimberley, Sydafrika är tonårsgraviditeter ett utbrett socialt problem. Trots detta finns det inga insatser eller program som aktivt arbetar för att reducera problemet och dess konsekvenser. Däremot är så kallade Life skills-program förekommande i staden. Programmen arbetar för att stärka ungdomars självkänsla, framtidstro och förmåga att ta hälsosamma beslut. Syftet är att utifrån deltagarnas subjektiva upplevelser av Crossroadsprogrammet ta reda på om programmet kan verka som en förebyggande insats mot tonårsgraviditeter.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att anmäla eller inte anmäla när de misstänker att barn utsätts för barnmisshandel : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

SammanfattningSyftet var att inom sluten barnsjukvård undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenhet, kunskap och upplevelse av ansvar och skyldigheter vid misstanke om att barn de vårdat utsatts för barnmisshandel. Begreppet barnmisshandel innefattade i denna studie att en vuxen person utsatt barnet för fysiskt- eller psykiskt våld, sexuella övergrepp, kränkningar eller försummelse att tillgodose barnets grundläggande behov. Designen var beskrivande med kvalitativ ansats. Sex sjuksköterskor valdes ut och intervjuades med halvstrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades ordagrant.

"Vill du veta vad jag tycker?" : - En studie om barns upplevelser av familjeterapi

Många studier har gjorts inom området familjeterapi men sällan har barnens egna upplevelser utvärderats. Studiens syfte är att utforska barns erfarenheter av familjeterapi. Frågeställningarna behandlar barnens förväntningar inför terapin, men även deras skildringar av familjesamtalen och situationen efter avslutad terapi. I studien, som har en kvalitativ ansats, har åtta barn i åldrarna 5-12 år intervjuats med hjälp av semistrukturerade frågor och "tjejpingmetod" (Soltvedt, M. 2005).

Fingertoppskänsla : en essä om etik, bemötande och samspel på förskolan

In this text I will work on three situations from my daily work as a pedagogue at preschool. The situations are about how pedagogues at preschool relate to children in difficult situations, e.g. when they pee in their pants or long for their pacifier. Those are situations which occur frequently at preschool, but they are still rarely coming up for discussions. The problem in the situations is difficult to describe which makes the essay a suitable form for me to explore and discuss it.

Sjuksköterskans roll i vårdandet och bemötandet av barn med cancer : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

Background: Globally, one percent of all people diagnosed with cancer are children. Childhood cancer often requires long and tough treatments. When a child is diagnosed with cancer it also affects the family and the relatives. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the nurse?s role in the care and treatment of children with cancer.

Att anmäla barn som far illa : En studie om vad förskoleanställda anser påverka dem i beslutsprocessen

Enligt svensk lag har förskoleanställda en obligatorisk skyldighet att anmäla till socialtjänsten vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa. Trots detta uteblir många anmälningar även när misstanke finns. Syftet med denna studie är främst att undersöka och öka förståelsen för vilka faktorer förskoleanställda själva anser påverka deras beslut att anmäla misstankar om att ett barn far illa. Vidare undersöks hur väl förskoleanställdas tankemönster kring barn som far illa samt deras egen roll i "anmälningsprocessen" överensstämmer med de överlevnadsstrategier som definierats av Dr. Kari Killén.Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra respondenter som arbetade på samma förskola.

"En gång till!" : en kommunikationsetnografisk studie om andraspråksinlärares deltagande i förskolan

The aim of the thesis was to better understand how second language learners becomes lingual participants in a Swedish preschool. Using the following research questions: In what situations are SLLs lingual participants at the preschool? What does their emerging language look like? Are the participation any different considering children's time in the new L2 context? What kind of support does SLLs receive at the preschool?Two focal children at the same preschool was studied with ethnography of communication as method. The focal children chosen were one girl (Mandarin L1, 4.0 yrs) who arrived to Sweden and started the preschool two months ago at the time of the study, the other a boy (Serbian L1, 3.9 yrs) who started preschool and learning the L2 one year and two months before the study. Situations where the focal children interacted with other children or adults were analyzed. Results showed that the focal children in interaction with each other understands some of the others intentions before being able to speak about them in the L2.

BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma

Bakgrund: Barn har rätt till stöd som möjliggör en god hälsa och sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården (BVC-sjuksköterskor) ska arbeta hälsofrämjande genom ett stödjande och vägledande arbetssätt. En tidig identifiering av viktproblem är väsentlig eftersom åtgärder bör implementeras under tidig barndom. För att minska utveckling av till exempel hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar samt diabetes är det viktigt att BVC-sjuksköterskor aktivt arbetar mot övervikt och fetma. Medvetandegörande om de faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskor i det hälsofrämjande arbetet är viktigt för att kunna utveckla och förbättra arbetet. Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma.

Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samling

The purpose of this work is to explore and illuminate the circle times function and importance of preschool by the pedagogue perspective and the circle time design in relation to children's age group composition. The study questions are:What is the purpose of circle time in preschool educational activities according to the teacher and how does the teacher look at his own role?How do the teachers plan, design and perform the circle time of small children and big children's section? What similarities and differences exist?This is a qualitative study based on interviews with four preschool teachers and observations of their circle times. Research and theories showed that the circle time is a social training, provide a sense of community and is a ritual that gives a good daily rhythm.The results of the study demonstrate that the circle time is an important routine that occurs for a short time daily in early childhood education. The circle time organizes and structures the day for both children and staff group.

Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem

The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.

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