

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 34 av 96

Oscar Wildes A House of Pomegranates : Makt som tema

Denna uppsats undersöker Oscar Wildes sagosamling A House of Pomegranates sagor: The Young King, The Birthday of the Infanta, The Fisherman and his Soul och The Star-Child. Med en modifierad form av den tematiska kritiken analyseras hur makt tar sig uttryck i sagorna ?hur makten utövas, vilka som har tillgång till den, vilka som drabbas av den och vilka konsekvenser den har.En slutsats som dras är att samtliga sagor påvisar att makt innehåller något ont eller negativt i sin natur, på samma gång som godhet är relativt inkompetent. Då någon av de grymma makthavarna omvänds i sagorna slutar det ofta med deras död, som The Star-Child är ett exempel på. Begreppet makt definieras med hjälp av handboken Vad är makt? av Fredrik Engelstad, som också erbjuder utblickar mot olika både nutida och äldre maktteorier, och därmed sätter in analysen i en maktteoretisk kontext.Det är tydligt att A House of Pomegranates inte är ämnet för forskares och kritikers ögon lika ofta som andra av Wildes verk, varför denna uppsats har förhoppningar om att fylla en viss del av det tomrummet i forskningen..

Intern marknadsförings inverkan på extern marknadsföring

Children's Need In Focus (BBIC) is a processing and documentation system used in child welfare cases to investigate, plan and monitor interventions. The BBIC has had a breakthrough in Sweden and out of the country's 290 municipalities, there are 284 that use the system daily as a tool in cases involving children. The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers experience the BBIC as a working system and what strengths and weaknesses there are in the BBIC concept. We wanted our study to examine how the BBIC could possibly enhance the quality of childcare matters, but also how the BBIC could potentially increase children's participation in cases. We have performed qualitative interviews with eight social workers who work in four different municipalities where the BBIC is applied daily.

?Barnets bästa? i asylprocesser : - En diskursanalys av innebörden hos begreppet ?barnets bästa? i arbetet med ensamkommande barn i asylprocesser

Denna uppsats är en kritisk diskursanalys vars syfte är att studera hur begreppet ?barnets bästa? används och tolkas i asylprocessen för ensamkommande barn. Jag har undersökt hur de tjänstemän som fattar beslut om asyl i fall med ensamkommande barn formulerar föreställningar om ?barnets bästa? och hur begreppet förhåller sig till andra begrepp i den diskursiva praktiken. Detta har jag gjort genom att dels analysera de styrdokument som ska ligga till grund för besluten och dels beslut ifrån migrationsverket och domar ifrån  migrationsdomstolarna.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av elever med självskadebeteende

BACKGROUND: Mental disorders amongst students, has increased, and foremost amongst girls. One way to regulate their emotions, is by deliberate self-harm. Due to their profession, school nurses have the ability to detect self-harm amongst students, and can therefor give them a good professional support. AIM: The aim of this study is to describe the school nurse's experience of deliberate self-harm amongst students. METHOD: The study is based on thirteen interviews with school nurses, via e-mail.

Riskhanteringen ingår i kulturen : En kvalitativ studie av riskhantering i en ideell idrottsförening

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Barns boende : socialsekreterares konstruktion av principen om barnets bästa i förhållande till materiell standard

The purpose of this study was to examine how a selection of social welfare officers based on the principle of the best interest of the child construct a minimum level of the material standard in a home. Another purpose was to examine whether different units with varying socioeconomic prerequisites in the municipality of Stockholm construct this level differently.The method used in this study was Sociology of Law and two focus groups were used for the gathering of the data. A social constructive theory, a class perspective using concepts of Bourdieu and a perspective of law were used to analyse the material of data.The results showed that the courses of action varied from enactment and the policies of the municipality of Stockholm, unspecified theories of the development of children, the conception of what is normal and what children needs, the context in which they work, the development of the society and what they estimate that children needs when attending school. The results also showed a difference between the two units concerning the minimum level of the material standard in a home.

Hur den interaktiva skrivtavlan används av gymnasielärare

Children's library's primary task is to encourage children to read. Promoted readingleads to increased reading skills. A common method for this purpose is booktalk. This studyaims to examine how children?s librarians work with booktalk aimed towards children andhow it can be developed as a working method to support the library's reading promotionactivities.

Maybe, eventually, I'll be allowed to be a parent to my own child

The purpose of this essay is to examine how same-sex couples experience the second-parent adoption process. To assist us, we have used our questions: how do the couples describe their experiences of the adoption process? Which are the couples? stories about the experience of contact with the involved professionals? What are the opportunities and barriers for same-sex couples to start a family? How do the couples describe their experience of reactions from the community and society, and how do they think the future will look like for same-sex couples? This study has been achieved through a qualitative approach. The empirical data is based on seven semi-structured interviews with same-sex couples or pair members that want to or have had a second-parent adoption. The theory we have used for analyzing the results is phenomenology with focus on queer theory, heteronormativity, and power.

Uppföljning av familjehemsplaceringar: inte bara brandkårsutryckningar

The purpose of this essay was to examine how professional social workers work with follow up foster home placements. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten professional social workers from different municipalities in Skåne in an attempt to answer the following questions:* What routines exist for the follow-up work with foster care?* What factors have an impact on how the follow-up is formed in the particular case?* How can the follow-up affect outcomes of the placement?* In what way could the work with follow-up foster home placements develop?The theories we chose to analyze our material from was the ecology of human development formed by Urie Bronfenbrenner and the theory of civil courage formed by Lennart Lundquist. The interviews were semi-structural which gave the respondents a chance to talk in a free way about the questions we presented.The result of the study showed that there is a difference in the way social workers form the follow-up work of foster care. The greatest difference is in whom the social workers include in their follow-up.

Dopföräldrars syn på dopet : En kvalitativ undersökning av dopuppfattningar hos dopföräldrar i Härnösands stift i relation till Svenska kyrkans dopteologi

This is an essay within the subject of practical theology. The main interest is baptism. The aim of this essay is to describe the baptism theology of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) and the history of the baptism. The goal is also, with the help of qualitative research, to study the view of the baptism with the ones who choose to let their children be baptized according to the liturgy of the Swedish Church in the diocese of Härnösand. The attempt is to give the Swedish church a pattern of action and a direction based on the result of my research.

Företags hantering av konsumentdata : Speglar användares elektroniska fotspår förhållningssättet till integritet?

The essay concerns corporation?s usage and consumer?s attitude towards the phenomenon Big Data. The aim is to analyse whether corporation-management and future ambitions concerning consumer data coincide with attitudes and opinions of today's consumer, and how these opinions reflect consumer behaviour online. The essay is limited to focus on how companies use consumer data in order to better understand and improve the efficiency of their marketing. A self-composed analyse-model was created using previous studies concerning Internet-usage in Sweden, previous management analysis of corporations use of Big Data combined with theory of Cognitive Dissonance. A questionnaire was then created with the analyse model as foundation.

Att arbeta med biologiska mödrar i Lunds kommun; ur en organisatorisk synvinkel

TO WORK WITH BIOLOGICAL MOTHERS IN LUND FROM AN ORGANIZATIONAL POINT OF VIEW ALEXANDRA BERTRAM Bertram, A. Degree project in social work 15 Credits. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of Social Work, 2014. This essay deals with biological mothers whose children are placed in foster care within the municipality of Lund. This essay aimed to describe how social workers in Lund deal with biological mothers from investigation, to treatment. In this essay social workers whom meets biological mothers on an everyday basis have been interviewed about their experience in the field, to gather information.

Med Barnkonventionen i bagaget: En komparativ studie av irländska och svenska barnbibliotekariers synsätt.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how five childrens librarians in Ireland and five in Sweden interpret and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in public libraries. This study is hermeneutic. Using a qualitative method consisting of ten interviews with childrens librarians and structural factors such as; library policies and laws; together with an insight into Irelands political, social and economical history and the historical development of childrens public libraries in Sweden and Ireland, has enabled us to create an understanding for the interviewees statements. Anthony Giddens structuration theory has been used for the analysis, helping us to determine how the duality between the structure, the actors and their action effect the interpretation and implementation of the Convention in librarian work. The result of the analysis clearly shows that in comparison to Irish librarians, the Swedish interviewees are more aware and have a better understanding of the Convention and how to put it into practice.

Utveckling och lärande genom fri lek i förskolan

Studies among parents of children with disabilities have shown that they experience a higher level of parenting stress as well as a lower degree of wellbeing, compared to parents of children without disabilities. However, there is a need to further explore parents? experience on this matter within a Swedish context. The aim of the current study was to examine how parents of preschool children, with and without disabilities, in Västerbotten, experience the impact of their child. A sample of 67 parents of children with disabilities and 134 parents of children without disabilities took part in the questionnaire study.

Hur synliggörs barnperspektivet i kontaktfamiljsprocessen? : en undersökning med fokus på avslutningen

The most common preventive and treatment service for children in child welfare services in Sweden is the contact family program. The number of children who are involved in the program has steadily increased. Usually it is a single mother who apply for or is offered this service. The aim with a contact family is that the parent should get respite and that the child should have its network enlarged and sometimes get a male role model.The purpose of this study was to look into how children´s perspective was considered in the contact family process. I have studied the process in order to see how it works and to see to what extent children is participating.

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