

1440 Uppsatser om Child neglect. - Sida 15 av 96

?Det feta barnet? : en diskursanalys av dagspressens framställning av barn som bedöms som överviktiga eller feta

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to examine the media?s portrayal of overweight and obese children and their surroundings, using the first and third dimensions of Fairclough?s three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis. The study addressed the following questions: How does the press, in this study represented by two newspapers, portray overweight and obese children? What discourses regarding overweight and obesity among children are the most prominent in these two newspapers? What risks and negative influences in the child?s surroundings are identified, and how are they described? What social representations can the images of overweight and obese children originate from? The analyzed material consisted of 62 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, which were analyzed using the earlier mentioned method for discourse analysis, as well as the theory of social representations. The results showed that ?the fat child? and its environment were portrayed exclusively in negative terms, and a discourse linking obesity and ill-health dominated a large part of the material.

Vad utmärker den goda sjuksköterskan?

Background: When a child ends up in a hospital the whole family will be affected. The family?s situation can be turned upside down and the daily life can be affected. The nurse needs to have a holistic approach when caring for the child and the rest of the family. For the nurse to be able to provide personalized information and care, they need a relationship with the child and family.

För barnets bästa : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på sin anmälningsskyldighet

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Vad innebär barnfattigdom i en välfärdsstat som Sverige?  : En jämförande studie om hur begreppet barnfattigdom har förändrats över tid i den offentliga debatten

The purpose of this essay was to study some selected magazine articles by examining how the concept of child poverty is produced in the public debate, and to see if the definition of the term has changed over time. The theoretical approach on which this study is based has been used as a tool to provide better understanding on the subject. Furthermore, theories of consumer society, the "collateral damage" and the theory of welfare regimes have been used. In the previous research presented in the paper focuses on linking children and families living in precarious economic conditions, consumer standards and welfare systems that characterize society.This study has a qualitative approach as it attempts to capture and increase understanding of how the concept of child poverty can be understood from a Swedish context. The study is based on newspaper articles that are studied using a structural text analysis.

Talande tystnader om heder : En analys av socialsekreterares och förvaltningsrättens bedömning genom rättsfall av hedersrelaterade LVU-ärenden

One of the social services primary missions is to protect children from suffering harm. Social service work should work based on the child?s best and have the child's perspective in mind. In all cases involving children, the focus is on the child's needs and interests and is regulated in Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Both of the previous research and this study reveal the various markers that are evident in the social services handling of honor related cases.

Pedagogisk Dokumentation : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärare och barnskötares syn på pedagogisk dokumentation med utgångspunkt i Reggio Emilia

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight three preschool teachers and three child nurses? views on the educational work tool pedagogical documentation and Reggio Emilia educational philosophy, often associated with pedagogical documentation. Preschool teachers and child nurses? are all employees under the same pre-school director, and works on three preschools located in the same area. The purpose of the selection of respondents is based on highlighting how far the staff describes the concept of educational documentation, and pedagogy of Reggio Emilia, and how far their statements are consistent with each other or not.Questions: The thesis is based on three questions;How does preschool teachers and child nurses? describe pedagogical documentation?How does preschool teachers and child nurses? describe the Reggio Emilia pedagogical philosophy?If there are differences between the preschool teachers and child nurses?, what could these mean for the pedagogical documentation in preschool?Method: The study is based on empirical data collected through qualitative interviews.

Professionsöverskridande Samverkan : En studie om gränsöverskridande arbete kring barnfattigdom i en Svensk kommun

Child poverty in Sweden is a widespread phenomenon and occurs in diverse spheres in society; at home, in school and in leisure activities. Therefore more professions than just traditional social workers meet this phenomenon in varied areas which creates different comprehensions and abilities to handle the issue among various professions.This study aims to investigate the collaboration between different professions in relation to child poverty in a municipality in Sweden. Represented professions are social workers, teachers, welfare officer, recreation instructor and leaders, special assistant and municipality coordinator. In total eleven persons were interviewed.The results illustrate a good will among the professions to collaborate to improve negative consequences of child poverty. Traditional boundaries between professions are limited since every profession is needed in this collaboration and have the opportunity to use their professional knowledge in a certain field.

Vad har en AD/HD-diagnos för betydelse för barnet i skolan? : Sett ur pedagogens, specialpedagogens, läkarens och förälderns perspektiv

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Barnsexturismen och dess tillfällighetsförövare: om varför människan begår sexualbrott utomlands.

Child sex tourism is a growing problem in todays globalized world.This paper is conserned with the problems of those who isn't sexually drawn to children when they are in their own community but who, on their travels, sexually abuse them.The aim of the study is to analyze what makes people commiting sex crime abroad, and breake those laws which, usually, are in line with the persons own values and normsystems.What impact has travelling and tourism on the behaviour of the individual? And which social factors makes people into sudden offenders? By comparing the litterature on child sex turismwith theories in sociology and criminology you could se some factors of and structures in society contributing to the issue..

Privatägda bostadsbolag i jämförelse med allmännyttiga bostadsbolag : Finns det skillnader mellan allmännyttiga och vinstdrivande bostadsbolag?

The purpose of this research has been to study and find out if a diagnose AD/HD is of importance. Does a diagnostic significance matter for how to support and respond to children in school? Are diagnosed children with signs of AD/HD treated differently than children without diagnosis? My study is based on input from teachers, special educators, from two different schools and also one doctor and one parent.I have interviewed teachers, special educators, one physician and one parent. I have been using qualitative interviews with tape recorders and emailed them with open questions. I have been using literature; see bibliography.

Barnvårdsnämnden i Kalmar : och deras syn på vanvårdade barn mellan 1911-1918

In the beginning of the twentieth century in Sweden the laboring class grew and became more established. This entailed both a change in housing conditions and the design of the social policies. The purpose of this study is to show how the Child Welfare Committee in Kalmar conducted its work during 1911-1918. The aim is to show on what grounds they made their decisions and how the interaction between the committee and the families functioned in practice. This will be accomplished by giving examples from the protocols written by Kalmar?s Child Welfare Committee.

Den fria lekens betydelse för barns talspråkliga interaktion : En studie som använder sig av Visual methods, i detta fall The Diamond

The purpose of this study is to find out how some Swedish preschool teacher discussing how children's Swedish colloquial interaction can be enhanced in the free play. In this case where children are aged three to five.My research questions in the study are:-          What type of free play do preschool teachers talk about in relation to children's Swedish colloquial development?-          What do preschool teachers say about child's colloquial interaction?-           How do preschool teachers reason regarding in what environment children?s colloquial interaction occurs?In my study I have used an interview with elements of a visual method called The Diamond. The approach is that the participants in the interview will be enhanced to discussing about a wise certain number of images. These images are then to be ranked accordingly with a specific theme and terms.If a child has difficult to speak, you can take help of  the interest the child has, the child can tell you and the other children what he or she know about the interest.

Att ha pappa i fängelse : socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade fäder

The aim with the study was, that through a qualitative research approach, to examine in which way social services employees perceive information about children with incarcerated fathers and how they furthermore relates to the child's right to both parents in these situations. Seven interviews were implemented with social workers in the Stockholm County to obtain informa-tion on the following questions; how the children's needs are noticed at the social services, how employees discuss the child's right to their incarcerated father and which possibilities and obstacles social workers experience to promote contact between the child and the father. The ecology of human development theory was used in the analysis. The conclusions are that chil-dren with incarcerated fathers seldom is noticed at the social services as a result of inadequate cooperation between authorities but also due to whether the social services should be respon-sible for the children. Furthermore, children always have the right to maintain contact with their incarcerated father, with exceptions for situations where physical or sexual abuse have occurred.

Att prata om, till eller med elever : En kvalitativ studie om lärares sätt att möta elever i svårigheter

To talk about, talk to or with children. A conversation between a child and its teacher should be more than the teacher telling the child what to do, how to act. It should be more like a respectful and reverent meeting between two people where the adult sets the tone. The purpose of this research is to investigate teachers' experiences of conversations with children in need of special assistance. Our issues: What do teachers say about how they meet children in need of support? How do teachers response to students who are in difficulty? What ability have teachers and their school's to meet children in need of support and what appear to be particularly important or problematic issues for them in that work? In order to find some answers to our questions we interviewed ten teachers at two schools.

Bemötande av barn vars föräldrar är döende eller har avlidit. En litteraturstudie

Each year over 3000 children in Sweden lose a parent. The loss of a parent may cause some grave changes in a child?s life, leading to both mental and physical consequences. The purpose of this literature study is to examine the different ways in which health care personnel can better receive and relate to children whose parents are dying or have passed away.Data was collected through such sources as Pubmed, Academic Search Elite and Cinahl, which resulted in the inclusion of sixteen subsequent articles, ten of which were quantitative and six of which were qualitative. Thirteen of the said articles illustrate how children act in response to a dying or deceased parent and what measures were needed for them to move on with their lives.

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