

1755 Uppsatser om Child healthcare - Sida 8 av 117

Lean Healthcare på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : En kvalitativ studie om hur läkare upplever att den professionella autonomin påverkas av Lean Healthcare

This study aims to evaluate the value relevance of Piotroski?s (2000) nine fundamental signals. In order to do this, the signals are tested on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm between the years 2003 and 2009. The hypotheses of the study are whether the signals are value relevant and if the value relevance has changed. To test this, a Chi-square test and a regression are used.

Att misstänka är tillräckligt : En intervjustudie om hur grundskollärare upptäcker och går till väga från misstanke till anmälan av barnmisshandel.

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish elementary school teachers proceed in cases of suspected child abuse, what knowledge teachers have in order to identify signs of child abuse and to make a report to social services, and also the obstacles teachers face during a report to social services. We used qualitative interviews with five practicing teachers; three was conducted at the teachers´ workplaces and the other two with the help of telephones. We used the role theory to analyze our results. We have concluded that teachers request more knowledge of signs of maltreatment and that they find their skills in discovering child abuse lacking. As obstacles to reporting, teachers identify their doubts and worries together with the difficulties that the often concealed child abuse brings.

Lean Healthcare på Akademiska : Analys av förändringsarbete med utgångspunkt från en utbildningsdag

I denna uppsats har jag studerat förändringsarbete i samband med införande av Lean Healthcare. Arbetet har en abduktiv ansats där jag utifrån en fallstudie på Akademiska Sjukhuset i Uppsala har studerat hur de arbetar med förändringsarbetet. För att få insikt i deras förändringsarbete har jag intervjuat delar av personalen och deltagit i två av deras utbildningsdagar.Förutom en beskrivning av hur arbetet på Akademiska Sjukhuset är organiserat så innehåller arbetet även en stor teoridel som tar upp de grundläggande principerna i Lean-filosofin. I tillägg till detta så presenteras också en modell för förändringsarbete och jag har tagit med teorier som specifikt handlar om förändringsarbete i samband med införande av Lean Healthcare. Genom att jämföra teorierna med erfarenheterna från utbildningsdagarna har jag sedan kunnat dra slutsatser om förändringsarbetet.För att lyckas med Lean-implementeringen är det viktigt att inse att det kan finnas ett motstånd mot förändringarna.

Särskilt ömmande omständigheter -ensamkommande barns bästa? : Om regleringen kring ensamkommande barn som anknytningspersoner i förhållande till FN:s barnkonvention

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

?Barnets bästa i första rummet? : Om diskurser och språklig praktik i diskussionsprogrammet

Childhood as a social category is under strucural redefinition. In this thesis the child and childhood are understood as socially constructed phenomenons. Focus is laid upon the construction of the concept ?in the best interest of the child? wich in The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is defined as beeing the foremost important view to take into account when decisions wich affect children are made. As the thesis shows, a concrete and universall view of the best interest of the child is lacking in practice and would in many cases be unfortunate.

Dömd på förhand : Upplevelser av stigamtisering vid lungcancer

Lung cancer is a disease which patients experience stigma in society and in care. This is because lung cancer is often seen as a self-inflicted disease. The stigma surrounding lung cancer is due to the strong relationship with smoking and have been shown to have a negative impact on the perceived health. The purpose of this study was to illuminate experiences of stigma for patients with lung cancer. The literature review was based on 11 scientific articles.

Är framtida arbetskraft till sjukvården Lean-anpassad? : En kvantitativ studie om hur kulturell kontext kan påverka förekommande verksamhetsstrategier

Denna uppsats ämnar förklara och skapa förståelse för förutsättningar till Lean Healthcare, den metod för effektivisering som sjukvården anammat för att utveckla och förändra de traditionsenliga verksamhetsstrategier som länge styrt sjukvårdens arbetssätt och processer. Genom att identifiera vilka egenskaper som bör stimuleras hos framtida arbetskraft för att skapa de förutsättningar som krävs för att vidmakthålla Lean Healthcare som en långsiktig effektiviseringsmetod bidrar denna studie med information som är behövlig för att ihärdigt lyckas med Lean Healthcare.De svårigheter som påvisats vid implementeringen av Lean Healthcare kan från befintlig forskning härledas till en kollision mellan den organisationskultur som förespråkas inom Lean, ursprungskonceptet till Lean Healthcare och den kulturella kontext som finns inom befintlig organisationskultur där Lean implementeras. Denna kollision påvisas genom en avsaknad av ihärdighet inom organisationerna som implementerat Lean då befintlig organisationskultur och verksamhetsstrategi motsätter sig de arbetsprocesser och det arbetssättet som förespråkas inom Lean-filosofin. Då många sjukhus i Sverige redan implementerat, eller är under omstrukturering till att implementera, Lean Healthcare ämnar denna uppsats undersöka hur framtida arbetskraft förhåller sig till det arbetssätt som förespråkas inom sjukvården.Utifrån en positivistisk kunskapssyn och ett deduktivt angreppssätt genomfördes en kvantitativ studie där arbetssättet och lärandet undersöktes hos en grupp studenter inom sjukvårdsprogrammen vid Umeå universitet. Arbetssättet och lärandet undersöktes för att kunna urskilja värderingar och beteenden som kunde härledas till att förutsäga utfallet av en integration mellan ny arbetskraft och befintlig organisationskultur inom sjukvården.Studiens resultat visar att arbete inom team innefattar karaktärsdrag hos framtida arbetskraft som behöver stärkas vilket främst bör göras genom att stimulera befintliga och kompatibla egenskaper med Lean Healthcare, så som beslutstagande och förmågan att ta an en ledarroll.

Utbildning är gratis här i Sverige,men det är en sanning med modifikation. : En kvalitativ studie om barnfattigdom i skolmiljö

This is a qualitative study about child poverty within the school environment. The purpose is to examine how financial resources can affect the social standings of teenagers and how that affects them in school; how the school system view and work with child poverty as well as how they act within the legal framework that requires the school to be free of charge. This was done through analyzing earlier research and conducting five interviews with personnel at three schools for children ages 13-15. Our results show that social standing can be affected by a lack of financial resources, partially due to not having certain mobile phones or brand clothing, partially because they cannot afford to join in on social activities. Furthermore, teenagers view child poverty as shameful and a risk factor for social exclusion.

Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoption

The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism.The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent?s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child.

Valfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården: En studie av patienters beslutsfattande

Citizens? freedom of choice has been a subject of debate in Sweden for over 30 years. This study focuses on decision making processes among patients within the Swedish healthcare system. The main conclusions are that in contrast to how patients? freedom of choice is described within governmental bills and governmental inquires and reports, patients are not following the steps included in the rational model of decision making.

Relationen mellan flyktingkonventionenoch barnkonventionen : Det internationella skyddet för ensamkommande barn under asylprocessen

AbstractMany of the refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Tankens makt - Påverkar abstrakt respektive konkret tänkande affekt efter en positiv händelse? En experimentell studie i en studentpopulation

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.


The aim with my work was to gain a deeper understanding of some adult adopted children?s experiences and reflections about which role parent ship plays for the adopted child?s development of identity. Following questions have been in focus: What does a working parent ship imply, seen from the perspective of adopted child? In which way can the development of identity for the adopted child be supported by a functional parent ship? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the two following themes: Support and confirmation. The sample consisted of five foreign-adopted between the age of 18 and 37 years.

Fritidspedagogens möte med ett barn som har koncentrationssvårigheter : Reflektioner utifrån egna erfarenheter

The purpose of this essay is to explore how I can meet children with different kinds of attention deficit disorders. What can I do when the child kicks me and makes me cry? How can I handle it right so that the child and I can feel good? In my text I am writing about how I can prioritize my way when I am angry. I wonder how to prioritize my feelings and feel safe with the other person. I am developing these questions in my text.

Barnet och fogden : En studie om barnperspektivet i kronofogdemyndighetens arbete gällande exekutiv försäljning av barnfamiljers bostad

The purpose of this essay was to study whether the UN convention on the Rights of the child is implemented in the Swedish executory authority, in cases that include compulsory auction of property belonging to families with children, in the southern area of Sweden. I have especially focused on questions concerning whether civil servants work with child consequence analyses, whether they have been offered education in child competence at work, to what extent they have listened to and taken into account the child's own voice in the execution process, and finally to what extent civil servants have had contact with the social welfare committee.The study was based on qualitative telephone interviews with seven civil servants working with cases that comprise compulsory auction of property belonging to families with children.The conclusions of my study are that there exists no specific child perspective regarding the UN convention on the Rights of the child in the civil servants work regarding compulsory auction of property belonging to families with children. Neither do they work with child consequence analyses nor do they listen to what the child has to say in the execution process. The civil servants have not been offered any kind of education concerning child competence. Regarding contacts with the social welfare committee, the result shows that this is, in general, not based on systematic procedures..

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