

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 4 av 408

Barnpsykiatrins yttre gränser : en diskursanalys av journalanteckningar från bedömningssamtal

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how the Child mental Health Service, BUP Ektorp, textually constructs its demarcation, by studying case records from the first evaluations of the patients. The main questions were: In what way are the competitors and their problems represented in the texts, how is the solution justified and explained, and how do these factors relate to each other? The method being used is discourse analysis, influenced by Mörkenstam. The main conclusions are that the demarcation consists of a number of onceptions about the child, the parents, and the therapist. The conceptions, together with the way the problem is being described, justifies the proposed solution, proclaiming termination of the case..

Föräldrars erfarenhet av sjukhusvistelsen- En kvalitativ studie

Introduction: Nowadays, it is a considerable fact that parents stay with their hospitalized child, however the role played by parents may not always be obvious. For many parents, this is a difficult experience, which may cause stress among parents who want to be supportive for their child. Parents and children have a close bond and influence each other emotionally; therefore it is of great importance that parent?s experiences of hospitalization should be noted. The pediatric nurse may apply this experience to give the best possible care for the child and the family.

Feberkramper hos barn - Sjuksköterskans preventiva arbete / Children with febrile seizures - The nurse?s preventive work

Background: Febrile seizures are common in childhood. When a child is stricken with febrile seizures it is not only the child that is suffering, in fact the whole family is affected. There are different ways to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures, such as use of different drugs. The parents also need information about febrile seizures and support from the nurse. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to illuminate the nurse?s preventive work for children who have been stricken with febrile seizures.

How to work with parents of malnourished children: The experience of six Kenyan nurses

Background In Nyanza in western Kenya are 30,5% of children estimated as malnourished. It is a family situation that nurses often come in contact with. Therefore it is of interest to know how nurses work with parents of malnourished children when they have a significant role in developing the family's knowledge and child health. Aim. The aim is to investigate how nurses experience that they are working with parents of malnourished children.

Information, anknytning och stöd till föräldrar med ett nyfött barn med diagnosen Downs syndrom : - litteraturstudie

The birth of a child marks a new era for the parents. It is the beginning of something that will never end, because they will always be the child´s parents. This study investigates what happens when an infant is born whit Downs syndrome (Ds), and thus does not resemble the child the parents had expected. The purpose of this literature study was to describe the information and the support that the parents of a newborn child with Ds think that they need. The literature search was made in the database of Medline (via Pub Med), Academic Search Elite and manual search.

Att stödja föräldrar på Barnavårdscentralen (BVC) : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

Att bli förälder är en omtumlande upplevelse. För de föräldrar som vill ha stöd ska detta också finnas tillgängligt för att de med trygghet ska kunna möta barnets behov och stärka dess utveckling. BVC-sjuksköterskan har en central uppgift när det gäller att ge stöd till föräldrar med barn i åldrarna 0-6 år. Syftet med studien var att beskriva BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att ge stöd i föräldraskapet. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats beskriven av Lundman och Hällgren Graneheim.

Att bli värdigt bemött : En tvärsnittstudie om bemötande på akutvårdsavdelningar ur patientens perspektiv

Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.

Uppdrag övervikt - hur arbetar BVC?

AbstractJerfström, M. (2013). Mission overweight and obesity ? how do child-care centers operate? C-thesis in Public Health. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies.

Kartläggning av kvinnors amningsupplevelser på BB : -en enkätundersökning

Previous research and patient complaints to the Swedish Patient Support Committee shows that there is a lack of substance in the patient-nurse relationship. This may suggest that it can be difficult for health care to live up to health-care law which requires it to be of good quality, based on dignity and respect and designed so that the patient is an active participant and can make their own decisions when it comes to their health care. For a better understanding of what a dignified patient-nurse relationship is, this study aims to clarify what the patient values as good patient-nurse relationship and describe how they have experienced the patient-nurse relationship during their stay at an emergency care department. The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, where the population consisted of patients who were cared for at an emergency care department in the County of Västmanland, Sweden during 2007. The sample consisted of 93 patients which were asked to answer a questionnaire.

Orsak till sjuksköterskans stress och hur den påverkar omvårdnadsarbetet : En litteraturöversikt

Nurses in health care have a responsible and sometimes stressful job. Nowadays there?s a high pace in health care where many decisions have to be made during time pressure, a lot of information has to be transferred between health care units and sometimes complicated equipment are used. Cases of mistakes are reported more than ever to the national committee responsible for health care. Many of the mistakes, where the nurses are involved are due to the nurses? stress.The aim of this study was to gather information to describe causes of stress in nursing care and the nurses? experience of stress influence on health care.The method that was chosen for this study was a literature review where scientific, critically reviewed articles were analyzed.  The analysis resulted in two main themes.

Barnets talan - en studie om beaktandet av barnperspektiv i den svenska Migrationsdomstolen : / The voice of a child - a study regarding a child perspective in the Migration Court of Law in Sweden

The following essay examines the conditions of whether a child perspective is recognised in the second authority of the new Swedish asylum process, the Migration Court of Law and inquire into the viewpoint of these decision makers as to what a child perspective in this context represents.The method used was a qualitative study that contained interviews with eight respondents, divided into four judges and four jurors. The material gained from the respondents was then analysed by using theories regarding a child perspective and theories that deal with interpretation of a text, ethics and court sociology.A few conditions of whether a child perspective is recognised has been revealed and we also found that the child perspective in theory is a wide perspective, that includes many aspects of how a child is recognised. In practice, however, the child perspective can be divided into two separate perspectives where one of them involves an adults view of a child?s perspective, and the other involves the perspective of a child, the child?s own view of its existence and perceived reality..

Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett barn som insjuknat i diabetes

When a child is diagnosed with diabetes the whole family is affected. The effect of the illness often means drastically changes to their daily life. The aim of this study has been to describe the experiences of the parents´ having a child fallen ill with diabetes. The study has been done as a general literature study. The procedure has been to systematically search, critically investigate and summarise results from different studies made on the chosen area of subject.

Distriktssköterskans möte med föräldrar som ställer sig tveksamma till MPR-vaccination

Vaccination as a part of the preventative public health project has for many years been one of the important tasks of the children's health care. The vaccination program has been adjusted to current research and the health situation in the country. Having their children vaccinated is not something obvious for all parents, though. Especially the vaccination against measles, whooping cough and German measles have been questioned. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the reasons for the resistance to vaccinate and to illuminate the security creating advice of the nurse at the public health centre.

Nivåreglerad iKBT via elevhälsan - går det?

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Någon annan tar hand om det bättre än jag - : Sjuksköterskors syn på barriärer till varför sexuell hälsa inte tas upp i vården

BackgroundSexual health is affected by disease, dysfunction and disability but can also be experienced in spite of illness. To get a deeper knowledge of what the nurse does for the patients the background is written with the support of the holistic care and Katie Eriksson theoretical perspectives health and suffering.AimThe aim of this study is to describe the factors to why nurses do not prioritize patients' sexual health in the nursing care.MethodA literature review based on nine qualitative and quantitative studies focusing on the barriers perceived by the nurses to address sexual health.ResultThe result of this study showed that the barriers were many. Factors related to nurses unwillingness to talk to patients about sexuality and sexual health were difficulties in nurses' psychosocial work environment and lacking competence concerning sexual health. The fact that sexuality is a sensitive subject, factors related to the patient and that it was someone else's responsibility to raise the topic were other factors that made it difficult.ConclusionWe conclude that a stressed workplace where there is a lack of time and stress along with a poor education and uncertainty leads to no grasp of the subject and the problem slides between health professionals. Patients' sexual health remains untreated.

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