

2513 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 40 av 168

Vårdpersonalen och munbedömningsinstrumentet

Bakgrund: Munnen kan inte ses som separat från resten av kroppen eftersom munhälsan påverkar den generella hälsan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa betydelsen av användandet av munbedömningsinstrument för vårdpersonalen. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Resultat: Genom en innehållsanalys framkom de två subkategorierna; Ger möjlighet att upptäcka och Tydliggör fortsatt behov av munbedömning. Dessa ledde till kategorin; Munbedömningsinstrumentet ger struktur.

Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?

AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience preparations before elective surgery.

Preoperativ SWAL-QOL och sväljningsfunktion hos Parkinson patienter selekterade till Deep Brain Stimulation

AbstractObjectivePatients with Parkinson?s disease often have symptoms of dysphagia. These swallowingproblems have consequences for quality of life as well for the physical wellbeing of thepatients. AimThe aim of this study was to describe and correlate Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL)scores, self-assessment of swallowing function using a visual analogue scale and the resultsfrom a fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing function in patients who had been selectedfor Deep Brain Stimulation in caudal zona incerta. A secondary aim was to correlate diseaseduration with results from SWAL-QOL and the fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowingfunction.MethodTen male Parkinson?s patients (age 45-69 yrs, median 61.5 yrs) who were selected for DeepBrain Stimulation completing the Swallowing Quality of life form, as well as rating theirswallowing function using a visual analogue scale and undergoing a fiber endoscopicevaluation of their swallowing function.    ResultsThe median total SWAL-QOL score was 94% while the mean was 91%.

Barns inflytande i förskolan  : Pedagogers perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to find out what pedagogues in preschool think when it comes to children?s influence and how they do to give the children opportunity to express their thoughts and point of views and thereby influence their situation.The literature review treats the conception of the competent child and shows that having child perspective is important in meeting children. The literature review implies that participation and influence means sensitivity to children?s expressions and that pedagogues lets these expressions influence the activities in preschool. It is not about children always getting their ways, but that they are respected and are given space to think freely.Searching for pedagogues? thoughts on children?s influence and how they do for giving it, I interviewed six persons, working at six different preschools.

BVC-sjuksköterskans och skolsköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner i sitt arbete med övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight is a health problem throughout the western world. Child health care (CHC) nurses and school nurses meet many children and their families and have the opportunity to work with prevention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the CHC - and school nurse´s experiences and reflections in the work on obesity in children. The aim was also to investigate the structural conditions CHC- and school nurse feel the need for this work. Method: The study had a qualitative approach with descriptive design.

Den svenska versionen av Children?s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale : - Tonåringar och föräldrars åsikter om instrumentets frågor

ABSTRACTBackground: In all cancer therapies occurs more or less side effects, there one of them are mucositis. Symptoms of mucositis include wound and blister in the oral mucosa and affects 50-80% of children undergoing cancer treatment. Today there is no Swedish tested assessment scale for mucositis.Aim: To describe how teenagers with cancer and parents of children younger than 12 years with cancer perceive issues in a mouth-assessment instruments, Children?s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale (ChIMES), that have recently been translated into Swedish.Method/Design: The study was a quantitative descriptive research design. The participants were teenagers with cancer 12- 18 years (N=15), and parents (N=15) of children younger than 12 years.

Läraren i nutida svensk barn - och ungdomslitteratur

'Teachers in current Swedish child- and youth literature' is an essay that attempts to understand the reasons behind why authors portray teachers the way they do. The foundation and focus point of this essay are ten Swedish child and youth books that were all published during 2012. Throughout this essay I have analyzed the fictional teachers in these books using the discourse analysis method but also employed a gender perspective. The main questions were these: Do the teachers presented in these books follow the curriculum LGR - 11, or do they represent the authors own education experience brought forward to current settings? Furthermore, was there a difference in how female and male teachers were represented? And if so what, possible reasons could account for that? The conclusions made were thus: ? The teacher characters within these books were mostly a throwback to days gone by, therefore reflecting the authors own memories of their school. ? They were mainly presented to the reader in a negative light which most likely has its roots in how Swedish school and Swedish teachers have been portrayed within the mass media. ? That there was indeed gender stereotyping in how female and male teachers were described..

Motiverande samtal som metod för ökad närvaro i gymnasieskolan?

Effektiviteten av manualiserad Motivational Interviewing prövades i en experimentell design. Gymnasieelever med hög frånvaro (n=89) blockrandomiserades till antingen två sessioner Motivational Interviewing eller någon av de två kontrollgrupperna, som erhöll validerande samtal respektive ingen intervention. Den beroende variabeln utgjordes av förändring i frånvaro som rapporterades av de deltagande skolorna. Utöver detta användes School Refusal Assessment Scale för att undersöka orsaker till frånvaron. University of Rhode Island Change Assessment användes för att mäta motivation enligt Prochaska och DiClementes förändringsmodell.

Lean IT Assessment Tool : Ett verktyg för att utvärdera möjligheterna till effektivisering av en IT-avdelning

During the last decades the importance of IT has increased for businesses all over the world. It has transferred from only being used in administrative purposes to become more integrated to the core business. Due to the financial crisis in 2009 and increasing globalization, IT is facing the challenge of lower costs and increased efficiency. This requires IT-departments to embrace new strategies in order to fulfill these new tougher demands.Lean is a business development concept that aims to lower costs through more effective processes by removing all activities that does not create any value from the end customer?s perspective.

Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar

According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed.The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication.

Innehållsliga och språkliga kvaliteter i relation till betygen : En studie av elevtexter i nationella provet i svenska för årskurs 9

The assessing of student texts is an ordinary and important task for teachers, and the purpose of this study is to investigate, analyze and discuss which aspects of writing that particularly have an effect on the assessment of the student texts. The aspects in focus are: contents, genre, text length, paragraphing, sentence structure and choice of words.The data is drawn from six texts in the national test in Swedish for the 9th grade. Thetexts are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively regarding contents as well as language.The results show that the qualities of language influence the assessment more than the qualities of contents. Both word variation index and the number of long words increase in relation to raising marks. Uncommon words are also more frequent in texts which receive higher marks.

Pedagogers anmälningsplikt : - att anmäla barn som far illa

AbstractIn 1998 the Swedish legislation was sharpened, and active educationalists were legally bound to report any suspicion of child maltreatment. Nevertheless, there are a number of unrecorded cases of maltreated children, and research reveals that less than half of these children are reported to social services (Olsson, 2001). The purpose of the present study was to illustrate the problems with the mandatory reports in schools, as well as to study how educationalists proceed when they suspect that a child is maltreated. The method consisted of semi-structured interviews with five educationalists. The results revealed complex problems regarding educationalists mandatory reports.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med diabetes typ 1 : En litteraturöversikt om hur föräldrar uppfattar omvårdnaden från sjuksköterskor inom diabetesvård

Introduction: Diabetes type 1 is a common chronic disease in children and adolescents. The disease affect, not only the child, but also the parents in their everyday life. The specialist diabetic nurse has a huge responsibility in supporting the parents to feel confident in managing the child?s diabetes.Aims of the study: To investigate how parents of children with diabetes type 1 perceive the care given from the specialist diabetic nurse and what wishes they have concerning the care they receive.Design and methods: Searches for studies in electronic databases were conducted between January 2013 and march 2013. A literature review containing 16 studies was compiled.

Musik i förskolan

The objective of this graduate work is to gain a better understanding in how pre-school educators are able to work with music in their pre-school activity to promote child development. We also want to enlighten possible factors for the development of children based on music and to form our own ideas of whether teachers choose to apply music in their didactic practice or not.The point of this essay has been to attempt answering on what importance music makes for children's development and learning in pre-school, and how teachers could work with music in pre-school in order to promote children?s development. Our data consists of six interviews and two observations realized at a pre-school in Södertälje.We took heed from the theories laid out by Lev Vygotsky's which describe four different levels of development that includes educational development in social interaction between teacher and child. Our choice of this theory is inspired by our seeking deeper understanding of Vygotsky's theory´s application to the aesthetic approach in the interaction in meaning making and learning.The result of our study confirms previous theory and research in that music as a form of expression has a major impact on children's development.

Osteometriska Mätningar : För artbedömning av får, get och svin utifrån mått av revben

Ribs from sheep, goat and pig are rarely assessed  to species due to the fact that they are very similar in their morphology and size. The ribs are instead considered unidentifiable although it is possible to see what kind of bone it is. If these ribs would be identified to species not only would species assessment degree of archaeological source material   increase, the relationship between meat-rich and meat poor regions would change.To find out whether there are morphologically measurable differences between sheep, goat and pig ribs, three measurement points on each rib has been defined and measured. At each measurement point two measurements were measured, one medial-lateral measurement and one cranial-caudal measurement. The ratio between the medial- lateral measurement and the cranial-caudal measurement was calculated for each point.

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