

2513 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 25 av 168

Dysartribedömning på svenska av typiska talare över 65 år med finska som förstaspråk

The aim of this paper was to investigate how 40 typical speakerswith Finnish accent, aged 65-84 years, performed in speech assessmentthrough Dysartribedömningen, a Swedish dysarthria assessment instrument.Their results were compared with results of a matched Swedish nativespeaking reference group. Both groups were assessed in areas offunction/structure, prosody/intelligibility and through a survey oncommunication. Results indicated that the performances of the Finnishparticipant group were estimated as more deviant than the Swedish,considering all areas. The Finnish participants were deviant in articulationand they had a significantly lower speech rate in reading. They also hadsignificantly lower scores in intelligibility compared to the reference group.The results of the survey of communication showed that the Finnishparticipants estimated their levels of activity and participation to besignificantly more limited compared to the reference group.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Själv- och kamratbedömning : En undersökning av lärares och elevers uppfattningar kring själv- och kamratbedömning.

In this thesis I set out to study how the reading of fictional literature is viewed, legitimatized and operationalized in two educational domains: the recently revised steering documents that all Swedish teachers must relate to, as well as a selection of teaching materials designed for education in the Swedish language for upper secondary school. The teaching material I have studied has been recently updated in order to correspond with the new steering documents. I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education, and I also combine my analysis of the two educational domains to see whether the underlying intentions of the steering documents have influenced the revision of the teaching material. The outcome indicates that the steering documents? previous focus on culture has diminished although a certain insecurity as to how to use the concept and deal with the issue of whose culture should be taught can be identified.

TYSK KOVÄNDNING : Efter åratal av stiltje i den tyska familjepolitiken harplötsligt reformvindar blåst upp.

Since the mid 60?s, Germany has seen dropping fertility rates and yet next to nothinghas been done to combat this trend until the current regime led by Angela Merkel andher minister of family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen initiated a number ofcomprehensive reforms of Germany?s family policies.Family policy in Germany is being reformed in three ways. First of all parents arenow eligible to receive substantial financial support in order to compensate the loss ofincome associated with a pregnancy and or parental leave. Second, the all but nonexistentpublic child care services are being vastly expanded with the goal of beingable to offer child care service for every child age 0-3. Thirdly the tradition of schoolsending classes midday is being reformed with the aim of letting kids stay in schoolmuch longer thus enabling parents to work full-time as opposed to part-time in orderto be able to take care of kids returning from school.The hopes for these ambitious reforms are tremendous.

Barns röst och delaktighet i kommunalpolitiken

A qualitative study is presented concerning children?s participation in the local decisionmaking in Swedish municipalities. The study also aims at finding out what are considered to be successful factors and obstacles connected to the implementation of children?s participation in local decision-making. The study contains a summary of the convention on the rights of the child, focusing on article 12, as well as previous research findings concerning children?s participation and factors enabling respectively hindering participation.

Barns upplevelse av rädsla vid vård på sjukhus, samt hur sjuksköterskan kan minska densamma

When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experience this situation as stressful and with fear. It is important that the nurse is aware of this fact in order to facilitate the hospitalization for the child. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fear that children feel when they are hospitalized, and to investigate the meaning of being well prepared for clinical examinations and procedures. The method used was a literature review.

Märks lärares kunskapssyn i bedömningen?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan några lärares bedömning och olika pedagogiska grundteoriers kunskapssyn samt hur de tillsammans med lärarens egen kunskapssyn påverkar bedömningen. Utifrån uttalanden från 5 stycken utvalda lärare, tillsammans med den litteratur som vi läst har vi försökt att hitta samband. Den metod som användes var enskilda intervjuer, ur vilka uttalanden kopplades till den litteratur och de pedagogiska grundteoriernas kunskapssyn. Vi ställde frågor om hur dessa personer konstruerade sina prov samt hur de bedömer och dokumenterar sina elevers lärande. Hur lärarnas bedömning påverkats av de olika teoriernas kunskapssyn och hur skolväsendet har påverkats av dessa teorier försökte sedan knytas till behaviorism, kognitivism, konstruktivism och sociokulturell teoris olika kunskapssyner.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

Barnperspektiv inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ undersökning av socialsekreterares hantering av barnets bästa

 The aim of this study was to examine how social workers perceive and interpret the term ?barnets bästa? (?The best for the child?), within the framework of investigatory work and enforcement of Swedish law, which is carried out by the Social Services. We wanted to investigate if the interpretation of the term had any causal effects on the work carried out by social workers. Seven social workers from two municipalities participated in this study in which we used qualitative semi-structured interviews based around two vignettes. We focused on age, experience, legislation, and external circumstances to gain insight into how these factors alter social workers? perception of the term ?barnets bästa?. Our theoretical approach was based on two theories on social constructivism.

En granskning av det internationellt använda frågeformuläret International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA).

Assessment of hearing aids can be done by inventories. The result of the inventories can show the patients need and how the hearing aids works in the patients daily life. The result of the inventories can be influenced by the difference in languages and the cultures. The inventory IOI-HA should not be sensitive to those factors.The aim of this study was to compare and analyse material, method and to report and analyse the result from a pilot study made at Sahlgrenska University.The result showed that IOI-HA is a natural inventory which is able to be used internationally. The four studies in England, USA, the Netherlands, and Germany showed that the psychometric properties are similar across languages and cultures.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

AbstractThe aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg?s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual?s relationship with the mother.

Från G till E : Perspektiv på ett läroplansbyte

The essay treats how a process of implementation was executed and the teachers? relation to two curricula, Lpo94 and Lgr11, with two different grading systems, which have functioned as models for one and the same year. The purpose is to investigate the ways in which a change in curricula and syllabus affects teachers in their teaching and assessment practice in the subject of Swedish at secondary school. The investigation had a phenomenological approach and was executed by means of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and one observation. The results are based on a methodological triangulation with qualitative and quantitative data where visible similarities and differences are brought out.

Behandling och kunskapssyn - En studie om ungdomsmottagningars och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar.

TREATMENT AND EPISTEMOLOGY A STUDY ABOUT YOUTH CLINICS AND CHILD- AND YOUTH PSYCHIATRYS WORK WITH YOUNG PEOPLE Larsson, A och Nilsson, J. Behandling och förhållningssätt. En studie om ungdomsmottagningar och barn- och ungdomspsykiatrins arbete med ungdomar. Examensarbete i normöverträdelser, normkonflikter och sociala interventioner 15 poäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, enheten för Individ familj och samhälle, 2011.

Barn i skuggan av barnperspektivet : En studie om syskons inkludering vid insatser till familjer där barn har en funktionsnedsättning

Science has shown that siblings to children with a disability are affected by the family situation. The siblings often let their own needs and requests come secondary to their family members. This study illustrates how different professionals, who keep in contact with families with a disabled child, works with its siblings. The purpose with this study was to see how professionals, working as administrators, counselors at the habilitation and kin supporters in the region of Kalmar, include siblings while working with the families. Representatives from the professionals have been interviewed with a semi structured interview manual.The result showed that professionals have various opinions how siblings are affected by the family situation.

Beteende, det är kommunikation det!

When being in preschool, I have come across children who I have had difficulties to really meet, and I have felt that the communication between me and the child has been deficient. Since I believe that the meeting of child and pedagogue is essential to learning and development, I find this an important subject of further study.The purpose of my study is to investigate if, and how, teachers regard a possible connection between language capability and behaviour. Furthermore I investigate how they work with language acquisition and communication, and what argument the pedagogues have for this work.To answer these questions I have interviewed two pedagogues who have great knowledge and experience of this subject, and also have special interest in children?s language and communication.In my literary review I give an account of how language acquisition is described in literature, and then compare it with how language impairment reveals. I also describe earlier research on how to work with language development, and what the national curriculum for preschools (Lpfö 98) say on this topic.The result shows that my informants divide in their view of how to connect language capability to behaviour.

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