

2513 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 21 av 168

En skola för barnets bästa? : Den svenska skolan i relation till FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter

AbstractEssay in political Science (c-level) by Karin Forsling, Spring 2007A school for the best interest of the child? - The Swedish School System according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.Supervisor: Stig MontinThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Swedish governments work with the im-plementation of this convention and what progress has been made. The inquiry of this study is to describe how the changing in the Swedish School System correspond to the national strat-egy for implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Sweden and how the political protagonists.I have read some of the most relevant documents from the authorities and organisations work-ing with children?s rights in Sweden and papers and communications from the political pro-tagonists.Since UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by Sweden in 1990 the work for implementation has been quite successful but there are still lots to do. There are still some problems in School such as bullying, insulting, insecurity and lack of peaceful and harmoni-ous school environment.

Den osynliga och utsatta icke-västerländska kvinnan ? oförmögen att påverka? : - En postkolonial feministisk analys av samhällskunskapsböcker med den icke- västerländska kvinnan som exemplifiering för hur jämställdhetsmålen uppnås

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Miljöbedömning av mark- och vattenresurser i kommunal översiktsplanering : en fallstudie av en del av planprocessen i Tierps kommun

This paper describes the integration of environmental assessment in Swedish municipality comprehensive planning through a chosen case study. The implementation of a new EGdirective in Swedish law, concerning Assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, should lead to some changes in the way Swedish municipalities' deals with environmental issues in their comprehensive plans. This could later on lead to new preconditions for municipality comprehensive planning. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the planning organisation in the municipality adapts to new regulations for impact assessment of comprehensive plans required by the Planning and Building act. Secondly the purpose was to partly participate in the early stages of the planning process and thereby indicate and identify possible environmental impacts regarding the aspects of land and water. This was done as a case study in a well defined part of the process.

Barn till alkoholmissbrukare : en studie av barnens uppväxtvillkor och det sociala nätverkets betydelse

Our purpose with this paper was to examine what effect a parent's drinking problem can have for the children in the family. A combination of literature study and qualitative interview analysis was used. The most important research questions were: How do the parent's problems affect the child? In what ways can the social network around the child help it to develop normally despite problems in the home environment? To what extent a parent's drinking problem affects a child depends on many different factors. Based on earlier research and interview data we drew the conclusion that growing up in a family where a parent has a drinking problem has a negative effect on all children.

Den individanpassade äldreomsorgen? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om biståndshandläggares metoder vid behovsbedömningen

AbstractTitle:                                                                                                                  The individual elder care?Author:                                                                                                              Dennis JonssonSupervisor:                                                                                                        Kerstin GynnerstedtExaminator:                                                                                                       Course:                                                                                                             2SA46E,  Programme for social workDate:                                                                                                                 20100526Key words:                                                                                                       public assistance, need assessments                                                                                                                                                              methods, individual public help serviceSummaryThe purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the practices of needs assessment, and put them in relation to municipal policies and the autonomy of the elderly. Development managers are characterized as grassroots bureaucrats, then they are officers who are in the organization, but also has a direct contact with the elderly applicants for municipal assistance. I wanted to explore how these policies relate to the older people's autonomy and their implications for officer assistance in their daily work. As a theoretical starting point I have used out of a närbyråkratiskt perspective, and a negotiation perspective.

Asylsökande barn i kläm mellan myndigheter. : Om omhändertagna asylsökande barns skydd och rättigheter i Sverige.

The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the Swedish authorities comply with international law by studying the protection of asylum-seeking children that are apprehended by Swedish authorities according to the legislation of LVU because of abuse or neglect and thereafter are deported together with their parents. The aim of this thesis is to find out if Swedish legislation and praxis is consistent with international law through the Convention on the Rights of the Child and EKMR. Would it be possible to increase the protection of these children through incorporating the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Swedish law, through a wider interpretation of the principle of non-refoulement or through more morality in the law? The thesis has been conducted as a literature study where the right-dogmatic method has been used to compare Swedish and international law. The theories by Dworkin about morality and law have been compared to Peczeniks right-dogmatic theories.The review shows that Swedish authorities are infringing article 2, 3, 12 and 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, when it comes to the protection of asylum-seeking children. The best way to increase the protection is to incorporate the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Swedish law.

Vardag på ett särskilt boende för en äldre invandrare som inte kan det svenska språket : En observationsstudieAn observation study of the everyday life of an immigrant unable to speak swedish and living in a home for elderly

In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.

Föräldrars erfarenhet av barn med autistic spektrum disorder

The parents of a developmentel disordered child live with much sorrow and anguish. Despite that, they often talk about hope, joy and love for their child. The autistic spectrum disorder includes different stands. Three of them are Autism, Aspergers syndrome and Disintegrative disability. An article overview has been made with the purpose to examine parents experiences of having a child that develops autism or a diagnosis within the autistic spectrum.

Nej, inte rita. Låna!: 3-4-åriga barns informationsbeteende på folkbibliotekets barnavdelning

The aim of this study was to examine how children in ages 3 to 4 use the public library with the research questions: What does children?s, in ages between 3 and 4, information behavior look like when they visit a public library in leisure time with a parent? What is the nature of interaction between child and parent, child and the staff of the library, and between child and other visitors? What is the function of the cultural tools in relation to the children?s information behavior? The theoretical frame of reference consisted of Lev Vygotsky?s ?the zone of proximal development? and Roger Säljö?s theory about using cultural tools. To answer the questions I have observed 4 children together with their mothers and siblings at a public library. From the result of the observations I found that every child had their own information behavior. Two of the children only used one kind of cultural tool ? books.

Dilemmat inkluderade grundsärskoleelever : ?Vilket stöd ger skolledning, och hur ser lärare på sina förutsättningar att i läs- och skrivsituationer inkludera eleven?

AbstractThis study explores how well teachers think they succeed in their mission to include children with special needs into their ordinary groups of children. Interviews were carried out with five teachers in practice of the public school (year 2,3,5 and 6). The teachers were asked what support they have got from the schools manager, initially and ongoing, (information, necessary education, supportive expertise personnel, assistant teacher to the child and schoolmaterial.) The teachers were also asked how inclusion is arranged by three indicators of participation: physically, socially (interaction) and didactically -in educational situations of reading and writing. One finding of the study was that inclusion is difficult to arrange if  parents of included children demand secrecy of the diagnosis their child has. Three cases reveal severe problems of acceptance for the included child by the peers.

Underskatta inte din betydelse som pedagog! : En kvalitativ studie om barns språkutveckling i förskolan

Objective: The aim of this work is to find out how a number of educators work when giving children support and opportunities for language development.Questions:What have preschool for policy to monitor/assess the children?s language development?What experiences do teachers have of children who need support in language development?How do educator?s regard support from specialised educator?s? Do these efforts support the children to enhance language development?Methods: Qualitative methodology, Interviews with six teachers and two specialised educators from three kindergartens in the municipality.Summary of conclusions: The municipality in which the survey was conducted has a document that provides guide lines on how to work with children?s language development in school and preschool. Pedagogical documentation is a tool that teachers use in nursery school which educators and parents can follow, which shows children?s learning processes and learn strategies. Research shows that through play, music, creative activities, photos, etc.

Utvecklad modell för enklare djurskyddsbedömning : med exempel från mjölkkor i lösdrift

Developed model for easier animal welfare assessment- with examples from dairy cows in loose housingAnimals in captivity are completely dependent on human care. If captive animals are prevented from exhibiting their natural behavior, they may suffer. Animal welfare inspectors, who insure that the animal welfare legislation is followed, use a checklist to assess the situation in the husbandry. This checklist contains only two levels of assessment, which may result in a lack of detail in the assessment of the husbandry. The objective of this report was to develop a more detailed model that provides an overview of the situation in husbandry.

Sjuksköterskans identifiering av nutritionsstatus med bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment

Undernäring förekommer både inom sjukvård och inom omsorg. Det är sjuksköterskans uppgift att identifiera näringstillstånd och det kan göras genom antropometriska mått och bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa sjuksköterskans nytta av bedömningsinstrument MNA. Resultatet baserades på 15 artiklar. Det är vanligt inom omvårdnad att personer är undernärda eller är i riskzonen för att drabbas av undernäring.

Flerbarnspappors erfarenheter och behov av föräldrastöd på Tjörn

Background: The health of children and youth has decreased the last two decades. The Swedish government has decided to back a national plan for parenting support. The municipality of Tjörn is a part of national parental support project to identify the need and to improve the parental support in the municipality. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to identify experience and need of parental support among fathers with more than one child on Tjörn. Method: Five individual qualitative interviews were conducted with the fathers.

Analys av systemfaktorers påverkan på tillförlitligheten i distributionsnät

In this master thesis outage statistics covering tree years from two distribution grids are analyzed with the purpose to deduce which factors yield outages. The statistics are extensive therefore allowing in-depth analysis of both customer and system related factors. From this starting point and as a model of explanation energy not supplied is studied as the consequence and the measurement of the inconvenience caused by outages. Different methods for calculating energy not supplied are developed and studied and put in comparison to the method used in Network Performance Assessment Model, which is the Swedish frame work for regulating electricity distribution.Analysis of the outage statistics show a relation between the type category of customer and outages that can be deduced to the variance and the density associated with that customer category. Prioritization of different customer categories is elevated also in this aspect.

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