

2512 Uppsatser om Child assessment - Sida 2 av 168

Har barnet ont?- Barnsjuksköterans bedömning av smärta hos barn som vårdas på neonatalavdelning

Introduction: The complexity of the neonates? way of expressing pain is a difficulttask for the pediatric nurse. The Swedish national guidelines for prevention and treatmentof pain in the newborn infant is suggesting that departments regularly use structuredmethods, such as pain assessment instrument, for the assessment of pain in the neonatalperiod. Previous research shows that pain assessment instruments are only used in abouthalf of all pain assessments in Sweden. Neonate's cannot verbally communicate their pain,and are therefore dependent on the pediatric nurse to acknowledge the pain.

Att studera validerade mätinstrument : för att mäta barns oro inför dagoperation

Background: Anxiety with children before surgery is well known. From the 1950s there are various assessment instruments. Despite that most day surgery units offer preparation for children and parents, there are many children who exhibit a strong anxiety the day of surgery, which can lead to postoperative behavioral changes. Today the nurse estimates the anxiety of a child on personal experience and knowledge, forming the basis for estimation whether the child is in need of sedation or not. The purpose: of this study was to evaluate instruments that the nurse can use in measuring the degree of anxiety of children before fast clinical settings, such as day surgery.

Effekter av individuellt utvecklingsstödjande neonatalvård

To be preborn and treated in a hightech environment, will expose the child for an abnormal stimulance. Immature lungs and brain are accountable for the biggest healthrisks. The medical treatment will affect the childs future development. Nursing according to NIDCAP®, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program, aims at reducing the surrounding disturbance in relation to the childs maturity. The aim for this literature study is to survey the affects of NIDCAP®-nursing. The literature study is based upon scientific articles.

"Jag hävdar att det här har funnits jämt" : Formativ bedömning på mellanstadiet

The porpuse of this paper is to find out how three teachers working in years four to six in a Swedish school say they use formative assessment and how they use it in educational practice, and if there is a difference in the use of formative assessment between year four, five and six. Formative assessment is the kind of assessment that aims to enhance the student?s learning, as opposed to summative assessment wich is intended only to summarize student?s accomplishments. To answer the purpose, I conducted qualitative interviews with the teachers, and observations in each of the teachers? classrooms.

Prediktiv validitet hos Assessment Centres: en studie av Assessment centre bedömningar utförda av PAT Management för Ericsson Mobile Platforms.

The purpose of this study was to investigate a Swedish assessment centre and more specifically the predictive validity of its assessments of ten managers from a Swedish technological company. The study was made by interviews with these managers' executives in order to find out how well their opinion about their employees matched the assessments made by the assessment centre consultants. The results showed that the congruence of the managers' strengths was 74% whereas that of their weaknesses was 59%..

Lärare om bedömning och betygssättning : Hur ser bedömningen och betygssättningen ut på olika skolor och hur likvärdig är den?

This essay examines how high school teachers in physical education and health thinks about assessment and grading. The essay show how teachers assess pupils during lessons and how teachers grade their students. The survey was based on interviews, in which six different teachers answered questions on the topic of assessment and grading. The issues surrounding assessment was linked to the theoretical concepts of formative and summative assessment, to see if the assessment methods teachers use. The issues surrounding grading was related to the theoretical concepts of validity and reliability in order to see how similar the grading is.The essay provides a picture of how the assessment and rate again looks different teachers.

Formativ bedömning - med samtalet som grund : En kvalitativ studie om lärares erfarenheter och tankar om bedömning

The purpose of this essay is to discover what Formative Assessment is used for in practice and also how teachers use the Curriculum for elementary school, preschool and after-school activity 2011 (Lgr 11) in their Formative Assessment work.The questions are as follows:What considerations do teachers take into account when assessing a student?How do teachers view assessment for learning?How do the teachers consider formative assessment works in relation to Lgr 11?I have used a qualitative research method to answer my questions. I have interviewed five teachers regarding their view on and experience with assessment. Using a hermeneutic approach I have tried to retrieve a deeper meaning from my interviewees regarding formative assessment. I have approached formative assessment using the socio-cultural perspective because I believe it to be the best fit.All of the informants believe formative assessment has made it easier to assess students and also that it works very well together with Lgr 11.

Uteförskola : en undersökning

?Think of the best for the child? that?s a sentence we been hearing before, but the question is, do we really? Does the child get the opportunities to develop to healthy, safe, creative, mobile,concentrated, invention, curious, harmony child? Preschool outdoors is about time. On a preschool outdoors, gets the child opportunities to shape materials and the place they are on, the environment on preschool outdoors is formable and the children fantasy is big. Nothing is decided on a preschool outdoors ahead and nothing is static, here is the place where the child creates together with the nature and landscape. The landscape has a central part in the child?s play and in the child development and there are often no limits.

Barnets bästa i fokus? : En studie av tingsrättens domar i vårdnadstvister

The purpose of this law-sociological study was to, on the basis of the District Court's decree to single custody, analyze the District Court?s comprehensive ideas and fall-oriented interpretations of the concept of the best interest of the child and the way they are constructed in connection with the District Court's application of the new law regulation of 6kap. 5§ FB regarding collaboration between parents. Our empirical data consisted of ten decrees to single custody. The decrees were examined and analyzed on the basis of social constructionism as a theory and the idea-analysis as the study's method.

Formativ bedömning på lågstadiet : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie om synen på och användningen av formativ bedömning hos svenska och sydafrikanska lågstadielärare

This study is about assessment, in particular formative assessment also called assessment for learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate Swedish and South African primary school teachers? views and ideas about this didactic tool. The motives for this investigation are based on the fact that correct used formative assessment supports pupils? learning process and the fact that there are few researches made about this subject in Sweden.

Har kvalitén på barnets delaktighet ökat i barnavårdsutredningar efter att BBIC har börjat tillämpas?

The purpose with this examination essay was to find out if participation of children in social welfare investigations had increased since the social services had started to work with BBIC. I compared the participation of the child before BBIC, then when social service had started to work with BBIC and I tried to see if there were increased participation in the investigations. My theoretic starting-point was the symbolic interactionism and I used the qualitative method of investigation. In my investigation I found that there is not yet any increase in participation of the child in the investigations when social service work with BBIC. What I found was that the reason to start an investigation often was that the parents made the problem for the child and that conditions at home for the child influenced the possibility of the child to communi- cate with an adult that the child did not know.

Ekonomiskt bistånd för ensamkommande barn

There are an increasing number of unaccompanied children coming to Sweden. Sweden is one of the countries in the world that receive many of them. This awoke my interest to investigate the assessment of financial assistance and ?other living expenses? considering unaccompanied children. My approach was a qualitative study including interviewing five social secretaries working in five different districts in Malmö.

Centrala begrepp i socialtjänstens LVU-utredningar : en dokumentanalys

The main purpose of this essay was to study how the social service and the lawcourt have implemented the UN Convention on the Right of the Child, particularly incorporating the childs best interest in social services, child welfare investigations and the lawcourts judgement. We considered how the needs of the child, and the will and view of the child was documented. Also how the parents capacity and the environment factors, were documented in the social services investigations and the lawcourts judgement. The study was based both as a literature study and a document analysis. We analysed ten child welfare investigations from a social service office and their belonging lawcourt judgements.Our conclusion of the study is that the child is in focus both in the investigations and in judgement.

Talande tystnader om heder : En analys av socialsekreterares och förvaltningsrättens bedömning genom rättsfall av hedersrelaterade LVU-ärenden

One of the social services primary missions is to protect children from suffering harm. Social service work should work based on the child?s best and have the child's perspective in mind. In all cases involving children, the focus is on the child's needs and interests and is regulated in Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Both of the previous research and this study reveal the various markers that are evident in the social services handling of honor related cases.

Myndighetssamverkan i Barnahus : Blir det bättre för barnen?

Many children are being abused by daily basis. Mostely they are abused by a parent or another person that is close to the child. Mostely the child abuse never is reported to the social services or to the police, and even if the perpertrator is known, only a few cases are brought to prosecution. If a case allthough is drawn before the court of law, there are still too many of the perpetrators that are being acquitted. In other words, the legal security for the abused children is way too low.When suspiscions arise that a child is exposed to child abuse there are several inquiries that starts at the same time.

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