

4703 Uppsatser om Child Helath Care - Sida 50 av 314

Efficient treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems

The purpose of this essay is to investigate which components previous scientific studies suggest that an efficient treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems should contain. For this purpose, an extensive review of scientific research conducted in Scandinavia has been read and will be presented in this essay. This essay also present an introduction to residential care in Sweden as well as to an alternative form of treatment for adolescents with behavioural problems called Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC). The result of this essay suggest that treatment of adolescents with behavioural problems should be based on the emphasis of risk/resilience factors of the youth and that the treatment should be adapted to the youth?s individual personality and way of learning.

Generationsskifte i familjeägda bolag : Med inriktning på arv och testamente

Swedish family companies are facing a tremendous change in the form of generation changes because of the large part of owners that are about to retire. If all 45 000 to 50 000 family companies ceases to exist, Sweden looses a significant part of business trade.There are numbers of different methods for an older generation of owners to transfer their companies to a younger generation such as inheritance, gift, will, internal stock transfer, division?s etc., where inheritance is the most complex area. That an owner of a company dies without any plan for the future of the company is not preferable because the rules of legal successions occur. The law system regarding inheritance is usually not a good method since the surviving wife, who has the primary right to the inheritance, may not be interested in the company.

"Jag förstod ingenting" : En kvalitativ studie om sex ungdomars upplevelser av att ha dyslexi i grundskolan

One of the most important goals of school is to teach children how to read and write. But there are also children with great problems in reading and writing/dyslexia at school. In the Swedish School Plan you can, for example, read that one of the school?s most important goals is to give these children with special needs the help that they need.This study will investigate how six young people with reading and writing problems/dyslexia experienced the first nine years at school. There has been very little research regarding students´ experiences of having reading and writing problems/dyslexia early in school, which is strange because school is a place where children spend most of their time.

Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Faktorer som påverkar distriktssköterskans beslut om en anmälan till socialtjänsten om att ett barn far illa

I samhället finns flera lagar och föreskrifter för att garantera barn trygga uppväxtvillkor. Trots regelverk kan konstateras en ökning vad gäller barn som far illa. Avgörande för efterlevnaden av fastlagda bestämmelser är bland annat distriktssköterskans, inom barnhälsovården, möjligheter till att uppmärksamma signaler kring barns situation samt att vid behov vidta adekvata åtgärder. Det finns dock flera faktorer som kan vara avgörande för distriktssköterskans ställningstagande. Syftet med studien är att beskriva faktorer som påverkar distriktssköterskans beslut om en anmälan till socialtjänsten om att ett barn far illa.

?Jag trodde i min värld att man skulle få hjälp? : - En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar upplever kuratorers hjälp och stöd.

Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.

One Laptop per Child - En studie av ett IKT-projekt i Rwanda

BakgrundVi har undersökt projektet One Laptop per Child vilket är datorprojekt startat i USA med syfte att förse elever i utvecklingsländer med varsin dator i undervisningen. Sedan år 2000 har Rwanda påbörjat en tydlig satsning för landets utveckling. IKT har en stor roll ochgenomsyrar alla officiella dokument, från regering till läroplaner. I officiella dokument från OLPC figurerar uttrycket Learning by doing, vilket är starkt förknippat med John Dewey och hans pedagogiska tankar. Forskningen kring datorer i skolan och antalet datorer per elev är oenig, men gemensamt för den forskning vi har tagit del av är att skolor som arbetar med datorer avkrävs en tydlig struktur kring upplägget.SyfteSyftet med vår studie är att ta reda på hur elever och lärare i en klass, som ingår i projektet One Laptop per Child, i Rwandas huvudstad Kigali förhåller sig till och använder sig av datorn i undervisningen.MetodVi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med inspiration från etnografin där vi har använt oss av observationer och intervjuer vid insamlandet av data.

Upplevelse av stöd och hjälp : Föräldrar till barn & ungdomar med Aspergers syndrom

AbstractIn this survey the authors studied how having a child with Aspergers syndrome affects theparents. The purpose of this survey was getting a glimpse of the parent?s experiences ofsupport from governmental instances as well as from their own network. This survey has beenexecuted from a qualitative point of view. The authors have completed interviews with sixparents of children with Aspergers syndrome.

Omvårdnad för personer med självskadebeteende ? En studie om utvecklingsbehov

INTRODUCTION: Research from both nurse and patient perspective highlights shortcomings in psychiatric inpatient care for people with Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI). Nursing for people with NSSI, a subject in need for further knowledge, is in this study examined through a theoretical framework based on Person-Centered Nursing and Patientology AIM: Based on people's own experiences of being cared for NSSI in psychiatric inpatient care, the aim is to elucidate development opportunities for the nursing care of this group of patients.METHOD: Seven informants, all women aged 25-31, were interviewed about their experiences of nursing in psychiatric inpatient care. The transcribed text was analyzed and categorized according to an existential hermeneutic research approach.RESULTS: The categorization of the interviews resulted in seven areas of nursing in need of development. Knowledge, Environment, Information, Routines, Involvement, Communication and The nurse?s actions.CONCLUSION: Development of nursing is prevented since NSSI is stigmatized within psychiatric inpatient care.

Motion som egenvård : en studie om personer med erfarenhet av självupplevd psykisk ohälsa och psykiatrisk vård

Backround: Many studies indicate that people with mental illness often suffer from physical illness. Many people with mental illness do not exercise even though they often have knowledge about the benefits of physical activity. Studies suggest that psychiatric patients have the desire to have an everyday life with more content. It is apparent in studies that healthcare professionals believe that it is the patients' own responsibility to keep themselves physically active.Aim: The primary objective with this study is to examine motivation and possible obstacles to exercise for persons with self-perceived mental illness and experience of psychiatric care. The secondary objective is to investigate how psychiatric care may be of importance to people with mental illness when it comes to exercise.Methods: Semi-structured interviews.

Anestesiologisk omvårdnad av patient med obesitas

ABSTRACTBackground: Obesity and overweight are health issues that more than every tenth person around the world suffers from and the number of individuals with BMI >30 is every growing. As a result, more patients that are subjects to anesthesia will have an increased BMI. Changes in respiration, airway anatomy, altered drug metabolism and multiple physiological changes in the body makes general anesthesia, of the patient with obesity, an anesthesiological challenge.Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify the specific anesthesiological nursing care of the patient with a BMI >30, undergoing general anesthesia.Method: A research plan is created and to test its credibility, a pilotstudy of 15 surveys in two surgical departments will be conducted. This study has a qualitative inductive design and the data collected through semistructured questionnaires. The result was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Result: The result showed a clear focus on three main areas; airway management, pharmaceuticals and positioning of the patient.

Traumaomhändertagande på akutmottagningen : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv

Background:A trauma is a potential life threatening state which demands special resources and optimal care. Trauma doesn't just mean physical violence against the body, it can also put the patient in a psychological crisis. The trauma care in the emergency department is a short and intensive assessment between the patient and the emergency staff, where there is a risk that the patient may feel exposed and uncomfortable. For the nurse to be able to provide security and meet the patients' needs of well-being during the trauma care, the nurse has to try to understand the patients' needs and experiences. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate the patient's experiences during trauma care in the emergency department.

Det främsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vårdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvård

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

Kvalitetsbegreppet i äldreomsorgen : En idé som speglar samhället

The purpose of this study was to understand how the concept of quality as an idea was spread to and translated in municipal elderly care. A central question was: How does literature, policy documents and key people describe the function and meaning of the concept of quality? The method of analysis was a qualitative case study with a critical discourse. The theoretical framework of the study is mainly what is known as institutional theory and a line of thought describing how ideas are transferred and spread. The theoretical focus is on how original ideas are interpreted and why they gain a foothold in new contexts.

Erfarenheter, samarbete och ansvar kring orosanmälningar : En kvalitativ studie med tre förskollärare, två förskolechefer och en socionom

The purpose of this essay is to find out what experiences three preschool teachers, two preschool directors and a social worker (BSc) from the social service have of reporting suspicion of child abuse done by preschools. What perceptions do these individuals have of each other, what experiences do they have regarding cooperation and how do they perceive their responsibilities regarding filing reports on suspicion of child abuse? This investigation is based on qualitative interviews with open ended questions on the basis of an interview guide. The theoretical approach of the essay lies in the phenomenology philosophy, which revolves around the individual?s experiences and perceptions of a phenomenon.

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