

596 Uppsatser om Character - Sida 5 av 40

En analys av TPL-företag och deras samarbete med kunder

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze TPL companies, and their collaboration with their customers from a TPL perspective. The paper intends to get a bigger understanding of their collaboration, advantages/disadvantages and how the collaboration can be improved. The foundation for the paper is obtained through questions that have been created from the chosen theories about supply chain, third part logistic (TPL) and lean production. We have had open interviews with five different conveyers where we have had our questions prepared and during the interviews asked new questions to get more distinct answers. When we subsequently analyzed the empirical material and by chosen theories we have been able to confirm that the collaboration between the TPL companies and their customers is more of a partnership Character.

Mode som narrativ : En analys av modets roll i The Picture of Dorian Gray

My aim with this study has been to examine how the fashion is a leading component in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.I have studied the role fashion plays in the novel and in which way it can be seen as a way of letting the reader know the important role of fashion in 19tcentury England and the morals of Oscar Wilde.To prove my thesis I have used literature that shows how Oscar Wilde uses influences from his own life in his writing of The Picture of Dorian Gray. I have also used Judith Butler's theory of performativity in analyzing the Characters in ordet to display their way of staging themselves and their lifestyles and their dependence of that performativity in their interactions. Even though the theory of performativity often is used to hold the importance of the sexes, I have concluded that it has an important role in the novel when Dorian Gray interacts with the Character Sibyl Vane who is an actress. My results have shown that fashion in the novel is often a way of letting the reader know important elements of a Character in the way that certain fabrics and items are mentioned when Wilde writes about his Characters. I have also found that fashion is an important factor when the Characters judge each when they speak about the way they dress.

Anden nu och då : En jämförande studie av pneumatologin i Kyrkans Tidnings Eftertanke och pneumatologin i Luthers lilla katekes och Luthers stora katekes

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and compare pneumatology in Eftertanke in Kyrkans Tidning, in a Swedish evangelical Lutheran context, with pneumatology in Luthers Small Catechism and Luther's Large Catechism. Through a descriptive, inductive and hermenutical approach the essay intends to answer two main questions regarding how these sources 1) describe the Character features and 2) the function of the Spirit. The conclusions of this essay show that the Character features of the Spirit in Eftertanke differ from the catechisms in describing the Spirit with words connected to nature and life, while the catechisms only describe the Spirit as holy. The discussion that follows implies that the Spirit in the catechisms is depicted as more personal whereas Eftertanke depicts the Spirit more as an impersonal force. There are similarities in how both the catechisms and Eftertanke depict a dialectic relationship between human beings and the Spirit. However, they differ in function: in Eftertanke the Spirit is foremost a giver of life and a creator of positive emotions as well as a giver of guidance, while in the catechisms the Spirit is foremost a sanctifier.

Minnets betydelse för lärandet : En intervjustudie med tre pedagoger som arbetar med specialpedagogiska frågor

AbstractMy study is about working memory and working memory abilities for children with concentration difficulties. I have looked at literature and current research. I have also done an interview study on three pedagogues who have experience of the problem area.The conclusion I can draw from my investigation is, when it comes to working memory and what children with concentration difficulties can have problem with, is often shown when instruction is given in several stages and when the child come to the last instruction they sometimes have forgotten what the first instruction was. Special questions, image, image schedules and written instruction can help the child to remember. I also found that the pedagogues not only looked at working memory, but they also examined how the child hear and see, therefore they look at the ability of how the child notice what they hear and see and how they use it in their every day living.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the Character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the Character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series. Qualitative strategy is conducted by using a case study.

Bergsbrunna södra : analys och programförslag

This final project includes an analysis and a programme proposal for the area Bergsbrunna södra. The area is situated along the railway between Uppsala ? Stockholm, just south of Uppsala city. A new railway station is planned here, which make the area attractive as residential area. There are several values to take into consideration when developing an area. An extensive analysis and valuation may define and protect different Characters and values, and also find the places most suitable to build upon. The area consists of three separate Characters of landscape: the wide open cultivated fields, the hilly wooden ground and the more varying little valley. There are visual, cultural, social and ecological values to preserve. The south part of the area is woods with high natural values that borders to a national park in the natural forest of Lunsen.

Brands Transfer of Meaning: An analysis of brands roles within product placement

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to make a contribution, by connecting the transfer of meaning within the context of TV series. The meaning is transferred from the brand to the Character in a TV series and then further to the viewer. To look at different role functions that are used in dramaturgy and narrative techniques, we will be able to see how the brand will have a specific role and thereby make the transfer of meaning more successful and effective. This role will have an important impact on product placement according to the meaning that will be transferred from the brand to the viewer, through the Character. Methodology: By looking at the transfer of meaning process that is created from the brand, an unstructured observation is applied where we observed the placement and usage of different within a specific TV series.

Oförglömliga karaktärer : En analys av karaktärsskildringar i fornnordiska myter och filmer om superhjältar

By conducting a text analysis this study analyzes possible similarities in the portrayal of story Characters between historical Norse myths and contemporary film productions. The chosen historical texts are two stories from Norse mythology which render a myth about Thor and a giant named Hrunge as well as the myth Trymskvädet. The selected movies are two of the comic company Marvel?s productions about super heroes ? Thor and The Avengers. Different categories that this study compares are how the Characters are defined by their possessions or artefacts, the actions and the choices which the Characters make, and also how their relations, roles and origins are being portrayed.

Brunius, Zettervall och Graebe : ett jämförande studium av tre domkyrkorestaureringar

The purpose of this paper is to clarify and understand the difference between Brunius?, Zettervall's and Graebe's valueing of a historical building, the cathedral of Lund. Between 1833 and 1963 the cathedral of Lund went through three larger restorations. The Character of the restorations however differs a lot between the three church architects, Brunius, Zettervall and Graebe. In a time of low interest for the Middle Ages and of many demolitions of churches in the countryside, Brunius stood out as a researcher and an enthusiast of that special time.

Livselixir : En studie om Harry Potter, moralisk utveckling, livsfrågor och religionsundervisning

This bachelor's thesis examines three books in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The aim is to increase understanding for what Harry Potter could contribute in terms of morality in religious studies, and how the story about Harry Potter, as a popular literary phenomenon, can be helpful for this. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development is central to this essay.I have used an hermeneutic method for the analysis of the Harry Potter books. The result shows that the main Character, Harry Potter, can be seen as kind of a role model when it comes to moral development. Pupils may benefit by reading this book series because it can open their eyes to life questions and moral values.

Information som spelar en roll : En studie i teaterhögskolestudenters informationsbehov

The purpose of this bachelor's thesis is to examine the information needs and behavior of Swedish theater students. The aim is to get an increased insight into how theater students search and use information as they create their Character roles and also to examine how the information seeking is integrated in the creative process. The findings of this study have been made through qualitative data gathered from five interviews with six theater students who are studying at the Swedish Theater Academy. These students studied between autumn term of 2014 and spring term of 2015. To analyze the result of the interviews four different theories? have been used, Carol Kuhlthau?s information search process model, Lars Höglund and Olle Perssons model of four domains, Lars Höglund and Olle Perssons information search barriers and Tom Wilson?s model of information behavior.

Fenomenet Poppe, mellan scen och skratt : En studie av Nils Poppes komiska skådespeleri utifrån en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt

Scholarly research on comical popular theatre is rare in the Swedish context even though the genre has attracted large audiences throughout the 20th century. Nils Poppe is one of the greatest Swedish actors in the comical genre and he is famous for his playful acting style. With my Master?s dissertation I aim to shed some light on both the genre and this great actor. Another aim of this Master?s dissertation is to gain understanding of what causes the audience?s laughter experiencing Nils Poppe?s comical acting.

Originalskrift i flerspråkiga bibliotekskataloger

Romanization as a method in the bibliographic environment makes retrieval difficult in many aspects. The object of this thesis is to illustrate the importance and the possibility to include non-Roman script in the records of the library catalogue. The questions at issue are about the consequences of romanization, the technical requirements for implementing non-Roman script, and bibliographical resources that have been developed during the last 20 years. The thesis is based on a literature study and correspondence with people who are familiar with the subject. The thesis points out that Romanization causes information to be distorted in various ways and is inconsistent with the requirements of exactitude in bibliographic control.

Familjekära chefer och opersonliga ledare En studie om reproducering av stereotypa könsroller i intervjuer med kvinnliga och manliga chefer i Dagens industri

Title: Familjära chefer och opersonliga ledare ? en studie om reproducering av stereotypa könsroller i intervjuer med kvinnliga och manliga chefer i Dagens industriAuthors: Linnéa Pettersson and Lovisa WaldeckSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication, JMG, University of GothenburgTerm: Autumn 2013Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, University of GothenburgPages: 33Purpose: The main purpose was to identify and examine the difference between how thebusiness newspaper Dagens industri portray male and female CEOs and executives.The study focuses on longer interviews of more personal Character.Method: Qualitative content analysisProcedure: Fourteen interviews in Dagens industri, with seven men and seven women, were described and analyzed.Results: By using qualitative content analysis we were able to find that stereotypic gender roles are being reproduced in many ways in Dagens industri. The interviews with the female leaders have a more personal Character with a larger focus on their private life while men gets to answer more technical questions related to their company. Women are questioned about their children and home while men are not.

?Är det alldeles säkert att jag aldrig, aldrig mera får se honom?? : En studie av hur död och sorg skildras i tre bilderböcker

The aim of this study has been to investigate how the death of a close relative is described in pictures and texts through the eyes of a child Character in three picture books. The analysis has also considered how the child Character copes with the tragedy and how he or she finds support in the grief process. The books analysed here are Resan till Ugri-La-Brek (1987), Farväl, Rune (1986), and Jättebra Olga! (2010). Since these are works of fiction, this study does not assume that they are an accurate reflection of reality, but the way the child Characters act and cope with their grief has been compared with the findings of empirical research on how children react in real situations.The material has been examined by means of a qualitative literary analysis comparing the books according to the research questions. The study finds that the child Characters receive evasive explanations from people around them concerning what death means, for instance that the person is sleeping.

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