

596 Uppsatser om Character - Sida 28 av 40

Ubåtar på djupdyk i svensk media : En kvalitativ textanalys av framsta?llningen av uba?tskra?nkningen i Stockholms ska?rga?rd a?r 2014 i svensk media.

The 17th October 2014 the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) introduced an intelligence operation in Stockholm archipelago after receiving credible observations regarding illegal underwater activities. Following the data collection and associated analysis it could be stated with certainty that a foreign submarine had violated the Swedish territorial waters. Media depend on SwAF to provide them with accurate information due to the confidentiality in these matters and the general area of investigation is therefore how the actions of the Swedish Armed Forces, in the submarine incident 2014, were portrayed in the Swedish media. Newspapers and blogs of defense policy represent the media and the thesis is based on the theories constructed by Graham Allison, the rational actor, organizational behavior and governmental politics. Furthermore, it is relevant to examine if there are any similarities or differences in how the submarine incident is illustrated, and what may be the reason for any possible occurrences.

Sjuksköterskans stöd till vuxna patienter med rheumatoid artrit - empirisk studie på reumatologmottagningar

Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease worldwide. The disease is described as a chronic inflammation that afflicts mainly the joints, the tendrons and the synovial joint. The inflammation breaks down cartilage, ligaments and bone. When the patient gets the diagnosis he/she frequently reacts with chock, denial or/and dissociation. Active support from the nurse can have an important impact on the patient in accepting and processing that he/she suffers from disease.

Kristina och Kristina : En komparativ analys av persongestaltningen i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarserie och musikalen Kristina från Duvemåla

Since 1995 the musical Kristina från Duvemåla has been performed on many national theatre stages in Sweden and is still obtaining success and fame. It is based on novels by the famous Swedish author Vilhelm Moberg, Utvandrarna (1949), Invandrarna (1952), Nybyggarna (1956) and Sista brevet till Sverige (1959) that revolve around a Swedish family emigrating to the United Stated during the 19th century. This thesis investigates both the novels and the musical adaptation in a comparative way. Theory of adaptation and intermediality is used to analyse differences and similiarities of the stories used in the novels and the musical. It can be assumed that major changes were implemented in the adaptation of the main Characters, specifically Kristina.

Utformning av förskolans inomhusmiljö utifrån ett genuspersketiv.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine the ways in which the constructions of heterosexuality and gender in three Disney movies about princesses affect the power relations between men and women in the movies, and how discourses on gender and heterosexuality have changed over time. Research questions were:How do Characters in the movies talk about gender and heterosexuality?How does the interplay between gender and heterosexuality affect the power relations between men and women in the movies?What are the likenesses and differences between movies from different time periods?Discourses were mapped out using a model based on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe?s political theories. These discourses were then analyzed with a theoretical framework consisting of Yvonne Hirdman?s concept of gender system and gender contracts, Judith Butler?s view on the heterosexual matrix and an understanding of power relations based on Michel Foucault.

Karlskrona: örlogsstad och världsarv : en fallstudie om stadsidentitet

In 1998, 'the Naval Port of Karlskrona' was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and thus, it is equally protected as China?s Great Wall and the Pyramids of Egypt.The essay is a case study of Karlskrona, one of Sweden's most well planned cities, where famous urban planners and architects such as Erik Dahlberg and Nicodemus Tessin the Elder has been involved.Today, Karlskrona is a rather unknown small town in Sweden's outskirts, where population growth has been a problem. When Karlskrona was founded, in the late 17th century, Sweden was a major power. The Blekinge archipelago was in the middle of the Baltic dominion and Karlskrona represented a midpoint in the kingdom. Therefore, Karlskrona has a small town charm with the history and style of a cosmopolitan city.By initially studying how the town?s Character of today is expressed, the history of Karlskrona is explored.

En riktig man är modig : En preventionskampanj om den idealiserade mansbilden

Men commit more suicide than women all over the world. They commit more violent crimes and are more inclined to alcohol abuse. There are studies that relate this behaviour to the hegemonic image of masculinity.My work focuses on Switzerland. The suicide rate in Switzerland is worrying, for men between 15 and 44 years suicide is the most common cause of death. There is no national suicide prevention and no information or prevention that highlights the connection bet- ween the hegemonic image of masculinity and the suicide rates.

Vad skiljer informatören ifrån kommunikatören? : - En studie av den rådande begreppsförvirringen inom information och kommunikation

AbstractPropose/Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine why the view of the conceptions, within the field of professional information and communication, seem to differ within the labour market of Sweden. This paper will investigate the two main professional roles that are at the centre of the field?s confusion and disorder. These are the Information Specialist and the Communication Specialist. The main question here is to answer whether there is a significant difference between the two or not and also gain knowledge about why the two titles are not used consequently within the labour market.Material/Method: The method used for this study is of a qualitative Character.

EU:s normativa makt inom miljöområdet : En fallstudie om EU:s roll i det globala klimatarbetet

Over the past twenty years, the cooperation within the European Union (EU) has strengthened and expanded with both more number of Member States and stronger influence on international politics. The unique Character of the Union and its ability to enforce peace and humanitarian intervention has attracted attention in political science. This prominent position of the Union is perceived by many scholars who often hold this derived from the Union's influence in international relations. Various terms have been used to define the powers of the Union. The British researcher Ian Manners states that the unique identity of the Union in the international arena is formed by its normative power.  An important policy area within the Union is the environmental cooperation.

The Manic Pixie Dream Girl : En karaktärsanalys av det kvinnliga kärleksintresset i romantisk komedi utifrån ett genusperspektiv.

Denna uppsats hanterar hur kvinnliga karaktärer porträtteras i romantisk komedi genom att närmare studera begreppet ?Manic Pixie Dream Girl?. Detta begrepp leder till missförstånd om kvinnans roll i filmens värld och skapar diskussioner om jämställdhet och västerländsk berättarkultur. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka två kvinnor i två olika romantiska komedier uppfyller de kriterier som nämns av Manic Pixie Dream Girl-begreppets myntare, Nathan Rabin, har lagt fram och om det således är motiverat att argumentera att karaktärerna upprätthåller sexistiska synsätt. Den teoretiska grund som uppsatsen bygger på kommer främst från feministisk teori, men även från Laura Mulveys teori om skopofili och den manliga blicken.

Modern, Intim, Beskrivande

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Jönsaplan blir Östra torget : ett torg för sin tid

This project is about Jönsaplan in Landskrona. Jönsaplan is situated at the center of Landskrona in a part called Södra centrum which the municipality is developing, mainly by building new residential buildings. Today, Jönsaplan is not a functioning square. This is due to a ferry terminal and its many fences that block the way for people. In this project, I have assumed that the ferry terminal will be moved somewhere else so that Jönsaplan can be a real square. By studying The Concise Townscape by Gordon Cullen and Byens uttrykksformer by Thomas Thiis - Evensen and three reference places, Daniaparken, Raoul Wallenbergs torg and Norr Mälarstrand, I came up with a number of guidelines for my design proposal for Jönsaplan.

Libros para todos Folkbibliotek och demokrati i Nicaragua

Libraries all over the world struggle against the threat of decreased funding and a lack of governmental interest. In countries with an under-developed library sector the interest from the government is often minimal or non-existent. Since the 80´s Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has contributed to the library development in Central America through the Royal Library of Sweden. Nicaragua was the first country to be counterpart in the project. For a period of eight weeks I have completed a field study in Nicaragua and visited the National Library Rubén Darío and public libraries in the country.

Nätverk och förebilder : en studie om betydelsen för entreprenöriella kvinnor

Background: Of those who start companies, only about 30 % are women. Women's companies also often have both fewer employees and lower turnover. Several efforts are therefore being made to try to influence and encourage more women to start businesses and to get them to expand. Two of these ventures are special network for women and about women entrepreneurs as role models, something that also the theories believe is very important for a more egalitarian business. While entrepreneurship is encouraged for growth in the community, it also has a male Character, something that needs to be considered.Purpose: As both the EU and the Swedish government through measures such as Tillväxtverket, is investing large sums to promote networking and role models, we intended to analyze the importance of networking and role models for entrepreneurial women.

Rydboholms engelska park : historik och vårdprogram

The estate of Rydboholm is situated in the municipality of Österåker, north of Stockholm, Sweden, and has a long history dating back to the 14th century. Rydboholm was the home of several families of great national importance, such as the Finsta and Vasa clans. However, since the 1500s, the noble family Brahe was the most influential; leaving its mark on the castle and surroundings. The gardens of Rydboholm consist of two parts; The first is from the baroque era, dating back to the 1660s, and the second is an immense landscape park completed around the year 1800 by Magnus Fredrik Brahe. During his travels through Europe, Magnus Fredrik Brahe was influenced by the new English-style gardens and he brought a large collection of literature on the subject back to Sweden, still kept in the library of Rydboholm.

Spela roll: filmregissör : Om tolkning, kommunikation och duktiga flickor

This text deals with the shooting of a movie comedy. The author of this text was script writer as well as director. The film was extremely dependent upon the interpretation of the role of the leading female Character, but the director and the leading actress, in spite of their willingness to cooperate, were unable to understand each other, and no creative meeting ever occurred.The film dealt, in amused distance, with male and female strategies and shortcomings, but the lack of understanding between the director and the leading actress caused the subtleties of the text disappear, so that when the film was ready it was possible to interpret it in a way that partly opposed its intentions.From the director?s point of view different aspects of the situation are investigated: what could she /should she have done? What are the obstacles for a better understanding? Is ?understanding? dependant only upon that which is verbal? Should the director not only be a director but also a kind of therapist? What is professional and what is private? Could a director who wasn´t also the script writer have seen other solutions? And how does it affect you as a female director never to have role models, only a very clear idea of what you don?t want your professional role to look like.The director thought she was being constantly compromising, but finds out she was not, she had only a different, and in appearance, friendly but manipulative strategy in trying to reach her goal: that of enforcing and implementing her personal interpretation of the script. The role of director is also a role, and must be played.

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