

3817 Uppsatser om Change leader - Sida 41 av 255

Klimat i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar : hantering av klimatförändringar och extrema väderhändelser i MKB

There has always been global warming on earth and it is because of it that the earth is inhabitable. Without global warming the temperature on earth would be around -18 ° C instead of today's + 15 ° C. Global warming is generated by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which trap long wave radiation in the earth's atmosphere. The problem today is that the global concentration of green house gases has significantly increased since the 1750's as a result of human activity. Today's values widely exceed the preindustrial values.

Lgr11 ?  Vägen till en modern skola? : En undersökning om lärares uppfattningar i samband med införandet av lgr11

The investigation has taken starting point in the Swedish school history by a look back at the last three curricula and its rating system in order to see the differences and similarities between them. Furthermore, the focus was on the implementation of lgr11 and how it has worked out both on the national and local levels, with the help of, among other things Imsens "five faces of the curriculum" and Lipsky theories of grassroots bureaucrats. The aim of the study was to investigate teachers' perceptions of differences in teaching and assessment in grades 7-9, during the changeover from Lpo94 both on lgr11.The questions developed for this purpose was: How do teachers say that their teaching changed in conjunction with curriculum change? Has there been a refocusing about the concept of knowledge in the curriculum shift, and if so, how?How the assessment and grading did change with the curriculum change?Data collection has been made using a quantitative survey with qualitative elements. The survey consisted of 10 questions that everyone faces the transition to lgr11.

Den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen:några enhetschefers intryck

The aim of this text is to study how sectional managers in the care of the elderly work so as to promote basic human values. Semi-structured interviews generated qualitative data from five sectional managers. A hermeneutical approach was applied for interpreting the interviews. The result shows that the respondents are conscious of the fact that it takes a lot of long term work before a change in current procedures will happen. Also, the common everyday principles of work and basic values will continue to be part of the care of the elderly.

Franchising - ett lyckat koncept för Östgöta Brandstodsbolag? : lönsamhetsbedömning av bolagets distributionskanaler

Östgöta Brandstodsbolag started its insurance business in 1841 and is today a part of Länsförsäkringsgruppen, which consists of 24 independent and locally anchored county insurance companies. The local concept is a condition for the county insurance (länsförsäkring) idea, which means that the 24 county insurance companies cooperate freely. Länsförsäkringar is the market leader within property and liability insurances in Sweden and has a market share of 30.5%. The largest, and most well known, insurance companies in Sweden, apart from Länsförsäkringar, are If, Trygg-Hansa and Folksam. This essay treats with Östgöta Brandstodsbolag, which is one of Sweden's largest county insurance companies. The company is active in the county of Östergötland where it has the dominant market shares within home, detached houses, car and farming.

Ungdomars kunskaper och attityder till solexponering

Background: Every year, 2000 persons in Sweden are diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most alarming form of skincancer. Sunexposure, sunburns and tanningbed use are the most appearing causes in the development of this disease. The skin of young people is sensitive to UV-radiation and their sunbehaviour could be determinant to their future health. Purpose: To illuminate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents towards sunexposure in the meaning to avoid the development of malignant melanoma. Method: The study was designed to be a literature review, containing scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach.

Elevdemokrati och elevinflytande i vardagen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares föreställningar om demokrati och inflytande i klassrummet

Through qualitative interviews with six teachers at a school an understanding of teachers´ conceptions of, and conditions for their work on pupil democracy and student participation are sought.Formulation of questions were as follow:What does pupil democracy and pupil influence mean for selected teachers?How do selected teachers´ work with pupil democracy and pupil influence?What opportunities and complicatedness?s do selected teachers see with this work?Through this the selected teachers views on children and their thoughts on their role as a leader also are investigated.According to the curriculum the Swedish school should aim to transmit primary democratic values and pursue the education through democratic work models. Further the pupil should acquire influence of their education. The theory exposes several approaches on democracy and influence. These approaches are further on applied on the school.The result of the study evinces that selected teachers´ practice both pupil democracy and pupil influence.

En ordförandegrupps känsla av samanhang

Back, I. & Hörberg, A. (2009). En ordförandegrupps känsla av sammanhang. C-uppsats i pedagogik.

Klimatförändringar på ön Fongafale, Tuvalu : En analys av miljöpåverkan och attityder

This thesis aimed to investigate how a rising sea level would affect the livable area of the island Fongafale, Tuvalu. Through the IPCC stabilization scenarios it was examined which areas of the island that would be affected by flooding. The local population?s perceptions of the effects of climate change were studied to see how the consequences of a world-wide problem such as global warming affect people's lives. The paper clarified the Tuvaluans place in the discussion of climate refugees, explained IPCC's work and described the results of previous studies concerning people in Fongafales perceptions and concerns about climate-related changes.

Grön olja? - En fallstudie av ett oljebolags miljöprofilering

While the call for regulations against greenhouse gas emissions are louder then ever before, demand for oil is also at an all time high. Oil companies face the dilemma of making sound business without being perceived as environmental villains. In this essay I will examine how BP, one of the largest companies in the world, broke rank with the industry and devoted itself to being an environmental friendly oil company. The actions and motives of this change will be evaluated through up-to-date theories about company motivation to environmental adaptation. We see that BP:s transformation can be well explained through Simone Pulvers theory about the socially embedded company.

Vardagsmat eller domedag? Marknadsföring av ekologiska varor genom svaga och starka rädslor

In a time when concern for the environment is a topic that is met with both love and hatred, organic goods and services become increasingly common on the market. Communication efforts with the purpose of increasing the proportion of organic products consumed are being conducted by both private and public actors. However, achieving attitudinal and behavioral change within complex areas such as this comes with many difficulties.Within public opinion change, a common way of achieving a change in behavior is to use fear appeals and scare tactics. Earlier studies have shown that messages prompting a low level of fear can be more effective than messages prompting a high level of fear, since a high level of fear tends to raise defense mechanisms in the consumer. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether fear and defense mechanisms is a problem when it comes to making consumers choose organic products, as well as studying whether messages prompting low levels of fear are more effective than those prompting high levels of fear.This quantitative study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire-based experiment, comparing the effectiveness of two messages prompting different levels of fear.

Journalistikens inriktning och fokusering? -en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av pressens rapportering av fyra partiledares öppningsanförande

Before the general election 2006 all of the Swedish parties represented in the Parliament held their political party conference. At each political party conference, the leader for respectively party held their opening speech, a speech that was covered by the press. This essay deals with how the press covers these speeches. Analysing how the different speeches were covered by the press, some tendencies regarding how the press report could be visualised. In this comparison the ?quantitative content analysis? was used.

Lärande i förändring : Lärares och elevers uppfattningar om användningen av en-till-en datorer i samhällskunskapsundervisningen

This study focuses on teachers? and pupils? experiences of their use of one-to-one computers in civics education in Swedish upper secondary school. The experiences of teachers and pupils will also be put in relation to the content of the formal curriculum. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the access of one-to-one computers has changed teaching and learning within civics. The theoretical approaches used are both Tomas Kroksmark?s theory about traditional versus innovative learning and Ruben Puentedura?s SAMR-model.

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Fysikdiskursen på Komvux : Betydelsen av student-lärarinteraktioner

This study draws upon the framework for analyzing the discourse of a science classroom introduced by Mortimer and Scott (2003). It has been used for many studies before on high school youths, but never on adults. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction between teacher and students in an adult education on high school level in physics, and how students can change the classroom discourse. Observations took place in two different schools for adults, in four different teaching groups. The result was analyzed by pattern of interactions, communicative approach, teaching purpose, type of student questions and their effect on the classroom discourse.

Native vs Webb : En analys av appstrukturer

This paper is a degree project on the C-level, 15 points at University West, Department of Business and IT dept. Informatics. This study is about agile methodology and its impact on IT projects. Requirements management is a process within an IT project, where customer has certain requirements that must be met by an IT system. The difference between the traditional and agile development is in the requirements management process and it can cause problems in a project.

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