

3817 Uppsatser om Change leader - Sida 18 av 255

Impleamini agnicione voluntatis Dei : En predikan ur Skoklosterhandskriften

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

I en ny allmänhets tjänst : - En studie om Public Service i ett förändrat medielandskap

ABSTRACT Title: The new Public ServiceAuthors: Hanna Haeggström, Sara Marklund, Madeleine OlssonLevel: Bachelor thesis in Media and Communications Studies Supervisor: Olof HulténLocation: School of Communication and Design, University of Kalmar, spring 2008Language: SwedishNumber of pages: 55There is an ongoing change of the media industry where new types of media emerge as a result of technological advancements. The audience and their use of the media have changed where available range has expanded while the size of the audience has remained the same. For media companies this implies a fight for the audience, where the right approach is vital for keeping as well as attracting new customers. Public service is an issue under current debate and its future role in the media industry has been brought into question. This survey investigates the roll of public service in Scandinavia in a new and changing media industry and how they should act to be important for their audience.

Ett företag i förändring: en fallstudie av en riskkapitalbolagsdriven förändringsprocess

Venture capital firms and private equity firms have been the subject of much controversy in the last decade. During this period economies throughout the world have seen a steady increase of these types of firms as owners of companies. In Sweden this has certainly been the case and many argue that this trend will continue to grow stronger in the future. This trend is by many regarded as dangerous and as a threat to the ownership model that has characterized the Swedish economy for decades. Family ownership has been widely regarded as the most beneficial and responsible ownership model in Sweden.

Går det att lära gamla hundar att sitta? : En studie om att ändra på en verksamhets utskriftsvanor.

The consumer society exploits the earth?s resources more than the earth itself has capability to produce. This over-consumption causes a mass production of products, which mean that more greenhouse gases are being emitted to the atmosphere. This is one of the reasons why the earth?s temperature is rising, where the result of it is worldwide disasters.

En personlig katedral : Designprocessen i praktiken och som pedagogisk modell

AbstractTitle: Coach, vän eller både och? ? en kvalitativ studie om coachning inom arbetslivetAuthors: Jonas Näslund & David ÖhrlingTutors: Ulla Moberg & Larsåke LarssonPurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to examine how coaching in working life serves, aiming to find what influences the interaction between coach and client. To seek to answer the purpose we raised a number of research questions which discussed, among other the coach's intentions and the parties' relationship.TheoriesThis thesis is based on a number of different theories, where the Leader-member Exchange Theory is considered the main theory. LMX is used when studying the relationship between a manager and an employee. Other theories used in this thesis are for example the Social exchange theory and one-on-one-coaching.MethodThe methods used in this thesis are semi-structured interviews, observations and recordings of coaching sessions.

Från Jingi till Shinto : En studie om den religiösa förändring som Jingi-kulten genomgick från 600- till 1500-talet

This essay is about the religious change that Jing-cult underwent 600-1500 A.D. It is a historical-critical essay based on literature studies, using Ha?kan Rydving?s theory of religious change. In chronological order, it will go through the religious change from ancient Japan to the late Muromachi-period when Shinto was created. It describes the early temple- cult, buddhism's mission to Japan and how the Jingikan was created.

Framgångsfaktorer i ett drogpreventivt förändringsarbete

This masters degree is a study of factors of success in a drug preventions work of change and model or method which could facilitate this work. The target group, which is in focus in this survey, is alcohol- and drug coordinators, also called prevention coordinators who?s main task is to develop and coordinate the preventive work in the alcohol and drugs area. My method of investigation is a combination of literature studies and a quantitative poll study with the target group, alcohol and drug presenters?, in Sweden.

Förvärv och Företagskultur

Background: Acquisitions are a well-known method for increasing company size and strength on the market. But to reach the targets set, more than just a positive economic calculation is required. An atmosphere that supports the company's integration is needed, for which it is of great importance for management to understand the underlying sets of values that exist in the organisation, and to take into consideration the way they might become an obstacle or a tool for a successful integration. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain and understand how cultural change occurs and how it affects the employee, as a smaller company is bought and integrated into a larger organisation. Procedure: The analysis is based on theories on organisational culture and organisational change.

När kultur var i rörelse : Kulturbegreppets förändring under sextiotalet, speglad genom tidskriften Ord&Bild

The aim of this thesis is to analyse and problematize the concept of culture and its changes during the 1960s. By examining articles out of the periodical Ord&Bild 1962-1972, I show how an aesthetically marked concept, closely related to the concept of art, changes into an anthropological perspective where attention is drawn to the social, economical, political and ideological aspects. This change is viewed in relation to the works of three prominent cultural theorists from the 1960s: Raymond Williams, Marshall McLuhan and Herbert Marcuse.The change that the concept of culture undergoes can be illuminated in several ways. Epistemologically questions of art, its objectivity and relation to reality, are replaced by questions of the function of art and of its role as reproducing ideas and norms of a bourgeois society. Economical and social aspects are used as critical factors in discussing the role and conception of culture, a perspective that gives the discussion a political and ideological edge.

Same same - but different? - A Comparative Four Case-study of Differences in Modern American Presidents' Personality, Leadership Style and Political Skills, Concerning Management during Crisis

The word crisis is often used in everyday language, but according to political theory it actually refers to a crisis situation within a country where national interests suddenly are at stake demanding that important and complex decisions must be made within certain time constraints. These decisions can in turn lead up to most fatal consequences. USA, being one of the world's superpowers is most certainly involved in crisis situations directly or indirectly, frequently or more seldom. Amounts of people get suddenly involved and even more people can be drawn in by the decisions that are made thereby. Research has shown that the character of a leader affects decision-making.

Intranät från ett användarperspektiv : riktlinjer att följa vid en implementering

Today, an Intranet is an important way for a company to share information. An Intranet has become a company?s way to communicate within the organisation. This communication is important, especially when the company is going through changes. In order for a project to succeed, the employees must support it.

Klimatfrågan -från en kritisk händelse till en politisk modefråga?

Few issues have been exposed in media recently as much as the climate change issue. Afterthe documentary film ?An Inconvenient Thruth? presented by Al Gore was released in 2006,most of the world saw a lot of attention directed towards global warming. This was a turningpoint that is refered to in this dissertation an history-graded critical event, which is assumed tohave a significant impact on peoples lives.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine whether or not political parties in Swedenresponded to this critical event in the way that they, in their party programmes, haveformulated policies related to climate change. Alternatively if media produces an image ofpolitical activity which does not comport with the forming of actual political standpoints.

Etniskt diskriminerad i arbetslivet? : En fråga om trovärdighet

Archbishop KG Hammar has attracted attention for his liberal position in theology. His view on the role of language and communication is central in several books and articles he has published as leader of the Church of Sweden. One of his main theses is the fact that meaning is created in the encounter between text and reader. He often reiterates: God is relation. This non-traditional dynamic stance has a broad impact not only on theology.

Pedagogisk dokumentation i ett förändringsarbete

The main objective of this study was to find out what pedagogical documentation does and to get knowledge of what you may need to consider in order starting a process of change with a focus on pedagogical documentation. To get answers to my questions, the study is based on pedagogical theories from scientists and interviews with three preschool teachers who have different experience on documentation. My main questions were: What characterizes a pedagogical documentation? What tools / materials do I need to do a pedagogical documentation? What is important to consider when starting the process of change with pedagogical documentation? The result shows that pedagogical documentation is an approach that is based on that one is curious, interested, observant, listens, talking and researching with children and colleagues. You give the kids great participation which you can then pick up the children's learning processes and reveals that the business and the children develop according to curriculum objectives.

En förändringsprocess på VCBC

In the beginning of the 21st century, a number of scandals were pointed out in the US. Enterprises like WorldCom and Enron went into bankruptcy, and inaccuracies in their account were made public. This led to the fact that a new law, SOX 404, was established in the US. The law says in its whole that enterprises must have better control of their internal accounts.The aim with this paper is to examine how the surrounding world of an organization with stakeholders as well as other surrounding elements, affect or force an organization to change, and how a changing process is introduced and accomplished.We carried through a survey as well as interviews at the actual organization. Furthermore, we investigated why the change has come into practice as well as attitudes and opinions towards the change, and lastly, how the changing process has been accomplished.

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